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    1. justTypical 8 yrs ago


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8 yrs ago
Current I dig, you dig, she digs, he digs, we dig. (it's not a very good poem, but it *is* pretty deep...)
8 yrs ago
GMs can't keep players! I can't keep my GMs! Cats and dogs living together! Solution? I host a 1x1... with myself!
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Investigation roll: 12
With a wry grin and a slight bow, Jakar motioned in a grand, sweeping gesture towards the tavern. "Please, my lords and ladies! I'll hear no more talk of business until after we've had a drop to drink and a bite to eat! Such matters are better discussed on a full stomach, over a glowing pipe, when contentment calms our spirits!"

Calling after Sionnie he added "Surely you would not slight my pride by vanishing away before I am able to properly honour the courage of such a warrior!"

"Come!" he said to all, smiling as he started off towards the tavern.
Jakar turned to his newfound companions. "I'd gladly buy each of you something to quench your thirst. Innocent blood might have been spilt were it not for your valour during the attack."

holy crap mate, sorry to hear that. I hope you find yourself in an improved situation soon.
I propose a time limit on how long we all take to post. pretty much like a 24 hours before their turn is skipped for not being there and those characters will be placed in auto pilot by the Gm or something...

Well we're going to need everyone to weigh in on something like that, of course. I don't think we've really had a problem so far, but it certainly doesn't hurt to think ahead.
Almost instinctively, Ben lifted Gregory by his backpack away from the reach of the wraith and bodily hefted him towards the far corner of the room, out of harms way. There would be time for courtesy and subtlety later. The wraith now turned its attention to him. Heart pounding and mind racing furiously, Ben slowly backed away. He'd faced wraiths previously, of course, but he had always been thoroughly prepared before venturing into the Inner Shell. Constantly vigilant, ever on guard. He'd never dreamed they would be able to mount an attack here, in the Consortium headquarters in broad daylight!

The menace came closer, its sickly greenish hue evincing a primal revulsion in him. If only he had his lantern! But it, along with his other equipment was in some inconspicuous corner of the room, where he'd deposited it on entering. There too, was his hulking, back-mounted energy gun. That ill-understood Energy... it was, so far, the only thing they knew of (or that Isaacs and Hartwell had discovered) capable of disrupting these evil spirits. He reached over to a piece of laboratory equipment with a tell-tale blue glow radiating from various apertures. Tearing it from its frame, he hurled it straight through the abomination in front of him. A dangerous gambit, but perhaps one that would buy enough time to retrieve his lantern.
The more the merrier! I am ok with her joining. However, I think there are a few provisions which need to be taken into consideration:

1. I really hope to avoid another rough patch like we had starting out. I don't know what your friend's experience is like with D&D, but if she hasn't played before, I think it would be a good thing for her to read through those basic rules I linked to a while back as a bare minimum

2. I also don't know what her experience is like with roleplaying in general. If she hasn't before, that's great! Hopefully she gets to have some fun with something new. But it also means she needs to understand how it works in this context and how it might differ from other games. Mainly that this is first and foremost a group experience, so she shouldn't expect her character to necessarily have the spotlight all the time, and sometimes it might be necessary to forego exactly what she wants for her character in the interest of, you know, the whole group having fun.

3. She's gotta be committed to it! With seven players, it could conceivably take quite a while for everyone to get their post in and advance the plot. Which is fine, it just means she needs to be ready to go without dawdling all too much when it's her turn. (and I know I am biased on this since I usually like to speed post... so I defer to the rest of the crew on the specifics of this, but I think the point is essentially valid)

But yeah, if she's ok with all that, by all means! I'm not too concerned about exactly what class or character she decides to create (I like to think the character's backstory, personality, and individual perspective can be what they bring to the table, even if their skills aren't 100% unique ;) ), so whatever she thinks she'll enjoy playing. Looking forward to seeing her sheet!
you guys ain't seen nothing yet! :)

Now that is what I like to hear...

*intensification intensifies*
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