Avatar of Kaandar
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  • Joined: 10 yrs ago
  • Posts: 88 (0.02 / day)
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    1. Kaandar 10 yrs ago
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Recent Statuses

5 yrs ago
Current I apologize for the delay in any Roleplays. Especially my advanced style ones. Work has me everyday for these two weeks no days off from 5-midnight. I'll try to respond asap.
5 yrs ago
Sorry for the delay on posts. Work and school had me busy. I will work on them today as I have off.
5 yrs ago
I've comeback after mourning and having moved to a new location. If I left you in an rp while I was mourning and you'd like to return to the rp please let me know.
6 yrs ago
I'm unfournately, taking a leave of absence due to the sudden tragic murder of my mother. I'll try to be on in the next few weeks after her funeral.


Fandoms that I love to do:

Star Wars RevanxOC, RevanxExile, ObiwanxOC, FemVaderxStarkiller, VaderxFemStarkiller, ReyxOC, KyloxOC, KyloxRey, OCxOC

Dragonball Z OCxOC GokuxBulma VegetaxOC

Harry Potter (HarryxHermione, HarryxTonks, HarryxDaphne Greengrass. OCx Hermione, Tonks, and/or Daphne)

Full-Metal Alchemist OCxWinry, HomunculusEdxOC, EdxRose

Hellsing OcxSeras, AlucardxSeras

WWE/Wrestling FinnxBayley, FinnxAlexa Bliss, BraunxBliss RollinsxAlexa Bliss, RollinsxRenee (affair behind Dean's back plot) CenaxLita, RollinsxStephanie (also affair plot behind Hunter's back), Ronda RouseyxRoman, OC, Rollins, Dean Ambrose, Dolph Ziggler, or Randy Orton.

DC Comics: BatmanxHarley BatmanxWonder Woman SupermanxOC, RobinxOC, OCx Harley. ConstantinexOC Harley QuinnxDeadpool

Marvel: SpidermanxBlack Cat, SpidermanxOC, DeadpoolxOC, DeadpoolxHarley Quinn

Supernatural: DeanxOc, SamxOC, CastielxRuby, OCxOC Demon DeanxDarkness, SamxRowena, CrowleyxOC, GabrielxOC, GabrielxRowena

I'll update it as I remember. I hope to have fun and enjoy some good RPs with you all.

Most Recent Posts

This will answer both questions as I had a thought of we'd have our own like plots we go through that is our own character's arc, but the big plot that binds us all together eventually was that both sith and jedi are able to sense this great big disturbance in the force that seems neither good, evil, or in between but wishes to destroy life as we all know it. I do see this being a long term, to the point that when we discover what it is. It'll be awhile. I had a few ideas as to what it is, but no spoilers quite yet. I was going to have us all be separated at first then all of us converge, unless some of us interact before hand which is completely fine. I'd like this to be a really our own crafted stories leading into the main plot I have in mind. As long as things don't get too crazy I can work with whatever anyone dishes out and add it to the story.
Once Everyone has posted we can begin.
Name: Aria Saal

Class: Grey Jedi (Guardian), leaning towards Light side morals/views for the most part

Relatively short, standing at only 5 foot 1 and weighs 116 pounds
Image drawn by me, please do not steal or I will have to hunt you down...ignore the cat version I just drew that for fun she's purely human, though it does show where her scars would be since they're hidden under clothing in this drawing but they're still there XD

Backstory: Born to a Sith lord and an Onderon diplomat, didn't see very much of her father as he was usually off tyrannically conquering some planet or other in the name of the Sith Empire, but when he did make appearance at odd intervals he would often watch her closely looking for signs of Force sensitivity. While her mother attempted to hide her abilities from him in the hopes that the Jedi would find Aria first, her attempts were largely unsuccessful and when she turned four Aria was taken from her mother in the middle of the night and whisked away on the next shuttle to the Sith academy on Korriban by her father.

She was then indoctrinated and trained into the Sith way of life, becoming quite deadly with a lightsaber and quickly mastering the Ataru form and the use of the double-bladed saberstaff, many Jedi and Republic soldiers fell by her hands in the name of the Sith masters that had instructed her. Sheremained that way until her initiation test at age seventeen where she was tasked to kill her mother, as her father feared any further interaction between them would sway Aria back to the light side and the Jedi. While she managed to successfully carry out the murder, Aria had still been close enough to her mother in the four years of her early childhood that she was never the same afterwards.

She played the part but secretly looked for any opportunity to slip away from both sides of the conflict alltogether. Such an opportunity eventually came and she stowed away on a freighter vessel bound for Nar Shaddaa where she sought out all manner of bounty hunters, smugglers and members of criminal syndicates in an attempt to find a way to sever her connections with the Force completely with the hopes that neither Sith nor Jedi would come after her again in that case.

Became hooked on stimulants and spice for a time as the mind wipe that came with the drug high was the closest she could get to such an achievement. Maintained a relatively low profile on Nar Shaddaa ever since and eventually several years later ran into a Jedi Master who helped her to shake the stim/spice habit and persuaded her not to forsake the Force completely but to instead just use it to help those she could. Has been working mostly in and around the refugee sector as the RP starts, occasionally touching base with the Jedi Master to keep up to speed with goings on in the Jedi Order.

Personality: Somewhat defensive and stand-offish, Aria doesn’t like to open up to people she doesn’t feel are trustworthy enough, and can sometimes speak out of turn where a wiser Jedi may hold their tongue. Prefers actions over words and as such struggles with the “sit and wait” concept that a lot of the Jedi Masters tend to caution towards. But her heart is in the best place in the end and all she wishes to do is help those who cannot manage alone; perhaps as a way to make up for her past wrongdoings. Will help Republic or Neutral affiliated characters if approached and asked, more likely to attack or flee from any Sith aligned characters. Still somewhat prone to the "kill or be killed" and/or "every person for themselves" mentality learned during her time on Korriban; while she tries to remain loyal to those she might consider a friend she has on occasion left them in some rather sticky situations in order to save her own skin.

Alignment: Neutral Good

Current Planet residence: Nar Shaddaa
Name: Eltanin Weraca
Class: Mercenary (Basically Lawful Neutral Soldier)


Eltanin is 5'11" and 150 pounds.

Backstory: Eltanin was special forces before he was forced to fake his own death and become a mercenary. A clone, he clings to his code thee only thing he knows for sure was made by him and not his original

Personality: Professional and efficient, Eltanin is a mercenary who always finishes the job he was hired to do. This does not mean he is scrupulous, he cases and studies all missions offered to him, from playing security to performing black ops, and avoids missions that would force him to compromise himself. On the flip side, he is still ruthless and has little qualms against killing to finish the job.

Alignment: Lawful Neutral, but his code can come off as Lawful Evil occasionally
Current Planet residence:
Name: Etzer Mal Kiyono
Class: Rouge - A mix between a Grey Jedi, a smuggler, and a bounty hunter. A rouge is a Jedi/Sith who's master was killed or abandoned them and they can't or won't seek out a new master. Instead they do jobs for people in exchange for credits. Force Sensitive.


Backstory: Etzer was taken away from his family at age 6, and began to harness the dark side of the force at age nine. He was a slower learner than the rest of the pupils in his masters program and was called weak by the other students in his age bracket. Though his master tried, he eventually gave up, and abandoned Etzer during an assault on the forest planet Kashykk. He was found by a group of savages who used him as a space to dig in their minds at their camp. There he met another boy, Ashlain Guerreta, who had been working in the mines for over a year now.

While mining he found a white light saber crystal deep in a cavern. He gave his red bladed lightsaber to Ashlain, and started to build one from scratch. Etzer designed the emitter so that the blade came out at and angle for better aerodynamic precision. After working in the minds for a year and a half, Etzer had a chance to escape. He created a diversion in which he set the nearest tent next to him on fire. The gaurds rushed to the tent to check the incident and Etzer had a clear way out, but Ash wouldn't let him go. He said that he would get in trouble because he affiliated with Etzer. Etzer couldn't go back to the tent he was just in, he had his chance... He instead slayed Ashlain with his new lightsaber, and took his old one with him as well.

While on a Kashykk trail, Etzer stopped every night to rest and to modify his original red bladed lightsaber with the same aerodynamic precision. After a week Etzer made it to a dock and stowed away on a boat that took him to a more populated area with a space port. Etzer ended up stowing away on a cargo ship transporting goods to Tatooine. He stowed away in the maintenance closet with a package of food that lasted him through the trip, and on his way out of the ship pickpocketed a few people to get started.

Etzer lived in a small tent he pitched on the outskirts of the city. Everyday he would make a trek into the city to see if anyone needed any jobs done, which the answer always seemed to be no. Then Etzer resorted to robbing. A lonely, starving child livin in the outskirts of the city. In other words, Etzer had nothing. He began pickpocketing and then grew to armed theft. He lived this way for 4 more years before he got his first job. The empire was sending a group of Sith apprentices to Tatooine to help transport intercepted goods. The goods were supposed to go to him. But defying the empire was dangerous. He mentioned the 56th league, and suddenly Etzer was just a boy of nine years old again. The 56th league was what he was originally in before he was abandoned.

The night of the good transportation, not only did Etzer retrieve the intercepted items, but he also slaughtered every last apprentice in the 56th league who insulted him. Their light sabers were no match for his modified ones, and at the end of the battle he sat on the floor in a puddle of blood.

Even today Etzer still is a rouge, taking out Imperial caravans, retrieving stolen items, and keeping info secret from the Jedi. Etzer is noted with 13 assassinations over the past 5 years. And now, at the age of 29, Etzer is wanted by the Sith and black market traders all around the Galaxy.

Personality: Etzer is cold blooded. He has no more feeling except for that of desire. The desire for more money. Every job he does. Every favor someone owes him. Every assassination he's made. It's all led back to the fact that he would be getting money, otherwise he wouldn't be in this business. There are three things he loves in life. Money, his lightsaber, and his other lightsaber. Anything else is of little to no significance. Give him all the speeder bikes, light saber parts, or blaster rifles you want, but he won't do anything for you unless you have credits to offer.

Greed has consumed him, as as long as he's getting paid, he doesn't even take into consideration that he's murdering someone. To him killing and robbing is second nature, something he needs everyday. His job is like his cup of coffee in the morning, it keeps him going throughout the day. A motivated killed, is not walnut you want roaming the streets of Toatooine.

"A man consumed by greed is not a man, but a monster."

Alignment: Chaotic - Nuetral
Current Planet Residence: The Desert Planet of Tatooine
Name: Kaandar
Class: Dark Jedi
Backstory: Kaan started as a Jedi in the Academy on Dantooine, he was led astray upon finding a powerful dark sided red crystal. He focused all his power into it and put it in his lightsaber handle. It kept his rising darkness hidden amongst the jedi. That would all end when he was found out by one of council members, and he struck down a couple students and his own teacher after putting the crystal into his handle a crimson blade igniting from it, now with blood of his fallen jedi.
Personality: He's quiet, cool, collected, can be a bit rage-induced when his anger is peaked. He strikes out and is spiteful to those who anger him.
Alignment: Chaotic-Evil
Current Planet residence: Korriban.
It's the OOC for everyone who signed up. We may take a couple more like one to three so don't be scared to ask if there is a spot available.

Scenario: So this is going to take place during a random era, but not to be canon. Anything is possible. Now I'm accepting any characters. I may take rehashed cannon characters but the rest of canon characters that exist may be under a control of me. As sort of a DM (Dungeon Master for those non DnD players.). If to give us a plot device or something, or will be in the background. Now you can select from the following few classes. I want it to kind of a pinnacle of all eras. So there will be a sith empire, republic and jedis. An inbetween of course too. The cross-fire. It's just an rp to have fun with and be star wars theme no need to be like fully educated of all star wars lore.

The Story: The JEDI have defended the REPUBLIC for ages now against the DARK SIDE of the FORCE, the SITH have tried to take control of the REPUBLIC as they expand their EMPIRE. Now though there is an uneasy peace in the galaxy as they treat one another as separate entities. The two keep the galaxy separated and on nails as they wait for the next galactic war of old legends. The peace has lasted for quite some time but all things must come to an end. But will it? That is upto you adventurers and roleplayers. Where will your motivations lead you?

Jedi (Lawful-Good). Protectors of the light, the good and pure hearted force users, using the force as a tool and the lightsaber to defend one's self.
Gray Jedi(Neutral Good). Neither Light or Dark. Following their own code to keep evil from flourishing but allowing balance to be maintained.
Dark Jedi(Neutral Evil). Not exactly a evil son of a bitch like Sith but is on the path, trying to earn that right but aren't too far from being a Gray to keep good from flourishing and allowing balance with evil dominance.
Sith(Unlawful Evil). Pure evil incarnate, like Brock Lesnar ate Satan finished him off with a drink of disney. Using the force as a tool and the lightsaber as a weapon to claim their own rights, with strong emotions.
Smuggler(Chaotic Neutral). A person without a care in the world as long as they get paid and make payments. Usually stealing and dealing.
Republic trooper(Neutral Good). Loyal to the republic with an undying will to defend it and it's people. A soldier.
Sith trooper(Neutral Evil). Loyal to the Sith Empire with an undying desire to expand its spaces and take over. A soldier.
Bounty Hunter (Chaotic Neutral).
Assassin (Chaotic Evil).

(Of course none of the above have to be the selected alignments but I would atleast like them to be close. Like I'm all good for character development, and a jedi, gray jedi, or Dark jedi travelling through one another's route to the dark side and becoming full fledged sith, but I'd rather not have a jedi who's basically a sith just parading as a jedi unless he's really good at covering that shit up. Feel free to even mix match, just remember I have to approve so just try to sell me on it. I'm not too harsh, and I love creativity, so I can't wait to see what you guys post. We will post character sheets in the OOC but I just want to get people interested first. Please post in here if interested.)

Wanna get started on the character sheet already? Here ya go:

Class: If a custom one let me see and decide.
Description: Any pictures or descriptions allowed.
Backstory: Doesn't have to be too much just like a tidbit to help us understand why your character is the way they are.
Personality: What your character acts like. Can be a situation to give an example of how they react, if you aren't good with this.
Current Planet residence:
Alright Guys I'll make the OOC then.
Alright 7 people total are you guys okay with that as our group I didn't want it to be a large thing with people getting lost in the shuffle
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