Avatar of Kael Taiyou
  • Last Seen: 4 yrs ago
  • Old Guild Username: Reviel Hyde
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    1. Kael Taiyou 10 yrs ago


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9 yrs ago
Current Dude i'm trippin balls!
9 yrs ago
Oh we have things like this now?


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Winter District - Rooftop to Rooftop

Music: Chasing You!

???: (Alright, this is it.)

As he was using his grappling hook to zip to another building, the man used something similar to the Warp Weapon Tech to summon a grenade launcher. He fired not at Tsuya, but at Nicholas and Mina.

Mina: Incoming!

Nicholas: Wait, it's coming at us?

Noticing the incoming grenade, they landed on a building. Nicholas froze the grenade in mid-air while Mina kicked it away. Suddenly, they saw a bunch of soldiers enter the place, surrounding the two before they could continue to give chase.

Mina: The heck? These guys were waiting for us?

Soldiers: Open fire!

Nicholas: Tch!

Nicholas rose a circular ice barrier that protected him and Mina from the incoming volley. Meanwhile, at the top of another building.

???: (I was really hoping not to do so much noise...but it can't be helped.)

Tsuya: ....

The man removed his disguise, showing his true face at last.

Trent: Just call me Trent...Just a small soldier fighting for a greater cause.

Tsuya: If you call this greater cause, I don't even want to hear what you would think of a life-death situation.

Trent: Trust me, I really didn't want this mess to escalate...but my partner had to kill that random student...It's really a nuisance...

Tsuya: If you think it's so bad why did you shot her? Actually, screw your motives, I'm having my revenge right now.

Trent: Heh...I like you already. Guess it was a good idea to continue with the plan. Now then...Mr. Abata

He points the grenade launcher at Tsuya.

Trent: I'm sure the others would be delighted about that attitude of yours. Actions speak louder than words after all.

Tsuya: Screw YOOOOOOOU!!!

Trent shoots a sticky grenade, exploding the ground under Tsuya, making him fall on the floor below. He easily jumps back to the top of the building in anger, but Trent was nowhere to be seen.


He heard the sound of a grenade being shot at him. He looked behind then did a backstep in order to avoid it, but then, the grenade exploded, revealing a net.

Tsuya: What?

Even with the Berserk Psychic Aura, the net was big enough to cover Tsuya.

Tsuya: Is this supposed to be a joke?

Trent: Not at all. You see, that net will electrocute you once I press this button.

Tsuya: Not going to do much if it can't touch me. Is this some kind of mockery?

Trent: Everything I do is coldly calculated.

Tsuya: ...

Trent: C'mon! This is what you want isn't it! Go on! Strike me down with all of your hatred! That's right, let's see some more! I believe in you! Kill me like a dog that I am for shooting your lover without a tint of remorse!


Tsuya's aura grew even larger, wanting to make sure his next attack would finally hit his mark. There was nothing on his mind right now other than avenging Jane. There was only Tsuya and his target, nobody to get in the way. He boy was ready to crush the man's entire body.

Trent: Such strong emotions...They are part of what gives Psychic Users their strenght...

"But might also be their fatal flaw."

Music: Tensione

Tsuya: !!!

Suddenly, Tsuya felt his whole body giving out on him. He struggled to keep his own balance as well as keeping the berserk aura activated, but then, he noticed it was getting hard for him to breathe. Seconds later, his aura was completely gone, Tsuya was kneeling on the ground, gasping for air.

Tsuya: What...did you...

Trent: Me? I didn't do much. You did most of it. You were straining your mind too much by using your powers with that amount of anger...And it got into a point where your brain couldn't sustain your psychic powers any longer. You pushed it too far and now even your body was affected. Don't worry, movements will come back by tomorrow...but I guess you know where you'll be by then.

Tsuya: ... (Sorry everyone...I screwed up...)

Trent: Now then...time to activate that electric shock I was talking ab-

Before he could finish, he dodged an incoming attack from Barry.

Trent: What?

Barry: Seems like I did well in taking the longer route.

Trent: Tch...I knew I was being chased, but I wasn't sure how many gave chase... (By the time I noticed those two, I was already near the trap.)

Barry: I take it you're just like your friend in terms of strenght...Since you needed a Hi-Tech grappling hook to outspeed Ancestor Mages. I'm willing to admit that it's impressive...but at this range, you won't escape from me.

Tsuya: Ba...rry...

Barry: Rest easy, This nightmare will be over soon.

Trent: Say Mr. Bariand, you're not part of any group...are you?

Barry: Why does it matter? I come from a family that helped this city once. I choose to protect this city with my soul, there's all there is to it.

Trent: Mage or not, you still need to be part of some defense group. The police is as unhelpful as possible in order to make Guild and the Holy Order's job harder...rarely requesting for backup when something big happens. No way they wouldn't even agree to the request to surround the school without it taking a long while. This operation of yours were done as soon as the rumors about the school's psychic user were spread.

Trent: The only way for this to occur as soon as possible...

Trent: ...Was if someone from the military gave the aproval. I smell a rebellion!!!

Barry: ...Can't have someone like you hitting the mark like this...

Trent: Hehehehehe...Sometimes, I impress even myself.

Barry: HAH!!!

Barry lunges at his opponent, indending to finish him at once. Trent stomped hard the ground under him, making it fall since he was at the edge of the hole created by the previous explosion, avoiding Barry's attack. Knowing that he would likely pursuit, he set up sticky bombs near hi feet, then, used fired his grappling hook at a nearby wall as Barry descended. The ensuing explosion created yet another hole. Both sides couldn't see each other because of the cloud of dust.

Trent: (I know he dodged that, but I need to stay as far away as possible in order to formulate a plan around his fighting style.)

Barry: (This one seems to be capable of using his tools to his full potential...and seems to be skilled into leading enemies to mistakes. Even if I'm stronger, I have to proceed with care...and do this fast. I'm sure an ally of his is heading towards Tsuya right now.)

Summer Area - Underground Base

Tatsuna: Here at last.

Sheila: So...this is their base...

Carlu: Either they are focusing their forces on our friends or they left some others on guard. I'm sure Sheila's stunt had something to do with this.

Sheila: I needed some sort of solid confirmation...just blindly searching for a secret door would take too long.

Music: Get Over It

Suddenly, Tatsuna held two incoming attacks from glaive soldiers.

Tatsuna: Speaking of...confirmation...

Sheila: Tatsuna!

Tatsuna: Go help the others, I can handle here...

Carlu: No...

Carlu drew his sword and dealt an horizontal strike to the glaive soldiers, who were forced to release their spears to escape him.

Tatsuna: Whoa!

Carlu: (...They seem to know who I am...They didn't take any risks...knowing that I'm not completely powerless when it's my sister who is wielding the family's sword.) I'll be the one to take care of them. You two go on ahead.

Sheila: Right...be careful.

Tatsuna: To make it easier for you...I'll be taking these-

But then, the weapons were teleported back to their hands.

Tatsuna: EEEEEH?

Sheila: (Figures...That's how weapons tied to glaives works after all.)

Carlu: Just go already!

Tatsuna: Okay!

The girls heads towards the corridors, Carlu takes a stance and runs at the soldiers.

Carlu: I didn't fight for a while, so you two will be perfect for warm-ups! You'll see how fearsome I am even without my element to back me up!

As the girls kept going, more soldiers stood in the way. They weren't using Compact Glaive armors however.

Tatsuna: Out of the way!

Tatsuna got between two soldiers and dealt strong punches to the side of their heads. The ones in front of her were ready to open fire, but all of a sudden, they noticed the ammo clips of the guns falling in the floor.

Soldier: What?

Tatsuna: Whoa!

Sheila: HAAA!!!

Sheila pushed one soldier to the wall, then hit him with a jump kick to the head. That kick also served as a wall kick that propelled Sheila backwards. She quickly twisted her body in order to kick the other soldiers, knocking them on the ground. The girls were free to proceed.

Tatsuna: I shouldn't be impressed...but wow. That was so cool Sheila.

Sheila: You should've figured out by now that I'm no ordinary homeless girl.

Tatsuna: Y-Yeah... (Seriously...what's with these sudden boosts of speed? Is she somehow faster than me?)

They continued foward. Tatsuna was testing if she could still use her communicator.

Tatsuna: Hello hello?
Operator: Oh, it's Officer Tatsuna. Is this a status report?

Tatsuna: Wah!! T-That's right... (Wait, why is this working so perfectly? I thought they were still jamming the signal...It is as if they wanted us to invade...)

Fleeting Memories School - Entrance

Tiane: What in the actual hell? There was supposed to be a shrine there!

Theo: Tiane, hop on to me, we'll be going fast.

Tiane: A-Alright. Make it really fast!

Theo: You're coming Kaori?

Kaori: I guess...Not sure if I'm going to fight.

Reeta: ...Take...

Kaori: Take?

Reeta: ...No...Nevermind...It's too dangerous if I go with you guys.

Kaori: ...I see...

Reeta: I'll wait at the orphanage. Good luck out there guys.

Kaori: Okay... (That tone...She's worried about him...but at the same time...it seems like she's holding back something. It's even more pronounced than before.)

Then, Theo, Tiaen and Kaori followed Xaizor to the Hakurei Shrine.

Nanase: There they go...

Andorina: I'm sure they'll all be safe.

Reeta: Yeah... (I'm sorry Lucent...I just...can't bring myself to fight...)

Nightmare Unitita - Hakurei Shrine

Rayla: (Kaito I can understand...but why Kiiragi is here too? And what are those two things floating near him?)

There was no time for questions. While the others were taking care of the instruments, the conductor was by himself. Rayla got into battle stance. Her body started to glow with a blue magic aura. The girl was ready to take on the nightmare.

Rayla: No way in hell I'm going to leave this guy unchecked, he might do something while the others are busy.

Then, Rayla dashed foward like a rocket, ready to deal a punched charged with magic the moment she closed in.
Winter District - From Building to Building

Music: Chasing You!

Mina: Urgh...Just what kind of grappling hook is that? It doesn't look like we can reach him with that speed.

Nicholas: We have to keep trying...Any plans Barry?

Barry: (I guess that kind of tech should be expected...they are the same people that built the Compact Glaives after all...) He seems to know which building he can use that device on to keep building up speed. You two keep chasing after him. I'll see if I can flank him from another direction.

Mina: Got it.

Nicholas: We'll keep a close eye on Tsuya.

Mina: (We need to hurry up too...Tsuya's causing some property damage whenever he lands somewhere...I'm amazed he still hasn't lost the guy out of sight despite his rage.)
???: (As expected, they are chasing after me. Now then...just a little further...and my plan will succeed.)

Summer Area - Ryoukan Tsurugiya Inn

Music: Lakeside

After showing Elizabeth her room, Daisy returned to the front entrance in order to take a rest since she was mostly done with cleaning.

Daisy: (Geez...Miss Kashiwagi has it rough...No wonder she takes this business so seriously...)

Chizuru: It's almost time for their shift to end. Better tell the others to prepare dinner. Oh right, Daisy, are you a good cook?

Daisy: Not really...

Chizuru: Then we're in the same boat.

Daisy: (Why she sounds like she found a kindred spirit?)

Chizuru: Oh well, maybe it's time for you to go back home. You've been here for a while and...

Daisy: I need some sort of confirmation that those thugs aren't searching for me.

Chizuru: Hmmm...

Suddenly, another person entered the inn. This time, it was a blue haired girl who looked a bit older than Daisy. She was carrying a basket full of fishes.

Daisy: W-Whoa...

???: Good Afternoon Miss Kashiwagi. We couldn't fish yesterday because of the storm.

Daisy: (Fishing?)

Chizuru: It's fine, I imagined something like this could've happened...

???: If you say so...

Daisy: ...

Erialla: Oh, who's she?

Chizuru: She got into some trouble with a local gang and now she's hiding in the inn for a while. She's been helping me with cleaning in exchange of her using this place as her hiding spot.

Erialla: I see...That's quite the pickle you've got in Miss...

Daisy: I'm just Daisy.

Erialla Shelly: I'm Erialla Shelly, but you can call me Eria. Pleased to meet you Daisy. Here, have this souvenirs.

She gives Daisy a fridge magnet in the form of a seashell.

Daisy: Oh...Thanks? (It's...kinda cute...)

Eria: (She seems to have liked it.)

Chizuru: You're still making those? I still have that one you gave me.

Eria: That's right. I always give a new one for a new friend.

Daisy: (Friends already?) Well...I'll take the fishes to the kitchen and bring the basket back.

Daisy heads towards the kitchen with the fish.

Chizuru: Eria...Can you do me a favor?

Eria: It's about the thugs that are after her right? I'll go check if the coast is clear.

Chizuru: Actually...I want you to take her back home. She already helped enough here and I don't think I should keep her in this place any longer. I'm sure there's someone worried about her absence. I phone called Sheila just a while ago, but she said she was going to be busy with something.

Eria: Sure thing. I can take a detour or two. No need to owe me anything.

Chizuru: Thanks, you're a sweetie.

Eria: I'll see if I can entertain her with a fisherman story while I'm at it. I'm sure she's going to enjoy it.

Chizuru: Tell me her reactions next time we meet.

Eria: Sure thing. (Daisy seems like the kind of person that keeps a lot of things to herself...I'll try not to ask anything about it...Instead, I'll make some minutes of her life happier...I have a feeling what she's been going through affected her in some way.)

Spring Zone - Hakurei Shrine Entrance

Rayla: No time to lose then...

Rayla cracks her knuckles, then increases the pace. The closer she got to the rift however, the louder a mysterious voice on her head became. It took a while for Rayla to make out what it was trying to say.

Music: Kollektives Unbewusstes

"Turn back! Don't enter this place! They'll go after you. Stay on the waking world."

Rayla: (W-What? Why should I...)

Suddenly, the image of Rayla's dream briefly flashed on her mind. She started slowing down.

Rayla: (D-Don't tell me...that will happen again if I keep going? I'm going to succumb to them once more?)

Then, another voice started speaking to Rayla.

"That depends. How strong is your dream?"

Rayla: (Eh?)

There were no more voices. Just that question that kept lingering on Rayla's mind.

Rayla: (W-What does the power of my dream has anything to do with this?)

A dream isn't like just what we see when we sleep.
It's another name for our innermost wish.
Our most strong desire.

Rayla: (So my dream isn't strong enough to fight against this hesitation? But that doesn't make any sense...What's so wrong about wanting to protect everyone? I'm not afraid to risk my life...I've already decided that I will keep fighting! I don't see how this dream is going to be so weak.)

Rayla: (All I need to do...is to keep moving foward...) I'm not gonna let any of you down!

Then, Rayla managed to increase her pace again, having overcome her aparent fear of the unknown. Nothing was going to stop her anymore. Meanwhile, in a place away from reality.

???: See? She just needed a push towards the right direction.

???2: I understand now...It's just...I didn't think she was ready yet...

???: Our job isn't done yet. You were right about one thing: She'll be chased by "them". We have to make sure they won't try to invade Lucent's Nightmare.

???2: But...why her?

???: ...I don't know the answer to that yet...We'll think about it later. For now, let's keep going.

???2: Okay!

???: (Rayla might not escape them for too long...She'll most certainly meet them again the moment she starts dreaming...but hopefully, this time, she'll have the resolve to overcome them.)
Spring Zone - Way to the Hakurei Shrine

Rayla: (Do I have to deal with those Phantoms too? If my dream is anything to go about...it's going to be a bunch...All taking the forms of people I've met before...) Well then, if we can't help Lucent with our powers, maybe we can help him with our words.

Summer Area - Floor B1 of the Building

Sheila: I'm here now, did you find anything?

Tatsuna: I've checked every room and got nothing unusual.

Sheila: Yeah, those are hard to come by...The boss of this building assured me that there's an entrance on this very floor.

Tatsuna: Wait, how did you get him to talk? He's actually involved in this?

Sheila just spun her knife while walking around.

Sheila: Do I have to go up there again? No...He probably heightened the security...

Carlu: Try looking for some sort of fake walls.

Tatsuna: Oh...Hi there Mister Carlu.

Sheila: Good idea. I'll see if I can make it quick.

Sheila activated her time powers again. Searching for any sort of fake door as fast as she could.

Sheila: Aha! Tatsuna, over here.

Tatsuna: Already? Okay then, stay back.

Carlu and Sheila noticed a faint red aura in the shape of a dragon around Tatsuna. With a flying kick, she broke the fake wall, leading to a corridor with an elevator at the end.

Tatsuna: Jackpot!

Sheila: Excellent. Let's hurry.

Carlu: (An underground base under our very noses...Did they take this idea from Underground Unitia or something? If they did...then who helped them set up such base?)

Kanzakai School - Rooftop

Daniella: It seems like it got her shoulder...We have to be careful when carrying her.

Hiagor: I'll go open the door. I'm in no condition to carry anything right now.

As he got there and opened the door, Lyna came through, rushing towards Jane.

Hiagor: Huh?

Drake: L-Lyna?!

Daniella: (W-Why she's here?)

Lyna: How is she doing?

Hiagor: Losing quite a bit of blood.

Lyna: I see...put her on the ground.

Hiagor: Wait, what are you going to do?

Daniella: Detective...You will stay shut about what you're about to see. If someone asks about the gunshot, tell them it missed.

Hiagor: Okay, but why?

Drake: ...

Lyna: Don't worry, she'll be fine...

Lyna: Well then...

As they put Jane back in the ground, Lyna positioned her hands near the wound. Suddenly, the group noticed her body glowing with a white aura.

Drake: This feeling...it's similar to psychic energy. (Maybe this explains all this secrecy about her...)

Hiagor: Is this why Daniella told me to keep a secret?

They saw the bullet slowly leaving Jane's body. Then, some seconds later, the wound started to close, with some of the blood entered back her body.

Lyna: It's done...It's a good thing she wasn't hit on any vitals...or else this would've been harder for me.

Drake: So...Psychic Powers can do even this?

Lyna: Well, it's not exactly as fantastic as you think. All I did was accelerate the regeneration of her body instead of just "magically" healing it. I didn't have much opportunities to experiment with this ability beyond sealing wounds...

Hiagor: Hey, do you think you can patch me up?

Lyna: Sure thing, let me analyze you for a bit.

Hiagor sat on the floor while Lyna used her Psychic Aura to scan his body for any sort of wound. Meanwhile, Drake and Daniella looked at the direction Tsuya went to pursue the fake janitor.

Drake: We were so close to saving him...so close...and this happens...right under our noses...

Daniella: ...

Drake: Dammit...How am I supposed to protect people if I let something like this happen? No wonder my brother doesn't want me to fight...I was never ready for an event like this...There's only so much what physical trainning can achieve...All this trainning...All this effort, and I screw up like this.

Lyna: (Drake...)

Daniella: It's not entirely your fault...Don't put this all upon yourself...

Drake: I know...Doesn't change the fact that I've failed.

Hiagor: If I was you, I would stop lameting and work hard so something like this doesn't happen again.

Drake: If...I get another chance that is...Remember that my brother forbade me to do any sort of fighting. Someone that works for him probably saw what happened here and reported it to him, so his leash is going to be tighter than before.

Hiagor: Man...that's what I call brotherly love.

Drake: ...Yeah...

Hiagor: I already know what you're thinking...It's about defeating him right? Well, I won't say that you should do it. That choice is yours alone to make. You alone have the power to decide what to do. That's all that I'll say.

Drake: ... (Do I really?)

Lyna: There. Feeling better?

Hiagor: Yes...It is as if I never received that direct attack. Are you feeling okay? Doesn't this doesn't any sort of strain?

Lyna: If I do this often, My mind will get tired...and I might faint. Nothing fatal though.

Hiagor: I see. Thanks a bunch. Well then, time to report the news to the others.

Hiagor left the rooftop, followed by Daniella. When Lyna was about to follow them, she noticed that Drake still looked at the horizon with a defeated expression. She decided to stand by his side, not planning on heading down so soon.
Fleeting Memories School - Library

Rayla also jumped out of the window, using her enhancement magic to resist the fall.

Rayla: All right, let's get going. (Well...I've certainly got her pumped up. Now then, to Lucent.)

Summer Area - Ryokan Tsurugiya Inn

Chizuru: Yes we do. Just one left in fact. Would you like to take it?

Daisy: (...Am I seeing a tail or is that part of the costume?)

Kanzakai School - 3rd Floor

Hyde: (H-Harada?)

Kenzuki: Another enemy? Is she with the mysterious group too?

Andressa: I wouldn't doubt it.

Drake: I was worried that we would have to fight her...

Jane: In that case, we should keep going.

Drake: R-Right. To the rooftop.

Andressa: We'll hold the fort here. Show him who's the boss.

Jane: I will...In my own way of course.

Kenzuki: We'll stay here and help evacuate the rest of the students. You're helping too Miss Harada. No need to worry about your identity, I'm sure Mr. Bariand is going to tell us to stay silent about it. Yours too Mr. Fuindor.

Drake and Jane went for the rooftop, while the others split up to start the evacuation process, someone managed to follow Drake without being seen.

Lyna: (Maybe I can help with something...Sis doesn't need to know.)

Kanzakai School - Rooftop

As they expected, Tsuya had managed to get used to their movements. No one was able to harm him any longer as he would avoid any attack.

Tsuya: It's all over for you.

Nicholas: Kurgh...What's taking him so long?

Mina: (We can end this at any time...but it's not the solution...)

Daniella: (He still has a chance to stop what he's doing.)

Barry: Seems like we ran out of time.

Hiagor: Hey Tsuya...How about showing some mercy?

Tsuya: Keep telling jokes.

Hiagor: If you insist...

Barry: Stop. This is no time to mess around detective.

Hiagor: You know I'm on to something...

Tsuya: Now then...which one of you I'll off first?

Music: Endless Nine

Jane: How about no one?

Tsuya: !!!

He flinched, not expecting Jane to be there, thinking she was terrified of her.

Tsuya: W-What are you doing here?

Jane: I've come here to talk to my best buddy into not doing something stupid.

Tsuya: ...Please...stay away...I don't want to hurt you...

Jane: ...

Tsuya flinched again with her stare. She never once got angry at Tsuya, so that expression was like a complete surprise to him.

Jane: So it's okay to fight others, but when I'm involved, you're suddenly don't want to do the whole job?

Tsuya: I-I mean...

Jane: If what lacks is a reason to hate me, then I'll give you this: They did tell me they were using you to lure out the members of the mysterious organization.

Tsuya: YOU KNEW?


Mina: Hey...that'll just get him to attack her.

Barry: Maybe that's the plan...

Nicholas: That's too risky...

Hiagor: If she wants to win this, she has to be honest with him.

Tsuya: YOU...YOU...BASTARD!!!

Jane: Yes...I regret that I wasn't honest to you before...but still...

Tsuya lunged at her in anger. Yet she still stood there, ready to point her finger at him again.

Jane: But that attitude of yours...You're just being selfish. I understand that you've snapped after all that anger bottled up within you...but...YOU'RE ACTING LIKE THIS IS ALL ABOUT YOU!

Tsuya: Ah!

He slowed to a halt, as if some invisible storm was stopping him. As if the truth he was facing was slowly blowing away his bottled up anger. Even if his issues had some weight, he was throwing it to others in an unfair way.

Jane: If they don't deal with that dreaded organization soon...people like you won't have their peace.

Tsuya: B-But...What about...

Jane: No buts...What you were about to do now doesn't justify the suffering you went through. Hurting others with that kind of power is not the answer.

Tsuya: They are...my enemies...

Jane: So all those trainning sessions you had with Ledi meant nothing to you? All those times the members of the council went for your aid...those times that Miss Kenzuki got some of the bullies on detention...Are you really just going to throw all those memories away for the sake of your revenge? If you keep this going, there's no turning back. Everyone from the school will loath and fear you forever. The Tsuya Abata that I know is not some violent avenger...He's our kind and caring introverted friend that still has a promising future ahead.

All those words hit him like they had literal weight behind them, completely stopping the boy in his tracks. Tsuya was realizing how unreasonable he had become. The Ancestor Mages could sense his aura slowly fading away, signalling that Jane's words did reach his clouded heart and he was almost back to his normal self.

Music: Last Tone

Tsuya: Katy...

Jane: So please stop this...okay? We know that using you as a bait was risky...and we should've talked to you about it first...

Tsuya: I'm really a horrible person...aren't I?

Jane: Part of it is our fault too...We weren't honest with you...We could've avoided all of this...

Tsuya: No it's not...I just realized...had you guys not shown up...I would be Vincent's actual murderer...This explosive rage...this power I didn't knew I had...

Jane: N-No one knew something like this could've happened....

Tsuya: But the possibility was there...And the proof is what I almost did to all of you.

Tsuya then, turned around, looking at the horizon.

Tsuya: Maybe it's for the best...that I don't come here anymore.

Jane: No. That just won't do. You're not just going to run away like that.

Tsuya: But...

Jane: You just have to make sure keep yourself under control...Okay, that's easier said than done, but still, I'll be here to help. The people that cares for you as well...And the new friends that helped to prove your innocence too. It is at times like this that we have to stay together.

Tsuya: A-Are they really willing to forgive me?

Mina: If we weren't, we wouldn't be holding back on you.

Nicholas: We had hope that you still could be saved.

Daniella: We were pretty much holding it until the last second.

Barry: Exactly as they said. It's not a victory we wanted to have.

Hiagor: I hardly hold grudges anyway.

Drake: Is this convincing you yet?

Jane: You're not alone Tsuya. You don't need to distance yourself from us.

Tsuya: (Am I...really that worth saving? Do they really want me to stay despite my glaring issues? I've just met some of these people and yet...Should I...give it a go?)

"Well...Katy will be there...like she always does...so..."

Tsuya: ...I...

**gunshot sound, stopping the music**

"I already know what his answer will be..."

Jane: !!!
"This is why I have to act now."

Tsuya: Wha...

Jane: Tsu...ya...

Jane was hit by a gunshot in her back, falling on the ground mere seconds later. The group's attention went towards the one that fired the gun. It was a person dressed as a janitor.

???: ...


Tsuya immidietaly went berserk again, lunging at the man. The Agent then, used a grappling hook to pull himself to the nearest building. His intent was to get Tsuya to follow him outside the school, and he was succesful.

Barry: Damn! Mina, Nicholas, follow me. The others take Katherine to the hospital.

Drake: R-Right.

The others gave chase as well. Barry was sure that whatever place he was luring Tsuya to was full of agents from the DUST Organization waiting for an ambush.
Fleeting Memories School - Library

Rayla: (The shrine not being there is concerning...But I guess I won't be going anywhere unless I deal with Mia first...But how do I...)

Rayla: Wait a minute, I know what this is all about! You look concerned and all...But you knew something odd was happening, but did nothing to help because it would be "abusing your position." That sounds more like negligence to me instead. The one we were fighting ended up escaping...Maybe if we had even more help back there.

Rayla: I have the feeling that even if we spill the beans, you're still going to neglect it anyway. We might be friends Mia, but I've never once trusted your organization.

Rayla: Now then, I have a friend to save...I'm really concerned with the shrine's disapearence, staying in the school right now is pointless. You're coming Marina?

Summer Area - Ryokan Tsurugiya Inn

Chizuru: So Daisy, are you liking your temporary job at the inn?

Daisy: It's fine...It's like helping Mom with the chores.

Chizuru: So you're feeling right at home huh? Do you have any job on min?

Daisy: Not really...I haven't thought about it yet.

Chizuru: You still have plenty of time to think about it, so enjoy your youth while you can.

Daisy: I'll think about it madam...

Chizuru: ...

Daisy: AH!!!

Chizuru: Okay then. Have fun with that.

Daisy: (I-I'm not seeing things right? Did her eyes just go red?)

Chizuru: Oh, it looks like we have visitors. Welcome!

Daisy: (W-Was it something I said?)

Summer Area - Top Floor of the Building

Sheila didn't search for any sort of extra button, instead, she was heading to the office of the boss of the place. She had a suspicions that he knew something about the secret base of the DUST Organization. Once she arrived there, she went for the room while ignoring the secretary's questions. She kicked the door open, startling the one inside the room.

Sheila: Are you the boss around here?
Businessman: W-What's the meaning of this? I'm going to call the...

When he picked up the phone, it was hit by a knife Sheila threw, pining the object into the wall.

Sheila: Seems like you are.
Businessman: W-What do you want?

Sheila: How do I get to the secret base under your building? And I want the answer quickly if you value your bones.
Businessman: S-Secret Base? What do you...

Sheila: (Halt oh time...)

Suddenly, she appeared behind him when she used her time abilities.

Businessman: AAAAH!!!

Sheila: C'mon! Time's ticking.
Businessman: T-There's a secret door on floor B1...T-That's all I know...I swear!!!

Sheila: Great! My sincere apologies for the trouble and have a nice day!

She picked the knife on the wall, then jumped off the window, talking to Carlu in the communicator while she was free falling.

Sheila: There's a secret door on floor B1.
Carlu: Really?

Sheila: Yes, take my word for it.
Carlu: Alright then, we'll meet there.

Sheila: Bye!

Then, she activated the strenght enhancement before hitting the ground in order to survive the fall. Falling on her feet, the floor below her cracked, startling the Intelligence Agents nearby.

Sheila: (Almost there...I'm not showing any mercy to these bastards...)

Kanzakai School - Front Area

**Oracle - Coercion still playing**

Drake: Oh C'mon, where are they? I thought I saw them going that way...

Suddenly, someone made Drake trip. He almost fell to the ground, keeping his balance. When he looked behind him, he saw a girl looking at him with a serious expression.

Drake: Hey! You're Lyna's...

???: If you're searching for the other group, they headed back inside in order to help evacuate the other students.

Drake: R-Right...

???: If you understand then hurry up! The sooner you deal with that broken man, the better.

Drake: Okay...thanks...

???: I'm just doing this so that my sister won't get involved in this, now hurry up already.

Drake: A-Alright. See you later Miss Sera.

Sera Yumi: ... (Where is she anyway? She hasn't phoned me in a while...She better not be involved...)

Drake followed her instructions and went inside the building, finding the group at the 2nd Floor moments later.

Hyde: Drake? What are you doing here?

Drake: Hey guys, I'm here for Jane.

Jane: Me? What for?

Drake: We've managed to calm Tsuya...A little...though he still wants to get revenge.

Jane: I see...

Drake: We still think he might listen to you. You're our last resort.

Jane: Okay then. In that case, I do have some stuff to say to him.

Renath: We'll follow you to the 3rd Floor. I believe there's still students over there.

Italo: Nadia, Ledi and me will stay behind to handle the 2nd Floor.

Kenzuki: Make sure nobody is left behind, got it?

Nadia: Leave this to us.

Drake: 3rd Floor, here we go.

Hyde: (Ok...what's this surge of power?)

Drake: (Seems like another fight is happening right where we're going to pass through...)

Meanwhile, at the Gym's building, a lone Janitor stood between a pile of knocked out officers. He was making a phone call.

Janitor: Seems like their trap ended up being more accurate than they hoped.
???: So, Tsuya Abata really is a psychic user?
Janitor: That's right...and we would've caught him if Joel wasn't careless...I'll be retreating for now.
???: I don't recommend using the teleporter. It seems that the ones you captured somehow managed to communicate with someone outside the base.
Janitor: Someone turned the jammers off?
???: Seems like it...If you return now, then you'll be captured for sure.
Janitor: In that case, I'll see what I can do about Tsuya, I'll observe his fight for a while long and depending what might happen.
???: I hope you're aware what would happen if you're caught.
Janitor: Of course. I'm not afraid if that's what you're concerned.
???: Very well then...may destiny set out our next encounter.
Janitor: Yes.
Kanzakai School - Rooftop

Music: Oracle - Coercion

Hiagor: Urgh...My head... (Well...That attack caught me completely off guard. If he actually knew how to use his powers, I would probably be way more hurt right now.)

Drake: Detective!

Hiagor: Mmm...What?

Drake: It's me, Drake. Are you okay? Can you get up?

Hiagor: I guess...

Drake: Great! Do you have any other plan?

Hiagor: We have the advantage in numbers against someone who just awakened to his powers. We already stopped his berserker form thanks to Daniella...Defeating him won't take long.

Hiagor: But...I don't think this is the kind of victory we have to achieve...

Drake: I know what you mean...He'll still hate us even if we win the battle. We need to find a way to convince him to forgive us.

Hiagor: I might know a how...Jane Katy.

Drake: You're planning to bring her here?

Hiagor: She's his closest friend...And he might listen to reasoning now that his berserker state is over...hopefully...

Suddenly, Barry lands on his feet near them, aparently, being hit by Tsuya.

Barry: Looks like he's slowly figuring out how to react to our movements.

Drake: This is bad. Detective, stay here, I'll go get her.

Hiagor: Go as fast as you can.

Drake: I'll be back before you know it.

Drake jumped off the building, trying to locate Jane. Meanwhile, Tsuya seemed to rely more on his newfound reflexes.

Tsuya: I see...you guys are actually holding back on me.

Mina: He got us figured out.

Daniella: No wonder he's one of the aces of this school.

Tsuya: You have to do better than that if you want to defeat me. You know I won't just stop here. I'm going to have my revenge on everyone that wronged me...And maybe then, people will finally stops looking down on me.

Daniella: Yes...that might be a possible solution...but it's one that will make people fear you.

Tsuya: Maybe that's for the best...Maybe then...I won't have to suffer anymore. There's no way I can earn people's respect...I only painted a big target on my back for being myself.

Mina: But that's...

Tsuya: I've talked too much...

Nicholas: (Tsuya...this is wrong...we shouldn't be fighting...)

Tsuya contined attacking the group, without mercy, coldly analyzing how they moved. They group knew that victory wouldn't change his mind, and that he would keep hating them forever, so they had to show restraint, but at the same time, had to be careful not to let him get too strong, or else it would be their defeat.

Summer Area - Front of a Building

The team of the Intelligence Office arrived at the place. Tatsuna was double-checking the coordinates she was given.

Tatsuna: (Is it really here? This just looks like a plain building...)

Tatsuna: Alright boys, we got a job to do.

Carlu: Before that...

Tatsuna: Hm? Hey...I think I might know you.

Carlu: I'm Carlu Violet Shaddrus. (Saying my name in advance so that she doesn't waste time remembering it.)

Tatsuna: Right...I remember now...

Carlu: We saw your group passing by and I was thinking that you might need some help, so I'm here.

Tatsuna: Really? That would be great.

Sheila: Can you tell us what's happening? It's okay if it's the short version.

Tatsuna: Right. A friend of mine was tricked into standing near a teleporter...now she's in a unknown location. We've managed to track the signal of her communicator and here we are.

Carlu: There are teleporters that can transport people?

Sheila: That's...impressive...right?

Tatsuna: Hell yeah it is. Not even the Under-I mean, "that place" has that sort of technology yet. Anyway, she might be underground...There might be some sort secret passage inside that building.

Carlu: I see.

Sheila: (It's the mysterious group, isn't it?) Let's go.

Tatsuna: Roger that. Alright boys, you stay here and warn me if something happens. Some of them might try to escape.
Intelligence Member: Understood.

Tatsuna: You two, follow me.

They entered the building. The place still looked rather normal for outside eyes.

Tatsuna: You guys go check the elevators, I'll investigate the stairs.

Carlu: This secret entrance might be behind locket doors as well, so let's check those if we don't find anything.

Sheila: (An underground base of operations below a normal looking building...Maybe...)
Fleeting Memories School - 2nd Year Classroom C

Rayla: Sigh...What kind of mosquito bit her?

Ted: What have you done Rayla?

Rayla: I don't have answer for that...

Rayla begrudgingly gets up from her chair. Meanwhile.

Kaori: She just shouted...The angry kind of shout.

Andorina: Oh my...

Summer Area - Streets

Sheila had met with Carlu after another round of searching, but unfortunately, both didn't find anything about Drake's hiding place.

Carlu: By that face, I assume luck wasn't in your side either.

Sheila: Exactly...it is as if he's been avoiding the world on purpose.

Carlu: This tell us one thing...He's certainly working together with the Blue Reaper if he's avoiding detection. He probably begged like a coward once he found out he was going to be killed and the Reaper somehow forgave him.

Sheila: (That sounds really strange...Why a ruthless killer like him spare someone?)

Carlu: Oh right...You're an informant of the gangs around here right? Shouldn't that put you on his blacklist as well?

Sheila: They're welcome to try.

Suddenly, they saw Tatsuna passing by with some lesser members of the intelligence office.

Sheila: Hm?

Carlu: A bunch of intelligence office members heading towards the same direction...Something big must've happened.

Sheila: (They're from the intelligence? Is this some kind of emergency?)

Carlu: Maybe we can exchange some data with them. What do you think?

Sheila: Sounds good. (Maybe they can help us with our search.)

Carlu and Sheila decided to follow the intelligence team.

Secret DUST Base - Research Area

**The Law of Shura Plays again**

No matter what Hinata did, she couldn't free herself from Ametatsu's Psychic Aura. She kept being smashed into the ground as if she was a toy.

Ametatsu: You're a resilient one...I'll give you that.

Hinata: Save the compliments for after I've incinerated you.

Ametatsu: Still saying that even in a situation like this...do you seriously believe that you can still win?

Hinata: I won't admit defeat until you paid for what you've done to Yusagi.

Ametatsu: Yusagi? Oh, you mean Yusagi Getsuki?

Hinata: That's right...She died because of your group.

Ametatsu: She died huh? If I remember correctly...She managed to defeat our unit by using that prototype glaive that was stolen from us.

Hinata: (She used that glaive she had?)

Ametatsu: However, the way she fought...wasn't something that she could've earned from the glaive. She had strenght and speed beyond what they could handle.

Hinata: (What is he talking about.)

Ametatsu: We've lost the glaive signal some hours after that, so we assumed that someone retrieved the glaive before someone found her body and managed to alter its signal. Anyway, where I was? Oh right...

Hinata was slammed into the wall, but she didn't even mind the pain. Right now, she was perplexed with what she had just heard.

Hinata: (I only knew that the DUST Organization had killed her after I read a report...But to think she actually fought them...But...does this really matter? She's still dead...)

Ametatsu: Spacing out huh? Maybe you're finally passing out.

Hinata: Hardly. Thanks for bringing me back to reality though. May I have another?

Ametatsu: Tch...

Hinata: We Chi Masters have surpassed the limits of common people through enduring a unreal and harsh trainning. Something like this is nothing. Your mind might be strong, but not strong enough to break me.

Ametatsu: At the same time, you can't free yourself from my power.

Hinata: That's a problem indeed...Hey Kenneth, are you done there?

Kenneth: Almost.

Ametatsu: In that case, let me help end this quicker.

Kenneth: !!!

Kenneth dodged Ametatsu's incoming attack, which invovled using Hinata's head as a hammer.

Hinata: Argh!!!

Kenneth: Miss Shuusuke, how did you get yourself into such a bind?

Hinata: Something I didn't see coming...That's all.

Gillia: Took you long enough.

Ametatsu: Apologies...I just realized this woman is better off being used as a literal weapon.

Kenneth: (Tch...Do I have to use even more power?)

Music: Long Battle (Universal)

Suddenly, a huge tornado appeared from one of the door. Saika entered the room, dragging a unconcious glaive soldier.

Gillia: What?

Kenneth: She sure knows how to enter like a storm.

Hinata: Miss Saika!

Saika: My sincere apologies for not coming sooner...These people surely are stronger than common soldiers. Must be all the knowledge they get from these devices.

Ametatsu: Ancestor Mage...

Saika: Let go of her right now. I can partially see your aura so you won't be able to use the same trick on me.

Ametatsu: Like hell I will!

Then, more glaive soldiers appeared from other doors and started attacking Saika.

Ametatsu: Even though you're an Ancestor Mage, you won't be able to handle all of them in time to save your friends.
Saika: Guess you don't really know who you're dealing with...I really expected more from the people who seem to know how to deal with us.

Saika leaped in the air, almost as if she was flying. Suddenly, green energy wings sprouted from her back while she charged magic power in her hands. Some of the soldiers opened fire, but the bullets would be blown always by force Saika's spell.

Saika: Raging Winds, blast everything awaaaaaaaaay!!!!

The resulting storm blown many soldiers away while breaking many of the tubes. Gillia had to hold on Ametatsu to not lose balance. Once the storm was over, Kenneth took this as an opportunity for an attack, kicking Gillia in the back, making her fall together with Ametatsu.

Ametatsu: Oh no!

Hinata: Chance!!!

Seeing the grip on her got loose, Hinata freed herself from his graps and ran towards Saika.

Hinata: You're just on time.

Saika: Your face is a mess.

Hinata: And you're sweating a bit.

Kenneth: Guess you've been doing quite a bit of effort as well.

Saika: More or less.

Some of the soldiers who weren't unconcious got back up. Ametatsu and Gillia were ready for another round.

Saika: I'll handle the Psychic User.

Hinata: Please do...It's annoying enough dealing with something you can't see. Be careful though, I couldn't seem to break off of it no matter what I did.

Saika: (So he might use that aura for defensive purposes.)

Kenneth: That leaves us to deal with the riff raff then...

Hinata: Right...Don't show any mercy, or we'll all get captured.

Ametatsu: Get them before their reinforcements arrive.

Fleeting Memories School - Rooftop

Reeta: *gasp* Lucent!

Nanase: (W-What did I just see? Is he really fighting himself?)

Reeta: We have to go there and help him.

Rayla: We?

Reeta: I-I mean...You guys...do it...

Rayla: Of course. (You're starting to slip Reeta. Wonder how much longer she can take before she'll use her powers in public.)

Theo: Do you guys have any idea why this is happening with him?

Rayla: Well...it's only recently that he started opening up to us...surely there's still some hesiation in his heart.

Kaori: Hollow heart...fragile friendship...Maybe...Deep down...he feels that there isn't truly a connection.

Rayla: I wouldn't doubt it...

Reeta: That's absurd. You all know he's making an effort right?

Rayla: That's not the issue here. We know he's trying...but maybe...he might be the one to break ties with us because of self-loathing.

Reeta: W-why do you think of that?

Tiane: ...Probably because he's fighting his own "reflection" right now.

Theo: You guessed it. That might be his repressed thoughts and feelings given form....Something like that. I'm sure Marina has something similar in mind.

Reeta: Lucent...

Rayla: (He might still be in some sort of danger though...Though we can't say for sure. I think Reimu probably got our phone numbers from Lucent and would've already called us if something like this happened. What I'm more worried about right now is the person who sent this message. Whoever it is, knows the technology Marina uses and might not be from this world either.)

Unknown Location - Incubation Room

Music: Calbania - Kito Caverns

Hinata and Kenneth saw themselves in a room full of glass tubes filled with some sort of liquid. There were also people insides some of the tubes.

Kenneth: What is this place?

Hinata: Seems like this is where they conduct their experiments.
???: That's part of it, yes.

They turned around, seeing a woman wearing a red glaive armor and wielding a hammer.

???: This is where our comrades sleep after some heavy testing. This liquid that you're seeing extimulates the body's regeneration.

Hinata: Y-You can do even that?

???: Impressive right? Soon enough, the world will experience this marvelous tech.

Hinata: ... (How is this possible?)

???: You don't look satisfied with what I said.

Hinata: I have the feeling this will only be a reality when the world is thrown into chaos thanks to your actions.

???2: I won't deny that.
Kenneth: What? (I didn't hear his footsteps at all...)

Hinata and Kenneth were surrounded on both sides. Their only escape once again being up, but Hinata had a feeling they wouldn't let her pull that stunt another time, and so, took a fighting stance and focused her attention on the hammer wielding woman.

???: Judging by that expression, you don't want to hear the rest.

Hinata: That's right...I know more of your men will just storm the room by the time you're done.

???2: You're a cautious one, Hinata Shuusuke from the Intelligence Office.

Hinata: Well...I haven't exactly made my identity a mystery...but if you reconized me at first glance means that you bothered to keep tabs on me.

???2: It's more than just that. We know everything about the forces that protect this city.

Hinata: Your source being?

???2: The goverments trusts the DUST Organization enough to lay that sort of information to us. We're pretty much partners.

Hinata: Well...that's one mystery solved...One that we've pretty much saw it coming.

???2: Unfortunately, you'll be keeping that secret once we brainwash the both of you. Gillia, let's get on with it.

Gillia: Right on Ametatsu.

Kenneth: I'll handle the lady with the hammer...The one in the mask seems a bit too experienced for my current level.

Hinata: Got it. If they prove too much, we'll have to hold on until either Saika is done with the soldiers below or someone from the Intelligence Office comes to rescue us.

Ametatsu: (Wait...did she just say people from the intelligence are coming? Did she somehow get in contact with them while being inside this building? That's not possible, the jammers were supposed to be active.)

Music: The Law of Shura

Hinata: Now then...you'll see just the kind of person that you've caught in your little toy back there.

As Hinata said before, her style completely ditched ranged options in favor of explosive strikes. Meaning that any of her punches could break through almost any kind of defense, and even if the opponent somehow managed to resist her attack, they still had to deal with the intense heat. The only viable way to last longer against Hinata was by having a quick reaction time and being able to open up distance as well.

Hinata: HYAAAAAA!!!

Ametatsu: Tch...This is hot...

Hinata: Nice job on the dodging...but are you sweating already?

Ametatsu: As if!

Ametatsu used the same movement technique that Kaori employed in her fight against Werhan to distance himself.

Hinata: You won't escape!

Ametatsu: And you won't be able to see it!

Hinata: Huh?

Suddenly, Hinata sees herself being pushed back by an invisible force.

Hinata: Argh!

Ametatsu: You're not an Ancestor Mage...which means you don't have the ability to partially see Psychic Auras...let alone feel them! Chi Masters are physical fighters that have broken the limits of their bodies...Whoever, that doesn't mean you're able to see the aura produced by our brainwaves.

Hinata: I see...I forgot about that detail.

Ametatsu: This battle was over before it started. I just needed a grasp on your speed and reaction time. Now, to bring the finish.

She paid attention to his hand movements. Once he thrusted his hand foward, she suddenly vanished out of sight. Noticing a landing sound behind him and turning around just in time to dodge a flurry of punches.

Hinata: Guess again.

Amatetatsu: Urgh...

He once again, used his Psychic Aura to open up some distance. Hinata waited for another chance to close in on him by waiting for another hand movement, the sign that he was about to extend his aura to attack her. Once she got behind Ametatsu once more, he dodged another flurry of punches and when he prepared to back away once more, that's when Hinata noticed that he always took a "backstep" stance.
Then, the moment Ametatsu used his technique, Hinata immidietaly followed him with her speed.

Ametatsu: What?

Hinata: You're mine!

She managed to land a punch, lifting him off the ground while still running foward. Then, she dealt another fiery punch that sent Ametatsu flying towards a wall. He used his aura to minimize damage of the following attack, but saw himself struggling to get up thanks to the damage of the first punch.

Ametatsu: Urgh... (That was close...but...)

Hinata: Even if I can't see your attacks, you still telegraph what you do. You also got too confident just because you fought me for almost a couple of seconds without considering my full speed.

Ametatsu: Tch...

Hinata: See you later in the interrogation room...

As she was about to deal a finishing attack, Hinata felt her body being squeezed by Ametatsu's Psychic Aura, suddenly realizing that he never needed to telegraph his attacks.

Ametatsu: That was my bad...but it won't happen again.

Hinata: Argh...

Ametatsu: Now take this!

She started to repeatedly slam her to the ground, making sure she wouldn't escape. Meanwhile, Kenneth's battle against Gillia was more or less evenly sided. She wasn't a Psychic User like Ametatsu, but still a formidable enough fighter to give Kenneth as few openings as possible.

Kenneth: (She's not like the other Glaive Soldiers...that's for sure.

Gillia: C'mon now, you have to perform better than that.

Kenneth: You're right...This time, I have to actually try.

Gillia: So you were holding back? Why?

Kenneth: Of course I would hold back... (Aside from risking myself of course...)

Music: Rozen Vamp

Suddenly, the strenght and speed of Kenneth's attacks increased considerably. With every swing of his claws, one could briefly see a trail of gray-colored energy. Gillia was forced on the defensive even more than before.

Gillia: What?

Kenneth: One has to hold their trump card until the end...Don't you agree?

Finding a brief interval with his assault, she started spun her body once while swinging her hammer. Knowing she wouldn't hit her mark, she hoped at least to have him back off a bit. While that plan did work, Kenneth fired a claw-shaped energy blast from both his hand while he jumped backwards to avoid the hammer.

Gillia: Oh no!

Not having any more time to react, Gillia was hit by the attack and was thrown away by the attack, colliding with one of the empty glass tubes, but only cracking it.

Gillia: Urgh...

Kenneth: (I shouldn't spend much time in this fight, I have to finish this quickly.)

Gillia: (Here he comes...)

Struggling against the pain, Gillia quickly got up in order to block Kenneth's next wave of attacks. Even though she managed to block it she knew she wouldn't last long because of Kenneth's sudden increase of power.

Location: Fleeting Memories School - Rooftop

Tiane: Wand...as a Glaive...

Rayla: Sounds odd to you?

Tiane: I want to say that Compact Glaives have a standartized format, but that wouldn't make much difference since that object is still suspicious either way.

Kaori: Agreed. It still as dangerous if she ever gets to use it.

Kaori pulls out her glaive device once more to compare it to Tiane's own. While they did have a different color and markings in order to differentiate the types, they were still the same size, fitting in their hands almost like a pocket watch.

Theo: (A small object that equips someone with an armor...I wouldn't be surprised if those guys took inspiration from the Kresnik Family...Good thing normal people can't harness magic, or else they would probably target Ancestor Mages as well...)

Rayla: That guy is probably willing to talk since he asked that Lucent was allowed to bring one person with him...Guess he won't mind if we bring more...I mean, we are going to know the contents of that conversation anyway.

Nanase: Do I need to be around for this?

Rayla: Eh? Oh...Of course not. You're just a normal girl right? You don't need to involve yourself with our problems.

Nanase: Yeah...That was a silly question... (Besides, I have something else to do today...)

Andorina: ???

Reeta: Then, we'll leave the guys who can fight to deal with this shady man. We powerless people will go ahead on visiting Lucent. Make sure to get everything from that guy.

Rayla: That we'll do.

Unknown Base - Corridors

Music: Fuse

Kenneth: Scents from every direction...Guess this is as far as we'll run.

Saika: Tch...Guess We'll have no other choice.

Hinata: There's still up. HAAAAA!!!

With a soaring flaming uppercut, Hinata went right through the ceiling, reaching the upper floor. Saika and Kenneth followed her suit.

Hinata: Now then Kenneth, where next?

Kenneth: Nowhere...some of them followed us.

Hinata: What?

They saw three Flying Type-Glaive Soldiers coming out of the hole.

Soldier: Engaging Targets...

Saika: AWAY!!!

With a slash motion of her sword, Saika created a powerful blast of wind that pushed away the three soldiers at the same time. They struggled to keep their balance on the air and collided against a wall.

Saika: I'll take care of them. You two go find the exit and give me a call when you find it.

Hinata: Understood.

Kenneth: I suggest we keep heading up.

Hinata and Kenneth went ahead. Saika slowly walked towards her opponents, who were taking aim at her.

Saika: A word of advice...staying on the air isn't going to do much against me. In fact, engaging an Ancestor Mage will be your last mistake.

Soldier: Next objective is to keep the target busy until reinforcements arrive.

Saika: (Absolutely no hint of emotion...Is this also because of brainwashing?)

Meanwhile, Hinata communicator was ringing.

Hinata: It's Tatsuna.

Tatsuna: Alright Hinata, all's done. Barry has been alerted to that place and our superiors is trying to locate your signal.

Hinata: Will it take long?

Tatsuna: Depends on how much interference there is. But since we're able to speak normally like, not much.

Hinata: (Guess they didn't take into account the fact that someone they might captured could have a communicator...No wait...that would be too sloppy. I'm sure they were aware of the risks of having their teleporter discovered...)

Tatsuna: And depending on where you might be, I might be part of the rescue team.

Hinata: So...Guess the rookie is finally going to get some field experience.

Tatsuna: It's time to finally unleash the dragon! Well, I do confess that I'm a bit nervous.

Hinata: Get used to it. You knew what you were getting into when you joined the intelligence office.

Tatsuna: That I did...Oh right, the operators are asking if you see the outside from there?

Hinata: No windows, which makes me think we're at the underground floors of some building right now.

Tatsuna: Shucks...Okay then, over and out.

Hinata: Goodbye for now.

Kenneth: Just in time, I was about to say there's more scents surrounding us.

Hinata: Then, time to do the same as before.

She does another flaming uppercut that makes her go through the ceiling, reaching the upper floor.

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