Avatar of Kalistar
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    1. Kalistar 10 yrs ago


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I'm a chill surfer girl in Newport Beach CA.
Nothing I love more than a good time.
RPG's I'm currently involved in:
Star Wars: Rise of the New Empire

Most Recent Posts

Serra sits at a large ornate table made from the wood of a wroshyr tree across from Navik Roosh and his security detail. They are in a large yet cozy conference room where the Grand Protector normally met with offworld dignitaries. Though Navik had a full compliment of bodyguards and other security personnel with him, the Rodians had insisted that Serra’s security team wait for her meeting with the Grand Protector to end in a separate waiting room. The request was met with resistance from Barthon, however, he reluctantly accepted the terms when Serra had insisted.

Serra is uneasy. Though Navik was a friend to her parents, they are gone. She does not have the benefit of years of friendship that her parents had enjoyed, and she knows that it is because of her parents, that she was even granted this meeting in the first place. As the meeting had progressed, she got a sinking feeling that her words had done very little to sway Navik, and thus the people of Rodia.
“So you see, Grand Protector. I believe that not only does Rodia stand to benefit greatly from its continued relationship with the Republic, but the Republic needs Rodia’s leadership if we are going to continue to flourish.” Serra concludes, hoping to appeal to Navik’s notorious vanity to her advantage.

<”Leave us.”> Navik says to the others in Rodian, and waits until they do as he instructed. When the last of his security detail leaves, Navik looks back to Serra and exhales deeply.

“Serra, my dear. I understand where you are saying and I agree whole heartedly that Rodia’s best interests are served by remaining with the Republic. Yet, there are those among my people who do not feel the same way.” Navik tells her.

“Can you not just tell them your opinion? You are the Great Protector, your word is law among your people.” Serra responds.

“I’m afraid it is not that simple. That may have been true in the past, but things have changed. My position is but a ceremonial post these days, the true power lies with my advisors and the other politicians. Sadly, many of them do not share my feelings about the Republic.” Navik admits.

“But surely, you know that Rodia’s people need the Republic, without the Republic’s aid you’re government cannot sustain her people.” Serra says.

“I know this, and I will do my best to convince my people that-” Navik is cut off as explosions suddenly rock the Senatorial Palace. Navik and Serra look at one another with shocked confusion as another round of explosions continue to shake the Palace.

Suddenly, Navik’s security detail rush back into the meeting chambers with Barthon and the rest of Serra’s security team right behind them.

“What is going on?!” Navik asks as the two security teams approach.

“We’re under attack.” One of Navik’s men exclaims.

“Is it the pirates?” Navik demands.

“No Grand Protector, it is- Someone else.” The Rodian says.

Navik rushes over to the far wall and presses a button, suddenly the wall opens revealing a set of blast doors. With another press of a button, the blast doors open, revealing a set of windows. They gather in front of the windows and are speechless as they see the numerous wedge shaped command ships overhead. Suddenly, the screeching whine of TIE fighters can be heard overhead.

“By the stars!” Serra exclaims as it dawns on her what exactly it is that she is witnessing. As a child, she learned the history of the Republic. She watched the historical holovids of the rise of the New Republic after the defeat of the Empire, and she, as well as every being in the room with her knew all too well exactly what they were seeing. “It’s impossible.”

“Senator Eclipse,” Navik says in a formal tone. “You must come with us, there is a bunker below the Senatorial Palace, it is our only chance.” He finishes speaking and closes the blast doors covering the windows and motions for Serra and her team to follow his men and he down to the sublevels of the Palace.
Boom bisches.

Post is up.

Of course, like one of the geeks in high school that suddenly got invited to the biggest party of the year, I was one of the first ones to get to Settler’s Clearing. Not the first, the speedy twins were there before me, and the cat guy got there right around the same time as me in his fancy black car. But still, I was there waiting like an idiot for what felt like an eternity. In typical Arthur fashion, he was late.

The he showed up. Not Arthur, the guy who put this whole thing together, but HIM. Icon. The way he swept in from the sky was just like something out of the movies, but this was no movie, it was happening right in front of me. When he touched down on the ground I was immediately drawn to him. The way that his mere presence commanded attention was like nothing I’ve ever experienced before. It was exciting.

Plus, he was cuter in person.

We all stand around waiting, until finally a limo pulls up to the gathering, and Arthur gets out and makes some lame excuse about his date running long. I’ve never met him before, but Christopher Arthur III has a certain…reputation. And from what I can tell, he’s earned it. After joking about being on a date with someone who isn’t a complete moron, he starts to insult all of us except for Icon by giving us stupid nicknames, and then suggests a small icebreaker so we can introduce ourselves.

While we stand around making small talk, I find myself inching closer and closer to Icon. Before I know it, Arthur is looking right at me and I realize that it’s my turn to talk.

“I’m Radiance.” I say with an air of confidence that I hope no one else can tell is completely put on. “What do you say we get on with this?”
<Snipped quote by nitemare shape>

Icon got the correct state, but the wrong city. Raptor, Wasp, and Bast are located in Albany.

Also, do you know how close @Kalistar is from getting a post up? I can get a response by Chris to what has been written so far.

Possibly today
so, Radiance and Arachne are going to be working together? hmmm....spider boobs, spider boobs, does whatever spiderboobs can....
It's been awhile, but I got my segment posted. 'Shape, I'm finishing up my part of that collab then I'll get it to you and we can get it posted.

Kaylee and Rush had tracked the injured Anzat for several miles, but because of the high winds of the sand storm, it became impossible to follow his tracks, and the severity of the storm made it too dangerous for them to continue the pursuit, so they reluctantly decided to wait until morning to continue their search. With so many hours having passed, and the high winds of the storm covering up any tracks that the Anzat may have left, Kaylee relies on something else entirely in order to find the murderer.

The Force.

She reaches out through the Force and tries to home in on the man who had attacked her. Within moments, she feels something in the Force that makes her think that she might just have found her attacker. She feels a presence- one not too far from their current location, and a presence that is strong in the Force, and remotely familiar.

“This way.” She says to Rush.

“Are you sure?” He asks.

“I think so, I don’t know. But there is definitely something over in that direction.”
She says, pointing over to a rocky outcropping.

The outcropping is farther away than it looks, and it takes longer than expected for Kaylee and Rush to get over it. When they do, they see a small homestead surrounded by nothing but the desert, with the exception of a luxury yacht, which looked to be a customized Starwind pleasure yacht parked on the other side of the small dwelling, looking completely out of place in the relative squalor of the area.

“I think we found our man.” Kaylee says as she heads down to the house.

As she approaches the home, she feels something, the very same presence that she had felt before that drew her to the area in the first place. Whatever the presence is, it is coming from within the ship itself. She looks to Rush, and nods in the ship’s direction as she pulls her lightsaber from her belt and makes her way to the ship. As she approaches the ramp, which surprisingly leads to an open entry hatch, she can see movement inside the ship. She starts up the ramp with her finger on the activation switch of her lightsaber, and stops suddenly as the ship’s occupant meets her at the entry hatch. Not only is the figure standing before her not the man that she had confronted the night before, it was a man that she never thought that she would ever see again. The man before her had at one time been one of her closest friends, a man who had made the long days at the Academy bearable…a man who had suddenly left with no warning, and not even a goodbye.

oh yeah, did I mention I was working on a segment?

There’s nothing quite like the feeling that you get when you’re flying over the city at night. The smell of the ocean, the wind in your hair, and the spectacular view of Lost Haven’s skyline sprawling out before you. As a little girl I always dreamed of soaring through the clouds like a bird, but I never imagined that it would be this much fun.

Or this liberating.

Between the riots this Umbraxis character, and this new guy threatening to turn everyone into metas, Lost Haven has been through a lot over the last few nights. The city is still in shock over the so called “Destroyer’s” attack at the police precinct, which Icon and a small band of heroes barely put an end to, and I wish that I had been there to help.

But then again, what could I have done?
Besides, I’ve been busy looking into the Renaissance Project, and to be honest, I haven’t found much. But I figure that if I keep pressing the issue, they will come to me.

I take one last pass over the city, which is unusually quiet before I decide to head back home. I make sure that the coast is clear as I land in an alley across the street from my apartment building and make my way inside. I smile and greet Saul, the front desk attendant who as always meets me with a smile and “’ello” as I pass him and go into the elevator. I press the button 53 for my floor and as I do, a small piece of paper falls out of the emergency call box.

I don’t think anything of it and pick it up to see who it belongs to, and my heart nearly stops dead in my chest. It is clearly for me.

Greetings, heroine,

My employer, Christopher Arthur III, wishes to officially invite you to a meeting with other metahumans in order to discuss recent events. Please meet us at Settler's Clearing over in Royal Park. We look forward to meeting you all and we hope you all will come.



A thousand thoughts go racing through my mind. I’ve known of Arthur for a number of years, and he has garnered quite the reputation, if somehow he’s figured out who I am….I’m not even prepared to think of the consequences. I know that I have no choice, I have to go to Settler’s Crossing and find out what this is all about.

And yet, through all the dread, a part of me can’t help but feel like I just found Wonka’s Golden Ticket.
I'll have Alexa receive the invite for the orgy in the woods.

I'm just assuming it's going to be an orgy because lets face it-

No event in the woods being hosted by the Greeks can be anything but.
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