Avatar of karamonnom
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    1. karamonnom 9 yrs ago
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2 yrs ago
Current I ... just broke up with a long time boyfriend.. feeling kinda miserable. Will try to be active soon
2 yrs ago
I am like extra-dying from work and stress. I'm so sorry for going MIA.
2 yrs ago
Never thought that I would have to say that someone burnt my socks but here we are
2 yrs ago
Sorry for the late replies. Things have been bleh --> lost my passport and such and chaos. will try to post soon
2 yrs ago
Another work trip from the 27th to the 30th~


I'm pretty bleh.

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He smiled as she excitedly said his name. They seemed to be making some progress. Although he knew that if anyone saw him, he would be in big, big trouble for talking to their new "specimen". But Kassandra wasn't just some fish in the ocean. She was clearly intelligent and probably has her own language and culture. He could only imagine what he would do if he was in her position and trapped by some random creatures that were doing tests on him without his consent. Maybe if he talked to his higher ups, they would let her go and they could learn more about her kind in a more sensible way.

He watched with curiosity as she did some motions that seemed to indicate that she was hungry. It was interesting that both species had the same way to indicate hunger by rubbing on their stomachs. She seemed to want to eat fish, which isn't that hard to get because they were in the ocean, but he wondered what were the implications of doing such.

Would he get in trouble for this? They told him not to do anything but watch her. But it felt wrong to make her starve like this even if it was "in the name of science".

Watching her repeat the motion again, made him feel guilty and he knew that she was definitely starving. He gave her a nod to show that he understood and sneaked into the cafeteria. Luckily it was late and no body seemed to be there. He grabbed a handful of fish and tuck them into a towel. Then he managed to sneak back into the observation room without anyone noticing. He thought it was too easy, but he supposed they were used to ignoring him anyway.

He quietly opened the top and slipped a few of the fish in.

I made a dollmaker too :) good night~
I wish I could draw so I could show you how I imagined Hiro to look like lol.
Her name was Kassandra? That was an oddly human-like name. Or maybe it meant something else? He shouldn’t make baseless assumptions. Regardless, this meant that she could hear him and understand him to some degree. He could not help but be fascinated by her. What was she? The first thing that came to mind was a mermaid... but those were supposed to only be legends and fairy tales.

He was glad to see her mood improve. Seeing her smile so brightly made him blush. But now was not the time to be flustered.

He pressed his mouth closer to the glass and said, “Hiro.” Then he pointed to himself to try to say that it was what he was called. To make sure she understood, he pointed to her and said, “Kassandra.” then pointed back to himself and said, “Hiro.”

As he pulled back, he noticed that he left a fog on the glass. So he drew a smiley face and a very cartoonish fish.
Hiro was startled by the sudden tapping. It seemed like she was communicating with him somehow. Her mouth was also moving but he couldn’t hear it or maybe it was just his imagination. However, the tapping did not seem to be random, as he heard the same rhythm over and over again.

Hiro turned around for a second and looked left and right, making sure none of the other scientists were around. Once he felt like the coast was clear, he took a deep breath and pushed his glasses back up. He tapped back in the same pattern as she did. Tap tap tap-tap.

“Who are you?” He said back, even though he wasn’t sure if this would work. If the others knew, he would be in trouble for sure. But he couldn’t help it. She didn’t belong here... it seemed so wrong.
Hiro was speechless.

The trips have been uneventful for the rookie marine biologist. He didn't expect to find anything that flashy and cool, and honestly, that was fine with him. He had been taking a lot of photographs of normal ocean life which he knew could be in some journals.

But never did he think that the crew would find something so... unbelievable. He couldn't believe his eyes. Naturally, they didn't want him to interfere with their findings. It was too big for a newbie like him to tackle on. Throughout the bustle of the day, they gave him a meaningless task of observing the plankton life of the waters here. "Maybe something in the plankton will tell us how this is possible" they said, even though he knew this was just busy work to keep him from it...her?

But as the day was ending and the other scientists were busy transferring their thoughts onto their "paper of the life time", they told him to watch her. "Don't touch it. Don't do anything. Just watch it," they said. ("Her", he corrected in his head.)

So he watched her. Quietly, as if he was scared that she would disappear in front of his eyes if he said anything. She was so beautiful... with her glistening orange tail fin. But she looked so sad and defeated, sitting at the bottom of the tank.

He slowly walked up to the tank, drawn to her beauty and melancholy. He placed a gentle hand on the tank where she was. From this distance, he could notice the bruises on her skin. His heart began to ache. "...I'm sorry..." he whispered.
bump from the dead

Justin Kim & Milo Rodriguez:

Milo and Justin were greeted by the younger Turner, whose energy made it impossible not to smile. "Found it at a garage sale. It looked like fun," Milo said before returning the hug as well as he could with only one free arm. "Consider it a peace offering for being late again."

Justin rolled his eyes. "Yeah, even though I had to pay for it despite the fact that you're the only reason why I'm ever late," he muttered under his breath. He smiled again as Amy gave him his hug. "Good to see you too, Ams."

They enter the Turner residence and easily found their way to the living room. "We're here!" Milo sang as loudly as he could. They weren't surprise to see that everyone was already there, but Milo's stomach couldn't help but do a flip when he saw Penelope. They had been friends for a long time, but lately, he hasn't been able to shake the thought of her out of his head. He was suddenly regretting carrying the box as Justin got a proper hug while he only got that awkward pat on the back. "It's some board game I found at a garage sale. I figured it would be fun to try it out," he said as calmly as he could. He prayed that she couldn't hear his heart beating out of his chest.

"Or we could just watch a movie on Netflix instead," Justin suggested since he still had a bad feeling about that game.

"Don't be a party pooper," Milo teased while putting the box on the table. "It'd be a big waste of your money anyhow if we don't play it, right?"

Unfortunately for Justin, Milo did have a good point. Beside, it was just a board game... what was the worst that could happen?

Isabel Velez:

Isabel felt a bit better after talking to Amy. The girl was young, but had a very comforting aura around her that Isabel appreciated very much. And now that Penny was here, she doesn't have to worry about awkwardly being left alone with Adrian.

Isabel smiled slightly as Penny had Adrian serve out the drinks. Some things will never change and she was grateful for that. "Thank you," she said softly as she grabbed one of the cups now filled with Amy's lemonade. She felt herself starting to relax when Amy returned with the two troublemakers. "Justin, Milo," she nodded to acknowledge their presence. Unlike Adrian, Isabel could guess which of the two boys Amy had fancied. Also, she was not one to miss Milo's newfound infatuation with their dear friend, Penny. She hid her smile by pretending to take another sip of lemonade. She remembered what it was like to be in high school and to have silly crushes. When she accidentally looked at Adrian, she realized the feeling was closer to her than she realized.

She began to focus her attention elsewhere. When Penny pointed it out, Isabel also became curious about the box in Milo's hand. The old etchings on it was intricate and fascinating. She grabbed the box that Milo had just placed on the table to examine it more closely. "Interesting..." she thought aloud. "I'm always down to play old, indie board games." Ultimately, it was up to everyone in the group if they were going to play. Or at least, if a majority of the group agreed to play. They did live in a world of democracy after all.
Takeshi Kawano

The first thing that popped into Takeshi's head was that all of this was some stupid prank. No freaking way was some stupid notebook and pen able to kill people. Well maybe if you stabbed a person with the pen and stuffed some paper down their throats to suffocate them... But not some weird magic mumbo jumbo. It made no sense for some person to die just because they write their names down in this stupid journal.

When she held out the pen in front of him, he was tempted to rip it out of her hands. She didn't look strong enough to stop him. But for some reason, he didn't. Maybe he was going soft. He took a closer look at the pen. There wasn't anything too special about it aside from its elegance and sleekness. Most pens came in black anyways, so it's not like it screamed 'Death' or anything. He poked it and as he thought, nothing happened.

"It's probably just some prank," he said with an eye roll. Still, the concept was interesting to him. "Why don't we just write a random name down in the book and see what happens? If nothing happens, then we know it's a fake. If someone dies... well, that's definitely not going to happen. But maybe just in case, we should pick someone who we hate."

He could think of a few people he could kill off with that 'Death Note' or whatever. The first person being his dumb, good-for-nothing father. On the other hand, he was sure Atarashi would go on about how it is morally wrong and that if there was even a chance that a person could die because of this notebook and pen that they shouldn't do it and blah, blah, blah. Maybe he could persuade her otherwise, but that seemed unlikely since he couldn't even convince her to give him the Death Pen in the first place.

"So what do you want to do?" he asked impatiently while tapping his foot on the ground.
Likewise. Sorry I haven't replied in a while. I'll work on it now.
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