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    1. Karmaki 10 yrs ago


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It was very early but Olivier was already up. He was always up at the crack of dawn. No matter how late he went to bed, how much he had to drink the night before (although he rarely drank because he was always busy running the bar at the Inn at night), how much work he did before, or anything else that would cause a normal person to sleep in, Olivier never slept in. It wasn't that he couldn't sleep in, he could, he loved to sleep and if he had the chance he would sleep in everyday but he was in charge of the only Inn in Alvaria. He had to be up early in case a guest needed him, if someone decided to check in this early, to go over records for the Inn, etc. Needless to say he was busy; too busy.
His sister did help out with the Inn, mostly with keeping it clean, serving guests meals, and keeping their guests happy but it still left Olivier with workloads to do. Olivier wished that he could have her help out more or that they got more help for the Inn but with only a few residents who all had jobs of their own and his sister's illness, he was out of luck. He had to do most of the work on his own which left him little to no time to do anything he liked. If anyone ever needed him, they could always bet that he'd be at the Inn. It was rare when he got out.
Today was no exception. Olivier was already absorbed in going over paperwork. He had to order some supplies from nearby towns as well as make sure all the guests who were scheduled to leave today were out on time or he'd have to charge them an extra day. The windows started to ice over and had Olivier not looked up to stretch he would not have noticed it at all. That's strange... he thought seeing the small ice form on the front windows. It was early summer, sure there could be some cooler days since spring had just ended but it still seemed strange. Things had been strange in the town as long as he remembered so maybe this was just another one of many strange events that made this town so unique. He made a mental note to go check it out as soon as he finished the paperwork.


It was rare for Jill to be up early but the encounter she had with the hooded lady had her excited. She still had the small snowflake the woman had given her yesterday. She was surprised that it hadn't melted but at the same time it was a magic snowflake so this fact didn't bother her. She quickly dressed and grabbed herself some bread. Her brother was a fisherman and wasn't making a lot of money right now so they had little food. She wished that he'd at least buy some sweets every now and then. She hated always eating bread, fish, and some veggies like potatoes and carrots.
Her brother was still asleep as she quietly slipped out of the house. She walked up to the townsquare, where she had seen the woman the day before and was greeted with a gush of cold air. “Brr!” Her body started shaking. The sudden change from hot to cold was surprising but she soon forgot about the cold when she saw the ice pedestal. “Whoa!” Jill looked at it from a distance with wide eyes. She noticed a man eating some of the pedestal and giggled.


It was another early morning for Sage but today he was not busy working on a design. Today he was packing up all the furs and leathers he bought from the skinwalker man yesterday. He was going to send them out to be processed so he could use them for new outfits. The man had saved Sage a lot of money by having to send them to get cleaned but he still had to get them processed properly. He lacked the skill and tools to do it himself at the shop.


Adrian had went to bed early. He was used to sleeping during the night and being up in the day now but still felt strange about it. Not many people have ever heard of a daywalker vampire. Adrian wished that he had opened a bar at his winery. He would have loved be a bartender and serve the town their daily drinks. Maybe find a pretty girl in the crowd and enjoy her company and blood for awhile before leaving her somewhere in a diluted dazed state. He would also love to see what his worker, Bri would look like in a cocktail dress. He sighed, turning back to his paperwork. He couldn't do that to Olivier. The Inn was already suffering enough. Adrian seemed to be one of the only ones doing well in the town due to his wine's popularity in other towns. He had more than enough money. “Maybe I'll see about hosting some sort of event soon.” He thought aloud to himself. It might be fun to get the town together.
I'll be messaging everyone in a moment who hasn't posted in the last few days. I'm hoping to keep this roleplay active.
Hey guys! Sorry I haven't posted yet. Things came up and this is my first time I have free since then. I'll be posting in a moment after I update the roleplay. Sadly someone left but I'm hoping that we will continue to enjoy the roleplay. I'm going to also message everyone who has not posted yet to inform them of the day change and hope that they are still a part of this roleplay.
Also I know it is a lot to ask but if any of you have any roleplay buddies on here (or on other sites) could you please tell them about this roleplay? As you all know this is an open roleplay which lets everyone play as they wish and it would be awesome to have more active people in the roleplay. I will also do my part to find more members and also post more. I'm normally pretty good at posting everyday if I have a reply or an idea of what to type but if you ever are bored and see that one of my characters are free, feel free to talk to them.
Zagan I will message both of them and see what is going on.
Mtntopview it's okay, a lot of people haven't posted in a few days.
I guess you guys could just like post a summary in your post then too
It's the next day, lol. Feel free to post your new day posts. I'll be posting tommorow, I need sleep
Hey guys, sorry I disapeared. I think we should just skip to the next day, I'll update everything when I get home from work and post. Please people don't let the roleplay die!
"They can just go over there." Sage pointed to an empty spot near the sewing machine. He handed the man the money. "You said that he was your brother? Does that mean the hawk is your sister too? And are they shapeshifters?" Sage knew he was being too pushy but he felt excited at the possiblity of meeting others just like him.
"Sure, let me just see how much you have." Sage agreed. Ten percent more his usual buying price wasn't too bad considering it was still saving him money in the long run. Plus he hoped that the man would return and sell furs to him again. He looked over the furs, counting them then went to the front counter to do some calculations. "Okay... so I will pay you this much for all the furs. How does that sound?" He showed the man a paper with all his calculations on it. It was a pretty pricey purchase but Sage was surfe the investment would be worth it.
Sage was hanging his newest design up in the shop when the door opened. He turned to see a rather strong man come in with an even large wolf and bird. Well, that's something you don't see everyday. Sage thought to himself, eyes wide. "Yes, I am the owner of the shop. I'm Sage Lock, pleasure to make your acquaintance. Now,how may I help you today?" He said, trying to hide his surprise. "Ah selling fur and leather? Well let's just see what you have." Sage walked over to the sled and examined the furs. "Wow, these are very nice. Did you skin these animals yourself? It was done perfectly." He was impressed, a lot of time when people came in to sell him the skin of animals, it was done half-asked. He normally had to have the furs sent to the city to get them cleaned before he could use them for anything. That usually made a huge dent in his profits. "How much were you looking to get for all this?" He was willing to spend a bit more than his normal price because the man had saved him to trouble of having to get all these cleaned.
I'll be making it the next day soon.
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