Avatar of Kat in the West
  • Last Seen: 9 yrs ago
  • Joined: 9 yrs ago
  • Posts: 9 (0.00 / day)
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    1. Kat in the West 9 yrs ago


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A rapid rundown...

Bulgarian-Swiss girl just recently moved to Belgium , fan of entertaining pursuits that serve no real purpose in life.
You can call me Kat!
Hope we can all get along!

Something a bit more detailed...

Hello~! My name is Karolina Amrein. My nickname of Kat comes from the fact that the rolled 'r' in my first name sounds a lot like a 't' to some, so feel free to call me Kat like most people do.
I enjoy many things, in particular, technology, literature, languages, fashion (to a certain extent), gaming, anime, history and culture, travel, other various rather unimportant things.
I like to think I'm rather adaptable to different settings and stories for RPing, so I'm pretty much open to anything and I typically like writing fairly long posts, so expect to find me a lot in Casual and Advanced!

I hope we can all get along and work towards good roleplaying times! c;

Most Recent Posts

Alriiiiiight, really sorry for my absence of about a day, had my last days of school and was really busy with spending as much time with friends before the year ended, but I'll have a laptop for the weekend starting tonight and that means a post should be coming up soon! Again, I apologize for my time away and any others that may happen in the future, I'll do my best to explain them beforehand when possible! :D
I have to wonder if it'll end up coming down to the more democratic route of voting and personal preferences... Honestly, I think more personal care would be best in the beginning, since the universe isn't too well defined yet. And I would be inclined to think that we'll start once everyone who has a spot has submitted their character, which should hopefully come along soon. Hopefully.
My, the OOC here is quite quiet! Shall we get some conversation going? Personally, I'm quite interested in hearing about how the RP will be starting up, will it be more freeform or will Mr. GM be starting up individual stories?
Okay, just finished submitting my character, any thoughts are most definitely appreciated!

Peregrine Magistri Ferri

Nineteen years old.

163 cm, 47 kg / 5'4", 103 lb

A short and slim girl, the youngest daughter of the late noble family of the Magistri Ferris, Peregrine is just on the verge of being and looking underweight, her ribs hardly visible through her pale, but fairly weathered and tough skin, soft but strong. With an appearance similar to the misused cavalry sabre she wields on her back, she is slim, sharp and her features are pretty, if not especially above average, with an appearance similar to any common whore, just lacking the sheath of makeup. She has dark eyes, her pupils looking similar at a distance to the irises around them, similar in color to her hair, which she tends to keep clean and roughly cut short to a near shoulder length, for reasons of easier maintenance, curling on the ends where it meets with her clothes.

On the subject of clothes, she wears a mixture of leather and cloth "armor" (though the use of that term is being quite kind to the set of rags), with a hood and numerous cloths of dark dyed colors, though it could be considered that this is only due to the wear of the clothes. She wears her former house's sigil on her shoulder, fashioned from hard, old leather, formerly shined to a bright polish but now only peeling at the ends. Still, it's most likely for the best that the colors are more subdued, considering her "profession" and though she takes good care of her outfit, it being one of the few artifacts of House Magistri Ferri, she takes care to let it collect enough weathering to be viable as basic camouflage.

One of the most defining features of her limited equipment is the large blade dominating her back, long, straight and yet not actually oversized, instead, her weapon is a cavalry blade originally meant to be carried on the saddle of a horse, though it suffices for self-defense. The hilt is dirtied and rusted, but the blade is well-maintained, as per tradition of the Magistri Ferri, armorers and weaponcrafters par excellence. Though unwieldy for her small frame and made for another use than the one it is used for, the ancient sword proves formidable enough against opponents lacking in skill.


Peregrine fancies herself a wandering freelancer, but in reality, she has more the appearance of a wandering freeloader. She has never once been employed for more than a few days at most, and even then, said employment was nothing much to be proud of, her most glamorous and well-known enterprise being that of using her relatively good linguistic skills to help a monastery with a bedridden monk in copying religious manuscripts until the end of his period of infirmity, books that would eventually be sold throughout the known world. Otherwise, most of her life has been spent wandering from city to city in search of work, advertising her skills as an “assassin”, “saboteur”, “mercenary”, or “jack of all trades”, depending on the occasion, and instead scavenging for food and begging for coins in the face of unemployment.

However, due to her strong sense of justice, she has never once stolen except when absolutely necessary, or when her current work demands that she commits crime. Due to her ways of finding work with whoever might pay, she has upon occasion worked with associates of the Novak family, despite them being her late noble family’s rivals, the elusive Resistance and even the Church of Innumerable Ones and even their feared Inquisition. Whoever pays her, no matter how little, that is who she and her ancient cavalry sword is loyal to...

...but only as long as he is actually employed. Otherwise, she returns to her ways of wandering, “adventuring” as she herself calls it, perhaps in an attempt to keep herself going, living off those willing to throw a scrap of food into the trash and, occasionally, those kind enough to give her a warm place to stay in for the night and a parcel of food for the road.

[u][i]Survivability[/u][/i] — Having survived many years on her own, despite her general lack of real skills, Peregrine is excellent at fending for herself and is adaptable to most situations she can ever find herself in, easily escaping from most bad situations and surviving the aftermath. She can go for a good while without food, though she certainly hopes it would be the otherwise, can live on the lowest quality of alimentation, again, she hopes the contrary was the case and, finally, she can march for long periods of time without faltering, though, being human, she does actually need to rest at times, and in these cases, she can easily make herself a place to safely slumber and recover her strength.

[u][i]Cunning and Wit[/u][/i] — Peregrine is a stunning example of ingenuity, easily finding her way through, out of and into complex situations, having escaped the hands of even the Inquisition’s commanders, she is also adept at reading situations and making intelligent use of the resources she has to complete the duties given to her by her employer and her bodily needs. She has quite good memory and when, for example, trying to her find her way into a guarded area, it only takes her a few moments to uncover and memorize the movement paths of the sentinels protecting against forbidden entry.

She also moves quite well, not as fast as the best trained of assassins, but she is agile, quiet (excepting the circumstances when the size of her cavalry sabre ends up making unwanted inconveniences) and not a single movement is wasted, efficiently moving to conserve as much of her limited energy as possible.

[u][i]Intelligence and Easy Learning[/u][/i] — Peregrine is decently learned, thanks to her rather short but detailed education as the child of a noble family. She can read and write with rather good calligraphy, has the tell-tale sound in her voice of a noblewoman (though exchanging the generally pompous and pretentious sound for the more clear tone of the cultured common folk), can do various maths rather quickly and, though lacking many excellent skills that others might have, she is quick to understand new concepts and can pick up new capabilities without any trouble. With work, her limited skillset could be quickly filled out.

Formerly Church through family ties, currently unaffiliated.

In many ways, Peregrine's past of a little noblewoman in the Church-affiliated Magistri Ferri house, that is, before the rest of her kin were killed by the Inquisition for reasons unknown to her, shows in her personality. She can't stand being dirty for more than a certain period of time, she can, at times, think rather highly of herself and finally, be quite idealistic, though this clashes with her more realistic side that comes from her life of being nothing more than a cultivated commoner.

Cunning, witty and dark, Peregrine is ironically gregarious, never passing up on a chance to comment on the situation at hand. However, even if she may jokingly complain about many things, she is diligent and perseverant, ready to push through just about any situation if it means earning her another week of life. She doesn't work particularly well in a group, but at the same time, she doesn't work all that well alone either, often longing for the company of a comrade and a companion. In any case, on the outside, she never does seem particularly happy with any situation at hand, though, inwardly, she can be quite the optimist, this being the most likely source of her aforementioned determination.
Sorry everyone for not saying much today, I had my final meeting of the year as class delegate, but I'll be getting a character up shortly! Thank you all for your patience!
Great to hear! I'll wait until a few other characters have been posted then I'll start working on mine, wanna see what others end up doing, though I certainly have some ideas in mind. :D
Would it be possible for me to reserve a spot and work on a character once a few others have been posted? This has a mighty good amount of interest for me!
Hello! My name is Karolina Amrein, though you can most definitely call me "Kat" and I'm a roleplayer and self-proclaimed writer hailing from Switzerland, though I just recently moved to Wallonia, in Belgium. I have Bulgarian and Swiss origins and I speak English and French fluently, have a barely passable level in German and I'm learning Bulgarian little by little. I've enjoyed RPing for a good few years now and I enjoy a good many genres and settings, my only real problem is that I can't stand "Free" level of stuff, as since I feel compelled to write longer posts, I end up getting left behind, so I much prefer stuff with longer posts, more detail and with the pacing more set in stone!

I like all sorts of settings, from anime to military and everything in between, and when it comes to RPing, my only real preference is playing in smaller groups, as too many people quickly gets out of hand, and the aforementioned preferences of pacing and post length! Otherwise, I'm open to just about everything!

I actually don't have a computer right now, but if you'll excuse slower posts, I can type rather well on my phone and I'll be getting a new PC in the coming days!

On a more personal note, I have a good many hobbies and really like many things, I've given a list on my profile and I hope I can make a lot of friends and comrades here!

I hope to have a wonderful time here, please feel free to give me any pointers you may want to give~! c:
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