Avatar of Katara27
  • Last Seen: 7 yrs ago
  • Joined: 8 yrs ago
  • Posts: 40 (0.01 / day)
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  • Username history
    1. Katara27 8 yrs ago


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7 yrs ago
Current If anyone would like to check out my story on Wattpad I would appreciate it! Trying to finish it and I need motivation. Its not publisher worthy, but its cool, wattpad.com/user/Durachka27


Hello all! I'm a film student who enjoys playing music and writing on the side. Creativity seems to run in my veins, but that does not always mean I'm full of ideas. I really enjoy brainstorming with people and telling cool stories. I stopped roleplaying for a long time because college got in the way, but I am currently about to have a hiatus from such things (Unneeded PSA: The Art Institutes are awful. Don't go there). My school is closing and I have to transfer which means not beginning classes again until the fall. The void must be filled so that I can practice my creativity and thinking skills.

I hope everyone that is reading this is having a great day and I wish you luck in your RP endeavors.

Most Recent Posts

@POOHEAD189 what do you mean? O.o
Bump (Just because I am bored at the moment)
Hello all! Katara27 here, but you can call me Kat or Katara. I am currently on the search for a few roleplaying partners. I'm a low to high casual RPer. My posts are usually between two to four paragraphs per character. I'm a film student in college and am currently in the process of transferring colleges because my current school is closing (Unneeded PSA: The Art Institutes are horrible). Since my new film program only starts in the fall I have a very long period of nothing ahead of me. Figured I could fill the void with some roleplaying!

Here are a few pet-peeves/rules for my RP's

-I feel the most comfortable playing females and my main role is usually female. That being said, I am able to play both genders and I am always open to playing multiple characters. I generally stick to MxF for my pairings.

-When it comes to mature content I usually fade out at a certain point. Sorry if that is not your cup of tea, but I just don't feel comfortable with it.

-Fandoms usually are something I do not enjoy, but if you want to do a game set in a specific TV/Film/Book world I am open to brainstorming. The characters would mainly be OC though with possible cameos of canon characters.

-I am a sucker for romance. It really is a terrible thing, but I always have at least some kind of romance plot in the RP. It is usually something that is a background plotline in a larger picture, though. So that's good if you aren't a fan of a lovey-dovey cheese fest. Think of it as a little spice in a really good stew. (What a terrible metaphor. Excuse me while I instruct my mind to be more creative...) That being said I am not opposed to a lovey-dovey cheese fest. Just let me know how you prefer your romance plots!

-I am OK with both PM and thread RP's, but for the sake of organization, I will not RP outside of this site.

That is all for my pet peeves. I don't have any exact cravings at this current moment. I just really want to be involved in some more RP's. I know I didn't go into much detail, but PM me if you want to brainstorm. I am always open to ideas and I love having the discussions! Hope everyone is having a good day!!

Hi! I'm looking for a interesting RP to play and it seems like we might be a good match. I'm a casual roleplayer. I usually try to post three to four short paragraphs a post. Depends on how I am feeling that day usually.I haven't roleplayed in a while, but the addiction is creeping back in.

I don't really do fandoms usually, but I've been sad that vampire diaries is ending and I would be interested in trying something in that world. Perhaps not canon characters, but OC's? Not sure, but brainstorming would be fun.

I'm really craving a post-apocalyptic type of setting that might be interesting. If neither of these semi-ideas seem interesting I am more than interested in brainstorming!
In Ruins 8 yrs ago Forum: 1x1 Roleplay
Princess Lavana Calandis the Second

The heir to the Karthenien throne, Princess Lavana grew up in the safety of the palace. She had barely left the confines of it's stone walls in 19 years. The result is a stir crazy, stubborn young woman whom only wants to see the world. She dreams of the day she becomes Queen so she can venture outside the gates freely. To bide her time Lavana reads in the library frequently. Its her favorite place besides the gardens. Sometimes she finds herself sitting on the bench staring at the vibrant colors. Usually after hours of zoning out, she becomes aware suddenly with no inclination that time had passed. Her days were filled with those endless moments and sometimes with lessons. The lessons did not feel of any significance when compared to world events. She learned how to sit properly, speak properly and how to read. History lessons accompanied her music studies. It seemed she learned how to use her mind, but she felt like she needed to know how to protect herself. What was the point of knowledge if it rendered her useless in a battle against the rebels? Lavana simply could not imagine what she would do if one of them appeared in front of her, knife in hand, with murderous eyes. Lavana can tell that this danger is looming as her father makes preparations. Preparations such as this pesky guard who follows her every move.

Personality traits: Stubborn, curious, clever, outspoken, kind, a little full of herself, and tomboyish

Appearance: Like a lioness with a sweetness shining in her eyes

In Ruins 8 yrs ago Forum: 1x1 Roleplay
The Grey Tunics

As of now, the only information known about this rebel group is that they have deep resentment towards the royal family of Karthen. They are slowly growing in numbers and soon could overtake the palace.

The root of this hatred must be known before the entire tree can be uprooted.
In Ruins 8 yrs ago Forum: 1x1 Roleplay

Karthen was an ordinary kingdom. The royal family ruled with a firm yet fair hand and the people lived peacefully while tending their land. Then a rebel group emerged from the ashes of a bankrupt town. They slowly grew in numbers and the land became chaotic. The bloody battles began to close in on the castle and the threat to the royal family greatly increased. The king hand picks 10 soldiers to aid in protection against this threat, but it may already be too late.

What will happen to them? Why do the rebels hate them so much?
In Ruins 8 yrs ago Forum: 1x1 Roleplay

Long ago Acathia was a vibrant kingdom. They were blessed with the magic of nature and a calm way of life. Their leaders were benevolent people until a usurper took the throne. This usurper did not believe that the kingdom had enough. He wanted more land; more power. So he saught to take it from a neighboring Kingdom. Years past with war rampant in Acathia. Despite Acathia's magical gifts, the neighboring kingdom fought back strongly. Eventually moral weakened amongst Acathia's soldiers. Their magic went along with it and the kingdom soon fell apart.

Centuries later magic is beginning to reawaken. Perhaps the kingdom's heir can resurrect the ruins.
In Ruins 8 yrs ago Forum: 1x1 Roleplay
World Names:

Acathia-Magical kingdom that fell long ago
Karthen-A kingdom wrought with civil war
The Grey Tunics- the rebel group terrorizing Karthen

As you can see, I am horrible at thinking of usernames. Avatar: The Last Airbender is one of my favorites, so I figured at least someone would appreciate it. Currently trying out this form of RPG with my D&D obsessed boyfriend. I've roleplayed before on different sites, but I recently came across this one and I like the format better than the others. Figured the best way to launch an interesting story would be here and I am very excited to get back into writing again.

A little more about me: I am an avid reader. Reading is a favorite past-time for me. It is an outlet for disappearing from the world in which I live in. Writing has always been a secondary outlet for me that allows me to disappear. I even have a partial novel written on wattpad! I am currently a film student and post-production is another passion of mine. I hope to one day edit TV shows and movies. I am also a musician. I sing, write, play acoustic & electric guitar, and play the piano. I am a very artsy person obviously. SO yeah. Thats me! Looking forward to RPing with everybody!

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