Avatar of POOHEAD189


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Current People below 18 are allowed on the site, they just cannot engage in NSFW/explicit material. That's one of the many reasons you're not supposed to overtly advertise such things and put them in hiders.
2 days ago
Oh shit Chronicle knows my real name
2 days ago
Thanks for the birthday wishes, everyone!
2 days ago
It's my birthday and my 9 year anniversary on the Guild! Ya'll are awesome, it's been a privilege roleplaying here.
4 days ago
No game is unless they suck your dick with the pre-order


About Me

Name: Ben
Username: The one and only. Dare I say?
Age: 33
Ethnicity: Mixed
Sex: Male
Religion: Christian (Nondenominational)
Languages: English, Japanese (Semi-fluent & learning), I also know some Scots Gaelic, Quenyan (Elvish), and Miccosukee (My tribal tongue)
Relationship Status: Single (Though generally unavailable unless I find I really enjoy someone).

Current Projects/Freelance work

  • I am a voice talent and script writer for Faerun History
  • I have a much smaller personal Youtube channel that I use to make videos on various subjects. Only been making videos for 2 years, but it's growing!
  • I'm the host of a Science Fiction & Fantasy Podcast where I interview authors of the genre.

Interests (Includes but is not limited to)

  • Writing/Reading (Love writing and I own too many books)
  • Video Games (Been a gamer for close to 23 years now)
  • Working Out/Martial Arts (Wing Chun/Oyama Karate mostly. Some historical swordplay as well.)
  • History (Military History is my specialty)
  • Zoology
  • Art (Mostly Illustrations. Used to be good. Am picking it back up)
  • Voice Acting/Singing
  • Tabletop Gaming (Started late in the game. Been at it for 3 years. I was the kid who bought the monster manuals and D&D books just for the lore for the longest time. I've played 3.5e, 5e, Star Wars D20, Edge of the Empire, PF, and PF2.)
  • Weaponry of all kinds
  • Anime (mostly action/shonen. DBZ & YYH being my favorites)
  • Movies (Action/War/Drama films being my go-to)
  • Music (Rock of all kinds, as well as historical folk songs, sea shanties, pub songs, a bit of classical music, etc)
  • Guitar (am learning to play, but being left handed makes it challenging)
  • There's more but if you care enough you can PM me :P

Roleplay F.A.Q.

  • Fantasy, Sci Fi, and Historical are my genres. Fantasy being my favorite and Sci Fi/Historical being close seconds.
  • Advanced / Nation / 1x1 / Casual (only in certain circumstances)
  • I generally write at the 'Advanced Level' meaning 4+ Paragraphs with good grammar.
  • I am usually busy with many projects and RPs, but if you wish to do a 1x1 with me, you'll need to present your case. Those I already do it with have my trust as a Roleplayer.
  • I love many, many fictional universes so me trying to list them all is an effort in futility!


Most Recent Posts

Beren shared the look with Jo, and then curled his fingers around his chin as he contemplated the implications. What they had seen in the wastes was powers beyond what he thought possible, as if reality could bend to this ancient pharaoh's will. It was unsettling the more he dwelled on it. However, before he could truly grapple with it, he knew there was something he had to ask.

"Can I say the name?" Beren queried, raising his hand.

"No!" The locals all cried together, some pleading, others frustrated. Beren held both hands up disarmingly, and then deflated. He had just wanted the flames to go out when he said it, too. Jocasta patted his bicep consolingly. Fazel gave Beren an appraising look, something mysterious in his eyes, but it was gone quicker than a flash.

"What you can do, is take a bath." The elder said, holding his nose for emphasis. "Your stories are believable for nothing else but the smell of dust and sweat."

Jocasta and Beren looked at him, and then simultaneously smelled themselves, Beren lifting his arm and Jocasta clipping her shirt with her thumb and index finger and sniffing the fabric. It was not as bad as the elder made it out to be, likely using that as a segue so he could speak to the other townsfolk alone. However, Beren had to admit it had been awhile since he or his clothing had been cleaned. Jocasta looked good in anything to him, but when she smelled herself, he could tell she felt the same.

They were ushered off to separate bath houses, their clothing being left out to be taken and cleaned. The villagers assigned to them smiled and were always polite, but said very little beyond pleasantries, though it was obvious they wanted to. Visitors from the north were seldom seen, in Jocasta's case, and they knew not where Beren was from, only that he was certainly not a local. Beren was pleased to find the water was not cold, and there was lye to use, mercifully. He thoroughly scrubbed himself, and did his best to get the blood and grime out of every nook and cranny, before ascending and drying himself off, trying to tame his unruly hair. Once finished, Beren donned the garb they had left for him, and followed a village woman who looked at him admiringly, fixing a few imperfections of his outfit before she guided him to their room.

It was a small, open air guest house. One needed to step up two, wide steps to reach the well furnished, wooden structure, with a bed covered by an embroidered canopy, and glass lamps with diminutive but bright flames. There was a small table that straddled the ground, and a few cushions around it to accommodate a small group. Beren looked at the "missing" wall, and saw it could be closed by the extension of a row of fold-able wooden slides one could draw with the yank of a pulley.

Beren's eyes explored the small system, admiring the work. Now that he was in the light, his outfit was illuminated and easily visible from the street. He wore a long, dark blue thobe, opened down the center to give a nice view of his neck and torso. His belt was swaddled in red, comfortably twined around his slim waist, and he wore a loose salvar as bottoms. Beren turned to thank the woman, but he found she was gone, and Jocasta had appeared in her place. She gave him a smile and a wink, and she stepped up to him, placing a hand on the small wooden railing framing the makeshift 'porch.'

"Not bad," she said to him, feeling the fabric of his long robe. For her part, Jocasta wore a similar belt to clinch her waist, but there the similarities ended. Her outfit ran from her ankles to cover her chest, all a white, form fitting garmet, and she sported a jelick jacket of blue and embroidered gold. Beren would have thought it was a tan salvar with a matching, lowcut white top if he did not know better. Her scarab earrings sparkled in the light of the eldritch moon.

"You're impressed now, what do you think of my theory we're in the Harine Satrapy." Beren said, glancing at the carpet. "Their textiles seem to fit the description, and it's not-"

"Yeah, I figured that when I heard their dialect." Jocasta said with a casual enthusiasm. "The anu'sarian influence is subtle, but it's obviously present by the decorum, and the Arad occupation was not too long ago. The peoples have been heavily integrated culturally for some time, even before that. I saw a few of their swords too. Even past the blades, the hilts are refurbished from the crescent imperial style. But brass has been more heavily used in their make, likely using local ores in the remaking. Furthermore-"

As she rattled on, Beren simply listened. As usual, during her lecture she made various hand gestures, at one point her eyes bugged out and she stuck her tongue out when describing a deva from regional myth, and somehow she even incorporated bird calls in the talk. He had been so proud of himself for figuring it out, but of course Jo nonchalantly rams a mallet onto his theory and gives a ten minute spiel on what he did not know.

Evergod help him, he was infatuated.

By the time she was done, she breathed out and wiped her forehead in exaggeration, and then she smiled. "But anyway, you are right! Congratulations, you're not just a pair of shoulders."

Beren opened his mouth, and then stopped, before he leaned outside and gazed up at the sky suspiciously. He glared accusatory, even growling.

"What is it, boy?" Jo asked him, looking up too. Beren walked back into the house and paced.

"I uh..." He started, crossing his arms, clearly in distress. "I..." He sighed. "I want to uh...I want to kiss you. But everytime we tried, something would happen. And now we have this dark sorcerer cursing the land, getting in everyone's business. It's like...." The warrior monk hung his head. "I feel like if we get interrupted again, I'm really cursed. I might just jump into the spring."

Amal had thought she might pull away immediately, maybe slap him as some other women might have. He felt he had a good eye for when he was pushing too far on that end, and though he was amoral in many ways, he never blamed a woman for striking him if he got it wrong. Not to mention a drow made it thrice as dangerous. But not only did she kiss back, she mounted his lap, and a thrill shot up his chest. Ibrandul save him, this was looking to be a very nice night.

Until a few seconds later, when Ibrandul cursed him for a fool and she pulled away from him. Her fingernails on his chest made it even worse! He could still feel the titillating sting, and it drove him mad. He gave a frustrated groan as she rolled off of him.

"You delight in torturing me, do you?" He asked as he turned on her with an annoyed look on his handsome face, but it was rhetorical question. He knew the answer quite well. He wanted to complain more, or perhaps even beg in his near drunken state, but he knew it was fruitless either way. The thief fell back onto the cushion and ran a hand across his face. "Very well, I expect we shall."

Then he chuckled, finding the humor in it. Amal was not so used to letting his guard down, but she had him good. Perhaps he was beginning to grow fond of her enough to actually trust her. Who would have thought the first person to gain his acceptance in a decade would be a dark elf maiden? "Well, maybe we should get some sleep. We have a long way to travel tomorrow, if we are really heading north."

Maybe he could win some coin in dice in the morning if they had time, but it was just a distracting thought. He knew he would go to sleep dreaming about Charynrae's lips.
Quintus should have known, even after their brief association, that sarcasm and a facetious light touch would not pierce Molly's road insanity. Not that he had much room to judge considering how he was in a firefight or playing dice, but she could call him a hypocrite all she wanted after they lived through this. Quintus held on for dear life, nearly tipping out of the vehicle as it lurched, grateful he had the frame of mind to hold onto his rifle.

With a yank from his muscled left arm, he pulled himself back into the cab and flipped the safety on the blaster so it didn't erupt with superheated plasma inside the truck. "If I were to get you drunk before the next time you drive, would that mellow you out enough to drive safely?" He asked her, but he knew it would only make her cackle more loudly. Something spun out of the traffic in front of them and cracked the right side of the windshield, Quintus didn't have time to ponder what. Instead, he saw Molly swerve to the left, attempting to slam into Cho like a swinging hammer. The truck skidded, and Quintus saw that as usual, reality continued to ruin his life. To help out little miss self preservation, he grabbed the wheel and pushed it with her, lending his strength to hers so the truck was forced to obey.

"Cho's about to go." He promised.

Camilla gave one last look at Yvraine, volumes spoken in a split moment, before she cocked her pistol. To Alcander she looked like a painting, even in a moment of indecision. He could read people like books, but under the oscillating lights and the baroque yet ostentatious scenery, he wouldn't have guessed she would turn to him in that moment. She bounced past him with a dancer's grace, and then spun to regard him.

"What do we do?" She asked him in her clipped accent. The probator was about to ask her why she would look for his opinion, but he was hit with the realization. It was her decision to call him in the service of the Rogue Trader, she had been the one to follow his career for some time. He had tried hard to bury his past, but he was a veteran in her eyes, and in many others. She was making the best tactical decision she could, which was to seek the aid of someone experienced in conflict. He cleared his throat.

"Es there a centrel lokeshun tae monitor th' area? Ye need'tae coordinate if ye want tae help yer forces.[1]" He advised her.

She nodded, obviously seeing the logic in it. She was free, but there was still a schism occuring across her ship. Without Yvraine's traitorous forces knowing she was dead, they could hold out for weeks. Even if they learn of her demise, they wouldn't go down without a fight, correctly thinking they would be executed for their treasonous act. Camilla needed to crush to insurrection now. The only thing Yvraine's death succeeded in doing was to keep her from relaying more orders, and potentially ensure the myriad squads of her forces from not acting in tangent with each other.

"Yvraine would have had the bridge comms locked down tight. It might take days to get through it," Jocasta lamented, reloading her weapon.

"True, but there's another way to get in contact with everyone." Camilla responded, her mind moving quick. "There is a small comms hub used in emergencies, in case we were boarded and the like. I know the passcode, and Yvraine did not know I knew it. It was probably where she was hoping to hold up in case her plans went ker-splat."

"Presumably she'd be aleev in thet contingency," Alcander said in good, albeit dark humor. He gave Camilla a smile, hefting his pistol with one hand, thumbing the hammer. "Ahm with ye.[2]"

Camilla's return smile dazzled Alcander, and she waved for them to follow. The princess danced down the central stairs with speed, though she nearly tripped and broke her head on one, before collecting herself lightning quick. If Alcander hadn't had such good eye for detail, he might have missed it. They left the grand hall and turned left down a hall, and though Alcander half expected to hear shouting or gunfire, all they could hear was the rumbling of the ship's multitude of systems. It was down the long hallway that Camilla abruptly stopped beside a bust of an ancient ancestor, and pressed her thumb into the left eye socket. The stone orb pushed back, and the mouth opened. The beautiful woman then spouted a quick catechism, and a red light flared before a section of the wall slid open into a smaller utility corridor. Each segment of the hall seemed about as wide as a large door frame, it made sense there would be one or two secret passageways.

Camilla stepped inside, Alcander and Jocasta following quickly behind her before the door slid shut. The lumens were dim and unpropitious, the halls just wide enough to accommodating a man with a weapon or a utility servitor. It would be claustrophobic had Alcander not been running in hives a number of times in his early career. He kept his eyes at 6 and 12, while Jo kept her hellgun trained behind them just in case. Camilla seemed to know where she was going, however. Every dozen meters, the corridor would break into a cross section with two different passageways, but Camilla ignored them, continuing forward. After a handful of minutes, Alcander had almost gotten lulled into the monotony of it, before Camilla stepped past, what Alcander saw in the split second that he looked down, a indent that marked a sensor, a light at its center suddenly flaring to life.

Later Jocasta would begrudgingly admit that what transpired was rather impressive. In a heartbeat, as if he were a cogitator wired to perform the task instantaneously, Alcander shot the sensor with his right, and wrapped his left arm around Camilla's slim waist, yanking her back. The elegant woman squawked like a bird, her body flung back just in time as a section of the corridor dropped a 10 ton plasteel section of the ceiling. Alcander felt the floor slammed into him from his leap, Camilla landing ontop of him. Despite the pain, it wasn't an unpleasant experience, but Camilla broke the moment by having a delayed panic reaction. Her knee slammed into his groin, and Alcander would have barked a cry of pain if his breath hadn't left his body. Camilla popped up off of him, but she knew what she had inadvertently done as soon as she had done it. The woman kept saying apologies in a tongue Alcander did not understand, but appreciated the spirit of. Both her and Jocasta helped him to his feet after a full minute of trying to collect himself, and the trap Yvraine had set as a contingency had the good manners to lift back up, likely so Yvraine could move past freely once the target had been flattened.

Alcander winced with every step, but with Camilla taking them another few dozen meters, she turned left and opened up a heavily reinforced door. The portal swung open after another catechism, Alcander guessing it was as heavy as an anvil if one tried to pry it open by hand. Inside was a small chamber, a multitude of displays of various firefights across the breadth of the ship. There was a large monitor on the right at head height that cycled through the various systems of the ship and their statuses. Camilla stepped lightly to the center of them, and she raised her hands as if she were about to orchestrate a musical before she began, pressing a button before the comm, adjusting the frequency.

"This is Camilla Seraphina Lucretzia Fiamenta Belladona de Trantio, The Lady Captain and Rogue Trader, Architect of the Trade, and the Emperor's Chosen servant, guardian of these systems and this ship..."

Three Terran days later...

Just minutes ago, Alcander had woken from his first real sleep in 96 standard hours. He felt an old, familiar feeling that had not clung to him like this since his days in the service. The probator had been too tired to shower, falling atop the covers of the vast bed in the guest suite the illustrious lady had granted him to recuperate. It had been ten hours of uninterrupted sleep, and though he felt he could use another ten, he knew he needed to get up. Al pulled the gun he placed under the pillow out and scratched his head with the hilt, rising off mattress. Bleary eyed, he passed a standing mirror, surprised to find he had taken his shirt off before he collapsed. Other than some grime and a few spots of blood, his own and that of traitors, he didn't look as horrible as he felt.

"Shite, ahm still bollocks'd[3]," he breathed, rubbing his eyes with his forearm. He could do for some recaf. Perhaps Camilla would grant him that before she took him back to Castobel. He had done everything she required, and a grand bit more. Flashes of the fighting from the past two days filtered through his head. He and Jocasta had gathered up the isolated squads of Camilla's forces under the Princess's banner, and had subsequently conducted lightning raids and assault actions on Yvraine's remnant forces. Alcander had not killed that many men, directly and indirectly, in a long time. Even as he was on the ground, he couldn't figure why he did it. Even at the height of his career, he would have thought this last mission was a rough one. What's more, it wasn't what had been commanded of him.

He went without question.

Maybe he still had some of that old loyalty in his veins. Maybe he felt like the investigation meant fuck-all if Camilla could not retake her ship. Maybe he felt like she might be a good Captain, and if these systems were under her control, maybe some wrongs could be righted. Maybe he all of them. He didn't know.

He took that shower. It was like a waterfall, set up above him in a torrent that cleaned every pore. He almost forgot he was still himself by the end of it, enjoying the heat and water for a good twenty minutes before stepping out, clean as a saint's conscience. As he dried his hair with the smaller towel, wrapping his bottom half (which thankfully felt a lot better now, after Camilla's knee) in the larger towel, he heard a knock at the door.

"A'right! A'right!" he called as the incessant knocking continued. Alcander stepped to the door of his suite reluctantly and opened it up, hoping it wad food. He blinked from the light pouring in from the corridor. Once he could see properly, he blinked a second time in surprise. In front of him was a cadre of women, ranging from eighteen to seventy eight, wearing aprons and holding bundles of clothes. The front woman was matronly, her blouse and blue dress well pressed and conservative.

"Good morning, Probator Mires." She greeted with no warmth, her voice elegant but professional. "I trust your rest was satisfactory. The Lady of the ship invites you to join her for dinner in an hour, along with her remaining captains. We are tasked with seeing that you do not embarrass yourself."

As she spoke, the women led a sortee into his room, turning on lights and changing the bed covers as they laid out various outfits on the long table. "Hey!" He called, the towel on his head suddenly yanked off. One woman in her thirties pulled out a tape measure as two other women tore his hands off of his lower towel to stretch them wide like wings. The leader stepped inside as the women swarmed him, Alcander yelping in abject shock as another pair of hands removed his lower towel. During the onslaught, the matronly woman curled her lip at his fallen shirt, snapping her fingers so one of her underlings would put it in the "to burn" pile.

"YER OFF YER 'EAD![4]" Alcander cried, eyes widening in horror as more tape measures were drawn, clothes flying as they began to flit through outfits prospective outfits.

@ctrlsaltdel I re-rolled, but even with the plus 1 I got the exact number so it wouldn't change anything
"Fuck that baby."

-Quintus when questioned by police
The civilian attempted to climb into the cab on the passenger's side, likely to retake the truck or protest, but an iron grip ripped the man from the step to the curb with a casual grace.

"You can bill the city," Quintus remarked loud enough for him to hear as Molly cranked the engines to life. He gave a sardonic smile for the lie, and they were already a dozen meters away before he even closed the door and settled into the seat. Molly had that look in her eyes, something Quintus had only just gotten used to. It meant despite the insane stunts that were about to be pulled, the worst you would lose would be your lunch. She was good; far better than she had any right to be. Luck or skill, it would run out someday, but Quintus liked taking chances.

He double checked the magazine on his heavy blaster, sliding the mag back in with practiced ease before rolling down the window. Wind buffeted their hair in a whirring torrent, Quintus holding onto the sturdy handhold as he planted his rump on the sill of the window, using the rear-view mirror as a makeshift stand to steady his aim. "Try to keep it steady!" He called to Molly, knowing she was prone to make wild turns at the drop of a hat. He closed one eye as they careened around a corner, this turn he expected, and as the gods had it, they came into line behind none other than Cho-Tyrek. He'd been a pain in their ass for too long.

Quintus approximated his shot, and fired.

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