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Greetings friends, partners, enemies, acquaintances, and strangers. I am Kassarock, or just Kass if you prefer, welcome to my profile. Anyway, I am a 20 something male roleplayer from the UK and a long time user of the site, although I have come and gone a fair bit over my time here. I used to be more active on the old site, and I still am relatively active in the off topic sections today, as well as in the guild's discord. So you might see me around.

I generally consider myself to be an advanced writer, I pretty much always write multiple paragraphs, and will drop walls of text if the mood takes me. My grammar is okay, but not formally perfect, so I do not expect that from my partners either. I normally like quite dark and dramatic themes in terms of content in my roleplays, regardless of genre. Unless I have got an interest check up, or have messaged you, I am not usually looking for new partners to write with.

I think that covers just about everything. Message me if you want to know more.
Original Join Date: 07/04/2009

Advanced, Casual, 1x1, Nation, Tabletop

Historical, Fantasy, Sci-fi, Romance, Drama

Writer, Archaeologist, Cymro


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Current Avatar | Connor Fawcett

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Okay, that one ran away from me a bit, but its done now.

They should finally get the chance to lay eyes on each other next post.

EDIT: Also I updated the character art in the CHA tap as I found something I felt was a bit more fitting.
A clarion call of trumpets sounded from the horsemen that galloped towards the capital, announcing the Emperor's arrival. Bells rang out from the walls and towers of Jiang'An in response, spreading the news that their sovereign and his army had returned to the great city. Night had fallen, the gates had already been barred to any further travellers desiring entry. But at the sight of Young Dragon's personal guard, they were thrown open once more.

Jiang'An had been the seat of imperial power and the home of the emperor for years untold, stretching back into the times of the ancient dynasties, before the Zhou had risen to the power and bent the central plains under their dominion. It was a city of over a million inhabitants, a bustling metropolis of unparalleled size. The Imperial Palace at its centre was the heart of the sprawling bureaucracy that stretched throughout the provinces and protectorates, and it was in itself a monument to the power and splendour of the Empire in its vast size and opulence.

There was nowhere on this earth that Zhou Xiaolong despised more.

The streets weren't busy this late in the evening, and what few crowds that could be found were quickly cleared from the central avenue that lead to the palace. Few cheers went up from the citizens that saw their Emperor ride by. Most simply watched silently, or muttered something to their companions, some turned their faces away in disgust or spat at the ground by their feet. Even in the capital there was little love for Bastard Tyrant.

Before long the city itself was behind them, and they were crossing the great moat that surrounded the red stained walls of the Imperial Palace. The five gates of the Gateway of Divine Might were already open, their carved and painted exteriors studded with rows upon rows of gilded nails. Word of their arrival had proceeded them through the city, as they streamed through the open gateways into the great outer court, a pair of officials were hurriedly making their way across from the inner palaces to meet them.

"Your Majesty! Your Majesty! Your humble servants did not expected you back so -err- soon."

Xiaolong reined his horse up before them. He vaguely recognised them, one of them was a junior minister from the Court of Ceremonies, the other held some position within the Imperial Stud. These men were of little importance to him, they normally went beneath his notice. He hadn't bothered to learn their names.

"Well it seems your expectations were incorrect. Where's Wen Tao, or Secretary Zhen?"

"The Grand Chancellor is currently at his residence outside the Palace, The Grand Secretary was indisposed, but has been summoned. This humbled servant must apologise, the riders Your Majesty sent lead us to believe you would make camp up river and return to the city next mornin-" Xiaolong cut him off before he could finish the end of his sentence. A flicker of annoyance at the blatant rudeness and disrespect almost emerged on the face of the official.

"The army is encamped up river, I decided to make haste and ride ahead of the main column. I trust this causes no issues?" The pointed question at the end was more than enough to remind him exactly who he was dealing with here, the current Emperor had few qualms about disposing of ministers that displeased him, so he once again schooled his face to show nothing more than look of humble obeisance.

"O-of course not, Your Majesty. It is only that we wished we could receive your glorious presence more appropriately. There was to be a grand reception, followed by a feast! If Your Majesty recalls the instructions you sent regarding the arrangements you wished to make for the Imperial Household, the noble ladies have been gathered and are await-"

"Ah yes!" He cut the official off again. "Here, take this." With a leap, the Emperor vaulted off of his horse and passed the reins to one of the officials, specifically the junior minister from the Court of Ceremonies, who automatically took it before looking up at the horse with in of mild bafflement.

"You." He turned to the official from the Imperial Stud, who visibly paled at being addressed directly. "Take me to see my brides."

"B-b-but, Your Majesty, should we not wait for th-" He gestured helpless at both his fellow minister and the horse he was now holding.

"Now." He didn't even raise his voice, didn't even particularly change from his relaxed demeanour. But there was just enough of an edge to that single word to make this particular lowly official's skin crawl. He had been at the palace for some time, long enough to have heard plenty of stories about what happened if you displeased The Young Dragon. Long enough to have seen it happen a few times for himself.

"Of course! This way!"

Commander Hu and few of his guards fell in beside him as he marched across the courtyard towards the Hall of Supreme Harmony, and the Inner Court and Palaces beyond it. The Commander was chuckling to himself.

"You mixed them up on purpose didn't you?" He asked with a wry smile. Hu was the Commander of the Emperor's Personal Guard. Xiaolong had known him since he was sixteen, a green junior officer with the Northern Frontier Army. Hu had been a common solider under his command, they had come a long way together since then. He was one of the few people that the Emperor trusted absolutely.

"I encourage my ministers to take on a wide array of duties." He replied sardonically, a hint of a smile of his own creeping up onto his otherwise stern visage. It was one of the few perks of returning to the Imperial Palace, putting the fear of the Gods back into the sycophants and schemers that swarmed the place, unendingly courteous to your face, undoubtably plotting behind your back. He preferred to do away with such pretence.

They passed into the Inner Palaces, the personal residences of the Emperor, his family and his harem. The Emperor and the Empress shared two expansive palaces linked by a central hallway, while numerous other courtyards and palaces sprawled to the east and west. Some were set aside for designated purposes, such as residence of the Crown Prince, while others were distributed according to the Emperor's whim and favour.

The Palace of Surpassing Beauty was different, it was a vast edifice set aside for the lower ranked members of the Imperial Harem. While favoured consorts and concubines might be given their own residences, certain unchaste and lecherous Emperors of the past had desired more women than could easily be accommodated in the palaces they had to dispose of. They built this as their solution.

Around its numerous interconnected courtyards, the Palace of Surpassing Beauty could accommodate hundreds of women. While not quite quite as luxurious as other residences, it could not be matched in terms of the volume of individual bedrooms it boasted. This was where the official had brought Xiaolong to.

"Y-your Majesty insisted all applicants be accommodated to the same level, regardless of prior rank or status."


It was one of the things he had thought of later on that night after Hu had first suggested this scheme. Every faction at court was trying to foist an Empress of their choosing onto him, he would both mollify them all by giving their candidates the opportunity to do so, whilst simultaneously eliminating them through tests and trails of his own design. Once he swept all the favoured candidates of the big political players from the board, his key advisers would beg him to reconsider naming an Empress and he would be free of their continuous pestering.

This was his first test. Let's see how the daughters of the great noble families reacted to being treated the same as the common beauties he had told his provincial governors to round up and send to the Palace.

He strode towards the door, the eunuchs standing to attention there preparing to draw them back for him, when the official who had guided him here made a half choked gasp of shock and surprise.

"B-but, Your Majesty, the hour is late, you are armoured and dusty from the road. Besides, many of the noble ladies might... already... be... sleeping?"

The look the Emperor affixed this lowly official with was capable of freezing a man's blood solid in his veins. Whatever courage this man had once possessed, withered and died beneath the glare of those black and terrible eyes.

"Then wake them."

This was the second test.
Welcome to the Guild!
Tentative interest, not sure on what sort of character I'd bring, will mull it over and get back to you.
Great post!

Sorry I haven't check in, had a busy weekend and then something mad happened at work on Tuesday that I've been the last couple of days having to deal with. I'm going to get working on a post, should hopefully have it up on the weekend? I think I'll focus on Xiaolong's arrival to the palace, maybe then have a chance for them to meet from a far, or Yue to have a look at him. Proper character introductions the post after?
@Sukikyoufu Hey, decided to make the thread and post my starter up.

I have some more stuff written, but it was getting a little bit unwieldly so I think I'll break it into two separate posts.

Where do you want to go from here? I know we wanted to give them a more private-ish meeting, but do you want to do that before or after the big meeting all the bridal candidates sort of scene? Yue could happen across Xiaolong before that event, when he's freshly arrived at the palace from the frontier, or we could do it during/after like we discussed in PMs.


T H E Y O U N G D R A G O N , E M P E R O R O F G R E A T Z H O U


Zhou Xiaolong is a handsome youth not yet out of his early twenties. He is tall and well muscled, but not stocky, with a lithe physique more suited to that of a runner than a wrestler. A wild mane of jet black hair tumbles down to his lower back when not bound and affixed with pins to hold it into place.

Despite being born of the highest of the nobility, there is a roughness and a ruggedness about his person. Xiaolong's skin is not the perfectly pale smooth complexion that most would expect of a royalty, instead he is lightly tanned from long hours riding under the open sky. It is also marked by two prominent scars, one creeps up across the left side of his high cheek bones to slash his dark brow in two, whilst another tucks under the right side of his sharp jaw, running down onto his exposed neck.

His eyes are dark, a brown so deep it also seems black until the light catches them. They're difficult to read, giving him a somewhat enigmatic quality unless he is overcome with particularly strong emotion. This, combined with his reputation, gives him something of an authoritative air, and he has been known to silence men with but a hard glance.

In his dress he strives for utility and function over aesthetics and ostentatious displays of wealth. He often dresses little better than a common solider when not at court, and even when residing at the palace he prefers his silks in muted tones of black and maroon. He rarely wears the full Imperial Mianguan Crown, preferring a small silver and jade Xiaoguan to hold his topknot in place.


Command was something that thrust upon the Emperor from a young age. Xiaolong was leading armies and winning battles at eighteen, it has given him a commanding and domineering streak in his personality. He is used to getting what he wants, and bends the court and the imperial bureaucracy to his will despite his general unpopularity.

His callousness and ruthless nature is well known. Xiaolong is a man who has personally killed his own family members, and is responsible for the deaths of all but one of his siblings. Its whispered that he smiled as the Dowager Empress was forced to drink poison, a woman to whom he should have shown the upmost filial piety. It is widely believed he is a sadist who loves nothing more than wanton murder and destruction.

It is certainly true that the Emperor is most comfortable around men of bloodshed. He values the counsel of his generals much more than that of his civilian administrators, granting them greater privileges and favours. Those closest to him are all staunch loyalists from his days in the Northern Frontier Army, men who have fought alongside him for years, these are the few people he seems to genuinely trust.

Xiaolong is also in possession of an infamous temper, that has become the terror of many courtiers and ministers. He rages against the traitors and rebels that continually threaten the stability of his rule. His anger is also regularly directed at those who fail to enact his will through indolence, incompetence, or corruption.


Third son of Emperor Zhou Longwei, Xiaolong was born of an affair he had with a common serving maid who was only later raised to be an imperial concubine. Xiaolong was always considered the least of the princes, being born half a commoner and under scandalous circumstances. His mother died young, when Xiaolong himself was still a child.

When he was sixteen Xiaolong was appointed a subcommander of the Northern Frontier Garrison, where he first gained military experience under the command of Guo Qiang, an old general who mentored the young prince. It is also where Xiaolong met his future right hand men, Marshal Fang and Commander Hu. Fang was another junior officer from a minor family serving with Xiaolong, whilst Hu was a common soldier under his command.

At eighteen his father, the Longwei Emperor, died and his eldest brother Honghui ascended the throne as Emperor. Not long afterwards Xiaolong took control of the Northern Garrison Army and declared war on his brother in order to place himself upon the Jade Throne.

After over a year of fighting Xiaolong slowly gained the upper hand in the conflict and faced Honghui in battle, ending in a decisively victory for his forces, with the Emperor being killed in the fighting. Xiaolong secures the capital with the death of yet more members of the Imperial Family, one of his first acts as Emperor is the execution the Dowager Empress, along with numerous former ministers and nobles who sided with Honghui. He is only twenty years of age.

The war is far finished however. Before the year is out, the Yan clan, former allies of the Zhou and the family of the Dowager Empress, revolt in favour of placing one of the former Empress’s descendants upon the throne. Together, along with the Prince of Chu and numerous other nobles hostile to Xiaolong's rule, the Yan declare Xiaolong's younger brother Zixin Emperor.

The fighting is particularly bloody, with heavy losses on both sides. In the end the Yan are slaughtered to a man, the Prince of Chu is killed in battle and his wife (Xiaolong’s older sister Lijuan) dies during the sack of the Chu capital. Many great families are brought down by the fighting. Xiaolong personally executes his younger brother. It is around this time Xiaolong earns the moniker, The Bastard Tyrant.

Sporadic rebellions and border incursions by steppe barbarians have marked the remaining years of Xiaolong’s reign, most of which has been spent on active campaign. The Zhou Imperial Family is a shadow of what it once was, with only Xiaolong and his younger sister Jiaying being seen in public. Rumours swirl about the fate of Xiaolong's nephews. Most assume they were quietly murdered by the Bastard Tyrant once he had them in his grasp.
Somewhere on the Northwest Frontier of the Zhou Empire…

A cold wind swept in from across the steppe. Above the encampment the red and black banners of the Zhou Army stirred and snapped in the gathering dusk. Not far from the well ordered lines of tents, crows descended to feast upon the carnage of a still fresh battlefield. Another great victory for the man they called The Young Dragon, The Bastard Tyrant, The Usurper… Zhou Xiaolong.

The soldiers celebrated their victory around the cookfires of the camp, making merry with wine and song, it was no different in their commanders’ pavilion.

The remains of a meal lay strewn across the table, the half gnawed bones of a suckling pig carcass still being picked over by the men sat around it, just as other scavengers pecked at the bodies outside. The air was heady with smoke from torches and braziers, their light the only thing keeping the tent from darkness. Somewhere underfoot a dog circled the assembled guests, nuzzling at the legs at each in turn for a scrap of the feast above.

Ignored by the soldiers, the hound’s begging went unanswered, until it made its way around to the young man lounging at the head of the table. He was tall and strong, still half dressed in his armour despite the late hour, with an unruly mane of black hair streaming unconstrained down his back. The torchlight picked out the pale scars than ran across on his handsome face, his dark eyes glinting like shards of obsidian.

Absent-mindedly the young man petted the dog’s head, tossing the animal a rib from his own plate, before returning to the letter he held in his other hand.

“News from the capital?”

The question came from the man sat to his right. They were of a similar age and appearance, both tall and dark haired. Though the man to right was paler, and his hair straight and fine where the other’s was wild and untamed. The way they held themselves could not be more different, either, while the man reading the letter lounged with a casual arrogance, the other sat straight in his chair, looking by far the most prim and proper of their company.

“Nothing new, my advisors want me to marry.” His tone was low and he spoke slowly, but nonetheless the conversation began to die down as soon as the man at the head of the table spoke, it was clear that he held sway over all the others here.

“Zhen Min?” Came another question from further down the table. The letter reader murmured assent in response.

“Him and Wen Tao, the Grand Chancellor sends a list of worthy noble ladies he thinks would make an acceptable Empress. As well as some foreign princesses that may prove valuable alliances.”

“Hmm… better than wedding a traitor I guess.” The next speaker was the man to his left, broad and brawny, with light brown hair and an easy smile. He drained a glass of sweet plum wine as he made the quip.

“You do the Grand Secretary a disservice Commander Hu.” Came a rebuke from further down the table. “A match with a noble family of known rebel supporters would do much to pacify the situation in the provinces.”

“Bah! Give me the men and I can pacify any province in the Empire, nobles be damned!” Another solider chimed in with a bash of his fist to the table, he was a giant of man, skin criss-crossed with numerous scars, a black leather patch where his right eye should have been. “Your Highness should take a peasant to be your Empress, rub it those nobles face that the old order is over, we’re in charge now!”

“I’m in charge now, you mean, good General.” The Emperor, Zhou Xiaolong, shot the general a dangerous glance, but a thin smile was playing at the corners of his lips. “But it is an intriguing idea… my ministers have plenty of ideas as to who my Empress should be, but what do my loyal war hounds say?”

At first silence hung over the gathering, the soldiers not exactly sure at what to do with the permission they had just been granted to pick over the personal life of their fearsome and ruthless leader. Then one by one, they all began to speak, with increasing intensity, until a flood of wildly differing opinions had been unleashed and small arguments were breaking out down the length of the table.

“Meaning no disrespect, but there’s more value to be had in a noble match than a common. Turn a foe into an ally, gain another pillar of support, more troops to swell your armies.”

“A foreign alliance is clearly the best course, secure our borders, allow us to turn our forces inward to put a stop to the rebels once and for all.”

“Common or noble, this is your wife we’re talking about, so she has to be beautiful above all else!”

“Beauty is more than skin deep, a true partner for life comes from your compatibility. Find someone who speaks to your soul!”

“You need strong sons, take a woman with good hips!”

“You know… I do have a sister...”

After a several minutes of chaos, the Emperor raised his hand to silence the arguing. There was a savage gleam to his black eyes, half amused, but still with a hint of a roiling anger hidden somewhere deep inside.

“So as I understand it, my Empress should be a common noble from a great house who fought against me in the rebellion, but who’s family is still powerful. She should also be a foreign princess, exceedingly beautiful, the mirror of my own soul, and have excellent child bearing hips. Oh and she should also be Kang’s sister.” He scoffed derisively. “Does that about cover it? Now tell me where can I find a woman like that?”

Silence was the only answer from the other end of the table. These were all men who knew the moods of the Emperor intimately, and few dared raise their head above the parapet of what appeared to be the opening salvo of Xiaolong’s infamously bad temper. His personal and family life had always been an excessively treacherous topic to bring up around the Young Dragon.

One man however seemed largely unperturbed by this turn of events. Commander Hu, captain of the Imperial Guard, just continued to sit there with an easy smile, pouring himself a fresh glass of wine.

“Why not just send for them all?” He asked casually with a shrug of his broad shoulders.

“A harem? You know how I feel about concubines.” The tension in the pavilion could be cut with a knife. Xiaolong’s tone was now low and dangerous, he had balled up one of his fists atop the table and had fixed the commander with a steely gaze as he leant forwards in his seat.

“I didn’t say marrying them all, just send for them. It’ll gets the eunuch and Wen off your back, decide which, if any, you actually want later. Send the rest back.” Hu just sipped at his wine, barely paying the Emperor any notice. Xiaolong just stared at him for a moment, before slumping back in his chair to his former reclined position. Quiet conversation uneasily began again at the far end of the table.

“You know, that’s not the worst idea I’ve heard you come up with Hu.”

The Emperor went back to read the letter again, his free hand slid beneath the table and he ruffled the head of his favourite dog once more.
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