Avatar of The Savant


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2 mos ago
Current And when I say "your" - I really mean any of the politicians in the world.
2 mos ago
You can thank your politics for making almost any topic political then, Xandrya along with the idiot followers thinking a lot of topics are not political and something else when they are not.
4 mos ago
Don't forget that the doctor also ignores everything you told them as well so they don't do anything more than the shots and tests they already preplanned.
5 mos ago
1x1s are my favorite way to paragraph role-play but they are definitely not for everyone (same with group). It's all perspective.
5 mos ago
I have ad block on my laptop but not on my phone. The ads on mobile are outrageous 😂


Salutations~ I am The Savant.

I have been role-playing for over a decade, and I am in my early to mid-twenties. I enjoy reading and writing a lot. The two most current books that I have finished and highly recommend are "The Darkening" by Sunya Mara and "Immortal Longings" by Chloe Gong. Those are the genres that I love to participate in most during my writing, though I am not limited to those. I enjoy all forms of concepts from ancient times to current day issues from fantasy to advanced technology. Fantasy species. Anything that catches my inspirational eye.

If you are ever interested in chatting or possibly setting up a role-play with me through DMs one-on-ones, message me. I promise I do not bite ~ hard. I prefer to role-play with people my age or older because I enjoy graphic descriptions and writings of adult themes. Not everyone appreciates those details which I understand and can respect: Inform me of what you want from me. Boundaries are key with writing partners and I love being able to stay within the boundaries and keep partners for a long time.

I have recently decided to start writing my book with one of my past character and group role-play inspirations that failed, recently, on this site. I have also had odd ideas of writing a book with another person through our role-plays, though I have never had anyone be interested in actually attempting it so I ask people very rarely. If you would be interested in such a crazy idea, chat with me. I would love to discuss this.

Other than that, I am a substitute teacher throughout the week, so I tend to be distracted from morning hours to mid-afternoon but I tend to check my phone and reply when I can. I am an active person even if my public appearance on the site does not live up to that statement. I stay at DMs, usually.

Thank you for reading my biography and getting to know about me. Come get acquainted with me.

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Seeing the neutral expression on the man caused him to internally sigh since he knew that it was to displace other emotions. It was nothing new. Every human seemed to have some form of forced neutrality or negative reaction. There were hardly any positive experiences with non-blight borns for the fallen-angel-like character. Pleiades wondered what the man was thinking about but he truly could not care to bring himself to initiate any small talk. The energy in the room was unwelcoming and it influenced urges to get defensive. He didn’t.

I cannot promise that any of the products that I have are in good shape,” Pleiades commented with a gentle smile. He wasn’t going to be the negative one in this situation and he was great at masking his emotions, so much so, it would be hard for anyone to tell that he was forcing himself into a small smile. It seemed natural for the most part.

The man explaining he was a guard caused him to nod his head in reaction, a simple gesture of saying ”okay” without any words. “Lunarian?” The question popped out with curiosity since the man appeared more like a Lunarian than an Aurelian though he could be wrong.

Just that.

Pleiades groaned in response before crouching down and looking at the shelves behind the counter. Grabbing some parchment paper, and a half-ounce bottle of ink, along with a few portrait paper that were softer and not as rough, and refined, he placed them up on the counter. “Do you need anything else?” Pleiades asked while giving the man one of his feathers that had fallen off and was already transformed into a quill for writing.

Have a nice day,” Pleiades waited to see if there were any more requests.

Interactions @PrinceAlexus Lord Coswain

Steam began to dissipate into the room and followed by whistling, Pleiades stood up and placed his book down with one of his feathers as a page marker. Going over to the cast iron stove that was running by burning wood, he grabbed a hot pad, picked up the kettle, and moved it to a table. It was set on another hot pad. This was when he grabbed a delicate-looking oriental teapot with a matching cup. It was predominantly dark with blue and white flowers. The handle is made out of medium to darker wood.

As he set that on the table, he grabbed loose-leaf tea and walked over to the teapot. Lifting the lid, it had a built-in leaf trap, and he poured the amount he desired in before adding the hot water. Putting the lid back on, he moved around and did a few more things as he was leaving the tea alone to steep.

The man could hear the doors below from the ground floor creak open and heavily shift with noise. His brows furrowed since he didn’t know who was coming to the post office at such an hour, but he was reminded that it was early in the morning. That every hour of the day felt odd since the sun disappeared. It made him wonder if Flynn and Octavia would ever fulfill the prophecy and return the world back to normal. He had his doubts, but he would bite his tongue about those.


Ah, the words of someone…” Pleiades did not recognize the voice, and he gracefully walked to the stairwell that could bring him up or down. Choosing to follow the voice, he went down, and he continued until he opened the door that was behind the counter. Seeing an older man, one he hadn’t recognized, but he seemed familiar in a way that caused his chest to tighten and his gut to sink in. I do not believe I have seen him before? Have I? The internal questioning felt heavier than it should have as he allowed a faint smile to appear on his grayish lips.

I do have those items, yes,” Pleiades plainly stated since this seemed to be nothing important. He was not negative or rude but not excited about the interaction that pulled him away from his book and tea. Pleasant peace. “Do you need these things?” He asked for clarification because he wanted to make sure that was what the man was getting at. That he needed those items before he went up the stairs to retrieve them.

Interactions @PrinceAlexus Lord Coswain
@The Savant

Maybe Olivia was directed to the post office. surely they would have writing material on hand?

Yeah, the ground floor of the post office. If she walks through the double-wide wooden doors. She would be able to walk up to the counter and a bell would be hanging there so she could ring it and alert Pleiades. They could have a little interaction.
@The Savant

Be advised... I dont know when or where but I swear one of my characters will rp with you at some point... some time... some how.


I will keep that in mind. @ me here or DM me whenever, if you want to try and discuss arrangements.

Every time he saw an encouraging or brightening smile from Elara, he could not help the goofy smile that appeared on his face, more like a crooked smirk, but they did not last for long at all. His thoughts kept grabbing him away from the control of his expressions though he would brighten each time from Elara’s visual urging. The man noticed the lingering awkwardness in the room between them and he couldn’t help the thought crossing his mind — She is awfully sweet.

Those thoughts went through his mind as his amber eyes met her ocean blues, the connection almost made him feel self-conscious and guilty, so he looked back down at his food. Why was it so difficult to look at her? Everything felt so complex and he knew it shouldn’t. They barely knew each other’s names yet he had a hell of a time talking to her for the past two or three months. Honestly, he felt horrible about that. As she spoke about the situation, he found himself relieved that he was not the only one worried, but he felt like others shouldn’t know. Elara was the princess's handmaiden and he was Flynn’s best friend. Others shouldn’t be catching wind of their fights.

Sunni had a complicated time controlling his emotions when Elara’s expressions changed. She was filtering through different ones and he was trying to analyze her to understand what might be happening behind those beautiful eyes. While hers filtered, he began to show worry in his eyes, concerned furrowing of his brows, sincerity on his lips, and seriousness lingering in the whole of his face. Lips parted before closing to hear the rest of what she had to say. All of his emotions began to disappear into a pool of confusion and not fully understand the woman.

His body language appeared off in some way as he absorbed her words. Encouraging the princess to be honest with Flynn? What the hell was she not being honest about? The thoughts began to race through his mind with all the possibilities of what a princess could lie about. They were honestly going darker than he wanted. Everything was beginning to swirl down the drain in his mind while his mind began to take in everything else she had to say.

Elara…” Sunni sighed with a reassuring smile before putting down his food. “Have you ever heard the story about Enu? You might not have. It’s an Aurelian tale about a desert fox. They are small. Very tiny,” He explained as he made sure he properly put his plate and fork down and began to talk with his hands.

Glancing at Elara, “My father used to tell me this story a lot. I do not know why but it was about this clever little desert fox named Enu. The fox lived amongst the dunes of the desert and liked it that way. It was peaceful and quiet. One day, Enu noticed that the desert was filled with anger and hate. It was the tribe of the eagle owls and the clan of kangaroo mice at each other’s throats. They were blaming each other for the yearly drought, pointing fingers, and at disagreements.

For some reason, Enu believed that it was his fault and that he could fix it though these two groups have been at odds and ends since the beginning of time. Enu approached the eagle owls in fear because they could eat him. He decided to be brave and tell the eagle owls that he had a possible solution and he felt like this was his fault for not doing something earlier.

The eagle owls told him that a single little desert fox couldn’t do anything worse than the group of kangaroo mice. They appreciated his attempt to communicate but shooed him away.

Enu decided to go to the kangaroo mice clan and talk to them. He informed them that he felt like this anger towards the other clan was because of something he might have done or might not have done.

The kangaroo mice told Enu that he nor anyone else did wrong. That the eagle owls needed to fix their mistakes and pay for them. Then they shooed him away as well.

Enu decided that there was one thing to do. He searched around for an oasis or a cave that would have collected water. He searched and searched. Almost losing hope, Enu found the source of water he was looking for.

The little desert fox went to both tribes and they told him to go away. They appreciated his words but didn’t want to hear his ideas. They didn’t want to continue seeing him in between their war for water. Enu begged to be listened to but neither clan did. With his ears drooping and his thoughts saddening, Enu decided to wander back to the little oasis that he found, and he stared at his reflection.

Tears began to form before they dripped into the little bit of water that might have helped things. Enu was startled by an unfamiliar voice, and an ancient tortoise decided to sit right beside him.

She asked, “What is wrong child?”

Enu explained the situation between the eagle owls and the kangaroo mice. How they didn’t want to listen and they were blaming each other for the drought. How it was all his fault that this fight between tribes was happening.

The wise tortoise laughed at him. She asked if he truly believed it was his fault.

He confirmed.

She began to tell Enu a story about how two tribes did not get along before she hatched out of her egg. She explained how they had always been mad at each other. From generation to generation, they could never agree.

She asked if Enu believed that was his fault too.

Enu replied “No, that would be silly to blame myself for such a reason,”

And the tortoise laughed, “I was thinking the same thing about the story you just told me.”

And Enu realized that the problems that were happening between the others in the desert were not his fault. They never were but he would constantly be wrapped up in them by association.
” Sunni shrugged his shoulders when he told that story. He was hoping that it took her mind off what was happening but he didn’t blame her for Octavia and Flynn’s issues. If either of them were hiding something from the other and the other found out and got upset — that wasn’t anyone else’s issue.

He sighed at the thought, “You might have encouraged Octavia to be truthful with whatever it was. I kind of do not want to know. I’m sure I will hear it all from Flynn later tonight when we play cards again. If he feels like it, I promise you whatever emotions happen from it. They are not your fault. Do not blame yourself for others' doings, Elara or you will shortcut yourself each and every time,” Sunni hoped that his words helped to an extent but he had no idea if they would.

You might be unsettled from all the negative energy in this house,” Sunni chuckled while looking around. It felt heavy and tense. This house was not happy with what was happening within it. He wondered if he should check on Octavia or encourage Elara to, but he decided against it. “Would you like to go for a walk? With me. I wasn’t able to yesterday but I enjoy walking by the lake. It’s pretty and peaceful, and you might feel hungrier afterwards,” He explained feeling somewhat like an idiot after telling her a child’s tale that he used to be told when he was little. It was a story his father and his pseudo-mother would tell him constantly. Along with the many other bedtime stories.

Interactions @Qia Elara
@Lu I understand that it is definitely difficult introducing yourself into an RP but it's a new day still and we are still doing morning introductions.

The characters I currently have open are Pleiades and Desya (I would not recommend choosing Desya, he's an awful person).

Pleiades however is just chilling and reading a book in his house/the post office. If you want, we could say that your character might be picking up a letter or package or something and they can interact a little so you are at least introduced into the writing scheme of things.

Also, I love diving into books and getting lost. Sounds like a great time.

It was unnervingly silent in the house unlike last night when it was silent. This was not peaceful or welcoming. Today's silence was filled with tension and negative emotions which the redheaded man did not appreciate. He regretted staying the night and experiencing one of his best friend’s martial arguments and fights — why was Flynn not being truthful? They talked about it, Flynn seemed to shrug him off and not want to talk about it, but he knew the truth now. Flynn and Octavia were fighting. Somewhat? Personally, he had seen worse fights passing the baker and his wife in the local area he lived in Aurelia. At least they were not as bad as plenty of the other couples he had witnessed though this one felt a little too familiar. He did not know the others who fought but he cared for his friend who did.

Not hearing the door open was one thing, being surprised by Elara was another, since he was so focused on staring off into the distance — Sunni jumped out of his skin. “Ga-G–Good morning Elara,” There were plenty more things that wanted to come out of his mouth but he suppressed everything to not yell oddities at the woman that he embarrassed himself of last night.

Good morning,” This time it was stated confidently and calmly unlike his initial reaction seconds before. He did not realize that someone simply saying his name would spook him out of his skin so badly but he was now realizing how on edge he was from Flynn and Octavia’s fighting. The stress on his body seemed to disappear a little when his amber eyes focused on Elara as a whole. She was so pretty —- I don’t want to be alone with her! The small bit of panic flooded his system as the realization of how badly he humiliated himself last night set in seeing her again.

Looking at his food, he nodded, “I’m fine. Good. Well. Somewhere in the positive,” He chuckled while he sighed before pushing the mixture of eggs, meats, and vegetables around in the bowl. It was clearly not the full truth since he was jittery and jumpy. “How are you?” His eyes flicked up to her again when he asked this. The man felt like his chest was tightening and it was hard to breath though he was masking his emotions pretty well.

Oh…” Sunni began while he looked towards where Octavia’s room would be and he shrugged. “I…” Was he supposed to talk about this? Elara was her trusty handmaiden, he could talk about it, but he felt sick in his stomach at the thought. He only heard most of the vocalities of the situation, not seeing the emotion, physical actions, or the rest of it. Flynn didn’t come back inside and Octavia stomped into her room with slamming doors.

Shrugging his shoulders and shaking his head while he thought and looked at his food — was he even hungry at this point anymore? He had no clue — another sigh left his lips, “I think Flynn and Octavia are fighting… I really don’t know the entirety of it but they went through the house and out the front door. Flynn hasn’t returned and Octavia slammed doors and stomped through the house. I think she isn’t happy…” The fork began to push the food around in the bowl as he looked up at Elara again. Then he glanced at the plates that were left out for Flynn and Octavia. His eyes moved to the skillet that was still half full.

Uhm… Do you want some? I just made it. If you are hungry,” Sunni gestured to the skillet half full of food. “I can get you a bowl or plate,” He reassured if she didn’t want to intrude, he was offering, and he put the forkful of food in his mouth as he tried his best to silently chew in front of the woman.

Interactions @Qia Elara

There were plenty of times Taruu was wounded while growing up in the nomadic lifestyle. He did not believe that he would get an infection or die from it. While growing up, he had little infections occur but with the proper practices and medical intervention, the outcome was better than not. “Amua?” He chuckled at his giant squirrel's name being brought up and he looked around for her. The smaller beast was climbing the shelves and looking at things.

A whistle left his lips which got the critters attention, “She enjoys spooking the horses too much, I doubt she would do a good job long term,” Taru laughed at his words while Amua made her way down the shelves and to him. Jumping onto his shoulder and chattering up a storm.

When Eris began to grab supplies, Taru seemed to pay more attention as she approached him. “That looks delicious,” He teased while the bowl was set down to reveal its contents. In fact, it did not look that appetizing at all. His dark eyes seemed to focus on what she was doing as she spoke. “Mhmm…” A quiet groan left his lips as it did sting. It wasn’t bad and the reaction was more of a vocal reaction to the processing of sensory inputs than anything else.

I will try my best, doctor,” The lightness in his tone showed that he was satisfied that it was an easier fix. Nothing major. Simplicities. His expression seemed to neutralize when a knock could be heard echoing into the building. Who was that? The inquisitive look that the healer and researcher gave him was met with a slight shrug of his shoulders and a gentle but warm smile.

Shaking his head in the negative, “Do not. You are a busy woman, I understand,” The man understood that the woman that he went to for help was of importance — being the main researcher in Dawnhaven that was.

The man was sitting in wait as he wondered what was happening though chose not to be nosy. Hearing his name called by Eris got him to stand up, a bit of confusion on his expression, since he didn’t know why he was being called. Maybe it was time to leave? A guest? He was definitely puzzled on why he had a guest coming to Eris’s house to look for him. Wouldn’t they go to the stables? Eris’s expression informed him about her feelings — embarrassment — as it was clearly plastered on her face in color.

Hello, Miss Persephone,” Taru greeted confidently while he stood there still wondering why he was the one needed and not Eris. He kept those thoughts to himself since he assumed he would be told. As Persphone explained, he smiled, and nodded, “Your saddle bags are safe in the horse barn and I appreciate the consideration. I would have been worried if they got up and left by themselves,” He chuckled while rubbing the back of his neck.


Now that was something that riddled his expression with surprise. Did she think Eris and him were something? Together? A light blush, rosy pink, covered his cheeks faintly. The color seemed to appear on his cheekbones more than anywhere else on his face. “No, you didn’t interrupt anything. I just needed my hand bandaged to make sure no infection occurred,” Taru simply explained while gesturing to his hand that was clearly bandaged up.

I do appreciate your help, Miss Eris,” Taru wanted to thank Eris before he left her home and the research building. Wiping his clothes to smooth them out, he looked at both of the women, “What will this cost? An I.O.U.? Money?” He was not sure what Eris would take or want. The man glanced over to the Lunarian guard before a smile was let out, “ If you want, Miss Persphone, I can take you to your saddle bags as well,” He offered.

Interactions @The Muse Eris & @PrinceAlexus Persephone

The feathered blight-born woke up earlier in the morning to go check on the large communal springs. It felt warmer today than last night, though he had a difficult time actually determining temperatures. However, it looked like the springs were not steaming and roaring as much as last night. Maybe they were like that because of the small cold front with glittering snow? As he made his way up the steps, his bare feet touched every stone, and he found the sign that Tia and him made together. Looking at how it was crookedly made and somewhat offset in the ground caused him to chuckle. It was not the prettiest thing but it did work.

Deciding that the hot springs were dandy, Pleiades ripped the sign out of the ground with ease as if he was picking up a spool of thread. Light. Barely a task for him as he moved his foot on the ground and tried to cover the hole the best he could. With not a lot of effort in covering the small divide into the ground, he began to move on from the area. “Nothing should be floating around in there or the air anymore,” He softly spoke to himself as he twirled the sign in his hands before stopping it and reading what it said — Temporarily Closed. With a little sun scribbled on the sign. There was no need to waste this right? Something might be closed again.

Pleiades decided to fly back home and go into the postal shop with ease, going through the wide double doors before lifting up the counters let-through area and opening the door to the stairwell. He walked up the stairs and found himself in the area that looked the most messy. A storage and package room of sorts? It was the room right above the main area where all the mail was given or gave out when people came. There were shelves everywhere that were organized, stacks of things pushed up against the walls, a desk that was busy, and feathers scattered here and there with a little bit of dust collecting on stuff. Maybe a spider web in the corner with a friendly little weaver. Looking around, he decided to go over to a small closet that was aligned with the wall that followed the stairs up. Opening it up, it was a broom closet. It had a broom, mop, cleaning supplies, and tools that he needed to fix things or what not. Putting the sign in there and shutting the door.

He decided that there was no better time than to go up one more crescent moon of stairs before reaching his living area. Finding himself in a room that was much more organized than the other work area that he had for the courier services that Flynn has him do. Going to his shelves, he plucked a book from it, and found himself lying in his hammock only a moment later. This room had a fireplace, more of a stove, a cast iron stove, since it had the tops that one could remove to heat up water or cook food. Something that he was doing. It had a kettle on it, as he relaxed into the fabrics of what he was lying on. The pillow was made out of his own feathers and quite comfortable at that.

Pleiades began to relax and let himself get trapped into a story without issue. It was a simpler read than some of his other texts but not worse. He enjoyed reading. When he was younger, he loved that his mother read to him, and he would read to his siblings, and that was ruined when he was disease stricken. He wasn’t able to read for years and barely anyone took the time of day to read him anything. Not even the date of the newspaper or the header. It was pathetic to feel these things in his mind. How those humanly emotions would grasp at his body and try to tighten his lungs.

@Lu What have you been up to thoughts wise for posting? I know it's a little overwhelming but it is a new day in RP and I was wondering if you needed a writing buddy or anything to help bring your lovely character into the world.
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