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chubba dubba
banned for the reasons of the few that out weigh the many, or the one.

live long, and prosper.

Pleiades Porter Dawnhaven -post office

When the woman @amorphical seemed to flip a switch on how she was speaking to him, his shoulders seemed to settle, and he smiled slightly. A light curl to the corner of his lips. “You can call me Pleiades,” He stated since he didn’t care for formalities. There was no reason to refer to him by his family name, and he honestly doesn’t know why he brings up the surname. “And it costs nothing, Flynn pays for all the services here,” Pleiades explained while his moonlit eyes focused on the woman.

Olivia felt so rushed was she really doing all of this for her people? She had felt so urgently rushed that she had run out of her meeting with the Prince, yet she also felt so justified with her abrupt departure after he had made such a deeply intimate request. "Let me know all your strengths and weaknesses while I debase you for my pleasure." or something like that followed by a maniac laugh. There was just something off about him she couldnt place. Yet now faced with the fact her letter was about to be paid for by him made the lady wonder about why. Astaros was charming, blond hair, fair complexion, yet he was royalty and as Olivia knew all royalty were flawed without exception. Children brought up in high society twisted them into dark sinister creatures with masks of human faces.

The lady of Durnatel knew this better then anyone. How her father was charming, regal, a fencer of wordplay. In his chamber, dark, monstrous, cold to both family and service maids alike. Olivia had the deeper parts of the keep walled off after a priest placed multiple blessing in those nightmarish tunnels of hell. The unspeakable atrocities under his reign made the blight borne lady's acts blessings by comparison. Too many dark rumors and silent whispers were all that remained of his legacy. Good riddance she thought. Now she was in the midst of more and even stronger royals.

"Purple. I would like a light lavender if you have it kind Pleiades." Her tone flattering and soft. She never wanted to be this monster, or the one her father wanted.

Looking over his shoulder, he smiled slightly, “I would say that this town has the best courier service, though I am extremely biased,” Pleiades chuckled while waiting for her to name her wax color.

Also, it doesn't cost anything. Prince Flynn pays for everything,” He mentioned casually. “And I am not allowed to accept sex offers here, so it’s your lucky day,” The bird-like man teased her with a grin that said more than his words.

After knowing her wax seal color and finding the seal that matched her desired description, Pleiades would hand those over to her, and wait behind the counter while watching the woman work on her letter. “I’ll be leaving once I make sure that all the letters that are going out today are in my courier bag. Once that’s done. I’ll be gone, so I should be gone before noon,” He explained with his arms crossed over his bare chest, and he waited patiently for the woman.

One more thing, do you expect a letter back from Jaylen? I will not be back for a handful of days since I enjoy roaming around the outskirts of the city, but I want to make sure I don’t have to stop by Jaylen’s again to pick anything up,

All these services were free? She shook her head. "Its fine." She pressed the seal to the liquid wax. Scowling at the mark of her family crest. Silently she shook her head no. "You should not wait for a reply." Even the thought of her Sya couldnt lighten her mood. She already knew the reply. She knew that girl better than anyone which is to say no one really knew Jaylen at all. Not the real girl under all that ice. Silent as an iceberg and just as deep beneath the surface. Thought one would surly drown trying to find the truth to that depth. The dark cloaked woman silently handed over the letter with but a smile. When it was over, she left without a word. The dark angel would deliver her message and the wheel would turn.

The dark creature within herself stirred slowly with its thoughts of fear and nightmares. Things she rather not think of right at the moment, there were simply too many things to be done and no time for detours. This place, seemed to be balanced on the edge of a knife. Olivia thought more on the matter of this Dawn haven when she was interrupted unintentionally by her chaperone, the guard.

Lord Coswain was on alert around this woman, his sense was usually correct and he had a feeling that she was far more dangerous than the regular towns folk. “Market likely for dry stock, not far away from here. Seller on right shady, fake castle forged.” He said not wanting people to purchase that kind of rubbish, he deserved to not have any customers, they were liable to be made from some scrap rather than steel. He knew what castle forged steel was and that was not it. Prince might need guards to cheek more detailed gate duty.

“Sunni. Trader, or so the eye folk say can get that.” He said as was alone, only a fool started a fight, not sure you could win if you had a choice, cheat, dirty tricks, anything you could to level or make the odds in your favor. Much as the religious caste might be Zealots, soldiers like that died young, they leveraged intelligence, tactics, cheated and used any advantage they had. Sometimes you just had to go with the situation you found yourself in.

She wanted to stop by and get something nice for Sya, if only some fancy garments. Olivia would also need a few more changes of clothes the streets were not the best in this weather. With more hands to help distribute the work more could be improved and the web would cling a little more to her favorite blonde. "Thank you for that information. You are very helpful. Here is where we part terms it seems." She said beneath the black bear cloak. Her voice a sullen whisper. Olivia always felt trapped in moments like this, never to be herself. Yet with Sya that bitter sweet moment of freedom was the only moment she knew could never truly last. Silent as she entered his store she left without a glance back heading to this Sunni market keep. Though her footsteps were slower and at times she paused trying to make sense of it all, while burying her demons a little deeper.

Had the noble woman really been such a glutton in her keep? Unable to go one day and night without the need for a feeding? Her mind fractured thinking of Sya, the prince, her people, her demon, her father, all spinning about in her mind pulling equally at her soul for dominance. "Enough." She growled under her breath, regaining control for the time being. The dark cloaked demon slowly moved to the store front waiting by the corner when she saw the thicker woman and her love enter the place. The nightmare felt her anger grow a little with the two so casually together. Her sins whispering their desires into Olivia's ear like honey.

Mention: Astaros@The Muse Sunni@The Savant
Interaction: Pleiades@The Savant lord Coswain@PrinceAlexus
just did that sorry ^^ I read the ivor post and was like ...facepalm then fixed it up.
@The Muse
Definitely. Thanks looing forward to getting more involved. I'm glad i waited to post and have everyone else to interact with. ^^
@The Savant

Marcon Eye of the beholder/Dawnhaven

The guards were different here, he thought. Not standing at attention allong the walls or spaced evenly behind the prince. Instead they seemed to be scattered about the tables enjoying their breakfast while others were intimately watching the blond and the woman in red converse thusly. He gave it a shrug as a sign of the times or maybe since the town or villa was still being formed decorum was not as important for the time being? With another bite of stew he watched the events unfold.

A few more bites after the two royals departed to go about their day a little put off that the Prince didnt stop to the new face in his realm but then again it seemed to Marcon that the young man had his hands full and was rushing from one engagement to the next with little to no time in between. He would make a note to find some time later, maybe, or just see about the locals. Hell he wasnt a man with any real title other than Sir or champion, and it was clear by their note of his presence no one in this place really seemed to pay the old man any real mind. Feeling his heart sink a bit at the thought and with the last bit of stew on his spoon gone he wiped his mouth and stood up, "All right now lets see about this door."

As he sized up how he was going to cut out the actual door from the heartwood, it occurred to him that the best possible size was the actual door itself. Approaching the building Ivor stepped up to the door and began to un-wedge it from the frame. It took a bit of effort considering he put it there to begin with, he hoped he wasn’t breaking anything else inside with his racket. Finally the door unjammed with a loud crack as more wood splintered away from the remaining hinge plates. Looking inside Ivor wanted to make sure that people were both okay and that he didn’t cause more damage than he already had. Giving a sheepish grin to the people around, he simply stated, “Ivor sorry, but I must borrow this door to make a new door; excuse me.” Politely, he backed both himself and the door out of the tavern. Walking back to the log, he placed the broken door over a flattened area and using that as reference, started hacking out a shape with his hatchet.

Gathering his bag from the cart and strapping his tool belt he walked back to the front of the tavern slash inn to give the ...pine door a good once over. Seemed too splintered from the battle to be in tact, save for a poor set of hinges that were torn from the wood. The frame held and the door being pine was not ...alright. He would walk over to Ivor and give the burly guy a once over wishing he had about a hundred of these beasts in his last campaign. Watching him hack away at the large log for the door. "I'm called Marcon. You really..." He stopped himself not wanting to fight the man feeling something off about him. Maybe if the champion was thirty years younger a good sparing partner but now, time was not on his side to take on any newcomers of this size. Though he thought what a tale it would have been. "I have new hinges for the door when your done."

"Now then..." He looked about the streets and what not his mind still wanting to see the perimeter in his old captain mindset but instead went about trying to locate a current build going up to speak with whomever was currently in charge and offering his services. It wouldnt take long. A home by the looks of it half framed and the stones for the supports being mudded in place. The old warrior walked up to the crew, "I'm a carpenter looking for work, if you have need of me. Marcon Brand is my name. How many crews are here in Dawnhaven? Are there any plans or markers for the construction going on?" He wanted to ask about the perimeter wall if any was in the process of being erected but thought that type of questioning by a new face just might get him into a spot of trouble, so he refrained.

From the looks of things they were building level by level most of the buildings he walked by were a smart two story and not very elaborate. The old man admitted that they seemed decent although just a touch disorganized. Seemed two people teams were trying to do everything all at once which were slowing down the framing crews. who were pissing off the stone crew, and the helper teams were just sitting about waiting for the call for more lumber to be bought about. With a deep sigh Marcon shook his head and put on his stern face. "You there what's your name? Right..No Everyone just stop! Who is in charge of this... site?" He bit his tongue figuratively holding back the harshness of his captain mode.

"In charge? Is that a joke? We are just trying to get this up and move to the next, but the wood isnt exactly being cut in the amount or sizes we need all the time. and then there is the stone masons that seem to be in a hurry to encase the work before its even done." An average dark aired man said who was one of the three carpenters.

"Right. I see that. Alright, fine stone masons you have other sites? Go ahead and start on the footings for them and only the footings. Where are the lumber carfters at right now? Give me the plans for the build."

The carpenter crew burst out laughing and snickering at the old man. "You kidding gov? The plans are all up in 'er heads. Three room home nothing fancy, that's what the 'plans' say." The second younger carpenter with corn blond hair spoke out of turn and by the head nods everyone seemed to be in agreement with the statement.

"Holy nine hells. So this is all free formed with nothing more then three rooms and square? How are the lumber teams suppose to cut on that? Alright look.." Marcon glanced about the area and found a piece of wood er stick of sorts and started to draw in the snow. but it wasnt really working. Going to his cart he came back with a piece of charcole type pencil and a flat board to draw up some plans. "So here is what I'm seeing, and here... is what is going to happen. I'll make variations to change it up a bit but we can use the same cuts on all of them. Support beams here and here and ...here. Then windows, two doors, ...oh we'll need mud for the masons so every third home is getting a root cellar." He looked about with everyone shaking their head seemingly glad to have a plan. "Right now I'm going to have a word with the lumber jacks about the amounts size and what we need on a daily. So where are they at?" He shoo'ed them back to work with his hands and turned to the cart and to the team. Seemed they were about to be used as sled pullers. Stepping up he gave the reigns a light whip and soon was off in the direction of the lumber camp. Already imagining the debacle he would have to sort over there as well.

Becky Hill Sya -Dawnhaven

“Don't worry, I have enough gold. Can run a test menu and see how much return I see, you really might be overestimating what we have!” Sya said but with no harshness, Becky seemed rather cheerful vs the other Lunarians she had met, they seemed more dour but Becky was more a bright glowing fire of energy and good emotions.

“Where I grew up, we were lucky to get them at the Lord's feast. But we brewed some really good local Shine of Selene. We traded it pretty widely in borders. ” Becky had obviously grown up and lived in a far more prosperous place than Sya and would not hold it against her, her lover was a noble lady but had so far just wanted intimate companionship and mutual treatment of each other.

"Oh! I have a dozen ideas if the ingredients are there. I hope this merchant @The Savant can get us a steady supply. We dont really have a lot stock in the tavern for much else than loaves of bread but I can get up and start a little early on that. Might be goo to see about a brick oven to be built at some point. They help in the cold season and with drawing in the crowd with the scent. Muffins bread pastries and cakes, I'll have cornered the market in this town in a week if we can do that! You'll see!" She casually nudges the tavern owner with her shoulder giving her big hearted smile!

Sya lack of a coat was not a issue to her, cold weather never had been an issue and just stayed in her tavern attire, the long skirt kept the wind off but did not have heavy fabrics, magnetic for comfort when winter really hit but this was a balmy day for a blightborn.
“it will be fine.” Sya waved her worry off and began to head out the eye, the fire burner almost constantly and they had now burned down yet. “A large hot spring, natural, has a public and more private area. It feels really nice to just stretch out in the water. It's a luxury for sure. your skin feels so much better and aches all vanish..” She said with a soft sigh.

Sya held no such fear of the dark and strode out into the night with no apprehension, she had at least two knives on her though and was hardly helpless. She blinked and soon adapted to the changing light as the whole world resolved into grey shades far into the distance. “I'm sweet enough I'm sure.” Sya said with a cheeky statement, she was feeling more like her old self, unsure how that was a thing.

Walking side by side Becky was all smile and heavy footed as they trekked there way to the merchants building. She glanced about the town still in construction and noticed the design style was more from what she heard at least Aurellian with the stones in the build to be warmed by a sun that might neve rise again. Seemed like a sturdy design. She just missed the cobble streets of Lunaris in stead of this slush of snow and mud. Come spring the heavier carts will have a hard time in this place.

Her eyes lit up. "So its a large bath? A hot bath?! Like with hot water?" Her voice nearly turned into the child like squeal of her excitement! Hot water was for the rich even back home lugging pots of hot water to the tub was a chore, sure she found a work around by heating up a stone in the dying oven heat before and carrying that with tongs to the tub and heating the water this way was nice but she couldnt get in it for fear of burning herself against the hot stone. So best she did was hot water while the dark haired woman bathed with her wash cloth and soap on a towel spread out under her. A few times this made the curvy baker give a dish a glare for enjoying such things as a hot soak. Now she would finally have a chance to try this exquisite joy for herself after so long!! Becky wasnt sure where it was so she tried her best to learn the location from her surroundings. For sure the baker would be a regular to this place nearly every night if she was to have any say!

The sweet enough statement had Becky turning her dark eyes to her employer and smile. "Dont you worry none about that Sya, when I'm done with the menu everyone will know just how sweet your place is!" She waved out her hand in an arch, "People will come all over to taste these treats when the word gets out. They will say, Sya's place is the sweet spot of the whole land! Finger licking sugar shack of either kingdom for sure!" Turning her voice a little gruffer, "No place I'd rather be then at the eye of the beholder for tasty cakes and sticky buns!" She smiled beaming really at the thought of making so many new and exciting desserts for travelers to spread the word and like the tide have double the number return. Becky imagined a shameless image of her in a tub of hot water made of gold eating cake. Her foot steps getting a little faster eager to see this hot springs!

“Relax, I can see perfectly, just all..greyish bluey green” Sya said, hooking an arm with Becky seeing as she was less sure so they would not get separated. Sya waved To Ivor, seeing him with a whole tree and spoke in a more guttural and harsher mix of border languages with Lunarian, Auralian and other loaned words. “Good morning, There's a big town clan meet, moon. Half way. Western sky. You might not have got and too few of us know this one, If you have spare firewood, I might need more, we have a baker to support Hunter Ivor.” Sya said to him and gestured to Becky next to her before she turned to lead them to the marketplace, much as it was one. Sya sounded almost more natural in that version than the common tongue as she had spoken the border language since she was a babbling baby. Sya was comically smaller than the giant woodsman though she had come to know his massive size was not intending harm to those maliciously.

The man she was introduced to set Becky's face a flame. He was big and burly with red hair as tall as any man she had ever seen! The wild look in his eyes made her legs feel like a new born deer. Her heart raced inside her chest as she looked him over in awe. Suddenly all the cake and spa thoughts melted from her mind as she found something more to life in the moment when her eyes soaked in every single mouth watering morsel that was this Ivor! Giving the huge mountain of a man a very impish wave using only the tips of her fingers to wiggle she hoped he would bring her all the fire wood in the forest to her door. Becky in turn would give him all the... meat he could ever want. "I am the cook." She said hesitantly biting her lower lip wishing she was more impressive sounding. "We were on our way to the merchant to see about supplies." Shyly darting her eyes up at him, only to have them settle back on his abs, they looked like a row of biscuits fresh from the stove, so hot ...and yummy. "I'll need a bout five bundles a day." She said in a very breathy tone, giving her figure a bit of a pose stance. She wished her hair was down but there was no time. Why the hell did she never think that there would be men out here in the frontier that would look like that!? Now he the mountain would be coming by daily to deliver, wood. The robust woman fanned her face with both hands. The heat from five stoves was all around her.

Sya had no fear as she wound her way about to the stalls and traders set up in the early morning. Flicking torches lit the wares and lamps of various kinds. “So, what do you think Becky? Anything you can work with?. The hot spring that way, post office is the tall structure, umm.. the postmaster is…Embrkin, however Pilades…is an acquired taste” Sya said with all honesty, he was perfectly hospitable but very much you liked him or you hated him.

She was still lost in her Ivor fantasies when she sleepily nodded to the "anything you can work with" comment. Coming to when she noticed he was gone and they were in what must have been the town square. She sucked on her thick bottom lip looking about the land seeing the buildings and finding it very hard to focus. She noted the market building and pointed still feeling the burning fire in her face she tried her best to form words, "That way. We need to place some orders with the merchant. @The Savant Then we can head of to this spa!" She was all excited but a little too excited, surely Sya would notice if she was to bathe now. No, it would have to wait for the baker to calm a bit before that.

Entering the market building she looked about. "Hello?"

mentions: @The MusePrince Astaros @The Savant
Interactions: Sya @PrinceAlexus construction crews @The Muse Sunni @The Savant ivor @SkeankySnack

Post office...

Before he could escape up the stairs and back to his reading and enjoyment of tea. He heard another voice, unfamiliar like the last, and he let out a sigh. This time, he found himself in front of another blight born @amorphical, and she wasn’t familiar either. How strange… he thought while examining her deathly pale skin and bright crimson eyes. “Quite a few people seem to be needing those items today,” He chuckled a little bit while stepping back up to the counter. Parchment and a quill and ink. The lady before him might notice that her energy did not bother him at all. Throughout his eight years of being a blight born himself, he had come across a variety of horrifying individuals, and at first, it did bother him. The stares, the energy, and so on. Now he was completely desensitized to it.

I’m the only courier around Dawnhaven and known to be the fastest and most discreet,” Pleiades forced a smile since he took her words as more condescending or snarky than anything. Almost sounding as if he felt like she should know that —- The woman in front of him was clearly not familiar with Dawnhaven or its resources or people. “And I am sorry but you can stand here and talk to me. I’m not meeting you anywhere else. I really don’t care to waste my time with formalities or distractions. If you need a courier, delivery, or similar service. I’m right here, Pleiades Porter is the name,” Pleiades grinned slightly with ingenuity. His tone was sassy in a sense with the woman because he felt like she was overly demanding and requestful. However, he thought about a lot of people who required him to deliver letters and so on. People were so pushy for quick and reliable service that it annoyed him at times. It was nothing personal.

He put the items that the woman needed on the counter. A small stack of parchment paper along with a quill made out of one of his feathers, and a small half-ounce bottle of ink that was corked. Pleiades seemed confused, “A bargain with the prince?” Pleiades sounded baffled at the question. Shrugging his shoulders at the thought which caused his wings to shift slightly, unfold a little, and refold neatly. “What do you mean by bargain? He practically asked me to not hurt people or fuck everyone in town to death but that isn’t a bargain? He tells me not to accept sexual acts as payments for my services either but I only can promise that doesn’t happen in Dawnhaven” The man sounded unsure as he pushed the items to the other side of the counter so she could reach them more easily. Even in his uncertainty, Pleiades chuckled at his words, since he casually accepted sex from people outside of Dawnhaven. He was trying his best to behave in this small boring town.

Slowly to not be misunderstood Olivia reached outward from her cloak with a coin purse listening to the Blight figure at the counter. The cream colored woman paused realizing she was still in regal mode from earlier with the Prince of this new territory. Relaxing her posture, "I see, My apology I've never used a courier before... Of course, Sir Porter. When could you possibly dispatch this letter for me and how much would it cost to deliver?" Her tone was far softer and warmer when addressing the other blight born. Her eyes constantly glancing at the enthralling wings he was adorn with. "I need this to go to a lady in waiting named Jaylen she is the keep at the far west end of the region of Durantel, which is to the north of here."Secretly wondering if he could fly or just glide? Olivia would pay for the items and service with a fair tip of 20% for her earlier rudeness. Feeling a little sympathetic being blight borne herself, knew how someone with huge wings and sea green skin could have trouble with clientele. Though there was something oddly soothing about his mannerisms and tone that would in a different setting and circumstance might of made her more receptive. The woman with the snow white hair pursed her lips as she scolded herself for being so curt with him. Impatience was a poor excuse for lack of courtesies in a first impression and now she had feared to have already left a negative mark on Porter.

He put the items that the woman needed on the counter. A small stack of parchment paper along with a quill made out of one of his feathers, and a small half-ounce bottle of ink that was corked. Pleiades seemed confused, “A bargain with the prince?” Pleiades sounded baffled at the question. Shrugging his shoulders at the thought which caused his wings to shift slightly, unfold a little, and refold neatly. “What do you mean by bargain? He practically asked me to not hurt people or fuck everyone in town to death but that isn’t a bargain? He tells me not to accept sexual acts as payments for my services either but I only can promise that doesn’t happen in Dawnhaven” The man sounded unsure as he pushed the items to the other side of the counter so she could reach them more easily. Even in his uncertainty, Pleiades chuckled at his words, since he casually accepted sex from people outside of Dawnhaven. He was trying his best to behave in this small boring town.

"Would it if I wrote it over here? Do you have any wax for a seal?" The ruby eyed woman asked in a kind and respectful tone. Realizing how much she was learning of the world and common way of speaking to people. Casting the occasional glance out from under the black fur hood. Looking back at the guard who never identified themselves... and left. "You came very recommended, by the guard who also guided me to you, establishment. I appreciate your service in this town. I honestly feared the town wouldn't have a service like this available."

On the far end of the counter she would set herself up and start to write the letter to Jaylen. The dark cloak hiding her figure creating a dark wraith like shape as the feather moved in twirls and twists accentuating her letter loops. When it was done a few minutes later Olivia folded the letter into a what would resemble a rectangular envelope pouring the hot wax over the triangle tip of the message before pressing the seal into the wax. Looking up from under the hood at the winged man, she half heartedly smiled at him while handing over the parcel.

The white haired monster chewed on her own lower lip slightly as she tired to formulate the precise way to go about asking intimate details to a stranger about information she had a personal investment in knowing. Taken back from the admission of violence or sex, seeing the other with more interest on who the dark angelic figures partners would be. Surely other birds were too small... "I am in negotiations with the prince, however Prince Astaros seems to have ulterior thoughts to the negotiations in myself residing here. Since you are a blight born I was wondering to the particulars of what he might be interested in to allow my stay. Perhaps you Sir Porter, might have some insight to that topic?"

@The Savant

streets of dawn haven- Post office

He pushed into the post office, he thought it was the post office, it was tall, a several story structure that looked rather much like a tower that matched the description a passer by had given him anyway. He passed a woman who raised his hairs on the back of neck who seemed to have more grace than a human.

The woman had been dressed in dark clothes with very pale skin if his view of her hand was correct, hooded, Cloaked and clad in furs. She gave him an automatic urge to move his hand to hilt but made no such movement. The woman screamed danger? His gut feeling said it was dangerous, and he never ignored his gut feelings. “Postmaster? you around?” He was curious about the whole thing, people said the postmaster was a monster, a man, a bird.. many rumours but what was the truth?

"Excuse me, sir Might you direct me to a place for dry goods? A pen and parchment? I need to send out a message to another town urgently. Would you know of a place in town that I might do this?" Her words as cold as the air outside. The woman beneath the dark cloak smiled feeling the guards uncertainty about her, the tension. Her hunger tried to stir but was quickly stifled by her strength of will. Silently like his own shadow she followed him to the place. A building that resembled a tower of sorts. The gentlemen never offered his name and the Lady saw no reason to be so intrusive. He was a guard for the town and that was good enough. Just two ships that sailed close to one another in the night.

Entering the place felt humid from the steaming of wood to turn into paper. The few lamps placed in various spots secured by wall anchors for illumination. Even in the day the building and world was cloaked in shadows and darkness. Much like the cloak she wore. She waited her turn watching the guard make his request and the man who looked to her like some fallen angel from a book she had read once before in the library when she was but a girl. The black feathers and dark hair was a sight to behold and one not easily forgotten but his skin was a pale color of the sea. He was tall yes, very tall as he stood there waiting on her as she stepped forward with her request looking up at him allowed her gaze to drift beyond the fur lining of the hood and free the ruby eyes from the dark eclipse.

"Are you the one? I am in need of parchment, pen, and ink." Her voice calm and indifferent, her gaze was piercing and ominous, but not threatening. More like the hiss of a serpent that sweetly promised its warning if one should venture too close. He could see the pale skin from her face down her slender neck to the open top below like a princess born of snow and yet very much alive. She wore the simple brown blouse and black ankle length skirt hiding the knee high boots beneath. "I will need a courier as well in a urgent matter. The fastest one you know but the most discrete. Might you put me in contact with such a person? I will require their name and a meeting place, in town." Her eyes glanced about to se if there was a writing station, but then rethought about who might over see her message and decided the room back at the tavern to be more discrete. She stood at the other side of the counter watching the angelic creature, did the blight actually create such a sight? Truly she thought it was a curse to shape people in such a manner. The prince had the courage of his father to allow such creatures as the blight created to dwell in such close proximity. Hesitantly she cast as side glance as she found herself asking the question. "Did you have to strike a bargain with the Prince to stay here as well?" The Lady's voice was that of shy curiosity. Even as the ruby eyes were no less inviting. She squinted her gaze trying to notice any tells in his answer. Not many chances to meet another born of the blight and this town seemed like her chance to learn more about 'her people'.

Lord Coswain@The Savant Pleiades @PrinceAlexus
@The Savant

Maybe Olivia was directed to the post office. surely they would have writing material on hand?
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