Avatar of PrinceAlexus


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1 yr ago
Current Sometimes you want to tell a event from diffrent, time, view points and so. Younc9uld be both in the present, and for another looking back.
3 yrs ago
Happy new year humans of 2022! May it be better than rhe last!
3 yrs ago
Making stuff by hand is very satisfying.
4 yrs ago
Happy new year for the year that shall not be named is over.
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4 yrs ago
Died laughing maybe :)


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Banned for having no body to go with

Eye of the Beholder

A vexing man

Daphne was enjoying a gelatinous cube jelly, a treat she enjoyed as a child. Daphne had lived a rather austere diet, mostly vegetable, plain means and the like. her ability to enjoy such things was a luxury she felt she had earned in her life. The soft texture, taste of sugar and the bright colours were fully a thing to enjoy and something to savour and slowly make the very most of.

This bakery idea looked like Sya would be making gold hand over fist if they kept this quality up, and kept their supplies throughout the winter, Blightborn yes, but she seemed to have an eye for business and what people wanted. She was smart, it really made you think… Things You're not meant to think in Lunaris.

Her musing was interrupted a minute or two later by the woman she had helped earlier thanking her, she nodded and looked at the well dressed woman in purple corsets and skirts etc. “Its quite alright, just doing my job.” Daphne gave a little blush on her pale skin at the compliment, she was still a Squire and had spent much of her short career doing very different things that were not always as popular. It was new that people were thankful more than grudgingly respectful than actively glad.

She kept an eye on the door in case he came back but it seemed that lessons were learned and he had not returned. The Inn Keeper had not returned so Daphne assumed she would have to keep an eye on things, people and too much to drink could be own worst enemy.

She had a stray thought and did best to avoid starting as she spotted the Princess enter, with her hand maiden and two women… why did they have to be attractive, and why did it seem the world was throwing said women into her path like it was snow flakes.

“Well met Aurora, just doing my best to do my job. I'm glad he left you alone and learned. What brings you to Dawn haven? i'm a Squire under Lord Coswain, keeping this place safe, and the eye on the drunks.

This place is a little overwhelming at times.”
Daphne asked as she glanced around and spotted the Princess talking to her white haired quieter companion. The blonde sisters, the striking Auralian, the woman in front of her. So much colour and variety of people, it was a shock to someone who had spent their life in lands more grim and grey of stone and snow. also A little blush threatened, she was unsure why but she felt eyes on her too for some reason,

It was akin to going from vegetables to sweets and so on, a burst of flavour she never had a chance to explore. She said so before she could retract it and just had to deal with what came about.

She looked over her shoulder and caught eyes with the Princess. She gave a little awkward courtesy gesture and a slight smile. She looked so much like her rather famous mother who had been so popular among the people. She was there if needed but tried to keep a respectful distance.

“The Prince is about, as is the Princess, if you need help getting set up, Dawn Haven is rough now but has potential.” Daphne said, trying to help as she felt the vibes of the music, the tones were nuanced and much more skilled than the bards of her hometown who tended to be on the bawdy and less subtle kind singing of women, wenches and night's love under an open sky. She tried that, it was in reality, cold, itchy and not as fun as bards said.

Daphne had grown from an awkward and lanky child to a tall, attractive and amazonian Woman, but she still felt those same fears and comments of doubt that had felt so big before. Even her bright violet eyes were rarely ever found outside her native homelands.

The two blondes left rapidly, twin sisters seemed to vanish quickly as quickly as they arrived, one left in a raid panic and the other in a more controlled manner. She had orders to keep a eye on the Inn, and people not chase after and the woman a crusader of sorts had it in hand. A twin sister was likely not a threat to her soul soul sibling.

The rather.. . Charismatic man was about and he seemed to have an odd pull about him, drawing everyone freely into talking, flirting and engaging people in ways that they could not escape his charisma. “I might have to toss you in the lake to cool off, I'm sure I can find someone to kiss me freely.” Daphne Said with a slight blush and a laugh. The strange man just pulled you into his tune, she reached for another drink and used it as a distraction to compose herself.

“He is…somthing” Daphne said to Aurora as she shook her head to clear mind and get her attention back.

Eventually she joined the rest to watch the puppet show, something she recognised from her youth, a simple hand made puppet show, basic wooden frames and such made from offcuts and the spare parts.

The story and the intent of the show, Daphne was not as educated as the others, they might especially Persephone see the hidden meanings and try to remember as much as possible for the older woman to dismantle it, tease the meanings out and find out the secrets. She had a strange Idea that held more meaning than mere children's entertainment.

He spoke with a steady rhythm, a steady pace and one that people followed along like a bard playing a room with a master's work, a true wordsmith. This man was definitely one to keep a close eye on…

Nova…Prince's…Her head was a little spinning but she felt this man was more than he seemed to be. Her gut told her, and was rarely wrong.

The Amazonian woman's violet eyes followed him and his story closely as she could manage to decipher his story and its potential. Only it left her with many many more questions than answers.

@Dezuel@Queen Arya@BlackRoseSiren@c3p-0h

Banned for possession of cute raccoons.

Dr Katrazyna "Katska" Nadezhda Kowalewska

Main Island _ Azul Days _ Just off Ave Pura Vida

Kat smiled, it seemed his mother had not told him and the world she was the embodiment of evil for not taking her coffee black and sour as Kat when you did not got fresh mango at the supermarket. “I'm glad, it reminds me of a carnival, it's not a bad thing… just a little overwhelmed by the sudden calm and the carnival. ” She said, patching her Spanish with the odd repeat as she found her words. Her fluency Needed work, and she spoke the more standard than local variant.

Kat looked at her Tattoos, glancing down spotting them all exposed, she never really thought about them too hard they were just part of her, an extension of herself and her soul. Kat perked up at that subject and that change of the topic. “Oh.. top down.” She said with a tiny hint of innuendo. “My Family was a little… Less convinced at first.”

“That one reminds me of Poland, even when I'm far away, I left at 19 for university and never looked back, I do go home but my spirits… an Explorer, I never sat right working the farm.” Kat said as her Spanish got more excited and she tried to make it all make sense and explain. “The periodic table, I Been into science since I was playing with sand and water and never stopped.” Kat said as she left the smallest till last.

“That's the coordinates, where I lead the team that found the SS Marlin in the arctic, not just working under someone” Kat said proudly pointing out the north star, the coordinates picked out on her skin. “We are not sure why it was where it was, probably scattered and damaged under air attack. We marked it and they are currently pumping its fuel tanks to protect the environment.” Kat finished, she cared about the environment just in a different way to some..

Kat nodded along, he said everything that made sense, they were protective and they had reason for it but Kat had grown used to having to explain she was part of the international mission to clean the seas however frustrating that could be.

Cocktails in her system and some of a beer, Kat followed on as he took note of her injury, he seemed to be a good egg. Yes, she would just see how the night went and just let the tides of life lead her. Her mother would be happy, she was right Kat needed to let go of her tight control and her past moments, just enjoy things for once and lele life take the helm.

“I can dance with a tall handsome gentleman, such a hardship.” Kat said softly as she let him lead the dance, slower paced thanks to her injuries and she moved gracefully despite the challenge even in her bright pink trainers than her heels.

Kat let the music take her as she danced, it was forward having only met over cocktails but Kat was feeling the moment and swayed along with the rhythm. “I know this is a little different but it's fun, i not had chance lately” Kat said with a smile and a soft tone.

“What do you do? What brought you to saving womens hats and dancing. My hat was from the 40's and I love it by the way so thank you again.” She asked, releasing he had asked her but she had mostly just asked about the event than him. she would rectify that as her long dark hair and dress swayed softly as she moved, Kat was a little random but she was less normal but the goth woman was used to It and had long appreciated she could be a little eccentric.

Banned. For smoking I'm a non smoking area.
Mixed Post.

Daphne headed out and whistled as the Prince who seemed too busy was grabbed by the sage and that was that… Everyone wanted a slice. She grabbed her beer and reached the Coswains with an easy smile and a glint her purple eyes. “Check the Temple Boss, new priest I'm…. Lunaris. This one seems to not be a total book tight, burn the heretics kind or the ones that are 100 years old” She said honestly, maybe a little too honestly but she always gave them her true assessment, good bad or ugly.

“Good job, keep an eye on the Inn Squirrel.” He said lightly, it was a minor posting but someone had to keep an eye on crowds and intervene if needed. Other guards cleared streets, and other roles, it was teamwork, the only way to achieve the goal.

“You two gonna get burned at stake yourself” Persephone said more lightly than its content and gave Daphne a nod before she turned to pull her partner off to the Temple. “You know me too well” Persephone took the offered cookies and treats for them from the Inn.

“Aye, Watch out for the peacock, he is in a tizzy after being beaten into retreat again. Man tried to claim Sya djd not own the Inn…” Daphne said as she turned back to the Inn and walked over, she headed back to see it was busy as ever and the Inn was a focal point. She was given the Inn by rumour from the Prince, to run it for good of town... that's definitely legal ownership..

She did notice a lack of Sya, she did seem upset and whatever it was more than some minor moment. A man was bothering a woman with bright white hair and she ignored the rather dramatic man who seemed to have been playing with the Innkeeper when things were happier for her. Intervening was her job and she saw the discomfort was strong. Yup. Time to get in the way. Daphne downed the last of her ale and put it on a table before she walked behind to table and placed a hand on his shoulder firmly and gripped tight with enough pressure to be noticed even drunk.

“Now, you're done, go get a room, or go home. You're drunk.” Daphne said as she looked over to the woman, white hair, blue Eyes, and a rather pretty purple corset outfit that while pretty might not be the warmest.

“Daphne, one of the guards.” She said in bad language but she was more distracted by the noise of music and the man she was dealing with. “Now, get gone.” She directed the man away with a look of concern for the woman in her bright violet eyes.

“Keep it PG, least until later, no Kissing booth ok. Maybe after the kids Done, got some odd idea's.” Daphne called over to the Man who seemed to love to talk, she did not need to think of the children, drunks and a man who had an ego the size of the moon in one day. She heard a few comments about one, that was probably better waiting till later.


Persephone lead reached the Lunaris Temple soon, The route was snowy but to a Lunaris Native this was just another day in their homeland as the older red hair woman pulled her cloak about her uniform tight and walked along hand in hand with Adon In in heavy leathers and sword resting on hop as he gave guards a nod on his way to the Temple.

They walked past a blightborn that was staying out of the main festival and away from guards and honestly…he did not blame them, they had done their share of hunts, and slain many blightborn in Lunaris without mercy. “Good baking, Becky Knows her stuff, not as good as yours.” He added quickly to placate his partner knowing too well how she was bakery Proud.

“Good save. Prince seems rather busy, being royal has downsides.” Persephone said as they walked their way to the Temple seeing it appear as she made her way out the alley to an Open area near the lake where the Temple was standing proudly in wood and artfully working rapid construction.

getting a Squeeze they knocked on the door and pushed their way into the cool temple where the clean pool sat in the centre.

“Hello, We were told a priestess was about and while looking for a Temple Marriage, we have been a little busy over the years and Long as you get round to it eventually. We hope we are correct.” Adonis said slightly Awkwardly that the last interaction with a priest did not go perfectly… He had a bad track record around Temples, he had seen too much to find the church easy to get on with.

The Temple was lit, cool but lit and they Saw her in the pool, had they interrupted…no one had barred the door… “We can come another time. My name is Persephone and this is my partner for many years, Lord Coswain. We ” She said and introduced them, the whole situation was the first time they had time together Without being interrupted by duties and royal commands in far too long.

“We married by a old hand fasting by a lord, but we never had a chance to get selenes blessing.” Persephone said as they stood hopeful that perhaps they might find someone willing to help them, she Ignored Daphne So hoped she was not a total bitch like some they had encountered in the past.

“Would You be open to a ceremony” Adonis asked, they saw the Temple looks a little care when bit now it had a keeper he was sure that would be reversed.


Sya was too deep into her tears, wine and looked up waving her tail In the hot water, feeling the currents and warmth on her scales, the muscles that felt weirdly natural and weightless in the water, even heavy as muscle was she felt floating and calm in the water. Her tail tip skipped about and she let the water direct It more than her own body or mind.

Sya was a few minutes of this state sobbing into her shoulder and laying against her side. Sya looked up hearing a noise, snap and splashing sounds, She looked up, her eyes sore from crying and her tail barely reacted showing how far she was feeling down. “Jusssst leave me alone, why do you hate me ssssso much… Leave me be..” Sya accent came out emotional and in her more guttural borderlands tones.

“I… I came here for peace… give me ssspace, leave. Me …alone.” Sya said and moved her tail in closer, flight or fight was kicking up a gear, she was starting to feel her emotions surge again, her vision shifted into thermal and out again tracking the form of him perfectly though the water, steam or any interference. Her accent turned harsher and more cutting into harsh tones.

“If I wanted to trap you, you would know itssss” Sya said with a sharp hiss, and tried to move away from him, shifting to try and move and make space. She tried to move away quickly but her unfamiliar weight and lack of resistance made it hard to push away, her tail moved to try and protect her by sheer instinct as she protected her face from harm.

Sya tone coming to a clear more warning than a plee, Sya was trying to avoid a fight not start it. She saw Orion and Tia and made a non verbal plea help obviously In distress as the Lord became even more unhinged. Sya forced her baser instincts down and tried to retain her sense of control.


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