The nobleman found himself surrounded in his bed by pillows, to the point of finding him would be an undertaking. The various walls bearing his portraits of himself. It was indeed a good thing he had brought them with him, the room would have felt insufficient and empty without these familiar faces.
Ayel allowed himself a satisfied smirk as he cuddled his way deeper down into his bed with the various pillows and his favorite doll next to him which was made in his own image. But it was a bed companion which he did not need anyone to know about, there would be all manner of ill rumors from such. Was it wrong to feel so beholden to an object which identified everything he liked. It was having an unchanging wrinkle-free face and the head was of the most fine porcelain. The artist had made good work of making it resemble him.
But as pleasing as the sights were, even his noble eyes required to rest, he simply couldn't strain his eyesight. He had plans to be the oldest man alive, proving for everyone to see that his blood was flawless and he could walk over to his dead adversaries graves and gloat. Then again… perhaps gloating to someone which couldn't respond back was bad sport? He couldn't be a bad sport.
The darkhaired Marquess smugly arranged the cucumber slices over his eyes and adjusted them to neatly cover up the only parts his face-mask was not covering.
He took a deep inhale and relaxed. Now he could get his beauty sleep. Nothing to worry about. The prince would have everything solved by the morning no doubt, string up some lowlife barbarian and that would be the end of that. He snuggled further down amidst the pillows.
[Bells toll]
"Ahhhhhhhh!" He screamed aloud as he was rudely disturbed by the sounds of bells being rung. He sat up amidst his pillows and the cucumber slices fell off his eyes and he angrily moved his cover away and grunted as he slide out of the bed, clad only in his nightgown, which was a knee-length white shirt, a sleeping net for his hair and the face mask.
He angrily moved over to the window which his workers had very recently put in place, he looked out the glass but couldn't see anything. Why in the world were there bells being sounded?
Were they being attacked? Was the Lunaris army attacking?! Or perhaps it was just some lunatic trying to ruin his sleep. Either way the ever determined nobleman made his way over to his wardrobe, slid a morning-robe of finest quality over his nightgown. He threw away the net holding his hair in place and carefully rearranged it, slipping on one of his feather adorned hats. He was clad in blue now. The colour was surely flattering him. Then again. What colour did not?
He scoffed and walked over and slid on his boots in a quick manner, darting out into the dining chamber where Anora was trying to sleep on a couch.
"Ayel.. what's going on?" She yawned slightly, not having slept but was reading a book and gradually getting there.
"I am about to find out! This better be an attack by those lousy half-bred barbarians! If I find out it's some drunk I'll string him up myself! Now excuse me!" Ayel straightened his back and walked over to put his elegant black overcoat over the blue morning robe he had donned.
He stepped out and heard some commotion.
But before he could make his way over there, he saw someone strutting over his lawn. He had clearly claimed this site as his home. This unsavory intruder was not only intruding, he was being caught redhanded!
"You there what do you think you are doing?! What in Aelios name is going on?!" Ayel barked out towards a man he could only assume was some swindler or bar patron with a coat that looked like it had been through some rough fifteen or so years.
"Ohoi landlubber! Tha' a mighty fine dress ye get yerself there madam! Me haven' got a clue 'bout wha's up. 'Cept the sky of curse." Claret tipped his imaginary hat at Ayel, as he no longer had his mighty headwear.
"What did you just call me? I am Lord Ayel Raunefeldt, I am very much a man! And you are intruding on my home and what is that disgusting accent you have? You are not a border-region crossbreed are you? Nevermind that! Get your reeking ill-timely self off my lawn!" Ayel yelled at the man, clearly agitated mostly from having woken up. But was this man the source of the problem? He didn't look like some murderer. He knew how those looked. This man was more like a sad poverted merchant of some kind.
"Aye? Beg ma pard'n yer lordshippiness! Me be on me merry way to find meself a room, shag an' drenk. So ye can get back to..." Claret replied and then his eyes wandered over the various statues that littered the front of the nobleman's home-in-progress.
"Yerself." He made a overexaggerated bow and turned around to walk away.
"No one tell me what to do! You hear me! You do not have permission to turn your back to me! I will turn my back to you! You hear me?! I have more pressing matters to attend to anyways!" Ayel raised his chin and nose up and turned to walk back in, before being reminded that he still needed to find out why the bells was ringing. He gruntingly waited for the irritating border-region brute to leave, before he carefully locked the door and scurried over the road to assess the situation. He peeked around a corner.
It didn't look like an attack. But maybe that was just what those underhanded barbarians wanted them to think. He wasn't going to let some uneducated apes get the better of him. Perhaps the guards had caught the murderer? He would inspect and if that didn't do it, perhaps he should ask those good-for-nothing guards by the jail.
'Ahh yes, the jail. I should see about funding the construction of a much bigger one. So much work to do. So many troublemakers to lock away.' He strode up to listen in on the announcements.