There was a really funny Reese's commercial about eating lava.
14 hrs ago
You don't know anything about the chiefs losing until you're in Kansas. Not even KC, but the middle of KS. I'm gonna get complained at today by people wearing red and yellow.
1 day ago
If you make the ZA HANDO sound you have to slap it with your right hand or else it doesn't count.
"Searing Flesh hardly saves The time you could have bent Such as the blade I lent the Mother of the crimson steaks Ingrained within your Skin
Hanging, knotted ropes Can’t undo the countenance Of wide-eyed anticipation Or dissatisfaction with your Cumbersome, bodily Being
When the Father looked To reply to curdling screams Of rusted, dulled iron, sinking Deep into your Body, spreading The disease of desperation"
"The Disease of Desperation" by Lawrence J. Lacorne
Hi! I'm Eros.
I've also realized that I really want to change my bio.
I'm 24, and Italian. I'm currently studying abroad in the USA! I want to be a child psychologist (though recently I have thought a lot about forensic behavioral analysis and law enforcement as a whole. They're both very interesting... now I'm questioning myself.)
I'm in CST.
I'm a synaesthesiac (primarily graphime-colour) individual. I love music, art, theatre, writing, books, and roleplaying! I've been roleplaying steadily for over ten years at this point.
I adore stories and roleplays that cover more sensitive or darker themes. I love the controversial and the stigmatized, the unusual and the seldom discussed. :)
The only thing that doesn't belong to a single nation was always the sun. One constant remained in the world: that it would rise every day, prevailing in its consistent uphill battle of turmoil, and supplying the desolate with the hope they needed day-by-day.
Where the Sun Rises
The world is divided into five primary nations. Although they once lived harmoniously, an unknown cataclysmic event fractured the bonds of man, resulting in vastly different nations to rise. These nations vary in culture, mothertongue, subspecies of human, abilities, and histories -- due entirely to the fact that every nation is entirely secluded from one another.
Caelthar is a nation of rugged terrain, situated almost entirely in the mountainous slopes and precipitous endeavors of the southern-most lands. Caelthar is renowned for its surrounding, spiraling towards of menacing disposition, and exclusive aggression towards outsiders. Despite this, Caelthar puts heavy emphasis on bureaucratic government and education, and many officials ("valmira") are elected through a very difficult testing system. As a result, many of its citizens are knowledgeable of Caelthar's history and intricacies.
Draecar is the capital of Caelthar. Not only is it where all government proceedings occur, but this is also a dragon breeding and trading hot-spot. Aside from its education, Caelthar is renowned for it's purebred dragons that come in mass variety: beasts of burden, luxury items, and decorative items. Draecar is a city of aristocracy and sits at the highest point of the entire nation; Draecar is also where the primary elected official, the Valmiraek, oversees Valmira. Temperatures in the capital are often chilly, however at lower points in the nation it can miraculously get hot enough that the springs can often be seen boiling.
Caelthar has a rich history. Citizens believe that the fissure in the world's nations was caused due to divine intervention, and that different groups of men were left to fend for themselves in a process of god-given natural selection. Citizens of Caelthar tend to be pragmatic, creative, vastly intelligent, and sympathetic.
Caelthar is the only known nation to possess homosapien humans.
Kestrelan is the only immediate neighbor to Caelthar. However, Kestrelan is completely inaccessible between either nation due to a man-made barrier across a hefty mountain range that divides the two. Kestrelan is comprised primarily of plains, will few slopes and hills. Despite this, its inhabitants are pioneers of technology, and have learned to endure despite their lack of resources; it is the only nation to have established trade networks with another nation. The nation of Kestrelan is a monarchy, ruled by a long line of purebred homosoma individuals.
Kestrelan is the capital of Kestrelan. Are you surprised? Here, a technological hub exists. Kestrelan is mostly accredited with it's discovery of non-living aviation, which is why dragons are almost entirely obsolete within Kestrelan. For this reason as well, Kestrelan is a restricted airspace for any and all dragon life. Dragon flight is heavily monitored throughout nations, but no more than Kestrelan itself.
Kestrelan is a nation of logic. They deeply value individuality and scientific progress over morality. For this reason, they believed that some sort of war occurred to cause the great National Divide. Kestrelians are often characterized by their candor, no-nonsense attitudes, and vast knowledgeability (with the proclivity to believe that they are right.) The dogmatism of the Kestrelan education system certainly does something.
Kestrelan is the proud home of the biggest homosoma population.
Veyndros is a nation that did not very well survive the separation of mankind. In fact, little is known about Veyndros, even to its citizens. Its geography is comprised mostly of canyons and underground systems that have collapsed in on itself.
At some point in time, Veyndros suffered a civil war with great causalities. There is no sufficient form of government in Veyndros: only anarchy. This nation is only still remarkable for it's darkness and occult-like rituals. Small bands of survivors occupy their own "colonies" of territory throughout the nation, trying to make-do with what they have in the lawless land.
Senqyl is the run-down capital of the nation. Once a feared superpower, now a desolate and overgrown city of dark magic and questions of existentialism.
Many citizens Veyndros question what it means to be a Veyndronian anymore. However, many of the older citizens who still survive say they had a great sense of national identity and imperialism; that Vendronians believe that the great divide was a force of nature willed into existence by mother nature herself. Veyndros possesses a large, mixed homosombulus population, with a nearly-as impressive population of under-developed homolux and homonox.
Ithorin is a land of natural beauty and terrifying beasts, where its inhabitants struggle to modernize still underneath the threat of natural, magical creatures. Despite this, Ithorin has flourished nicely into a military-state. In fact, it is the only nation with a standing force in a time of foreseeable peace (or, rather, stalemate, in lack of communication.) Many of its citizens are trained to fight thoroughly and unforgivingly. In fact, strength is an emphasis must-have quality for any effective Ithorian; so much so, that children are often killed in their infancy for showing weakness or underdeveloped qualities. For this reason. Ithorin has perhaps the smallest population (aside from Veyndros) among all five Nations, however, it possesses the most concentrated population.
Haufton is the capital of the densely-wooded Ithorin. Here, highly-trusted military personnel are stationed 24/7, where they guard the Book of Truth. Haufton is the home of many proceedings; primarily, their trade with Kestrelan. Ithorian often receives technology to better their government, and Kestrelan receives children deemed as "weak" for scientific experimentation.
Similar to the Bible, the Book of Truth is an Ithorian scripture that details how the great National Divide occured. However, high-ranking military officials deemed the "truth" as "too dangerous" and as a result, there is no general consensus among Ithorians how it occurred; however many speculate that it was because multiple different types of sentient creatures were pulled out of the ground, and in hostility, fled from on another to start their own separate dynasties. Ithorin is the proud home of a dense homovirtus population, however a small percentage of citizens are homosilens.
Varnatheus is an old, wise, mage-state full of rudimentary technology but just as full of plenty of heart. Many who reside here are descendants of mages and wizards, and as a result, magic thrives at the core of Varnatheus. Children are taught to embrace imagination and develop their magical abilities. Nature is channeled and deeply connected with, and the citizens of Varnatheus, under their sole ruler, Varyk (who may or may not be several hundred years old) continue to live excellently.
The capital of Varnatheus is named after its ruler himself. Here, may temples to naturalistic deities stand proud among thick forested areas and sloping, hilled ranges. Its most impressive feat, however, is a pillar that extends far above the clouds and into the sky, often colloquially referred to as "The Tower of The Gods."
The citizens of Varnatheus believe that the separation of nations was a mistake, and that, with time, all will be mended and all five nations will live harmoniously once again. Despite this, they have an unusual amount of disdain towards Caelthar, going as far as to blame it for the great Divide. Varnatheus has a vast population of homomaedicus, homocryptis, and homocorvus.
The kingdoms were once part of a united empire, thriving under a shared culture. However, after an unknown cataclysmic event, they broke apart, and each kingdom now survives in isolation. The outside world is a myth, and for generations, each kingdom has existed within its own bubble, shaped by its history, beliefs, and conflicts. The survivors are a small group, each from a different kingdom, thrown together by chance, and they seek to uncover the truth about the world beyond the borders of their homes. However, as they manage the unthinkable: venture into territory that isn't that of one of the five kingdoms, they learn more about their world, and about themselves. The realize that they are not only who they think they are, but that they are shaped by where they grew up. Their feelings, thoughts, and abilities are all byproducts of their environment. Can this group of survivors overcome their differences, odds, terrifying monsters (both human and not) and learn the true nature of not only their world, but of themselves?
Human Subspecies
Homosapiens: The "primary" species of human that existed, and dominated, before the great divide.
Homosoma: Humans whose bodies have adapted to store and release energy. They can temporarily harness and channel kinetic, thermal, or electrical energy, making them incredibly dangerous in combat or useful as power sources for machinery. However, they suffer from the internal pressure of containing such energy, which can lead to violent or uncontrollable outbursts if not properly managed.
Homosombulus: Humans who have adapted to extreme sleep cycles, perhaps as a result of a mysterious event or environmental stress. They can remain in a dormant state for long periods, surviving on little food or water and emerging only when necessary. These humans might hold critical knowledge that’s locked away in their dreams or a unique connection to the passage of time.
Homolux: A breed of humans who glow with bioluminescence. Their skin produces light, ranging from a soft glow to more intense flashes. This is often a result of exposure to certain mystical energies or a side-effect of an environmental mutation. Some use their glowing ability for practical purposes like navigation or communication, while others may be viewed as having an otherworldly presence.
Homonox: Humans who have evolved a natural affinity for darkness. Their eyes have adapted to see in pitch-black conditions, and they are at their most powerful and most comfortable in the absence of light. They can manipulate shadows and dark energy, making them effective spies, assassins, or even necromancers.
Homovirtus: A breed of humans whose bodies have adapted to physical challenges. They are incredibly strong, fast, or agile, possessing superior endurance compared to normal humans.
Homosilen: Humans who have evolved heightened senses, specifically hearing and sight. They can perceive frequencies outside the normal human range, enabling them to detect movements or hidden threats that others cannot. They may be revered as mystics or feared as spies due to their ability to observe without being seen.
Homomaedicus Humans who are born not only with an innate magical ability, but with magic in their blood. Typically, their abilities cater to something deep inside of them; an aspiration, dream, deep sense of morality, or connection to something intangible. Homomaedicae are exceedingly rare in their purest form, but beautiful as they are powerful.
Homocryptis Humans who evolved to have an inherent connection to encryption or secrecy. They are naturally gifted at hiding things, whether it be memories, magic, or even physical forms. These humans can hide objects or even themselves from the perception of others, making them valuable for espionage or clandestine missions.
Homocorvus Humans with avian features, including wings, sharp eyesight, and heightened reflexes. This breed evolved in response to a need for mobility, able to soar above cities and landscapes. There are strict air-control laws for any Homocorvus as well. They're often regarded as agile warriors, messengers, or scouts. However, their wings come with limitations -- they may struggle in cramped environments and face social prejudice from ground-based humans.
(May edit later. Just trying to see who would be interested. Definitely my most detailed interest check.)
A string of murders across a medieval, high-fantasy setting with impossible modifications. A corpse with an extra set of hands, eyes that do not belong to it; bodies are reshaped into something much, much more than human. Some say the killer is deranged.
Others say that he is building something.
The truth is much, much worse.
The murderer is following an ancient manuscript. One detailing how to assemble a god from human parts.
And they are almost done.
An unlikely group of adventurers bands together, in order to prevent this potential cataclysm.
And I never know what to include in the interest check for this one, but I've done this story before. I want more people for this because its SO much fun arghh.
Hey! Welcome. I've been roleplaying about as long as well! I have multiple ideas going involving true crime and/or police proceedings if you're interested. :)
"Searing Flesh hardly saves
The time you could have bent
Such as the blade I lent the
Mother of the crimson steaks
Ingrained within your Skin
Hanging, knotted ropes
Can’t undo the countenance
Of wide-eyed anticipation
Or dissatisfaction with your
Cumbersome, bodily Being
When the Father looked
To reply to curdling screams
Of rusted, dulled iron, sinking
Deep into your Body, spreading
The disease of desperation"
"The Disease of Desperation" by Lawrence J. Lacorne
Hi! I'm Eros.
I've also realized that I really want to change my bio.
I'm 24, and Italian. I'm currently studying abroad in the USA! I want to be a child psychologist (though recently I have thought a lot about forensic behavioral analysis and law enforcement as a whole. They're both very interesting... now I'm questioning myself.)
I'm in CST.
I'm a synaesthesiac (primarily graphime-colour) individual. I love music, art, theatre, writing, books, and roleplaying! I've been roleplaying steadily for over ten years at this point.
I adore stories and roleplays that cover more sensitive or darker themes. I love the controversial and the stigmatized, the unusual and the seldom discussed. :)
<div style="white-space:pre-wrap;">"Searing Flesh hardly saves<br>The time you could have bent<br>Such as the blade I lent the <br>Mother of the crimson steaks<br>Ingrained within your Skin<br><br>Hanging, knotted ropes<br>Can’t undo the countenance<br>Of wide-eyed anticipation<br>Or dissatisfaction with your<br>Cumbersome, bodily Being<br><br>When the Father looked<br>To reply to curdling screams<br>Of rusted, dulled iron, sinking<br>Deep into your Body, spreading<br>The disease of desperation"<br><br>"The Disease of Desperation" by Lawrence J. Lacorne<br><br>____<br><br>Hi! I'm Eros. <br><br>I've also realized that I really want to change my bio.<br><br>I'm 24, and Italian. I'm currently studying abroad in the USA! I want to be a child psychologist (though recently I have thought a lot about forensic behavioral analysis and law enforcement as a whole. They're both very interesting... now I'm questioning myself.)<br><br>I'm in CST.<br><br>I'm a synaesthesiac (primarily graphime-colour) individual. I love music, art, theatre, writing, books, and roleplaying! I've been roleplaying steadily for over ten years at this point. <br><br>I adore stories and roleplays that cover more sensitive or darker themes. I love the controversial and the stigmatized, the unusual and the seldom discussed. :)</div>