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Hey, Witch Doctor! Give us the magic words!
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6 mos ago
The Summer heat makes it difficult for me to think straight. Anyone I'm writing with should expect regular delays on my end until the temperature goes down.
1 yr ago


*Insert adventurous back story of adventure here*

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I'll have something up before the week is out.
Cerberus would be my top pick too.
Wrong thread, Alexus.
"Oh you were barely an inconvenience, Mr. Leeds." Luka reassured Jehoshaphat. "The man chasing you was a lot more troublesome. Very nearly blew the diner up if you can believe it... Speaking of, if him and his are harder to lose than the usual riff raff, then perhaps you should lay low for a while before heading back to the Pines. If they can't find you in your forest for long enough, they might start thinking you moved somewhere else after your run in with them. And then once they've started snooping around other forests instead, you can head home and not have to worry about them disturbing you again."
"I shall take care of his remains, thank you. I am Kyle, minister of The One, serving the community here. People come to this house of God from all over. The outlying hamlets only, of course, as Barleytown has its own place of the Holy."

"Despite the uh... circumstances... it is nice to meet you, Minister Kyle." Sir Shane said as he led the way into the church at the priest's prompting. "I am Sir Shane the Shy, Knight of Stormhelm."

"What brings you to these parts of the Dales, all the way from Stormhelm, good knight?"

"I am... here on a quest." Sir Shane explained, choosing his words much more carefully than he did the last time. "I... have come to uh... investigate the rumors of... strange things awakening in the Dales, assuage the uh... the fears of the rivermen, and assist the people however else I can along the way." Sir Shane tensed up once he had finished speaking then. He hoped for the best, yet prepared for the worst.
"I'm... not entirely sure. I wasn't there to witness his final moments." Sir Shane explained. "I can tell that he fell battle, but what foe he fell to I am not so sure of. His death wounds are hundreds of small cuts and patches of missing flesh. I've never seen it's like before."
"And to you, good man." Sir Shane greeted back with a bow of his head as he rode by. Sir Shane continued onwards to the church, stopping to dismount near the entrance. After giving Flutter a few more pats, Sir Shane took the shrouded Red Marshal down from the horse and carried him into the church in search of the priest who presided over this holy place.
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