Avatar of Guardian Angel Haruki


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That feeling when you have worked so hard for years, and you finally get a job that could be the start of a new career...... :D


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She will go solo on this one because she thinks she is enough and she doesn't trust them much yet.

Emily moved to join her though… ^^”
Hi everyone!

I'll be getting a DM post up this weekend. ^_^
Sorry for the wait. ^^"
Sorry for the wait on my post guys. >.< Had a long family visit.
Too much happened for Emily to get a word in. Before she could say anything else. The Crow came inside the diner and introduced himself, further startling Ray and throwing away the element of surprise they could have used later. Ashley and Luka became conflicted on whether or not they wanted to tell Ray they were actually people or if they were shades, whatever they were. At the end of it all, Ray left without blowing anyone up, and still decidedly on that agency's team.

Once he was gone. Emily leaned forward and rested her head against her hands, clearly frustrated. She comments to her friends, clearly tired, "You know, with the whole talking to him bit, I was hoping to not only get information out of him, but also possibly get him to turn against whatever that agency is. We did not do that,"

She sighs and answers Luka's offer of the limo, "I'm good, thanks," She then notices that Ashley dug out the phone and wallet from Ray. She walks over to Ashley, curious to see what important information they can find on those two items. As she moves, she keeps her journal and pen close but hidden.
<Snipped quote by Guardian Angel Haruki>

Nice, thanks =D

So you're trying to bar the doors by forcing anyone out who tries to enter--that sounds to me like Challenge Fate: POW.

Unfortunately, your POW is 1, so you only get one card.

Fortunately, that card is The Star - Positive - A new path reveals itself

(If you want to, you have the option to Push Yourself, but I'll understand if you don't want to =P)

Ooh! No need to use Push Yourself here! I'll take the Star! XD
Sorry for the wait. ^^"
Right now, I'm not sure what this turn would be, but she does try to follow through on Ashley's suggestion as well as give The Crow an idea on what to do with the phone and wallet.
"Writer. Can you make it so nothing enters or escapes for the next few minutes, I think in order for a discourse to made, privacy must be first established,"

Emily looked to Ashley as she made her request. She nods and answers, "Certainly, Reader," When she reached out for the fire extinguisher, Emily obliged and handed the item to her with a quick "Thank you," She then proceeds to take out her notebook and pen again. She does look up to see what she can do, she spots The Crow with a phone in claw!

It wouldn't do to have that ring...chances are pretty good that that's the Agent's phone and wallet. Upon seeing the Crow, she tilts and nods her head to the side, towards where she remembered the dumpsters would be. For now, it was best to throw it away, and they can go looking for it later. Hopefully, the Crow would pick up on that idea. Now...how to reinforce the walls.

After that, she proceeds to uncap the pen and begin to write in her journal again,

"As Emily writes in the journal, magic flows through the air once again! This time, they swirl in front of the doors, buffering and buffeting against those who would try to enter or leave the diner. The only indication of this barrier would be the papers or small debris that flies upon the gales, creating the phenomenon known as Dust Devils..."

She then closes the journal and caps her pen once more, and watches to see if her idea would work...
Sorry, it's my turn.
I'll try and get a post up today.
Sorry I'm late. Finally got the IC post up. Does anyone want to do anything before Chapter Four officially comes to an end or should I go ahead and commence the final preparations for Chapter Five?

Nope. I'm good here. ^_^
Ready for what's next!
Aight, checkin' in: how's everyone doin'?

I'm still here. ^_^
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