Avatar of Fading Memory


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2 yrs ago
Current Awake O Sleeper
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2 yrs ago
Back From The Ashes. Again.
6 yrs ago
Don't sweat the small stuff, it's all in your head
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6 yrs ago
Back From The Ashes


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I am unreasonably satisfied and excited about playing Leena, for some reason that particular bolt of inspirational lightning struck quite hard.
Oh yeah, I'm stoked, I really like the cast so far. An idiot who knows how to drive a forklift, a walking library, and a giant nerd.
Oh dear.
And now I have to decide who can out-petty the other in a waiting contest. Zaraknvyr and Fyodor both singly fund this tavern's alcohol budget for the quarter as they mutually nurse their drinks staring at the other and waiting for them to leave first.

Some say they're still there to this day. Perhaps we should roll new characters and leave them to their brooding.

Jokes aside, Fellsing, Zizzles is going to angst about for a few moments longer to act like he won some confrontation of masculine projection before seeing if Tabiah wishes to continue on. I'll save us all the few sentences of that in the IC and just pitch you the 'unless something else happens, he tries to move on...' here.
I assure you I have no idea what you're talking about. Nothing deliberate could possibly be occurring here.
Bartholomew bellows, and silence sweeps over the inn. Old Abbot chuckles to himself, but remains quiet and out of the affair in an official capacity. He steps to the back, and returns in swift order to lay a hefty tankard before Bart.

"Food's cookin'. Be out in a jiff." He gruffly murmured, which seems to shatter the imposed illusion of silence. The soldiery continue their searching, and D'arcy clears his throat and brushes down his coat once more.

"The gentleman is right." He says with a sharp look at Elizabeth. "There is much to be done."

"You're blaming a Little." Elizabeth cuts quietly, her voice carrying only over to Our Littles out of convenience and sharpness.

"It makes sense." D'arcy does not meet Elizabeth's gaze. "The damage that was caused. Must have been a Boggart."

"You're insane. It could have been any manner of beast."

"But it was a Boggart." D'arcy maintains. Elizabeth seems about to speak, before shaking her head and running into the back. D'arcy nods once she leaves, adopting the air of one who has achieved some kind of...victory? Then he turns to Bart and his companions to continue. He approaches their table and brandishes the warrant from before, displaying it to the table.

"I am in search of a thief. Several heads of livestock have been stolen. Damage reports indicate sufficient reason to suspect a Boggart. If you're good, innocent, folk then you have nothing to fear and my men will be out of your hair in short order."

He clears his throat, eyeing Bart, then his family, and finally Artemisia directly. His next words come curt, interrogative, but also keenly without any sort of prejudice. It was a shocking thing to be sure, but not one of some inborn cruelty.

"You lot aren't the thieves I'm looking for, hm?"

The direct scrutiny of a Grand Imperial Lieutenant was a withering thing, indeed.

REACT with Will+Society, looking for a Basic Success. Failure will render you SCARED for the remainder of the scene; such is the weight of D'arcy's authority
Zavakri's anxieties came to a swift denouement after such apparent anti-climax as their encounter with the king and the coup. She joyfully fell into step once Aurora achieved ownership of the book, and folded her arms behind her head as she followed along. Her eyes, however, moved to the side to begin recalling the path of the balloon in the air as she had gauged its trajectory from their revel hideout.

"Hm. I'm getting a strange sensation, like the shoe is about to drop. But I've already said that I'd make an effort to address these pesky internal biases, and so here we go. Trusting Brut and Jub. I believe in them. They wouldn't...disappoint...me..." She trailed off as she spoke, before sighing. "Ahem, I'm... I'm trusting them. This shop sounds like a wonderful time. Something ordinary."
Alrighty I’ll get a post up tomorrow when I respond to Haruki’s
Oh my god it was only yesterday. What. My sense of time is so horribly mangled.
This one clip has been in my head for days. Why did you do this to me, Fellsing.
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