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"Great!" Tanrith exclaimed with a bright smile on his face. Shifting from his laughter back to addressing the conversation when they didn't seem to find his comment as funny as he did. Or maybe the timing just wasn't right. Well, whatever. He seemed to have gotten the two on the same page for now at least. "Then let's do our best and make sure we set things right, right?~"

He paused, however, when he heard Sarceron address him directly again. He paused and leaned back in his saddle, tilting his head and thinking about it. He shut his eyes and listened closely to the firbolg's description while he wracked his brains. However, despite taking a while to think about everybody he had met around the wilderness or among the Wylders...he had no choice but to shake his head.

"Hm...sorry, buddy, I can't say that rings a bell," he murmured, finally opening his eyes again. "I don't even think I've seen a human for a while now. I was hanging out in Faunel until not that long ago when I heard about this mess and came to investigate. I love those guys over there, a combo of cool and cute!" He grinned at that, but quickly realized he had started going off-topic. He cleared his throat and straightened himself out. "Ahem. Sorry, haven't seen or heard about your friend. But you say he was off to help the Wylders? Ah geez, I didn't even realize they needed help with anything. I should go find them when I'm done here. They were pretty cool guys when they helped me at least. I hope they're alright...."
<Snipped quote by Digizel>

You know what, sure, roll me a History check.


Ahhh, it feels so good to be back to D&D~ It may not be our first one like I expected to be, but it feels like I'm right back at home when I roll this consistently low so far~ xD
Hm, so is there any chance at all that Tanrith might have met or seen this person while out and about? Would I roll History for that, or is it something he couldn't have found?
Haha, I love that in one scene, an argument is escalating, while in another, Tanrith is just out here trying to do exactly the opposite~

Tanrith could do very little to hide the pride in his posture as he watched Vivir's reaction to his mechanical drake companion. His head held high, tail waving around behind him, he chuckled to himself as he heard the small group asking about why they didn't have something like this. He'd never gotten this much interest in his creations before. He had known Zyrech was a masterpiece for some time now, but to hear the praise from others was such a rare treat! They even recognized how much time and effort it took to make something like this!

The blue Kobold listened in to the conversation, a bit giddy himself...at least until Faelee makes that slight, pointed comment that caused him to return to reality again for a moment. "And what's wrong with not taking an interest in things? Everyone has things they like and don't. And maybe he's just used to people treating him or the wilderness poorly or something. I dunno him, so it's not like I can just say he's a jerk or anything. He seems reasonable enough to me, so why not give him the benefit of the doubt?" Tanrith asked curiously, tilting his head toward Faelee.

He turned to face Sarceron and nodded his head at him. "Thanks, by the way. I appreciate all that," he added with a bright smile on his face. "But now that she mentions it, she does make me curious about this sect of yours. I mean...from you said earlier, you must be from here, eh, Sarceron? Sorry to hear about what happened to your home, by the way. Must be really hard on you. I know people whose friends lived here too. And I can only imagine how annoying it must be to have all of these complete strangers coming to snoop around while you're still trying to grapple with that.

"But when you think about it, it's probably for the best, right?"
He smiled, turning back toward Faelee once again. "I'm assuming the Doomguard is here to figure out what's going on just like the rest of us, right? Maybe if we all got along and cooperated with each other, we could get to the bottom of this faster. And maybe, just maybe...you could learn something about each other in the process~" Once he had said that, he turned back toward Sarceron again. "Take it from me: When things are bigger than you, you should take whatever helping hands you're given. Heh. And I should know. Everything is bigger than me!~"

Once he made fun of his own size, he allowed himself to laugh, resting one of his claws on top of Zyrech's head to keep himself balanced.
Yup, not much to say there, which was why I was waiting to see if Stargaze was going to say or do something to add anything to what I was gonna say, but then I realized it'd been a couple months once Fell sent me that message and figured I probably should just do it xD

Shieldwing tilted his head slightly as he saw Rudrick excuse himself and dip out of the room properly. He raised his wing and nudged Stargaze's wing himself. "I'll go follow him and, uh...make sure things are okay. I'm sure Garrock won't be happy when he finds out there's probably no spiders." he murmured to the white dragonet. It wasn't a complete lie; he did want to do what he could to help this family get along a bit better. But that certainly wasn't the main reason he was going. It was just a convenient excuse for him to take off and seize this opportunity.

Without waiting for a response--not wanting to lose Rudrick who was bigger than him and thus, likely faster than him--Shieldwing spun around and stepped out of the room himself, checking for wherever the larger dragon had gone. He wasn't really familiar with the terrain or the fort layout itself quite yet, so it was imperative that he catch up with him as soon as possible to keep with him.

Still, if there was anything he was proud of, it was his athletics. Once he had Rudrick in his sight, he was confident that he'd be able to catch and keep up with him, size difference or no. If he got airborne first, though, that could be a problem....
There we go, finally got it in. My ADHD brain made that so much harder than it should have been, but finally got it done. xD

Tanrith couldn't help but notice Sarceron seeming to turn his nose up at Zyrech. It made sense, now that he thought about it. He seemed to be more nature-oriented, after all. He didn't like it when people acted so dismissively toward his companion, but it wasn't going to catch everybody's favor. He wasn't going to be able to please everybody and that was alright. He just had to shift things a little bit....

The kobold listened in as Faelee made the assumption that he was from the Mind's Eye. He contemplated correcting her for a brief moment, but ultimately decided to keep his mouth shut. If they were going to make false assumptions about why he was here, he had no reason to correct them; especially since he had already been ready with his excuse as it was. Luckily, he didn't need to confirm nor deny her words as one of the armored figures behind her spoke up again.

At the intrigue, Tanrith couldn't help but flash a grin at Vivir. The armored figure's excited tone sounded much like his own! "'Can he breathe lightning?'" the blue kobold repeated. "Watch and be amazed!~" He then nudged Zyrech a bit. He got the machine beneath him to turn to the side, pointed into an area of open air. Finally, he looked down at his mount and suddenly, he commanded down to his companion in Draconic, "Alright, Zyrech, let's go with Lightning Lure."

With his command issued, the machine's eyes began to light up. Tanrith set his claws down onto the mech dragon's head and began to channel his lightning energy through the magical metal beneath him. Zyrech's eye glow shifted into a bluish hue as he spread his legs out. Then, he reared its head back...and small bits of lightning began to crackle around the edges of his mechanical maw. Finally, his head was thrust forward...and a burst of lightning suddenly lashed out in a line that crackled out fifteen feet from his position!

Of course, since there wasn't a viable target where he aimed his attack, the lightning quickly fizzled out just as quickly as it was launched.

However, as soon as it was completed, the mechanical dragon's glow began to fade and the two turned back toward the group again. Tanrith flashed the group a grin, curious about their reaction...but especially Vivir's.

"As you can see, it's not exactly the same, but I'm still trying to figure that bit out. As for the teeth and claws...." Tanrith added, patting Zyrech on the head. "Unfortunately, I couldn't get them to produce anything stronger than, say...a longsword. But it does utilize a rend of force rather than relying on the slashing claws or piercing fangs themselves. But of course, I had to make him use his claws and fangs for that. The tail too! Have to make him attack like a real dragon would!"

He paused for a moment, taking another glance toward Sarceron. "Of course, I have to be careful. My Wylder friends wouldn't be happy with me if I accidentally damaged stuff out in the wild for no reason." he lowers his head toward the other firbolg. "Sorry if you don't like him much. But I hope you'll give him a chance."
Sorry, meant to post in the last couple of days but suddenly came down with something. Still not feeling great, but I'm getting better at least. I'll definitely have a response in soon for sure!
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