Avatar of Elite Minor


Recent Statuses

2 mos ago
Current Steve is interdimensional and multiversal (teleporting between MC dimensions and worlds and servers) so Kirby's stomach does more or less nothing
1 like
2 mos ago
I'm not playing favorites here by saying Steve. I'm just going with what the maths say
2 mos ago
/kill instant victory
2 mos ago
2 mos ago
Sorry, but compared to Steve Kirby is fodder


Heyo, I'm Elite Minor, but you can call me Elite (or Minor! lol)
I'm into both fantasy and Sci-Fi
I have pretty decent experience in roleplay.
I'll happily join in any roleplay, but nothing too weird.

Most Recent Posts

Wonderful to meet yo :D
Whew! First exam done. Also afterward I got the best sleep of my life, lol
Finally! A decent 1x1 rp! The family affair one seems cool :)
but im laazzzzzyyyyyyyyyy :(((
Fair point, ill stick with my original crew
are Michael Jackson's pronouns he/he?
What if I just like, bought a house for 15 grand. Like back in the day you could do that, why can't we?
GOD I'm bored, and why is it that EVERY 1x1 interest check is 18+???
I'd play almost any thing at all there if it wasn't 18+
Being 1x1 is easier for me to comprehend and manage bc I get verrry overwhelmed by large groups :(
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