Avatar of Ersa93


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1 mo ago
Current Peter Cullen also voiced the bad guy in the 80s Dungeons and Dragons Cartoon. And and an evil car on Knight Rider.
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4 mos ago
Things to not get at the next place I move to: stairs
8 mos ago
Friday Night: the muse juice is high, but execution/supply juice is low
8 mos ago
Fear me for I have acquired a milk frother
9 mos ago
tfw when you fiddle with a certain piece for half an hour and it finally snaps on but you weren't sure why it wasn't going in the the first place


Name: Ersa

Pronouns: She/Her

Genres: Sci-fi, fantasy, superhero (others will probably be added as time goes on)

Type of Player: I enjoy character development, a little bit of world-building, and deep character interaction. The plot and setting can be pretty basic as long as the characters are interesting. I don’t mind combat either, as long as that’s not all that’s going on in the thread. I also have a tendency not to plan out threads, but I'm not opposed to plotting.

Additional Information: No ERP or anything overly gory. I mostly do 1X1, but I'm not opposed to groups.

I do have a discord. If you are interested, please message me for it.

Character list can be found here: Ersa's Sacred Texts
My 1X1 Interest List: Ersa's Half-Baked Ideas
Original Writings blog: https://storiesbyersa.wordpress.com/

Most Recent Posts

Leo kept the bat aloft, even as whoever was trying to get in messed with the door some more. Why did they act like they knew him? No one he knew would be insane enough to come knocking at this door at this time, not without a call first and certainly not without identifying themselves first. They must’ve been casing this place for a while. Though why they chose to break in at a time when someone was sure to be home, he wasn’t quite sure.

Something about the voice was somewhat familiar, but he was unsure how. Maybe they were using a disguiser to make themselves sound like someone he knew. They sure chose the wrong voice then if he couldn’t identify it right away.

“Go away! I’ve already called the police and I’ve got a blaster!”

There was probably a good reason besides not wanting to gamble that Leo didn’t play poker. But maybe the threat would be enough to make them think twice and go away.
I'm thinking so, but they're doing it at a time where most people aren't going to think about that being a possibility.

Marcus: "Why isn't my civilian brother answering the door at nearly 2 in the morning? Why isn't he less sensible?"
Leo had admittedly zoned out while staring at the ceiling, thinking about everything and nothing all at once. So when he heard not only the doorbell ring but also the knocks that followed, it startled him enough that he jumped up. His knee slammed against the coffee table that had somehow gotten pushed closer to the couch closer than usual and he had to bite his tongue not to yell out. Who was ringing his door at this time of night? Sorry, morning.

He hopped on the other leg as his knee screamed out in pain, grabbing his communicator that sat on the edge of it. There was no way anyone who knocked at this time without any sort of indication of their identity meant them well. As he typed in the emergency number, he hopped over to the bat he kept near the door. He kept a blaster in his bedroom, properly stored of course with the little one around, but the bat was closer at the moment.

But when he looked back at the communicator, he saw that there was no signal. That was odd, as he didn’t recall there being any kind of update or downtime scheduled for today. Though communications had been patchy lately. Probably solar flares or something.

He placed himself beside the door and raised the back. If someone broke in, he would be ready for them. He wasn’t by any means that strong, but he knew how to swing a bat at the very least.
Leo couldn’t sleep. He hadn’t really been able to sleep well since the funeral. He knew he should go to the doctor to get help with that or bring it up to his grief counselor, but something always stopped him. It might help if he tried to sleep anywhere but on the couch, but he got even worse sleep alone in a bed, without her.

So he got up and went to check on his daughter, Dani. She was deep asleep, half-hanging off the bed with her favorite stuffie being thrown on the floor. He left her to her sleep, knowing that she would wake up if he shifted her even just a little. Despite her odd sleeping habits, she had never fallen off the bed.

He dragged himself to the kitchen and looked around to see if there were any quiet chores he could do while he wasn’t sleeping. But he appeared to be caught up on everything in there, so he moved back to the living room. He didn’t bother turning on the news. It would just be about the inevitable invasion, which certainly wouldn’t help him. He had a suitcase packed for when and if the evacuation call came and the plan to meet his in-laws at a certain point if possible, but there wasn’t much else he could do to prepare.

He draped himself on the couch again and let out a loud sigh. It was going to be another terrible day at work if he couldn’t get any sleep at all.
Things like worldbuilding, chara drabbles, and other things go here
Name: Leonard “Leo” (and for certain relatives Leon) Darren

Age: 25

Gender: Male

Appearance: 6’2”, dark skin, hazel eyes, gangly build

Personality: A quiet, meek man who is known for being a good listener and sensitive to other’s feelings. Often neglects his own needs/emotions to care for others. A very attentive father. Can be somewhat of a doormat, but will dig his heels in when needed, especially when it involves his kid.
Just a quick character blurb

Name: Leonard “Leo” (and for certain relatives Leon) Darren

Age: 25

Gender: Male

Appearance: 6’2”, dark skin, hazel eyes, gangly build

Personality: A quiet, meek man who is known for being a good listener and sensitive to other’s feelings. Often neglects his own needs/emotions to care for others. A very attentive father. Can be somewhat of a doormat, but will dig his heels in when needed, especially when it involves his kid.
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