Avatar of Lemons


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Current I've been on this stupid site for an entire decade now and it's been fantastic, thank you all so much
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Nine years seems a lot longer than it feels.
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Ninety-nine bottles of bottles of bottles of bottles of bottles of bottles of bottles of bottles of bottles on the wall
4 yrs ago
Biting Spider Writing
7 yrs ago
They will look for him from the white tower...but he will not return, from mountains or from sea...


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@Expendable How old is Qaymu? He and Vel could bond over how much the world's changed since they overslept way too long, that'd be kinda fun.
This ended up a little longer than I intended, haha. Sorry about that.
Still working on mine. Should be done before the end of the night.
Oooh, this looks fun. How'd you feel about an ancient higher vampire who was once a terror across Europe who then got trapped in her crypt by a vampire hunter for the last 150+ years, and for whom the whole queen of the night thing has lost its charm now that humanity has invented lightbulbs and video games and rum raisin ice cream?

Aissi was no stranger to pain.

Quite the opposite, really. Between years of experimentation, augmentation at even the basest level, and the not entirely uncommon rejection, she'd endured a great deal for just about as long as she could remember. So much so that suffering could be argued, and argued well, as the single most unifying and defining experience of her life. From the cruel sting of the scalpel as it carefully flayed her open, to the crushing electricity of nerve girdles being set into her skin, to the agonizing sense of a million needles tearing through her as the biomechanical muscle fibers fused into her own…Aissi was good at being in pain.

This was…very different.

Even when she was in pain in the lab, she’d known on an instinctual level that no matter how excruciating it might be, she wasn’t in any real danger. It’s not like they wanted to hurt her or anything, it was just an unfortunate side effect. And the whole thing was totally controlled. But as the Bishop slammed into her, then whipped around her faster than she could even process it and pinned her Bladewings back with its spear as she screamed bloody murder; as she slammed into the ground with its knee planted into her back and tasted blood; as she felt, rather than heard or saw, the doomful hand raised above the back of her head, even as she writhed beneath the monstrosity. The knee was still pinning her to the dirt. She gasped for air, but her breath was gone; and though she tried to struggle, all she could do was claw helplessly at the earth. This was a different pain. The frenzied pain that comes with the knowledge:
I’m going to die.

Then there was a sound like a breath of wind passing over her, and the pressure on her back was gone. Sucking in a huge breath through clenched teeth, she raised her head in time to hear, “I suggest you dust yourself off.

She stared at Dombay unthinkingly for a split second before her synapses sparked again, and with an impulse of her engines, she launched herself back upright. “
I shall attempt to give you an opening. Three seconds is all I can afford with this difference in ability.” In response, Aissi gave vent to a furious growl, spat out a guttural “Understood,” and flashed forward again.

More carefully this time, though. Even furious as she was, the
knot had tightened, and the smoke was gone.

Dombay followed nimbly alongside, their steps light as they joined Aissi in her charge, the Bishop meeting them halfway with its spear already mid swing to cleave them both. The flash of steel and the twang of metal rang out as their sword diverted the strike, long metal rod passing harmlessly overhead. Rather than send the Spearman off-balance, however, the monster redirected its force into a stab, whirling its weapon around to spear straight through Aissi.

In response, her auxiliary jets fired and she zipped to the side just enough to clear the spear’s trajectory, then cranked her engines to their maximum safe limit. Burning pain crawled up her legs as the heat dispersal proved inadequate to manage the overclocking. Hissing in sharp breaths, she locked her biomechanical hand around the Spearman’s weapon, hoping that it would add even one more second to their opening. Then, raising her glowing Wingblades high, she let her momentum carry her straight into the Bishop and brought them down on the barrier like hammerblows: once, twice.

Flickering into existence, the spherical defense of the Spearman fizzled upon contact with the blades, the second follow-up strike negated when the Bishop released its spear to create space. Only for Dombay to fill the gap the opponent made to escape, sword mid-swing. Despite the Spearman still clearing most of the strike, their sword tip struck the barrier yet again, the energy field flickering desperately yet maintaining its form.

“Shallow.” Aissi would hear her fellow Constellation mutter, just before they were sent flying as the Bishop struck their body with a powerful kick. Several tons of force were sent straight though the white-haired figure who tumbled toward the infantry while the Spearman attempted to take on Aissi once again, reaching for its lost spear.

As Aissi watched Dombay soaring away, leaving her alone with the Spearman, something between a growl and a moan seeped from her. The space created was too much and Dombay was gone. If it got its spear again, she was going to die. No more time for “safe limits” now: her engines roared into full meltdown, blazing white-hot. She knew immediately that they weren’t going to maintain full function for long from this point on. But with any luck, her sheer speed would suffice. She narrowed her eyes as the world blurred by. She had enough time. She could do this. She had to.

Right as the Spearman was taking hold of its weapon once more, she slammed into it with a sound like a freight train, screaming as she caught the Bishop between the tips like insect mandibles. The already weakened barrier appeared, fizzled, strained, caved…held. The shield went unscattered. But still, Aissi huffed a breath of relief. The barrier hadn’t been dispersed, not fully. But the first foot or so of her Wingblades had pierced through before they were stopped.

And the first foot was enough.

The Aberrant began to struggle, no doubt sensing the rising energy levels of the figure in front of it, yet the spear in its grip would not budge. Despite having overpowered the half-human beforehand, its weapon refused to move regardless of its strength, and despite having no eyes its head rose to ‘look’ past Aissi’s shoulder.

At that moment, the Wingblades’ laser coating erupted inwards like artillery, turning the Spearman’s barrier into a furnace. For the briefest moment, the sphere of the barrier glowed with the fierce and perfect red of a dying star. Then the barrier ruptured as the Bishop within was vaporized and erased, and the wild light was released straight into her face.

The explosion flung her almost as far as the kick had Dombay, and it took a considerable amount of effort to get herself falling the right way down. All she had time for after that was pulling her now dimmed Bladewings in tight so they wouldn’t hit anyone. Then she followed after Iona, careening down along the human line and carving trenches into the ground with her needlepoint feet before slamming facefirst into the ground. Her engines were clearly malfunctioning; she would’ve been able to stop before she collapsed otherwise, and the vents were spitting out red sparks. While still working, her antigravity wasn’t as smooth, either; weak enough that her momentum had overpowered it.

The first to rise was the white-haired Stardust, one hand supporting their upper body while the other clutched their cloak to their stomach. Though they’d survived a blow that would’ve killed a normal human outright, their internal organs would still be a mess of gore and paste, yet as the soldiers not occupied clearing Pawns came to support them the Constellation rose a hand for the men to stop.
“Her first,” they ordered softly, gesturing to the crumpled, sparking form of Aissi not far from their position. The footmen paused, the reluctance, hesitation and fear clear in their expressions as they glanced between Dombay and the research subject. The Constellation’s eyebrows were brought together, and while they didn’t change their expression any further, the soldiers felt the air around them become eerie while fixed by the figure’s closed eyed expression. “She saved your lives. She deserves this at least.”

Though slow, some of the men began to approach their abominable ally, unsure for an entirely other reason as they had no idea how they should give first aid to a half-Aberrant. Meanwhile, two soldiers helped Dombay to their feet, another parting their cloak to check the state of their guts as the Constellation lost all strength in their body. Hopefully only temporarily.

Aissi let out a thin, almost silent groan as she propped herself up on one arm, watching with some trepidation as the soldiers crept closer and trying to ignore the searing pain that ran the length of her legs. Forcing them that far past their limits had heated them much hotter than they were designed to be, and she was paying the debt now. So with a few bleary blinks, she she reached her other arm out in the universal unspoken plea:
Help me.

They did not.

A bitter taste grew in her mouth as, unable to rise under her own power, she watched them standing there, pretending not to see her. A deep sadness yawned beneath her, and she dropped her eyes. A moment later, though, she heard a pair of footsteps coming towards her, and turned her head in time to see a soldier that couldn’t be much older than her approaching. Another soldier grabbed his shoulder and attempted to mutter something into his ear, but the young man shook him off before reaching down to grasp Aissi’s outstretched arm. It took some doing, but with his help she eventually regained her footing. Aiming at a pile of equipment, she took a deep breath and gave a tentative engine pulse.

She was pleasantly surprised, then—as pleasant as things could reasonably be at that moment—that while the pain was still very much present, there was still some measure of thrust. At the very least, she was functional. Moving slowly to avoid overtaxing again as she waited for the heat to dissipate over what felt like an eternity, she arrived at the pile, leaned up against it, and switched off her antigravity. Her feet sank into the ground, anchoring her in place. Eyes falling to exhausted half-mast, she slid her gaze laconically from the young man who’d helped her up to the injured Dombay.

When she spoke, her voice was ash; The alien ecstasy had gone, leaving her feeling empty and vague. It was deliberate, methodical, like she was struggling to get even just two words out: “
Thank…you.” Then she tilted her head up to the sky, closed her eyes, and was silent.

The gaze of the soldier, barely older than she, lingered for a long moment after Aissi had closed her eyes. It took the bump of another to get him to snap out of it, yet even as he loaded his rifle and returned to the firing line, his eyes continued to occasionally glance in the direction of the scrap heap where two heroes lay. One man, one monster.
In Lem's Stash 15 days ago Forum: Test Forum

This was what the end of the world must look like, thought Aissi.

As she stood atop the Corvo, she stared at the death that was unfolding before her, brilliant crimson eyes almost glassy as she gazed at the carnage. There was something...beautiful about it, in some twisted way. The chaos, the confusion; they stroked comfortingly against something deep in her brain, something she hadn't felt in any of the countless simulations she'd run back in the lab. The
knot. The bloom of plasma that had ripped across the Aberrant line ahead of them from the colossal cannon she was only a few dozen feet from, setting her ears ringing and her teeth on edge, only sharpened that feeling. It was all just so...so real. The Aberrants, the people, everything splayed out before her; it wasn't just fragments of stitched-together code being projected in front of her anymore. The sights of slaughter and fire, the sounds of pounding artillery and agonized screaming, of explosions and plasma and Alto's voice buzzing in her ear. The smells of boiling blood, scorched ozone, and the oil of shattered machines. The feeling of danger as blasts of annihilating light tore by her. As high off the ground as she was, it all still felt so close, and her heart was racing faster than it ever had. Her lips curled into a trembling smile. All the sims were so woefully inadequate. This was what it meant to be outside the lab. This was what it was like to live.

Before she could make another move or entertain another thought, another spike of the alien-yet-not feeling she'd felt in the hanger pierced through her brain again as the Corvo darted around, this time much stronger, and she sucked in a shuddering breath scented with gunsmoke. No longer just elation, but a delicious compulsion.
Euphoria. And not only euphoria, either. A seething excitement that she barely had the presence of mind to realize wasn't quite her own. The magnets on one of her palms released, and her taloned fingers raked down the mech's hull with the sparking screech of metal against metal as she fought against the urge to throw herself from the mech and butcher everything beneath her. An altogether out of place sound dripped from her mouth as the oh-so-alluring impulses coiled around her like smoke: "Ah..."



She threw her head back as her laugh grew steadily louder and less controlled, and her Wingblades flared out to their full span and reared back like scorpion tails poised to strike. Laserfire sparked from the generator placed on each, then raced down the edges with a sizzling sound, engulfing them in a shroud of violent red light that shone through the gloom. The smoke had crawled its way inside her now, casting a beautiful haze over her thoughts. Beneath her, an Aberrant Bishop plowed through the defensive line, its spear crushing and slashing with brutal ease. She could feel her core pulsing in her back, beating with savage glee alongside her heart. The laugh finally cut off and, although a choked-back giggle mangled it, a single word was spoken into Alto's cockpit as she succumbed to her desire:


If there was a response, she couldn't hear it, or understand it; words dissolved into the haze and turned to garbled radio static in her head. The only thing that mattered was cleaving and slicing and tearing and
KILL KILL KILL her target and anything that tried to get in her way.

She ripped her fingers from where they'd seized in the Corvo's hull, leaving jagged gashes in their wake. The sound of scraping metal shredded against her ears once more, and she shuddered at the beauty of it, a crazed smile that bared far too many teeth spreading across her face. Then, body taut with nerves and joy, she released her final clamp and activated her engines again. They roared to full throttle in a split second, and she screamed forwards at a speed she didn't know she could reach, cleared the edge of the Corvo's shoulder in the space of a blink, and catapulted herself into space. Blazing over the throngs below like a meteor and descending on the Spearman before a single laser could hope to draw a bead on her, she snapped her Wingblades forward. With all the force behind her strike, her engines running at top speed, and her absurdly fast descent, they seemed nothing so much as twin bolts of red lightning.

She was AIS S1.

She was built to fight.

Made to kill.

Alto wouldn't have to wait long for a response, as a soft and somewhat monotone voice came back through his radio before too long: "Aissi reporting, Eight-Ball. I--I'll ride with you."

As the implant in her inner ear went quiet, Aissi slid backwards from her brief waiting-post, turned, and glided across the floor, dodging people as she went, until arriving at the active mech. It was just as well she take this one; it was shorter than the other less-occupied behemoth nearby, and she had no idea how she was going to get up it anyway.

When she arrived, close enough to touch the sturdy metallic chassis, she frowned slightly. This close, there was something that felt kind of...vaguely familiar about it, in a way that she couldn't explain. She reached out to caress an emitter on the side of the ankle...

...Before it lit up with a bright glow in response even before she made contact, and Aissi blinked as she began to slowly drift upwards, as though even the gravity that had kept her feet hovering a few inches above the ground had fallen away. Tilting her head back, she saw another of the emitters. And then another, and another, spiderwebbed across the mech's hardpoints all the way to the top. Taking a gamble and hoping it wouldn't result in her falling on her face on the hangar floor, she gave a small boost downwards.

A strange expression resembling a distorted smile grew on her face as she zipped upwards.

Beneath her, the emitter blinked out, and she felt herself slowing--before the next one in line went on in turn, and her upward momentum resumed. In this fashion, boosting from one hardpoint to the next, she skated her way up the side of the mech until she landed atop its shoulder, where she stabilized again. Jetting over towards the head, she settled at the corner of two plates of metal. Pressing a hand against each, she activated the electromagnetic clamps in her hands, and so anchored herself to the mech quite securely even as her feet remained aloft.

Then she turned and inspected the head for a moment before releasing the clamp on her right hand and lifting it towards the cockpit--along with her right Bladewing purely from reflex--in an awkward wave.


As the introductions carried on down the line, Aissi found herself still paralyzed under Antares' poison gaze, and she couldn't help but meet it. It was only her peripheral vision that bore witness to the next; the blue-haired Alto, the stoic Lictor...she was choking on the scorn.

...And then he looked away.

Released of the near-physical pain that was meeting her eyes, Aissi sucked in a sharp breath as it felt like her lungs worked again, and then shifted so she could actually see the people she'd be working with as the introductions proceeded further. Zhejiang Erica...uh...Teteh...the blonde woman with too many names. The white-haired Iona Smirnov, the anxious Kyra. These were the Important People that she would be spending the incoming bloodbath with.

So how appropriate that the bloodbath was rapidly approaching, as the engine noise cranked up.
“Look alive! Get ready to depart! I want Pilots in their mechs and everyone else prepared to move out as soon as that hangar door opens!” Pilots. Like Kyra, or Alto, or the man sitting next to her--

--Aissi realized that he'd not introduced himself. She'd seen his face before, knew he was a pilot. Perhaps she'd read the briefing after all? She'd seen it, she knew that. But his name escaped her. T-something. Something kind. She opened her mouth, then closed it again. She wanted to say something to him. Thank him, perhaps. Ask him...ask him...

...Ask him what?

She wasn't quite sure where that thought had been leading. What she'd ask him. What else she might do. So after staring at him for a few seconds, eventually she just settled for an awkward nod and an even more awkward "
Thank--thank you," before she needed to hurry off.

Despite the dire situation, Aissi couldn't help let out a sigh of relief as she rose and, with a little shake, flared the Wingblades into a more comfortable position. Not wound quite so tightly up against her back, but rather displayed openly to either side of her body. Not the almost predatory position they'd be in as soon as combat started, but more than enough to be fully visible now as the weapons they were. Though...as she did so, she felt something odd. Like something was...loosening inside of her. A contorted
knot coming undone that she hadn't known was there.

Then, with a gentle fwoosh from her internal engines, she glided down towards the hangar door. As she went, she looked about at those that had introduced themselves, tried to learn their faces and remember the little bit that she knew now.

The wick of blue hair that she passed by was Alto Valenti, 'Eight Ball.' He was an apprentice pilot...oh, that was right, she had read the briefing, she remembered now! She'd had to ask Jacob to explain since she didn't know what 'Eight Ball' meant and it had taken him an exasperated couple of minutes to explain. He seemed confident and excited. A feeling that Aissi wished she could share; her stomach was wrapped up into a tight tangle, and as she tried not to think about her test run, or rather her first test run, her head filled with a discordant anxious buzzing. She twitched a bit, and shook her head to try and clear the static, but it remained unabated. So distracted was she as she coasted without a sound that she barely even took notice of the horrific violence unfolding on the monitors. Not only was she anxious, she was hungry too. Very hungry. So hungry.

'Lictor' was the one with the ominous sword almost as big as her own, she thought as she tried to focus past her nerves as they dug fishhooks into her exposed skin. The sword, and the somehow incongruous standard-issue rifle--which she found herself wondering at the purpose of. Constellations were there to fight the high-ranks only, right? That's what she'd been told, that they fought the Bishops and above, and the pilots took care of the chaff. What use would a gun be? He seemed quiet, though Aissi obviously didn't have the closest grasp on human nature to make any more guesses; like talking was enough effort and energy for him to keep it to a bare minimum. White Dwarf were Constellations that had stopped fighting, right? She thought she remembered that. So what had brought him back to the front lines like this?

A moment later, she arrived right by the hangar door where the rest of the Constellations were gathering, letting her momentum slow. Iona was there already, and Zhejiang too-many-names as well. Nobody needed that many names. How did she even remember them all?

Aissi slid in between the two of them, passing into their fields of vision as she slowed to a stop. With some regret, she pulled her Wingblades all the way in right next to her core again, and as the craft continued rumbling around her, she waited in unnatural gravity-defying stillness and silence. She stared at the monitors with glazed, inattentive eyes as she wrestled against herself. Against the fear and anxiety. And against something deep within the underside of her mind: a vague, faint undercurrent of...
elation that felt so terribly alien to touch.

And yet, so natural too.


In Lem's Stash 2 mos ago Forum: Test Forum
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