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1 yr ago
#DwarfSupremacy point me at the dumb elves boss
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1 yr ago
TIL Texas has used AI to translate thoughts into text.
2 yrs ago
Baileys in coffee or hot chocolate is glorious
2 yrs ago
When you want to rp everything but time is linear so you cant
2 yrs ago
Bring down the sun! All hail the usurper!


Forever towing the line between 'is this better in RP or forum game format'

GMT | On Mobile

Most Recent Posts

I'd recommend using the Guild Dice system for the players, so they can share their dice rolls. Each Player can have a Campaign with your Roleplay Name or Character Name to make it easy to look up too. Personally I have always had players have a hider at the bottom of their IC posts with their result as well. Alternatively, if you don't mind players rolling offsite, random.org or google diceroller can be quicker.

Roll to Dodge would be a good system, but heads up it is very swingy. But I think not having an action every turn would counteract that quite well. You could have each character be specialised in an action and get a +1, so maybe they don't end up in hospital and they have a small chance of a 7/Super good result, which is only possible if the character has that class/training/experience/ect.

I ran a glorified Boardgame on the forum a few years ago here. For Combat you had to roll above a certain number on one dice, so 3+ was amazing, 4+ was pretty good, 5+ was bad and 6 was terrible.
Then for skill checks it used a pool dice system - Agility 4 meant the character rolled 4 dice for an agility test and Luck 2 meant a character rolled 2 dice for a Luck check, for example. Every 6 was a success, or 5+ on easier tasks. It meant that characters had good flavour because they had some things there were really good at and other areas other characters exceeded at. Also, sometimes players would be rewarded for multiple successes sometimes like getting extra loot, which I think they enjoyed.
More old Stuff

This one was my favourite even though I never finished it

Other stuff

Stylisation Practice

I've been feeling a bit nostalgic recently for when I used to draw.
The truth is, I reached a point where I was just pushing myself too hard to #GetGud that it really burnt out my confidence, my creativity and my desire to grow.

Below are the last few digital art pieces I did back during lockdown. I can see plenty of mistakes, but looking back, I kind of wonder why I let myself ruin something I enjoyed so much.

I don't really think I'm ready to return to digital art again. But it might be fun to dabble with traditional. I've been thinking alot about what it actually means to live an enjoyable life. It seems like such a simple concept, doesn't it? You only get one life so it makes sense to enjoy it. But I think sometimes we can get so mixed up in our own thoughts, or bogged down by the outside world, that we lose sight of stuff like that. I'd like to make things simpler for myself. Approach life in a more simpler way.
Ayeeee always happy to welcome a DnD player to the forum
Well spoken! Welcome to the forum and I hope you find the tales you're looking for.
Greetings! I hope you find what you're looking for here <3
Very well deserved!!!
So excited to have you here Nez! Love a little weird and wild, I hope you find what you're looking for here.
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