Avatar of EchoWolff


Recent Statuses

3 mos ago
Current "The echo of one's heart need not follow worldly principles. By the heat of passion, cold of apathy, light of cheer, and dark of grief. By Time and Space, be true."
4 mos ago
For those waiting on me to respond, I will be writing things up over the weekend. Hang tight!
4 mos ago
Doing well, writing responses and such
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4 mos ago
Hello quite bored, I'm Echo!
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5 mos ago
Apologies for those waiting on replies from me, life has been hell this weekend. I will attempt to get things out by tomorrow night!


Good morning/afternoon/evening!

If you are reading this, then for some reason you want to learn a little bit about the absolute anomaly that is me.

A few important things to note are:

- I am sometimes a bit slow for posting, though sometimes I will almost immediately respond.

- I have absolutely no interest in Romance. This has changed, but only for certain circumstances. It depends!

- I enjoy making very overcomplicated worlds to share with people, like you!

- I enjoy really heavy and psychological themes, but I will do lighter ones as well.

That's pretty much all I think you need to know, but if you want to you can send me a PM! I don't bite...

Most Recent Posts

Fucking bugs...

With a groan, Elio rose from his rest, his head ringing from the incessant hum of the rust gnats… he stood from his cot, looking out the old window into the streets before his dilapidated living conditions. He pulled the thin cloth that could pass as a curtain over the glass, grabbing his mask from the windowsill and turning to the scrap metal spear that sat leaning against the wall. One of the only things he could trust in this world.

“Alright old friend. Ready for another bout?”

Hand outstretched, the spear raised to meet him, grasping the cold rust, he could feel the filaments digging into his skin. Of course, this wasn't any pain that he wasn't used to. Advancing toward the door, taking his brimmed hat from upon its hook before open his door to the world outside…

Swatting away rust gnats from him, attracted to the rusted metal of his spear, as well as the flying vermin attempting to feed off of the shards that jutted from his skin… it wasn't the weirdest thing that could be seen, but that didn't quite matter to him. The debtor had entered the headquarters of the V.E.T, late evidently as everyone seemed to be there already, taking a seat at random, ending up next to a Rat Wasteman, not uttering a word as he set his spear down beside him, letting the weapon rest against the adjacent chair. His iridescent oculi stared around the space from soul to soul, an attempt to figure out exactly who and what he would be working with…

He hated mornings like these… quiet and somber, it forced thought. As loud outside as it was, it held within a deeper and speculative quiet that brought his eyes to a gentle close, visions of what had come before, phantasms of that which had past… He shook the thoughts away, nothing could change the past. The future and a hope to free himself from his debt was all that stood before him now.

The Captian's appearance was a welcome sight, the sharp-toothed woman's voice cutting through the deafening silence of Elio's thoughts, reeling him back to the realm that was his reality. But of course, he gets no half-hearted banter, but instead an assignment. Such a troublesome job… the rewards were lackluster, though he wasn't one to estimate other wayward soul's opinions of such a matter. If they wanted a pat on the back, or head in this case, for their work then so be it. The outcome would come out the same either way.

Though it would be nice to go the wrong way ‘round. Have someone owe me.

This wasn't the time, nor place for this. He stood, last to come, and now near last to leave. He tipped his hat low, adjusting the sleeves of his overcoat, making sure it covered what it needed. He didn't need rust gnats eating away at his ‘reserves’ after all, his scarred hand brushing against the small patch of tan fur that lay on the inner of his right wrist, one of many, covered by the long sleeves of his coat. Grasping his weapon, he made for the door, his gait brisk and firm.

One walks with purpose, the rigidity of steel and the regularity of a machine. You are not without purpose, so embrace it. Show it.

Wise words. Or maybe he was just used to saying it. Who was he kidding, he was partway to becoming a Qill any way you slice it, the chemistry of his body slowly becoming more metallic, becoming the vessel for the rusted metal that his magic was supposed to allow him to control. The pain was managable, be didn't know why his mind kept circling back to this… the injustice of it all… Just one of the reasons to join the expedition.

But the world was never fair. Was it?

He kept on, faster now. The others would end up killing the damn thing faster than he could get there. A brisk jog could get him to where he needed.


The scene was chaos already. A creature with hide as thick as this would require pure energy or force, if only it had a conduit to the flesh beneath… The spear of the debtor soon left his hand, keeping in step with his arm as he raised it, his movement refusing to cease as he circled closer, a hunter seeking to cut off its prey.

Lest not the veil of ignorance be pierced. Silence those who speak about the beyond.

“Sorry Dad. Not happening.”

A thrust and a flinch, sending a sharper point to meet its mark, the ragged multi-point impaling edge honed as far as his abilities allow.

Now I just pray it doesn't break...

The Phantom Thief had strolled the perimeter of his flank, searching for any stragglers as he circled back to the heart of the hamlet. If so many of these little villages keep getting attacked like this, they might have to start charging for protective services...

Strolling through the town streets toward where some of the others were conversing, sheathing his small blade and stretching out his back a bit, Arsene's spectral form dissipated as his mask returned to his face. If there were other kidnapped otherworlders, then this would be a good source of information... providing if they were here longer than the caravan group was. Otherwise, it would just be putting another tab in the list of worlds they would never get to see.

Having missed introductions, again, he had walked into a conversation of which he vaguely knew the subject, at first glance at least, before eventually catching on...

Am I really this uncoordinated without my phone? I'm late to everything now... His mind wandered as he passively stood on the sidelines, listening in on the conversation between the treant, the pale woman, and a good two-thirds of his familiar group participating. He said nothing, having nothing to contribute as of right now.

As glass simply hung within the air, caught and entwined by unseen strings, time held no meaning here. No rules are imposed but the world's own.

Within the dark heart, a place that saw all within the aberrant landscapes of the Alterworld, the trinity watched, as hands were placed upon the table.

"Knowing you, Erebus, you like this little game you play with these humans... if they can even be called that after what you did to them. I don't know how Malgam puts up with you, dear brother..." The formless one let free a sigh, Nyx crossing her arms across the table as she sat, the cowl that enshrouded her head pulled low.

"The least you could have done is give them more information about their predicament, instead of throwing them straight into the fire."

"I didn't ask you to comment on the way I conduct my business." The masked one, Erebus, retorted. Taking his own seat, the one of many faces silently adjusted his outfit, as if waiting for something to happen as he stared intently at his contracted...

"AH!" Chihiro cried out as she was pulled to the hallway, before she was set down, the deer passing out on the ground, pushed to his limit.

Her gaze is brought to the black hole- fallen angel- thing, as it spoke, uttering its frantic words as it brought the puppet into one of its many pairs of arms...

"W-wait! We don't even know where the exit is, let alone if there even is one!" She called out, anxiously going to the deer as she steadily began dragging him toward where the seraph went... Her eyes drifting down to a glass shard grasped in her paw, colorful and reflective... yet her reflection showed not what her form was here, but her more human visage. Her eyes closed for a brief second, stowing the shard away, as she dragged the unconscious deer.

"Just... Wait for me!"
Name: Xander ‘Elio’ Swallowtail
Age: 28
Species: Numan
Height/Weight: 5'7" - 142 lbs.
Sex/Gender: Male

Personality:Elio has a more analytical and detached approach when dealing with others as if he doesn't want to involve them in anything personal. In other words, he’s scared of slipping up. He has a debt-based mentality and an unhealthy obsession with “what is due” to others. He goes by the alias “Elio”, so as not to feel inclined to give what is personal to him.

What Are You Looking For?: “I don't know why that’s important, but fine. I’ve got this group I’m a part of, and I… got myself in a bit of debt. If I die out there, fine, no one liked my ugly mug anyway, If I can pay off my debt, even better.”

Capabilities: JOB//: Mechanic, COM-STYLE//: Spear Combat, KINETIC//: Scrapokinesis

Magic Form(s): Junk
  • Basic Kinesis ability: Minor Metallokinesis (Metal Telekinesis)
    • Magic Stain: Rusted metal filaments have begun sticking to his skin, making it an annoyance to work with machines.
  • First Spell: “Sharp Points” - Allows Elio to sharpen the end (an area equal to 5 square inches) of a piece of metal up to a 900 on a BESS sharpness scale.
    • Magic Stain: Rusted metal has begun embedding itself into Elio’s skin, building up with the use of his magic. It’s painful, to say the least.
Name: Xander ‘Elio’ Swallowtail
Age: 28
Species: Numan
Height/Weight: 5'7" - 142 lbs.
Sex/Gender: Male

Personality:Elio has a more analytical and detached approach when dealing with others as if he doesn't want to involve them in anything personal. In other words, he’s scared of slipping up. He has a debt-based mentality and an unhealthy obsession with “what is due” to others. He goes by the alias “Elio”, so as not to feel inclined to give what is personal to him.

What Are You Looking For?: “I don't know why that’s important, but fine. I’ve got this group I’m a part of, and I… got myself in a bit of debt. If I die out there, fine, no one liked my ugly mug anyway, If I can pay off my debt, even better.”

Capabilities: JOB//: Mechanic, COM-STYLE//: Spear Combat, KINETIC//: Scrapokinesis

Magic Form(s): Junk
  • Basic Kinesis ability: Minor Metallokinesis (Metal Telekinesis)
    • Magic Stain: Rusted metal filaments have begun sticking to his skin, making it an annoyance to work with machines.
  • First Spell: “Sharp Points” - Allows Elio to sharpen the end (an area equal to 5 square inches) of a piece of metal up to a 900 on a BESS sharpness scale.
    • Magic Stain: Rusted metal has begun embedding itself into Elio’s skin, building up with the use of his magic. It’s painful, to say the least.

Peace is broken, yet again.

The Phantom Theif wasn't surprised at this point, no good thing ever lasted long. As tensions rose his senses became more alert, his eyes sticking to the living tree and the girl with glowing scissors...

Guess I'm going to be seeing quite a bit of weird stuff as time goes on... Though I should have expected that... Joker's thoughts chimed, his focus shifting to the slimes that put on the assault on the village. Tactics would make sense here, and thus he followed the orders of the Space Knight.

"On it!" He calls as he rushes off, hurriedly putting his coat back on so it is not inevitably lost somewhere... He went the opposite direction as Lewa, if they were going to flank the mass, then it would be best to cut them off from both ends, encircle them, and devour them from the outside in...

Like an amoeba catching its prey.

Blade drawn, piercing the air as well as flesh... or sludge in this case.

Cutting down slimes felt strange, to say the least, like quartering Kanten... It was effective, but the underlying fear of them reassembling themselves loomed over his mind...

He had to do something to make sure they stayed down...

Like draining whatever lifeblood they had.

I am thou, and thou art I...

Ripping off the mask, the blue flames of rebellion flaring forth, as Joker unleashed a new trick hidden up his sleeve...

Life Drain.

Arsene's arms lay outstretched as he plunged his blade into one of the formless creatures, as purple ichor seeped from it, staining his blade... Invigorating himself as he imbued its stolen lifeblood with his own...

Thanks for the boost... Remilia.

Joker gave a small chuckle at the halfling witch-knight's joke before the questions revolving around the possible scarcity of their powers brought him to thought. Fran's description of her power, or rather existence as a whole, these 'Servants' reminded him of the Personas that he and his ragtag band of friends had awakened... Though it seemed that they sparked from the same realm of mind, they were summoned in different ways... unless he was wrong.

"Huh... Seems oddly familiar. I suppose you and Arsene are in the same boat then, more or less, but you don't need someone to awaken you, or summon you in general?"

Time is irrelevant.

All that matters is the here and now.

An ephemeral footstep echoed through the Darkened heart of this world, a void that overlooked everything, a window into all that is, and what could be. The cowled girl turned as she gave a huff.

“Oh, so you've finally decided to find your way here Elio? Took you long enough.”

The man in the mask did not react to his sibling, instead his gaze leveled on the cards that shimmered in his hands, like a crystal of a chandelier refracting into a singular playing card.

The form of Elio was unclear, it never was. A shifting echo of all forms taken in the past, a formless and infinite adaptation to the twisted environment. They came to the table, fingers tapping on the solid surface, as they answered the one hidden beneath the cowl, their voice chiming like a glass bell, finely tuned.

“Time does not apply here. You of all people should know this well, Nyx.”

Elio then turned to their brother, head tilting to the side, like an owl peering through a rodent's soul.

“You called us for this game of yours, yes? I suppose these souls you've contracted have some part to play. If only you had told me you were using humans for this plan of yours…” The formless one whined, materializing a chair for themselves as they sat.

The girl beneath the cowl gave a small scoff, as what seemed to be consistent with her… deposition.

“Yeah yeah, let's just get this going. It's more interesting than what I've had to put up with… As fascinating as you say they are, they are just so stupid…

“Let's not get ahead of ourselves.” The man of the mask finally spoke, his head tilting upward as the cards in his hand coalesced into a stack. He then picked from it three hands, and placed one before each of his siblings.

“Play your hands wisely. What you play shall help or hinder them… I'm sure there might be some inkling of enjoyment that may be hidden here.”

The Figments bring forth their hands. And Cards are played.

The first card to be played is the 4 of Shields by the man of mask, as the Glasshead sustained strike after strike, fragments falling and flying… Thrashes of heat and pinpointed strikes of frost…

The beast shattered.

Glass cracked and crumbled, as it was left struggling on the ground.

Then is the 6 of Seraphim. As the world cracked open, the twisted angel that was Tohato crashed down to the world beyond the veil. Landing on the crystalline remains…

Shards fly. A Hunter becoming the hunted.

The prismatic shards lay strewn across the ground. A beat of sweet silence raptured the space…

Chihiro stayed frozen for a second, staring at the fallen angel that had come out from seemingly nowhere… this place seemed to have a habit of doing that. Her eyes stayed on the figure, as light seemed to bend and distort around it, glass shards seeming to start hanging into the air… She wasn't sure if it was friendly or not…

“Uh… Are you going to try and kill us too?” She shakily inquired, the adrenaline flowing through her blood starting to ebb as the unsettling calm continued…

As glass floated through the air, as if ignoring the inherent laws of gravity, a few caught her eye… some more colorful as they glided past…

3 of Void.

As glass floated, shards less prismatic began to be drawn closer to each other, magnetized by the polarity of their mass.

Prisms of crystal, windows of sorrow and soul.

A new beast was in the making.

The stakes are raised.


Joker walked alongside the caravan, his tailcoat slung across his shoulder as he let the cool breeze flow past him. Why did his outfit have to be black? Being in the direct sunlight, his coat got hotter than usual... He kind of missed the Tokyo subway system, albeit it was constantly a tight squeeze, it still got him from place to place when he needed it... Alas, modern-day innovations were non-existent, as he fully realized when he pulled out his phone, clicking the power button a few times, the black screen of the device refusing to glow to life.

Dead. Great.

He sighed, slipping the expensive paperweight back into his pocket, just in case it would be of use later. His mind wandered to Aventon, and what had happened... and what could have become of the town if they couldn't had been too late.

As the conversation of diplomacy and getting themselves heard by those higher up in the rankings, the masked boy glanced over to the girls as they talked amongst each other. He knew some things about the old shogunates of prior eras of Japan, but wasn't quite sure about this country's governmental structure.

Some knowledge is better than ignorance at least.

Yet, he stayed quiet.

A brisk wind whipped around the Business Square of Alengras, the hustle and bustle of the city just beyond the hotel grounds, a few people, presumably guests, were loitering around the front lawn overlooking the street, some simply enjoying the afternoon sun, others talking amongst each other. The people seemed to be minding their own business... However, someone seemed rather lost in the crowd... a fish out of water.

@Girlie Go Boom@Wayward

The seemingly automated kitchen around Rebecca seemed to slow in its clamor, the hotel sensing that this wasn't exactly what its new cook was hoping for... a receipt was conjured on the counter nearby, words scrawled in neat writing...

We apologize, we assumed as a caster you would rather oversee... However, if you wish for things to be more in your control, we will gladly comply. - The Kitchen


The slime considered the dragon's words, before plucking the sticky not from the wall, the writing on in changing to direction to the room that needed cleaning... Sora's face lit up, looking over to Cythena before going to the door to the staff room, toward where the note directed, the first day on the job...
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