Avatar of Cao the Exiled


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= _= *grunts grumpily*
10 mos ago
*Finds a nice ditch to lay down and die in*
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10 mos ago
Please tell me there is a way to save my new brain friend in the beginning of Balder's Gate 3...


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Ooooh, yeah, double up on that creepy part 0~0
Spooky witch enter stage left
I was thinking of either station security, or a travelling bounty hunter/ galactic navy patrol pilot. I'm a HUGE fan of Starfield and I love the space battles and boarding of ships to claim them. If a bounty hunter isn't fine, than I think at least a security officer in the station would be fun.
Are you still accepting people?
Tsak Vlos

Tsak had found a tree to sit under, reflecting on everything that's happened. How has this young fey gone from barely adult circus hand, to helping... somewhat, a rebellion over throw a king. How long ago was it that these strange adventurers had come into her boring life and whisked her away to the Feywild. She's watched one of their own die, only to come back as a whole new race. She wandered the wilds alone, seen more then most circus hands her age. Tsak's sketch pad was starting to fill out more and more with the wonders she'd seen, and she was starting to ponder if she made the right choice in leaving, or better off staying with the Witchlight.
Welcome to our humble slice of the interweb known as, The RPG! Hope you have fun and make lots of new friends!

Went with the Arcana choice... Rolled a 14, not too happy with it
<Snipped quote by Cao the Exiled>


Okay, do I have an inspiration just in case, or no? Just making sure.
I'm assuming option one is a Persaion roll while the other is Arcana?
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