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I'm Kaycey, my friends on here call me Kaycey :)

Drop me a line & say hey.

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I tried to produce an interest check for this once before, but I’ll admit I rushed through it and am committed enough to the idea to try once more.

I’m searching for an advanced partner, adult male or female, that is capable of plot development, world-building, well thought out/flawed characters, communication, producing their own ideas, in-context maturity, and an over-all attitude of creativity. I do write at an advanced level with shorter posts sometimes thrown in throughout the flow of things if the scene doesn’t call for excessive exposition. I’m not a length stickler but I can’t imagine a post would ever require less than a few paragraphs.
My current plot idea is very bare bones but it has great potential. If you’ve seen the Netflix original Jessica Jones, that’s a good background reference for this idea. If not, that’s fine because I only plan to use that story line as a jumping off point rather than the focal drive. Just to be clear, the plot is going to include a central idea of mind control, but we will be using a unique setting and our own characters. I don’t write fandoms.

I’d like for my partner to play a male character with the ability to control others’ minds. Other than this premise, he’s your character to develop and morph. I do see him as a very dark individual. I plan on having my opposing main character be a young female (haven’t done too much developing of her character) who is enticed by your character through mind control. We can certainly build an adventure or quest into it, and definitely throw some mature themes around. We’ll also play other sub-main characters and NPC’s. I’m really looking for a partner who is as creative and forth-coming with ideas as I am.

Please PM me with possible interest and a post sample.
Of course she did – Marlene couldn’t do anything or go anywhere without creating a scene or being damn sure no one forgot her participation in anything… Nathan always despised that of her because he saw the need to leave an impression on someone as a weakness. He usually liked to float by, doing whatever he pleased and never missing oppurtunities. But everyone in his life could either support him and stay out of his way – or shove it. And Marcy had had the fortuitous chance to experience both ends of Nathan’s tolerance spectrum.

He came to, recognizing the surroundings after a few flutters of his eyelids. The calculated beep of the IV machine promised him the consequences of his actions. It reminded him of when he used to come home late, as high as could be, sneaking upstairs. He knew that as soon as he made it into that room and shut the door, he was in the clear. Nate would pray for the voyage up the stairs, carefully out of the path of his parents, to be an uninterrupted one. After an undetected entrance into the house, as he stepped through the door of his room, he knew there would be no consequences for his actions. But this was the opposite of what came to his mind in the present, as he registered the emotion on Alina’s face. When those red and blue lights flashed behind him, reflected in his rearview mirror, the silver being displayed in between, his heartbeat increased to match the speed of the lights’ flash. What was the pattern? Blue, red, silver? Red, blue, silver? No, neither, the lights were all flashing together. The car reeked, but what was he going to do? Drive away? Hope the trooper wouldn’t catch up? Right.
Consequences, a racing heart, red and blue lights whose fear had now been morphed into the wrath of a woman, what had changed?

Mad? No, worried? No, confused? Maybe?

“He’s awake,” her contrived voice murmured. He knew if Marcy were in his head, she’d be questioning how contrived Alina’s orgasms were, too.
Nate wanted to say her name: Marcy. But her memory, her scent was ruined by Alina’s interference. The two’s existence in his life never mingled, and they never would. Until now it wasn’t even a realization that the two women existed in the same century, the same lifetime.
Maybe because he had been so many different people all his life, and they had experienced different somebodies.

Nate turned to his left, and in the bed beside him was a bruised little girl. But her life-detecting machine beeped half a second off from his. He wondered if it was a half a second before or half a second behind… Save the president or his unknown company first? He fumbled, searching for the remote to raise the bed up into a sitting position but he saw double and just felt the thin air.

“What happened?” Perhaps that was the most expected and neutral thing to say. Nathan had become quite efficient at not incriminating himself and he wasn’t in the right mind to think on his feet. Besides, he didn’t know how much she knew.

What was she going to do, divorce him? Like her mother would allow that. He heard them on the phone quite often, remotely of course, he had her calls recorded.

“He’s so distant sometimes, mom.”

“He’s a man, Ali. Just keep him happy and try not to seek him out too much. Let him come to you.”

“What, when he wants sex?”

“Well, yeah. You pay a price to have power. Sometimes that’s giving up things women really want like attention. Just accept it. Make him feel like he’s in control.”

Nate tried, he really did. To make her feel like more than an A-line in pearl earrings. Sometimes he felt she was more than that, and he appreciated her for all she’d beaten out of him. Her judgmental silence morphed him into the boring, mannerly leader he was today.

“Babe?” he mouthed with a soft pass of air on his lips as he reached for her. It would tender her, knock her from the pedestal she’d put herself on during the time he’d been knocked out. ‘I’m a good wife’. She’d probably told herself. ‘He’s lucky to have me. I support and understand him.’
Lia Duong



Anastasia Lees

Daughter of the Governor


Hannah Baxter



My name is Kaycey. I’m an adult college student and have a part time job, but I’m looking for an enjoyable storyline to entertain me between busy times.

What I’m looking for:
-I need a partner who, on average, hums to the tune of 5+ healthy paragraphs with plenty of exposition
-Can post at least every other day with some flexibility.
-You must be okay with mature themes: I mean blood, sex, gore, violence, character death, etc.
-Original and well-thought out character profiles. Please put some effort into creating a character with flaws and depth.
-Good communication: keep me updated and I will return the favor.
-You should have a love of plotting and creating worlds and new premises to work under. I spend a lot of time working on a setting before jumping into play
-Play male and female characters. This is an absolute requirement. “I only play female”. That’s great. You are a one-dimensional writer, it’s pathetic and extremely off-putting. Sure, we all have favorites but refusal to grow and try something new is really not a quality I’m looking for in a roleplay partner. I like to have fun while testing my creative ability.
-Have some ideas of your own and express them to me! I can dig it.
-Maybe a sense of humor?

Current plot idea:
I was inspired by the TV show “The 100”. It would probably help if you could just watch maybe the first episode to get a good idea of the mood I’m going for. (We will be using a similar but different premise and all original characters, so don’t worry you creative mind, you.)
I’ve really done a crappy job fleshing this out, but I want to play humans that come back down to earth after it’s become uninhabitable: but it’s much different than the way they’d left it. We’d be playing a few of these returned. In The 100 they’re mostly teens, but I’d really like to see some little ones thrown in there like 2-3 y/o’s and 7-12’s, too. I know the idea of playing children scares some writers but I’m trying to face it head on and gain some experience. I can reference an excellent guide to playing children, as well, if you’re interested in reading. Of course, for plot-driving, we’d both select of-age main characters but I like juggling several at a time and my ideal partner would as well. Romance is a very strong possibility: I’m open to straight and lesbian pairings. Both might be beneficial to add some sexual tension in the middle of an uninhabited world.

I would like to flesh out the details of who, what, when, where, and why these kids have been sent back to earth. We would talk about the government and the set up that’s been existing for however long they’ve been gone. I don’t plan for this play to take a very sci-fi-esque turn. In reality, other than the weirdness and mutation they’ve found due to radiation on earth, it will be pretty absent of sci-fi elements. Think of this as more of a survival, dystopian play. I certainly don't plan to throw away a great plot with fantastic characters on a play with no focus. We will definitely keep it going with purpose.

I hope to hear from you, please PM me! I’d love it if you could include a sample writing piece.
Nate felt the overwhelming need for a drawn-out eye roll. Really? She was going to pull this? Of course. The woman who could have done anything with her life with the parents she was blessed with, who threw everything away, blames him for not inviting her into his home? Quite frankly, he didn’t trust her as far as he could throw her, and despite her beauty and the nostalgic feeling she aroused within him, his mind was on the practical: the logical.

“Marlene, what the fuck do you want? I haven’t seen you in years!” he knew this had ultimately been his decision, but he didn’t regret it. He made the right choice to pursue his aspirations. She always would have held him back, and when he began to see himself as so much better than her, as so much more noteworthy and top-drawer, she began to lose the hold she had over him. Was that supposed to change fifteen years later when she decided his resources were useful to her?

Why did he come? He knew she hadn’t changed. The only reason she wasn’t right back where she was the day she got locked up was because he wasn’t allowing it. “All of a sudden you want me to bail you out and you want to tongue lash me in the process. I’ve got priorities now, Marcy. You aren’t the center of my world. Eventually I had to fucking grow up and take care of shit. Work hard and make something out of what I had. While I busted my ass, you partied. We made our choices and it’s not my fault you’re just now realizing yours were the wrong ones.” Nate was harsh, but she really needed to hear it. She was a royal but loyal fuck up and they both knew it. And it was way too late for her to change.

She said she’d come to see him? As in, before St. Elizabeth’s? It mattered little now… Obviously fate had used him to get her some help.
It was difficult to grasp – remembering how full and how significant, how deeply you felt in a moment, but yet your memory served you so poorly in returning the details to you. Nathan never wanted to forget anything, but as her younger image faded, he forced himself to return to the road where his foot had relaxed off the right pedal.

Sure, she was clean while she was locked up, but for how long before that? Hours? You have to know someone to get locked up in a spot like St. Elizabeth’s. It’s where politicians hid their kids to live out their DUI or minor in possession offences, away from public eye.

“They Hay-Adams has a nice restaurant, I’ll send for room service,” Perhaps if he delivered the news so casually she would overlook her offense at it. He was married. And the president. If she really thought she would even be allowed to stay in the White House, even if he were to desire that, she was heart-breakingly mistaken. Nathan was never going to open up his home or livelihood to a drug addict that gave good head fifteen years ago. He wouldn't let someone have that kind of hold on him.


CNN played minutely in the background, the anchor mumbling something about a throwback to the January State of the Union Address, and Nate turned it up to delay her response.

“Mr. Speaker, Mr. Vice President, Members of Congress, my fellow Americans:

"We are fifteen years into this new century. Fifteen years that dawned with terror touching our shores; that unfolded with a new generation fighting two long and costly wars; that saw a vicious recession spread across our nation and the world. It has been, and still is, a hard time for many.

"But tonight, we turn the page.

"Tonight, after a breakthrough year for America, our economy is growing and creating jobs at the fastest pace since 1999. Our unemployment rate is now lower than it was before the financial crisis. More of our kids are graduating than ever before; more of our people are insured than ever before; we are as free from the grip of foreign oil as we've been in almost 30 years.

"Tonight, for the first time since 9/11, our combat mission in Afghanistan is over. Six years ago, nearly 180,000 American troops served in Iraq and Afghanistan. Today, fewer than 15,000 remain. And we salute the courage and sacrifice of every man and woman in this 9/11 Generation who has served to keep us safe. We are humbled and grateful for your service.

"America, for all that we've endured; for all the grit and hard work required to come back; for all the tasks that lie ahead, know this:
The shadow of crisis has passed, and the State of the Union is strong…” It never became normal, hearing himself on video, seeing humorous pictures comparing his attractiveness level to every other president.

“You know,” he spoke. “I was voted most attractive politician, over JFK.” He felt sure that that was the right thing to say, his bravado having been stroked since thinking back on the relationship they shared in college.
Nathaniel reached up and slapped her bottom as she left to go to the bathroom. “Watch it,” he warned in a groggy voice.

He was in this state – he’d yet to name it – when she returned. It was the closest semblance to sleep he had for days. It was in the family of the half sleep, half awake sensation that we all understand, but not quite the same. Did anyone else complain about the effectiveness of their drugs as much as the future president did?

The way Marlene’s body fit on top of his felt good. He was centered, grounded, yet she provided him the freedom he’d always been hesitant to give himself. “Only if you beg,” he teased, bringing his neck up an inch or two to meet her lips.

Nathan was young, something his reminiscing would never endorse his forgetting of. His hands were uncontrollable and he slipped them under the shirt on the sides of her hips. His calloused thumbs traced the variation of texture between her skin and the lace. She smelled like crest blended in with his cologne, a combination he wished to further transfuse with touches and kisses. “Mmm,” he sighed, flicking her front teeth with his tongue as he leaned her back on the mattress.

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