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    1. kidjab 7 yrs ago


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7 yrs ago
Current Really Excited for this new CAMPAIGN!!!


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@Kessir Tarkin

Dude your first post was phenomenal!
Dhusa's hands shook almost uncontrollably as she watched her Whisper scatter across the other side of the bar. There was an ever so slight groan that escaped her lips. Her vision was beginning to get fuzzy the room seeming to haze over a bit the needles behind her eyeballs catching what felt like fire. She could feel tears in her eyes but her face was like marble when she turned to look at the figures who'd bursted into the Tavern next to her.

The firey red haired woman was struggling against her bonds looking at her with muffled pleads through the gag. The fellow beside her was a slender figure, his skin a bit lighter than hers but still a smoky grey of sorts, she noted the large blade on his back and the way he carried himself. This one had some skill, and he was quick having tied the red head down in a few swift moments of lost balance. Dhusa looked back at her pipe she breathed out slowly trying to get her shaking under control she blinked hard a few times and reached for another pouch of Whisper she had on her hip. She began to pack her pipe again this time with a bit more haste. She hadn't been paying attention to anything the man had been saying till she heard the slap of coin on the counter. She raised an eyebrow as she heard him say he'd pay for her.

"Barkeep, I'll have a glass of Thundervast Ale if you have it."

The Barkeep raised an eyebrow. Thundervast was the most exspensive and hardest to procure Ale in all of Apoche. Thundervast was fermented from the fat of Firebolt Whale, brackish water, and Honey of the Asp. It was strong and tasted like it sounded a sweet salt that burned like the crack of thunder. The barkeep nodded walking to the back. Dhusa finally turned having lit her pipe. She took a long drag on it, a bit perturbed that the Black Vein Whisper she'd set aside for the night was now a waste. As she exhaled a thick plume of smoke sinking down around her feet, her fingers moving playfully across the long ridge of her pipe. A sleight of hand she'd mastered over the course of her years studying to hide her magic she passed the smoke around the man's legs and the young woman's ropes. This Red Vein Whisper she was smoking, wasn't as great but it'd do she let out another thick plume of smoke removing the spear from her back and resting it against the bar between her and the two on her right.

"Thank you for the offer. You should try the Thundervast rather strong drink that.
You seemed to have caught me at the most inopportune time. Happy Shoal!"

She said giving a curt nod giving him another once over the feigned celebratory exuberance disappearing from her nearly as soon as it had arrived. This time she noticed the mark of Kestwa' in his clothes and the large sword on his back. The embroidered patterns ever so slightly off. His hair was pulled back and she noted the pointed ears, marking him Half-elf. She studied him as she spoke trying to spot openings in his seemingly relaxed stance.

"I see you're from Kestwa' fairly far away from home.
I don't mean to pry being that you did pay for my drink and my room for the night.
I am a woman and it seems you've 'apprehended' a criminal one which happens to be a woman.
How exactly can I trust that?"

The barkeep, came back with two large tankards about three to four servings of ale in each. The room was starting to seem far more clear as the Whisper began to take hold of Dhusa's body. The pain behind her eyes becoming a dull throb and the shaking became nonexistent. She felt lighter as if time was slowing and the languid smoke began to play across her figure and pipe almost as if dancing to an unheard rhythm.

She moved with a grace and ease that was only enhanced by her current euphoric state of being. Her Fetchling heritage becoming far more evident as she reached for the tankard of Thundervast, shadows and darkness seeming to seep from her pores and melding with the layers of smoke that began to encompass her and everything around her from her knee down in about a three to five foot radius. She took a sip the sweet flavor slamming into the back of her throat and the fire shooting down her spine. It had been some time since she'd savored this the Weave mother had a few skins full of the stuff she kept hidden and only broke out for very special occasions. She remembered the first time she'd ever got a hold of this wonderous elixir, not one of her shining moments having never tasted the fire of ale in belly, she relished in it now. Dhusa looked back to the couple this time her hand on her spear she spoke in a languid calm voice her white eyes all the more unsettling by the haze of Whisper behind them.

"What was your name again?"

She asked the swordsman as she pulled the gag from the red heads mouth another thick plum of smoke rolling across the woman's neck. Better to be prepared than to have to worry about something going wrong. She held the gag half way out of the woman's mouth in one hand, spear casually in the other and she looked up expectantly at the swordsman.
Feathers and Ash

Apoche Proper

Apoche,free trade city on the southern most tip of the Fudime continent below the Withering Mount. A place like no other bustling with the fire of life, more so evident by the Shoal Festival. The celebration of the first day of summer marked by tides being at their absolute lowest expanding the cities borders much to sailors, and sea faring merchants chagrin. The beaches were seemingly alive as the market seemed to grow. Music rolling across the sands the invocations of bards and minstrels taking hold of the people as they sang an danced. The Festival being a nearly two week long event was not only a marker for summer but a memorial to the founding of the free city of Apoche.

It is during the last three days of the festival that the five great houses, Thornsey, Cargan, Elstai, Daindro, and Gillton come together to present themselves to the city. Ceremonies abound from weddings to opening of new trade deals. Each families power and wealth given back to the people in a way seemingly fitting. But it is on the last day that the Elstai Matriarch steps forward and delivers the passing.

Sun lowering over the ocean it's red and purple hues playing across the Deepstone walls of the inner city refracting their magically imbued light over the entire lower city and beaches. The warm oranges giving way to a teal giving the illusion of being beneath the surface of the sea. Just as the sun melted below the horizon The Elstai flagship came into view of the port and beaches of Apoche. Heading straight for the shoal water the large three hundred foot vessel lifted from the water. The music dying down a small woman stepped to the bow her hands raised she spoke. Her voice seemingly booming from every street and alley the magic for her to be heard by all evident. This was Vatren Elstai matriarch and long lived unofficial head of Apoche.

"We are gathered here in the great city of Apoche not as one people.
We are not gathered here not as a nation.
We are much greater than such small minded ideals."

There was a pause before she spoke again letting the words sink in.

"We are gathered here as free men!"

Her voice boomed and the city erupted into roars and cheers. She allowed the din to die before she spoke again.

"I welcome you all to join me this night as we celebrate this last day of Shoal!
Drink, dance, eat, be merry. Let us be heard to Ost the other side of Withering Mount all the way to Efros in the deep north of the Vast!
We celebrate not only our founding, we celebrate or strength, our freedom!
Let us be heard by both Gods and men we are here. We are Apoche!"

The cacophony that rose from the city seemed to never end. The voices of the people nearly drowning out her magically enhanced voice. She raised her hands one last time seeming to dance and scribe in the air as she spoke. The magic of the Deepstone pulsing with each word she spoke.

"I thank each and everyone of you.
The Elstai thank you and hope this small token of our gratitude is received in kind."

As she spoke the last words the music seemed to rise upon the same magic she'd been using. The sky filling with an extravagant spectacle of light and fireworks. The last night of Shoal was officially underway.

Dhusa, took a long drag on her pipe she'd heard of Vatren Elstai many times while back on the other side of the Withering Mount. Rumor was her and her line were fiend touched, the women of the Elstai having a strong affinity for magic and an even stronger affinity for Whisper. Dhusa chuckled to herself blowing a large plume of smoke. It didn't matter she needed to find a place to stay for the night. Her day would start anew on the morrow. She began to walk deeper into the heart of the city trying to find a quieter less lively celebration. Occasionally looking towards the sky for her friend Shiv, who flew quietly above in wide spirals.

Dhusa, rounded the corner and saw a tattered sign hanging above an old rickety looking door the read, The Stormy Bow. The music and the sound of the people seemed to be muffled and somewhat distant. The street although it had the few celebrating fools and singing drunks traffic was much lighter. She entered the Tavern walking straight to the barkeep.

"Do you have a room for the night?"

The Barkeep looked up and paused the surprise evident on his face for a split second.

"Aye, there be rooms here but are you not going to enjoy the last day of Shoal?"

Dhusa, shook her head she knew exactly what gave him pause her Fetchling heritage marked her skin a deep dark grey. Her eyes pupil less and a haunting white a stark contrast against her skin and tribal tattoos. Her face was emotionless as she spoke.

"The last day of Shoal is but a day. I have my own celebrations I will have in the privacy of a cold tankard of ale and the warmth of a bed tonight."

She blew another thick plume of smoke placing a five silver pieces on the counter. She turned to take in the people of the tavern. It wasn't exactly crowded but it wasn't empty either, clearly a staple of this part of the city The Stormy Bow was at one time ornate and grand. The tapestries on the wall although aged were made of a fine whale hide the embroidered borders silver silk that seemed to be imported from Kestwa'. The tables had some sort of enchantment on them or seemingly they did as there was no evidence of repairs made or wear and tear. The patrons varied from commoners to city guards and merchants. No sailors or riff raff from down near the docks, she did mark however the one Captain sitting slumped against the wall in the far left corner near the hearth. Turning back to the barkeep she pulled a pouch from her side and began to pack her pipe. He slid her a large tankard of ale.

"Your finest I hope."

She said face still unemotional.
The barkeep stammered.

"Y..y...ye only gave me five silver!"

She shrugged taking a swig it would get the job done, nothing to write home about for sure but that wasn't why she asked for ale. As she continued to pack her pipe she seemed to get lost in the process the herbs she'd laid out on the bar giving off a very distinct pungent smell. She could see her hands shaking ever so slightly and the prickling behind her eyes began. She took a long drink from her tankard nearly finishing it, she pushed it back towards the barkeep this time with three gold.

"Keep it coming."
I am ready to do this lets GO!!!
@Kessir Tarkin

Very well I hope this will be something you thoroughly enjoy.
Ensza is female.
@Kessir Tarkin
Would You like to do the honors and start us off?
Yes the main arc I have in mind is a fall from grace arc for Dhusa. Over a period of time she gets darker and choices more questionable. Being sent from Ost as an envoy of sorts she is to travel the world. I think it would be easy enough for her to be snatched up in the criminal underground as she is heavily reliant on Whisper in all its strains and forms. This coming by virtue of her culture and the Old weaver's using the leaves within their pipes. Having been trained as a weaver since childhood her reliance is as much apart of who she is as it is an addiction.


@Kessir Tarkin

.... ok point was?

Green lantern power battery easily believed?
Speed force easily believed?

But the idea of a creating a vacuum to reduce or crest no such thing as air resistance. Or to have a super conductor so that it has no physical interaction with the body of the metal so again reducing friction. Isnt plausible even if I may not be the best at describing the idea. The entire process or idea of an infinite mover isn't plausible and falls apart?

But all other things based outside of reality are?

Rather confusing.

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