Avatar of Kinetic Kitty
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  • Joined: 8 yrs ago
  • Posts: 50 (0.02 / day)
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    1. Kinetic Kitty 8 yrs ago


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7 yrs ago
Current Working on my next RP. Twist on the Hunger Games!
7 yrs ago
Glad to slowly get back into RPing. I miss this terribly!
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8 yrs ago
8 yrs ago
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8 yrs ago
Coming back. Family emergency a while ago, sorry I left with no notice.


I hate typing Bio's. Just saying.

I have been roleplaying for 10+ years. I enjoy every bit about, and meeting new people. I love the creative process everyone has and what new ideas can pop up within a role-play. The mind is a beautiful thing.

I am currently trying to expand myself. I started out as a liner (oh dear god, and I admitted to this! LOL). However, I have came far since my liner days. I love to write a story. Which means I like depth, character, story actually going somewhere. Nothing dull. I like original ideas mostly. However, I am a sucker for curtain things.

I don't call myself a gamer, but I do play games. My all time favorite game is The Last of Us. I am currently playing Fallout 4, Uncharted, Destiny (kinda-ish...), have played WOW for a sometime (but don't play it anymore due to working so damn much.. I don't have time for such a game like that), Dying Light, and a few others.

I love.. love... LOVE zombies. I love the idea around it. Will it ever happen? In my opinion, not in the sense we consider "zombies". The Walking Dead Theory, no. World War Z, maybe. However, that is up for debate ;).

I am a huge Walking Dead Fan (not updated on the current season.. BUT I am keeping tabs on what is going on), Z Nation, Game of Thrones, Big Bang Theory, The 100 (have the current season, but can't seem to get into it), Breaking Bad (love the whole drug cartel idea), Orange is the New Black (something about that show is just funny to me), and bunch of others.

I do like post-apocalyptic role-plays. Any really. They seem to have the best ideas. I do like 1x1's (rarely), but I do like to role-play in a small group. I can't really get into the larger groups. I like to experiment with new ideas, and I will try to adventure out into something new besides my post-apocalyptic posts.

If you are interested in starting something with me, just ask. Or just wanna say hi.. I am friendly. :)

BTW: I have a Skype. If you want it.. PM me. I will be gladly to give it to you. I LOVE to chat on Skype!

Most Recent Posts

In The Last 8 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay
I'm interested. Post something soon.
Arwen was running out of breath. She hadn't ran this far before, but she knew she had to make it to the building. Not noticing the ground and assuming it was smooth like the vault, she tripped on a simple rock. Flying first and smashing her face into the ground, she could feel something warm coming from her face. She was seeing stars. She reached up to her head and touched the spot. "OUCH!" She said kinda loud. She pulled her hand away and saw that there was blood on her hand. She groan and pushed herself up and began to run, with more caution this time.

By the time she reached the building, the men in armor were no where to be seen. 'Shit.. shit.. shit.. this isn't good!!' she thought to herself. She couldn't believe that she lost the men in armor. Where could they have gone? There was no where for them to go.. unless she had knocked herself out pretty good and they were hiding from her too. She pressed herself against the walk and looked around. With what she thought was the clear, she went around the corner and looked. She noticed that no one was around, and she took off towards the trash can, ducking herself to it. She peered over it and noticed another man with a weapon. She instantly dropped and rolled under the trash can. She looked to her left and let out a scream. Radroach was by her shoulder. She pushed herself from out from underneath the trash can and took off towards the building, knowing that anyone around would hear her scream, and her running to the building.
Arwen felt the blast push past her face. Fresh air made her gasp for a moment. She never realize how stale the air was in the vault. In that moment, the thought made her want to gag. After getting her breath, she looked around as she began to hear blood curling screaming. At that moment, she realized that she was killing more than half of the vault people inside. However, why wasn't she effect?

Between the screams, she could hear people running towards the entrance. Heavy foot steps. "Shit!" she said softly to herself. She knew that it was the Overseer sending people to get her and not let her escape. She quickly pushed herself away from the control panel and took off towards the open vault. All she could see is rock and a small tunnel, that seemed like it lead no where. However, it was her bed shot. She couldn't just stand there while the Overseer killed her in front of her people. After all, her parents kept saying they wanted to see the best for her, and not here of all place.

Once she reached the opening, she heard one of the men yell after her: "Halt! Stay where you are and dropped to the group Arwen!", she knew it was a simple but stupid command. "Can and get me if you want me on the ground!" She yelled back as she took off into the tunnel. She was grabbing onto the rock to help her up into the tunnel. There voices were being drowned out by the thick rock. Finally, she bumped into a wooden door, seeing a unnatural light. She quickly pull against and tried to open it. Finally giving up on that effort, she slammed her shoulder against it a few times before it broke free.

She hit the ground, growing in pain from not only from slamming against the door, but from the light the sun was producing. She covered her eyes and laid on the ground for a moment. She could hear stomping from the vault warriors in there metal armor. "Fuck me!" she said. She removed her hands from her face, trying to focus on the wasteland, pushing herself up from the ground and took off running. Once her eyes finally got adjusted, she noticed a.. building? She didn't know, but all she knew is that could hide it in from the vault.

'Welcome to Vault 136! This will be your new home. Protection from the outside force, and any nuclear fallout that may come in the near future! You are safe, and will live and long and happy life with us!

The words her great ancestors was told when they entered into the vault. As growing up as a young child, Arwen knew something wasn't right. The teachings was wrong. They would only teach her what they wanted. Numbing the mind, the young child would follow the orders of the vault tech teachings. Arlen only followed along with the teachings, not wanting to point any attention to her.

It wasn't into her pre-teens is when she started to rebel. She would fail her tests to only define her teachers. She would point out the wrong in her tests, the wrong-doings of her teachings, and the point out the common sense. Finally, when she was sixteen, the Overseer had a stern talk with her. He had stated to her that she was different, and that was not accepted. She had to change her ways.. or else.

Taking this as threat, she kept quite. She warned her parents that something was not right. Her parents agreed, but years of brainwashing took over. They plead with her to just follow the rules and simply go with the vault rules. What could simply happen? Nothing could go wrong, the Vault and the Overseer knew right... not matter what.

By the age of 20, she grew tired. She couldn't hold out any longer. The Overseer had killed her father for unknown reasons, and he mother was up for murder. Something she knew her mother would never do. Her mother was the sick-bay nurse. How could her mother kill anyone, she she cared for anyone. Arlen knew this was the Overseers way of control her. She couldn't handle the thought of being control by the Vaults way.

On her 21st birthday, the Overseer murdered her mother in front of every vault tech person. Out of spike and anger, Arwen overruled the command centered and opened the vault. Killing nearly everyone in the vault due to the radiation, she and a few were able to live. Due to the experiments on the newer generations, she could step out into the new wasteland and discover the new lands. She had no clue what to except nor what to experience since all she knew what the vault. The vault warned her that there was nothing to search in the wasteland. Everyone and everything had been killed and if they were to leave, they would soon die.
It sounds like a cross of Hunger Games and the Scorch Trials!

I like the idea!I will post a CS soon!
I always liked the idea of a modern day idea. Something that is kept a secret! Would you be interested?
I know this is silly to ask, are you still accepting? I am interest!
Interesting. We'll see.

If I can get two more people interested, I will get this going! I am glad some are taking a interest in this!!
@Sami OH MY.. Please tell me your ideas. I haven't been able to find someone who wanted to do a Daryl x OC role-play!
I am looking to do a few 1x1 role-plays with some people. I love the group setting, but for now, I would like to do some personal 1x1's. I am open to new ideas, and have some of my own. I have been role-playing for a very long time. I use to be on the site before it fell a few years ago. I missed this place and wanted to return and start something more again.

If you are interested, here are my rules and ideas. Please PM me. I will get back with you ASAP. Hope to hear from you and start something AWESOME!

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