Avatar of King Bandit
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  • Posts: 52 (0.02 / day)
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    1. King Bandit 6 yrs ago


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Current Just a little podcast that I'm trying to push. Ask me about it. soundcloud.com/savagespace
5 yrs ago
Just a little podcast that I'm trying to push. Ask me about it. soundcloud.com/savagespace/…
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Okay so I've never really been good at these but what the hell? I'm new to the site but I'm an RP veteran. I've been in the trenches since I was about 15 or 16 and I'm 25 now. I like to think of myself as an open book so feel free to hit me up and ask me whatever and I'll probably tell you. I got back into RP because I have a couple ideas I'd like to get out of my head. And I'm hoping to write characters and stories that are a bit out of my comfort zone. Maybe my skills can improve like that. Soooo like yeah, that's me.

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Sev gave the woman a dismissive wave of her hand when she mentioned that she didn't have any money. Hopefully Sev wasn't making a mistake by overlooking the cash to get this woman to safety. Maybe this kid had some useful connections or information that the android could follow up on at some point in the future. "We'll worry about that later", Sev revved the hover bike engine sending them rocketing through the dunes, "A word of advice going forward. You're exotic and the locals don't exactly take too kindly to things that are different. Hide your face, maybe tuck your tail. Just stick close and keep a low profile". With that, Sev shifted the bike into full throttle sending buffets of orange colored sand flying in their wake. If the young woman was wise she would've taken Sev's advice about covering up. They were coming up on a few hover crafts filled with all manner of scavenger and slaver shooting their blasters wildly in the air, screaming and shouting their various gang affiliations. Grungy, bass heavy music blasted from the haphazardly grafted speakers that were hitched on the tops and sides of each craft. Through the shifting tides of sands Sev's keen android eyes could make out some of the crudely painted gang insignia. She recognized the 'Shoota Boiz' easily enough, a bunch of reptilian and humanoid species trying to strong arm the gun running and scavenger trades. The 'Bombers' weren't far behind them, tech-heads that liked to dabble in trafficking drugs as well as capturing and selling crash survivors into servitude to the highest bidder. Most of their 'products' end up working as dancers, bartenders, and the younger ones work the streets as pickpockets or fledgling hackers if they're smart enough to make it.
There were more than a few caravans out to scout the wreckage and claim the scraps for whatever sect they represented. This place was a jungle. A constant battle for survival and dominance. Sev never really understood why her carbon based counterparts where like this. She simply found it disgusting. Luckily, Sev managed to skirt around most of the oncoming traffic as she navigated the way back to the city gates. Her silver hair trailed violently behind her like a flag in a storm as they sped through the crowded streets at a comfortable altitude before Sev brought the vehicle to a stop in an alley near her hotel. She was having second thoughts about returning the hover bike, she was starting to like it. Silently Sev dismounted the bike and scouted around for anyone that might be tailing them. She didn't find anything that looked too suspicious but she did manage to find a curious looking poster. As a matter of fact these posters appeared to be plastered all over the place. How'd she manage to miss this? In one swift motion she plucked the nearest poster from the wall. It was a wanted poster for a bounty. She began reading aloud with a wry smirk on her face, "Wanted dead or alive for crimes against the Council. A bounty of ten million credits for Nessa 'Star Hopper' Nova".
Sev casually made her way back over to the bike, leaning over the handlebars causing the bike to lean forward slightly. The android held out the wanted poster to Nessa so she could get a good look at it just to make sure they were on the same page. A scanned image of Nessa's likeness was printed in blood red ink along with the statement Sev just read aloud printed in various alien languages. "I'll be frank, I'm not interested in the price on your head", Sev spoke slowly to allow Nessa to fully process what she was saying before she could jump to any conclusions, "If I were after you, we wouldn't be having this conversation. I'm not a friend of the Council in the slightest. I actually came here to get away from them and they're Guard goons, maybe help clean up this place. But you coming here changes that. So we need to have a conversation. I can help you but you need to be one hundred percent honest with me. What exactly did you do Nessa"? Sev deactivated any of her systems that would detect her lying. Against her better judgement she was willing to trust this 'Star Hopper'. If she pissed off the Council enough for them to offer up a fortune for her death, then maybe she had a just cause. Either way the two of them needed to figure things out and fast. A bounty this large will attract the Guard. Any moment now the drop ships are going to show up and they'll be kicking down doors and applying boot to ass in order to find this woman.
Sev observed the creature as it gathered it's belongings from the smoldering wreckage of it's vessel. The threat assessment protocol was picking up on a couple of the gizmos that the alien managed to salvage. A few retro scoutbots and a cage of some sort. Nothing Sev was really too concerned about. The young alien was lucky to make it out of that wreck alive, let alone with a few intact trinkets. By the time the alien had noticed Sev's presence, she'd already sized her up pretty well. "Honestly it's the first crash that totaled the Skipper", the young woman answered Sev.
The android cocked her head to the side quizzically, like an animal that was listening to a high pitched noise. Sev assessed the remains of the ship with her ocular scanners. The thing was a relic. At a glance most of it's parts predated her own creation and the parts that remained intact were worth less than she spent on the hover bike rental. Maybe this trip was a bust after all. There wasn't any point in stripping down a piece of junk like this. It's not like Sev was hurting for credits anyways. Sev removed her hand from her hip and took a more relaxed stance. According to the readings she was getting, the alien was going to enter fight or flight mode at any second now. Sev let out a bored sigh before speaking again, her glowing blue eyes flickered in the darkness and trained on the young woman. "Alright, look kid. The way I see it, you've got two options. Either you can stay here with your rust bucket and wait for the other, less civil scavengers to show up. And I can tell you for a fact that they'll want everything from you including the clothes on your back. Or, I give you a lift back to town and we can negotiate my transportation fee. Make it fast kid, I'm on the clock".
With that Sev made her way back over to the hover bike and got herself seated. Whatever this alien had gotten herself into, it wasn't a typical crash. Sev had no intention of pressing her too hard for information, not yet at least. Besides, she wanted to see what kind of loot she could shake out of the current situation. She cast a quick glance over the horizon and she could see droves of hover crafts headed for their current position. If they delayed too long they'd be looking at fighting their way back into the city and Sev wasn't in the mood for a shootout with kids trying to earn a meal. "Personal chauffeur going once", Sev revved the hover bike engine once more and waited for the alien woman to make a choice, slowly putting the machine into motion. "Twice..."
It was getting late. The outpost itself never seemed to sleep. Sounds of random gun violence went off in the distance like rolling thunder. Escorts could be heard earning their wages through the thin walls of the roach motel. Sev lay on the bed in the darkness of her room listening to the cacophony of sounds and life surrounding her. Motionless. Thoughtless. Her silver locs tangled around the pillow like otherworldly tendrils. Her electric blue eyes cut through the darkness of the room, unfocused, catching bits of dust and debris in her unblinking gaze. Minutes pass before her slender frame animates under the sheets. She moves silently, pulling the sheets over her body as she sits upright. According to the heads up display in her vision it was time to start moving. Sev had a job and she was never late for a job. The neon lights of the backwater town trickled in through the window above her bed, bathing her tawny brown skin in various colors. She let out an audible sigh as she pulled the sheets away and got up to get dressed. Androids tend to travel relatively light compared to their carbon based counterparts. Sev only had one outfit to choose from. She slipped into a pair of black jeans before hopping into her combat boots and throwing a grey crop hoodie over her head. Sev made her way over to the nightstand where she kept her blaster. It was a relic built to look like a magnum revolver, sleek in it's design, weathered from use, with the name Amanzi etched into the side of the barrel. After running a quick diagnostic to ensure it was still in working order she holstered the weapon and tied the strap over her hip. She grabbed the old filthy trench coat riddled with scorch marks and bullet holes along the hem and threw it on. It didn't fit very well but it wasn't supposed to. The door to her room slid open with a hiss at her approach. Sev left the room looking exactly how she found it, uninhabited.

She stormed down the hall of the motel, moving with purpose. Her eyes flashing like strobes as she took in the dank scenery of the molding walls, pealing wallpaper, and graffiti in various languages. Alcohol bottles, spray cans,and broken robotic limbs littered the floors. This place was a wreck. A cesspool even. Sev had to deactivate some of sensory functions because it smelled worse than it looked. A frail looking robot with a heavily rusted body and a deteriorating suit and tie paint job greeted Sev from behind the front desk as she passed, stiffly waving a clawed hand. "Good evening madam", it's voice sounded grating like someone shaking a bag of aluminum cans in auto tune, "Will you be staying with us again"? Sev paused just short of the exit before turning on her heels to face the automaton. In an instant she considered her options. She'd need a plan B and a place to lay low if things didn't work out with the new gig. If worst came to worst she could always stay another night and hop another transport ship in the morning."Sure", she answered shortly as she reached over the counter and wiped the layer of dust from the machine's face. It's amber colored eyes flickered and dimmed slightly. Sev gave the robot a playful pat on the side of it's metal head before proceeding out the door and onto the streets. All manner of cargo ship and transport flew overhead, thrusters humming. The streets were crowded, you couldn't move without being shoulder to shoulder with a stranger. Street performers banged on their robotic companions for drums while they belted out samples of ancient melodies to somehow create music. Venders screamed and shouted from their stalls, peddling anything from mystery street meat to bootleg cybernetic limb replacements. Occasionally a passerby would steal a glance at Sev. She could feel their eyes on her. It was a feeling she'd gotten used to ignoring.

The hustle and bustle of the main streets proved to be too much for the android. Sev elbowed her way through the sea of bodies and into the nearest alleyway. However, she wasn't alone. Her auditory sensors picked up two entities shadowing her movement. Maybe it was just coincidence. Sev picked up her pace a bit. The entities tailed her for a few more blocks. Maybe it wasn't coincidence. They had to be Hanzers. Back alley thugs who cut down robots and androids to sell their parts, in short they were scum. Their pace quickened along with their heart rates . They were preparing to strike. Sev didn't have time to take out the trash. She wasn't about to let these thugs slow her down. Wordlessly, Sez turned around to face her would be assailants and flashed the blaster on her belt. The Hanzers turned out to be two young boys. There was a pause as a mix of confusion and fear washed over their dirty faces. Slowly, the kids realized she wasn't an easy mark. They communicated with a couple of glances and began running back the way they had came. With a flourish Sev turned and continued on her way. Moments later she found herself in a less impoverished district. She could feel the ground underneath her feet vibrating with bass as she neared her destination. Club Nightcore and all of it's trashy glory. The line to get in went around the block. Luckily for Sev she wasn't looking for a party. She approached the bouncer that was holding down the line, a human with mural of face tattoos. His hair was glistening with grease and tucked back into a tight ponytail, he easily had 300 pounds on Sev and barely managed to stay contained in his black suit and tie."Is the bike ready", she asked shortly

"Is the cash ready", the bouncer shot back. Sev quickly reached into one of the many pockets on her trench coat and brandished three black, slender cards. One of which had a golden strip pressed into it. Cold hard credits, the intergalactic currency of choice. The bouncer greedily snatched the credits and stuffed them into his jacket pocket before jerking a thumb towards the building. "It's around back. Don't scratch the paint Tin Man". Sev let the slur slide for now. The android wandered around the side of the club and found herself in yet another ally. The bike was covered with a tarp which she managed to remove in one motion. She mounted the hover bike and started the engine. The engine roared to life, the noise itself shook the ground. Without a second to lose Sev took to the streets and headed for the wastes beyond outpost. What a fine life she'd managed to build for herself. A cutting edge espionage and killing machine designed to wage war, reduced to scavenger on some fringe backwater outpost. The ride into the wastes gave her plenty of time to think and come up with her next move. However, her train of thought was derailed by what appeared to be a crash landing on the horizon. She watched from the hover bike as a flaming mass of ship plummeted to the planet's surface a ways off from her current position. Upon further inspection, her ocular sensors picked up a life-form that had jettisoned themselves from the wreckage just in time. This may end up being a more lucrative scavenge run than she had initially thought. She waited a safe distance away for the life-form to land safely before she decided to approach. Sev rode the hover bike near the life-form's landing site, giving them a few yards of space so as not to intimidate them too much. With inhuman grace, she dismounted the bike and placed a hand on her perfectly manufactured hip taking special care to pull back her coat to show that she was armed. She ransacked her hard drive trying to figure out just what species she'd happened upon and met with little results. This one was exotic. "Are you in the habit of crash landing", she attempted humor, "I could give you a lift to the outpost, for a price".
Hey folks. So yeah, I've been working on a passion project recently. It's basically a podcast that I'm running where I sit down with friends and acquaintances and discuss things from art, music, creativity, video games and more importantly mental health. The Escapepodcast isn't super professional by any means at all. Those of you sensitive to strong language may want to avoid it and that's perfectly okay, but those of you that may be curious about it should check it out. If it's not for you then feel free to share it because it may be for someone else. Thanks for your time and here's the link....


...Also, I'm open to feedback or if you just have questions or whatever. Peace and Love. Thanks.
So I'm back from hiatus and I have a strong urge to write some cool stuff with someone. I'm interested in a FxF or MxF romance. The subject matter and setting is up for discussion. I have plots that can work with anything from modern superhero settings to hard post-apocalyptic sci-fi. I'm honestly not that hard to please or get along with, I promise. So yeah, with all of that being said don't be afraid to get in touch with a PM or whatever. Introduce yourself, ask any questions that you may have and we can work from there. Thanks.
In cRave 6 yrs ago Forum: 1x1 Roleplay
It was getting late. The city itself never seemed to sleep. Sounds of random gun violence went off in the distance like rolling thunder. Escorts could be heard earning their wages through the thin walls of the roach motel. Sev lied on the bed in the darkness of her room listening to the cacophony of sounds and life surrounding her. Motionless. Thoughtless. Her silver locs tangled around the pillow like otherworldly tendrils. Her electric blue eyes cut through the darkness of the room, unfocused, catching bits of dust and debris in her unblinking gaze. Minutes pass before her slender frame animates under the sheets. She moves silently, pulling the sheets over her body as she sits upright. According to the heads up display in her vision it was time to start moving. Sev had a job and she was never late for a job. The neon lights of the city trickled in through the window above her bed, bathing her tawny brown skin in various colors. She let out an audible sigh as she pulled the sheets away and got up to get dressed. Androids tend to travel relatively light compared to their carbon based counterparts. Sev only had one outfit to choose from. She slipped into a pair of black jeans before hopping into her combat boots and throwing a grey crop hoodie over her head. Sev made her way over to the nightstand where she kept her blaster. It was a relic built to look like a magnum revolver, sleek in it's design, weathered from use, with the word name Amanzi etched into the side of the barrel. After running a quick diagnostic to ensure it was still in working order she holstered the weapon and tied the strap over her hip. She grabbed the old filthy trench coat riddled with scorch marks and bullet holes along the hem and threw it on. It didn't fit very well but it wasn't supposed to. The door to her room slid open with a hiss at her approach. Sev left the room looking exactly how she found it, uninhabited.

She stormed down the hall of the motel, moving with purpose. Her eyes flashing like strobes as she took in the dank scenery of the molding walls, pealing wallpaper, and graffiti in various languages. Alcohol bottles, spray cans,and broken robotic limbs littered the floors. This place was a wreck. A cesspool even. Sev had to deactivate some of sensory functions because it smelled worse than it looked. A frail looking robot with a heavily rusted body and a deteriorating suit and tie paint job greeted Sev from behind the front desk as she passed, stiffly waving a clawed hand. "Good evening madam", it's voice sounded grating like someone shaking a bag of aluminum cans in auto tune, "Will you be staying with us again"? Sev paused just short of the exit before turning on her heels to face the automaton. In an instant she considered her options. She'd need a plan B and a place to lay low if things didn't work out with the new gig. If worst came to worst she could always stay another night and hop another transport ship in the morning."Sure", she answered shortly as she reached over the counter and wiped the layer of dust from the machine's face. It's amber colored eyes flickered and dimmed slightly. Sev gave the robot a playful pat on the side of it's metal head before proceeding out the door and onto the streets. All manner of cargo ship and transport flew overhead, thrusters humming. The streets were crowded, you couldn't move without being shoulder to shoulder with a stranger. Street performers banged on their robotic companions for drums while they belted out samples of ancient melodies to somehow create music. Venders screamed and shouted from their stalls, peddling anything from mystery street meat to bootleg cybernetic limb replacements. Occasionally a passerby would steal a glance at Sev. She could feel their eyes on her. It was a feeling she'd gotten used to ignoring.

The hustle and bustle of the main streets proved to be too much for the android. Sev elbowed her way through the sea of bodies and into the nearest alleyway. However, she wasn't alone. Her auditory sensors picked up two entities shadowing her movement. Maybe it was just coincidence. Sev picked up her pace a bit. The entities tailed her for a few more blocks. Maybe it wasn't coincidence. They had to be Hanzers. Back alley thugs who cut down robots and androids to sell their parts, in short they were scum. Their pace quickened along with their heart rates . They were preparing to strike. Sev didn't have time to take out the trash. She wasn't about to let these thugs slow her down. Wordlessly, Sez turned around to face her would be assailants and flashed the blaster on her belt. The Hanzers turned out to be two young boys. There was a pause as a mix of confusion and fear washed over their dirty faces. Slowly, the kids realized she wasn't an easy mark. They communicated with a couple of glances and began running back the way they had came. With a flourish Sev turned and continued on her way. Moments later she found herself in a less impoverished district. She could feel the ground underneath her feet vibrating with bass as she neared her destination. Club Nightcore and all of it's trashy glory. The line to get in went around the block. Luckily for Sev she was on the list. The bouncer on duty was a huge human maybe about 500 pounds by Sev's estimate. His tattoos seemed to run all over his body and face. His oily black hair was into the style of a topknot. He peered over his shades at Sev as she approached, "Whoa, line starts back there bucket head", he spat the slur. Sev stood her ground placing a hand on her hip, doing her best impression of being sassy. "Check the list", she said simply, "Name's Amanzi. With Acacia Sadler". The bouncer rolled his eyes, already aggravated with the situation. He glances down at the list, then back to Sev and back to the list again. "Alright just don't start any shit. There's a reason we don't let your type in here", the bouncer moves aside to let Sev through. Looks like her alias still holds up for now.

Upon entering the club Sev is assaulted with a wall of sound coming from the center stage. Some terrible trance/garage band was performing. Apparently they were the opening act of the evening to get the crowd warmed up. The lights overhead violently flashed warm angry colors in conjunction with the deafening music. Random drunken dancers bumped into Sev as she gingerly made her way over to the bar. She absolutely hated everything about the club setting. The people, the atmosphere, the drinks. It was just too much. A collective numbing of the senses. Sev was posted up on the far end of the bar for a few moments before a familiar voice called to her over the roar of hideous noise that passed for music. It was the client's manager. "Amanzi", a posh well dressed man waved Sev over. She waded through more of the clubbers as she made her way over to the man. "Enzo", Sev nodded a greeting, "Where's my client"? Enzo was wearing an all black suit with designs of fire and dragons that would change colors depending on the light that caught it. His blonde hair was styled up into a mohawk type situation with his grey hair shaved on sides. He wore a pair of modded old school spectacles with an orange heads up display that helped him identify musicians and they're body of work. "Ah yes", Enzo pipped up, "Straight to business. Yes. That's why I hired you. Here, follow me and I'll get you to our leading lady". He proceeded to lead Sev to the very back of the club. They went through a small labyrinth of narrow halls until they finally reached the dressing rooms. The digital display on the door read 'Acacia' in big green letters. "Could I get a moment with her", Sev nodded towards the door, "To introduce myself and brief her on my security detail". Enzo giggles flamboyantly and gives Sev a playful shove. "Of course darling. By all means", he said, "But make it quick. We'll need her on the stage soon". With that he turned and made his way back to the main floor.
Sev knocked on the door two times and before the dressing room door slid open for her. She entered to see a petite blue haired woman. Sev stands at attention in the doorway with her hands behind her back. Before her client could even get a word out Sev began speaking. "Ms. Sadler. I've been hired on to run security for your protection. I am however aware of your reputation with your former bodyguards. Please, know this I'm here to do a job. Things will go a lot smoother for both of us if you let me do my job. I hope we have an understanding".
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