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    1. Kit N Kat 8 yrs ago


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She's coming along. Almost done, just need to work out a history and balancing between her abilities. Only problem is Lux in game vs Lux in canon, which I'm trying to balance out utility and use n stuff for the real world. Slightly difficult though I can manage.

"Alright. Well excuse me, but I don't think that's a good enough answer, don't you think?"

Nova's sight shifted towards Greg, who seemed to have misplaced something. Whether it be his phone or something. Seemed a tad odd, however. Still, she stretched her arms over her head, trying to properly wake up. "Y'lost something, Greg? Don't think you'll find your keys around here." Speaking of keys, Nova looked over around by where she woke up, patting her pockets, phone and keys in there. One thing missing, if she remembered correctly, she left her helmet next to her in the diner...

Her gaze turned to the black-haired woman, sighing. "If you can't get us a straight answer, fine. I just want to know if you have my bike, bag, and my helmet. Tell me you guys didn't just leave that in the diner." There was a slight twinge of irritation in her voice, and who could blame her? Dragged into some place she has no idea where or why, but hopefully getting the answers this way would be better than punching her way out.

@Ambra @Brasslazer
Will get a post in before midnight, hopefully.
Aaaannd posted. Sorry about that.

"Huh? Oh. Gregory? Is Greg okay?"

Alexis quickly turned around, leaning on the wall on the other side of the door opening on the chance that someone might come in and tie them up or something. She looked at Greg, thinking of the situation at hand. So since he's as confused as she is, then there obviously was something going on here, and that didn't help Alexis's paranoia. "Nope, I don't remember really anything from the party. I know I was tired as hell, I thought someone had called an ambulance or something, but this is one hell of a hospital.

She heard some more footsteps coming from the outside, some passing their door and one stopping right in front. Alexis backed up. She moved a bit away from the door, unsure what would happen next, though she was prepared. Before anything happened though, the red-haired girl decided that a simple question might work for whoever came inside. "Excuse me, but do you mind explaining where we are? Hope there's no problem with me asking that."
I'll post now, Got a bit busy last night.
Will reply in a bit, once I finish working on the Luxx

Outside Courtyard

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The blonde princess saw the other princess's subtle request for Aleandra to join in on their conversation, in which she put her hand up and shook her head, turning towards the water once more. She didn't want to intrude, and figured it would be rude to pull away Ydrian from the conversation at hand. It wouldn't be as bad as her mind played out, although old friendly reunions should be done one on one. That's how she saw it. Somewhat surprising, Ydrian approached her this time. Interesting, although the other girl was behind him, Aleandra assumed he just had pardoned himself.

"Prince Ydrian, as much as I appreciate your time coming to me, I purposefully distanced myself from the conversation as to avoid being rude and to keep up professional mannerisms." Aleandra smiled to the prince, bowing her head slightly as she shifted her tone slightly. After all, he was a friend. But that doesn't mean she shouldn't present herself properly. Habits anyways. Aleandra folded her hands in front of her, before speaking up once more.

"My only concern with people around here is that some treat meeting strangers as if they were old friends separated by circumstance." She gently laughed for a moment, before her smile lit up slightly. Her tone began to shift to a more friendly tone, as she relaxed, though didn't drop her small indicators of formality. "With that in mind, It's been too long. It's been mostly entertaining, and I look forward to the whole experience. And you? How have you been?"

A part of her was relatively worried for this conversation, as Aleandra had already a bad experience with old friends gone astray. That being said, since he was already comfortable talking to her, things couldn't be that bad. Unless he somehow ended up becoming stuck up or blinded by power. Somewhat doubtful, although possible.

"Ughh... Did I pass out in the diner...?"

Alexis groaned as she sat up shakily from the bed she was in, falling back down into the bed. It wasn't hers, and her vision was a bit shaky, so she wasn't all too sure how she got here. Her own grumpiness somewhat kicked in as her sleep was cut off, though it seemed like it was about average time to wake up. She was mostly still tired, and she wasn't tied up or anything so that wasn't that be. Could be a hospital, and she was just imagining things.

As she crept into proper consciousness, she sat up and thought about the entire situation, how odd the whole thing was. At this point, she snapped back into reality, quickly standing up properly, checking her hands and her clothes. All looked normal. Maybe she was dreaming? Hallucinating? Something? She quickly looked around the room for a buzzer or something to ring up someone, though not finding one. She turned to the guy in the other bed, stepping closer to him. Seemed somewhat familiar. She turned to the door, stepping up to it and knocking before speaking. "Yo! G'morning, yeah, uh, 'scuse me."

Nova stepped away from the door after hearing footsteps coming, sitting back down on the bed with a sigh. She stared up at the ceiling of the room, ready to punch whoever came in if they posed a threat. At least they'd open the door first, probably.
Alright, about to post, then work on the other one.
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