Avatar of knifeman
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  • Posts: 390 (0.16 / day)
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    1. knifeman 7 yrs ago


Recent Statuses

6 yrs ago
Current taking a break from rping for a little while. i'll be back soon enough but i really need to work on my mental health. hope everyone understands sorry
7 yrs ago
@Mae saaaaaaame
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7 yrs ago
i was literally up all night and i just realized i could have written posts during that time fuck i straight up just read fanfiction and cried for like 6 hours
7 yrs ago
saw thor ragnarok the other day and now i really want to do a Sakaar rp but i caaaaaaaan't
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7 yrs ago
sorry in advance to anyone i'm rping with if my posts are slow/kinda bad, my brain isn't working right lately i'm kind of a mess bleh (シ_ _)シ


Most Recent Posts

❣ Curveballs - The Wombats ❣

Mieke didn’t particularly appreciate being called an “untrained and ignorant child,” but she reminded herself that it was, honestly, the truth. Still, she appreciated Leonard offering to show her the ropes.

“Thanks. That would be a big help.”

She listened as Armstrong continued, her stomach twisting at the mention of potentially having to “execute” the perpetrator. When she answered that letter, she hadn’t agreed to possibly killing someone. There was no way she could go back home and continue life as usual after that.

“Well,” she thought, trying to calm her nerves, “Maybe they just don’t know what they’re doing and we can talk some sense into them. Or maybe it’s not even a person doing this at all! It could be literally anything!”

She was making a valiant attempt at being optimistic, but it wasn’t really working.

What was behind the door when it swung open did a much better job of wiping her mind clean. It looked like a man wrestling a crocodile. Definitely not anything she expected to see today. Her expression was blank as she regarded her last teammate. The crocodile, not the man. Obviously.

Armstrong introduced him as Hogan, and Mieke reacted the only way that made sense to her.

“Hi, Hogan.”

❣ Lose Your Soul - Dead Man's Bones ❣

Mieke subtly retreated to the edge of the room and sat down in one of the chairs while the others were talking. Looking at the beautifully designed business card the tattooed man had handed her, she committed everyone’s names to memory. They all seemed like interesting people; she wouldn’t mind getting to know them more.

She mentally kicked herself, realizing that she hadn’t introduced herself, and if she did now, it would be awkward. Well, she would get an opportunity eventually.

A touch on her arm made Mieke jump a little bit, and she looked up at Blue. She smiled and blushed in response to the woman complimenting her hair, her face lighting up immensely.

“Ah, thank you! Um-“

She had been about to introduce herself, but she was interrupted by the receptionist ushering them into the office.

Mieke listened to the man’s speech, feeling more lost by the moment. A “Stand?” Was that the figure she had been seeing? And what was this about altering the world? She gazed at Blue’s Stand in awe. She had never seen anything like it; and the confirmation that her bird friend wasn’t just in her head was comforting.

So, their job would be to find other new Stand users and set them on the right path. It seemed noble enough, and it was hard to say no when this could be her mother’s ticket out of debt. Mieke breathed a sigh of relief when Armstrong said they wouldn’t be killing anyone. She couldn’t even bring herself to step on a spider, let alone take a human life.

Blue, however, didn’t seem to feel the same, and her outburst made Mieke jump and let out an embarrassing little “Eek!” She immediately covered her mouth, turning red and shrinking into herself.

She regained her composure by the time Armstrong asked for questions. Perfect, because she had a shitload.

She spoke up, wringing her hands, “Um, is there any more you could tell me about Stands? Sorry, I’m just… really in the dark here.”
i'm thinking of trying out writing multiple characters. could i maybe reserve the white queen? i think i've got a pretty good idea :3
here's my cs! under a hider so no one has to scroll forever

❣ Out of My League - Fitz and the Tantrums ❣

“More than just a dream… More than just a dream…”

Mieke opened her eyes, and immediately pulled her uncomfortable blanket over her head, groaning. The bright sun was giving her a headache, and the music playing through her phone sounded like the loudest thing ever in the silence of the motel room. It didn’t help that she had only gotten maybe four hours of sleep. It wasn’t that she wasn’t tired; dealing with the absolute hell that was airports in general just to take an hour-long flight had left her exhausted. The only reason she hadn’t passed out as soon as her head hit the pillow was that the bed was the worst. Just the least comfortable thing.

She reached out from under the blanket and blindly groped for her phone. Eventually, she gave up and sat straight, throwing off the blanket. She shut off her alarm and took a moment to enjoy the quiet before getting out of bed.

Taking a shower did the trick to wake her up, but the long process of drying her hair made her eyes start to droop again. Once she was dressed and on the bus heading to the HQ of the Speedwagon Foundation, she started to ponder why they could have wanted her.

Of course, it had something to do with the illness she had recently gotten over, and possibly the apparition she’d been seeing. What the hell was it, anyway? She had never hallucinated before; maybe she was still sick? What if her brain was deteriorating and this was the first sign of her impending agonizing death?

Shit, she was starting to tear up. No, not on the bus! Not in public! She wiped at her eyes, trying to get rid of the tears before anyone could see. A shape started forming in front of her and she had to stifle a gasp. Her hallucination showed up again; and much more solid than before.

It didn’t seem as scary now that she could see it clearly. It looked sort of like a fancy bird girl, and it— she was crying too.

Mieke smiled a little bit. Guess she’s a cry baby just like me.

The apparition disappeared as the bus came to a halt. It was her stop.

Entering the imposing building, Mieke’s anxiety only escalated. Thankfully, she didn’t cry again, but she still felt awfully out of place. She was staring intensely at the floor when she entered the waiting room, so she took a few moments to notice the imposing-looking woman already there. And then she took a few more moments to notice the scythe she was holding. Was that a normal thing around here?

“Um, hello. N-nice to meet you.”

What had she gotten herself into?


0 Crux Gems
Trinket Bag, Journal, Focal Crystal, Spellbook

Maybell barely even noticed that the group had come to a decision on where to go. She wouldn’t have had much useful input anyway, as she didn’t know much about the surrounding area other than the forest being awful. Like, just the absolute worst.

No, she was occupied with that key. Really, how could she not be? That was some mysterious, call-to-adventure, first-chapter-of-an-epic-novel business right there! The possibilities were endless and Maybell was delighted.

Was the key meant for some huge treasure chest? Or maybe a secret door? Or what if it didn’t unlock anything and it would be a clue in solving some other puzzle? Or maybe the Dark Witch was secretly allergic to keys? It could be anything! Except maybe that last one. Regardless of likelihood, she wrote down every possibility in her journal.

Maybell came up out of the mental rabbit hole she had been going down and picked up on their destination and the trouble they’d have to deal with there. She would be lying if she said the idea of facing a Bearon didn’t scare her, but the anticipation of a great adventure overshadowed any fear she was feeling.

She would have been much more afraid if she were alone, though. She felt secure alongside her friends. Of course, it helped that most of them could fight if they needed to. Sometimes, Maybell wished she could fight too, just to be able to help out more, but she was too small and weak to do any damage to anything.

Well, at least the others could make up for what she lacked. They had an adventure to start; it wasn’t the time for insecurity!

Closing her journal and storing it in her pouch, she spoke up, “How far away is it? Sorry, I didn’t get a look at the map.”

Yeah, you know that it’s true
I’ve been saving all my summers for you
(Froot - Marina and the Diamonds)

#OOTD: |||

“I don’t appreciate being singled out.”

Luka shot Angelica a look and then hopped out of the van before she could yell at him. He shouted a quick “see you later” to the others before scampering off into the crowd.

Almost immediately, he was overwhelmed by noise, motion, and bright colors. It was a good thing Killer Queen decided to stay home; she would have hated this. Luka, however, felt right at home in the middle of the crowd of weirdos. Only a few minutes in, someone in a bright green morphsuit threw a handful of confetti at him.

That had to be a good omen, right?

Luka went on to join an impromptu dance party led by a guy holding up a boombox, then managed not to lose his shit and embarrass himself when a really handsome guy (who, by the way, was shirtless and very fit) told him he looked cute.

After running into some people he knew from the local theater, he hung with them for a while, then split off to take a breather. Sitting against a building with a sandwich the length of his forearm, he watched the crowd go by.

He was pretty relieved that nobody had recognized him as Samhain so far. His identity wasn’t exactly a closely-guarded secret, but he definitely didn’t want it to be common knowledge. It was mostly because his parents were semi-famous public figures (a best-selling travel writer and her editor), and there was no doubt that someone would ask them about their son’s hobby of fighting crime dressed as a cat. That would be an issue because, well, Luka never told them about it. Plus, they weren’t the most sympathetic to New Breeds (among many other kinds of people) and while he didn’t care about what they thought of him, he wanted to avoid the drama. He knew he would probably have to deal with it later on, but wearing a mask and keeping his face off of his social media were his way of buying more time to mentally prepare.

Luka sighed. Thinking about his parents was really bringing his mood down. Shaking off the negative thoughts (or at least trying to), he stood up and typed out a message to the SYNBAD group chat.

spookyboi: i’m bored who wants to meet up >;3


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