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    1. KodiakMorph 10 yrs ago


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I'm looking for somebody (a single person for now) who's interested in throwing a couple super powered characters into a (actually multiple) cage-fight style scenario(s). I actually have a rough plot thought out that I've had to sit on for a long time. Without giving away too much detail, think X-men meets old Roman Gladiator fights. It would be extremely helpful if my writing partner would be willing to write for a handful of minor characters too, seeing as we'll have many smaller fights, and it's kinda lame if I have to write for my own opponents.

Qualifications (list blatantly copied from User Nica)
✔ Frequent Posting
(At least once a day)

✔ Minimum Age Requirement of Eighteen
(I'm twenty-one and don't feel comfortable role playing with anyone below eighteen, sorry!)

✔ No Chat Speak!
(I can't tolerate it! I speak English, not bingo.)

✔ Communication is Key!
(Don't just poof and vanish.)

✔ Willing to Double Characters
(Various cannons and/or OC)

✔ Don't Go Crazy on me
(No Godmodding/Way-over-powered characters. Superman and Goku, I'm looking at you.)
Call me sheltered, but I've never played it. I'm pretty sure it's a superpower type game though, correct? If so, I'd be fine with a 1x1 supers type RP.


Howdy! Nice to meet y'all. Call me Bear. I'm from Texas, studying programming and computer science, and have a thing for bears.

I used to do a bit of RPing (mostly sci-fi and super-hero type stuff) a few years ago, and haven't had much time for it since moving on to college. I'd love to pick up my old hobby at least a little though. I was an active member on Richard's Animorphs Forum for a while, in case anyone wants 'credentials'. I might poke around the 1x1 Combat or maybe Arena RP sections, seeing as I could likely make the time commitments for something small and lightweight like those tend to be.

To be more specific, I have two characters I would love to have an excuse to fight with (one with somewhat restricted gravity-based powers, and one based off those old Animorphs books from the 90's - don't judge). Also, I might be able to be convinced to try a post-apocalyptic themed RP, especially if there are zombies/walkers involved.

If anyone is interested right off the bat, let me know!
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