Avatar of Konan375
  • Last Seen: 2 mos ago
  • Old Guild Username: Konan375
  • Joined: 10 yrs ago
  • Posts: 368 (0.10 / day)
  • VMs: 3
  • Username history
    1. Konan375 10 yrs ago


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Leith Calder

"Not exactly." Leith looked at his hand while he answered the question. "Wearable Daemon Artes can fuse to the wearer, and if left long enough without any help, can turn them into demons. It can be halted, and if I can't find help soon, I will stop what progression has been done." He clenched and unclenched his hand before looking back at Bryland. "But for the time being, the strength I have can be put to good use." Leith looked around the ballroom for a moment as he gathered his thoughts.

"So, what can you tell me about Lord Carmine?"

Darius Jura

Darius followed Yolin to the Arena in silence. He was on edge with the amount of guards that they had now. They had appeared quite quickly considering how the attack was out of seemingly nowhere. He was brought out of his thoughts by the sound of the crowds chanting. Quickly, they entered the arena and soon had a view of the battlefield. As Khalitin Cah made his way into the arena, Darius snorted.

"That old man is going up against seven Sand Cobras? This will be something to see."
Darius Jura


Darius stayed silent while the man he warned and his men attacked Yolin's guards. Only standing so that he wasn't at a disadvantage if these men decided to attack him as well. Once everything was done, one of the Resistance fighters was dead, as well as Yolin's guards. Three from their group had gone through the portal and, luckily, Yolin believed them to be kidnapped, and promised to do his best help retrieve them, saying that there was little chance they'd be found alive. Darius nodded to the man.

"If they are found and they were... sympathetic to the rebels, how likely is it that they will be returning with us?"

Leith Calder


Leith chuckled. Now that he thought about it, he knew quite a few people that were skilled with weapons. "I understand how the mages college doesn't seem like a place where there are a lot of fighters, but you might be surprised at how many mages there know how to fight. As for myself, I have some training with long-swords, it's not much, but it has helped me when I needed it. They come in handy when magic fails. However." He paused to look at his right hand. "Long-swords don't quite feel correct for me right now." He offered his left hand for Bryland to shake. "And please, call me Leith."
Same here.
Darius Jura

Darius frowned after Yolin answered his question. This "Prophet" sounded like a very dangerous man. If he had the ability to make everyone fanatics for this "Sun God", the group needed to be careful around him. Darius kept his eyes on the crowd around the group as they entered the marketplace. These people feared the man who led the group to their destination.

And that made it easier to spot people who looked like they didn't fear the man.

They were moving slowly through the crowd and were spread out, but they were slowly inching their way towards the group. These men did not look like civilians, and if he were anywhere else, and with anyone else, Darius would have thought these men were thieves. But he had a hunch and decided to act on it. When they sat down, and E'nasha left the group to find shade, Darius whispered under his breath and used his magic to send it to the man directly in his line of sight

"Stop right there." Darius stared right at the man as he focused on making his voice reach only that man's ear. "If I can see you, the guards can see you. What you do next may be the last thing you do."

Leith Calder

Leith tugged at his right sleeve. He felt uncomfortable showing his gauntlet off to the crowd, but that was what he was told would work for his formal wear. He had gotten used to his cloak hiding his arm from sight. Here, however, the demonic-looking gauntlet that covered up to just past his elbow was visible to all. With a sigh, Leith stopped playing with his sleeve and looked around the room.

When he and his fellow diplomats entered the room, he had been running all five of his warding runes, but once all the greetings had died down, he gave them a rest, but now it was time so socialize with some of the barons they had been informed of that were close to Lord Carmine. Leith scanned the crowd and found Baron Bryland, he was one of the many people that had greeted them when they entered the room. Might as well start on making a good impression. Leith eased his way through the crowd and soon found himself in front of Bryland. Bowing his head lightly to the man, Leith spoke up with a smile.

"Baron Bryland, I've been told that you're Lord Carmine's champion. If you don't mind me asking, what is your weapon of choice?"

Leith Calder

Leith checked his bag for what seemed like the fifth time as he made his way to the carriages. After the briefing, he went to the store and got supplies and his formal wear, which was a long-sleeved light blue shirt with the right sleeve hemmed up to the elbow and a pair of black pants. After making sure he had everything again, Leith looked up and found himself at the carriages. He noticed Ssarak nearby and approached him.

"Ready to be a diplomat?" Leith smiled. "Hopefully this won't turn into a fight for our lives. Not really a fan of that."

Darius Jura

Darius' lip curled at the sights he saw as they made their way towards the walls of Sansar. He had known it since he had heard of what happened to Yarosmere, but a small part had hoped that it was all lies. The Yarosmere that he knew and grew up in was dead or dying. Small motes of air snapped and popped around him as he balled his hands into fists.

Taking in a couple deep breaths Darius calmed himself down, and while he was still furious at the state of his country, he was collected enough to talk and not lash out at anyone. He was curious if the same could be said about the Naga. He watched the woman carefully, ready to react if anything happened.

When they arrived at the palace and were greeted by Yolin, Darius stayed quiet and shook the man's hand, peering at the man through his robes. This man was the second in command to the Prophet, and that meant he might be a conspirator to the whole "Sand God" movement. Darius didn't believe that there was even a Sand God to begin with. It was just a man with a lot of power and good tactics.

His thoughts were broken as three guards formed position behind the students and Yolin invited them to the marketplace. It seemed that the man wouldn't take no for an answer. Yolin allowed them to ask questions on the way, so Darius spoke up, his voice muffled slightly by his robes. "Could you tell us about the Prophet?"
"Well it wouldn't really be tempting the rules if she only died once here." XIII looked at Charles. "With all this talk about multiple worlds it wouldn't be impossible that this ritual happened hundreds of times. But what if unlike how every other world is slightly or largely different, the woman was exactly the same each time?"

As Twain made his way over, a memory came to XIII so forcefully that it made him stagger backwards. He waved off any forms of help as he shook his head to clear it. Immediately, he rushed towards the paper and flipped it over, writing what he had heard down before he could forget it. Once he was done, he looked to both Charles and Twain. "Sorry about that. It seems that I may have remembered something from that night. I needed to write down what I could remember." He flipped over the paper to show the picture of the altar and the three circles.

"To answer your question, Twain. this is representing a third circle to the ritual. Something was nagging at me about the fact that there was another."
XIII had been silent for a long time. After he had helped clear the snow, something had been nagging at him. He watched as Charles sketched the circles around the altar on a piece of paper. Something was missing. It was if there was another circle calling out to him. There was nothing to indicate that there was another circle, but he could feel it tugging at him. An idea occurred to him as he listened to Twain.

"What if it was just the girl." XIII made his way over to the group and picked up the piece of paper. He drew a circle that tightly surrounded the Altar then thickened the lines of both the altar and the inner circle. "But hundreds, maybe even thousands of times over."
Leith Calder

"I'm sorry to say, but a Nox filled town of death and doom doesn't sit well with me," Leith said, finally finding his voice. His face more red than white from the scene he just witnessed. "Maybe it has something to do with all the death and doom." He chuckled awkwardly. He listened to Mar and spoke up when she finished. "If it makes you worry any less, I am going on the Djarkel mission. It's going to be nice to go on a diplomatic mission." He looked at the both of them. "And as to why I'm here. Can't I drop by for a chat?"

Darius Jura

Darius paced back and forth in his room. He had already ate breakfast and was now packed up to go on the mission to Yarosmere. Ever since he had heard from the diplomat what had become of Yarosmere, Darius had been wanting to go see what was going wrong in his homeland. And from what he had heard, that meant everything.

Pacing around wouldn't do anything, so Darius grabbed his sword and left his room. He made his way to one of the outer courtyards that was deserted, not an easy task, and started setting up. First he channeled his magic and blew the snow into the walls and corners. With that done he set about figuring out how to use his magic to make his blade much more sharper, and how to use it for combat.

Leith woke up to the sound of the door closing. It was one of the few times that he had actually gotten a good night's sleep in a while. He wanted to stay under the covers, but today was the day the missions started, and he needed to get ready. He went through his daily routine of getting dressed and caring for his mint plant, which had grown very nicely in the two years he had cared for it. Before he left the room he grabbed a mint leaf and popped it into his mouth. When he was out of his room, Leith started heading towards Althalus' and Mar's den.

After he had helped Mar figure out walking, he had been checking up on her often. One reason was to help with the finer points of walking and the other was to try and keep her spirits up from the depression that had plagued her when she first got her legs. Soon enough, Leith found himself at the door to the den. With a smile, Leith knocked on the door to the den.

Leith'll be on the Djarkel diplomacy mission.
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