Avatar of Kuchenlein
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    1. Kuchenlein 6 yrs ago


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6 yrs ago
Current Love and be loved, serve and be served.
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Hey there, I am Kuchenlein, and I look forward to have a nice roleplay with you! ^^
And I have also brought my homies to come here as well! They will likely be here moments later.


DeviantArt : Kuchenmeister (kuchenmeister.deviantart.com)
Hive Workshop : Directive255 (hiveworkshop.com/members/directive255…)


I have been a roleplayer since a few years ago -- 2014 CE. My first experience in roleplay was in the Hive Workshop, in a quite messy but still fun social group called "Resistance Against the Cake Crusade". At first, I mindlessly barged in roleplaying with crazy over-the-top ideas and weird fanfics which were silly but still quite fun lol. I am glad that the homies back then accepted me in the first place.

I quickly went from being a crazy newcomer to the leading Game Master there within just a year or two, that just happened naturally. I have improved a lot as I roleplayed. Roleplaying also helps me with my creativity and storywriting, too.

And I quite enjoy being the leading Game Master who enriched the roleplay with a touch of mystery and also a shitfest of craziness lol. But due to the few members back in my old roleplays, they did not last so long despite our joint best efforts to keep them alive.

So I come here, bringing along my homies which will be here soon.

After searching many roleplay sites out there in the Interweb, I have finally found Roleplayer Guild -- and this seems a fitting heaven! A perfect paradise for me and my homies. Laid-back rules, nice atmosphere plus many members here. Nice!

My roleplays with my homies went back and forth from being very fun and active, to being boring and dead, quite a few times in cycle. We even tried to revive our roleplay legacy in another site -- Storyteller's Circle, but sadly, our attempts were futile since almost nobody there were interested in our roleplay style.

Anyways, speaking of roleplay style... I prefer a casual roleplay with some depths and also some fun moments. I would like to roleplay with a medium sized group. I don't really know how to put it to words. But. The type of roleplays where one or a few Game Masters control many things there, while roleplaying together as nations and characters with other roleplayers too.

Aside from Roleplaying, what do I do? I sometimes make artworks and random poems, which you can find at my DeviantArt profile. In my daydreams and imaginations, I play with ideas, indulge in fantasies and explore alternate histories. I also put some work on my story series -- The Directive Saga when I have spare time, working on the plot and artworks for example.

So... I guess I am almost finished there?

Anyways, nice to meet you all! I hope I can have a good stay here!
-- Tschan Dietrich von Lenggong

Most Recent Posts


A final assualt would bring an end to this skirmish..

"Pherithians! Harkyiuians! Volcronians!" Tikiyachod screamed out as loud as thunder towards his allies, "Today, they dine in hell!"
"It is time to spell doom for these Ironeagle Nazis! Hoozah!"

Fleets of fast Fleenzub Dropships came in the blink of an eye, landing down to load Pherithian battalions before lifting up and flying away. Fleenzub Cargoplanes also came and paradropped a lot of Pherithian troops and vehicles as well. These Pherithians would soon head for the fortress as soon as they made landfall.

Some Fleenzub Fighters and Fleenzub Bombers were unleashed to bombard the fortress with a lot of plasmaballs and fel explosions, too.

More dark rifts would open in the skies, with more Harkyiuian mobs pouring out from these portals like no tomorrow.

Battalions of Pherithian walker mechs, armed with gigantic naval cannons, deployed into position and soon begun raining down showers of explosives onto the fortress. Some of these naval cannon walkers would instead fire oily fireballs instead. With the mix of explosives and oily fireballs, the fortress would most likely be fucked up greatly.


Once the signal was given, a massive bombardment was enacted on the northern trenches, terrifying the troops there. Immediately, a huge barrage of laser and gunfire was laid down on the trenches, shredding unfortunate troops. The Volcron Assualt has begun.

At the same time, the Harkyiuians divided themselves into numerous smaller hordes that begun to slip into inner Ironeagle bases and wreck havoc. The battlefield was soon immersed in dense mists of purple shadows. The mists would slow, burn and corrode Ironeagle troops, likely crippling them while being a huge pain in the ass. Many unsuspecting Ironeagle troops were murdered, with most of them being twisted into terrific shadowspawns upon death. Most defenses have also been tore down by the Harkyiuians.

The Harkyiuians have their numbers hugely increased after slaughtering many horrified Ironeagle troops and then raising them as loyal shadowspawns. In addition, these shadowspawns are hugely empowered within the dark mists engulfing the battlefield.

These mists and the rising shadowspawns, along with some Harkyiuians and their pets fading in and out, have very likely created much chaos within the terrified Ironeagle ranks.

A rough woman's voice (Goh Yuet-yin) shouted, "The shadows have come... Kneel before the Dragonqueen, little Nazis!" She let out a sadistic laughter echoing in the battlefield and said, "For those who did not kneel before me, my minions, finish them off! Cut them to pieces and raise them as lovely shadowspawns!"

Meanwhile, the Pherithian reinforcements were brought out to attack the western trench.

The forces at Riverside Fort were divided into three groups. The first group was to inflitrate lines, the second to flank the western trenches while a third was set as reserve.
Meanwhile Pherithian and Volcron Artillery assembled along the southern riverbank...

The second group immediately went to flank the western trenches.

The Pherithians released Spectrum Hovercrafts to the main assault force against the western trench. These hovercrafts are quite fast and they deliver dispersing laser beams that toast most infantry and buildings into barbeque.

The First Group took action a bit later, since they hadn't did such a thing for many years and they had little ideas. But eventually they came with a plan and they began acting.

Powerful water elementals and wind elementals were summoned and sent to distract the lines. While the elementals soak up damage and deliver some punishments distracting the foes, many other Pherithians of the first group slipped past the lines......



He accepts the rifle and takes a curious little cord out of it, plugging it into a socket in his suit. He then unclips the magazine, looks at it, nods, and reinserts it. Helmina can see a glowing LED "500 ROUNDS" readout on the side.

Helmina looked at the rifle with interest. Her own nations have sufficiently advanced weapons, but only energy weapons have any sorts of indicators, and even then the indicators only show power bars. She seemed to be also amazed about the rifle being plugged into a spacesuit. She nodded and let out a big smile, but then she quickly retracted the smile.

She reached out to her pocket, pulled out a bar of candies. A faint magikal scent came as she opened the bar of candies. She then took a pink candy out and put it in her mouth, swallowing it in pleasure.

As the otherworldly marine began to speak, she and a few other Revitals took out their notepads and began to jot down things.

He smiles and adopts a casual stance. "Well, my empire is, from what I've gathered, long dead. We spanned star systems, this galaxy was OURS. None dared oppose us because of our Legions. Then the Devourer came." He shudders and his suit jerks awkwardly, trying to mimic the movement. "But before those days of Hell, though, we were unstoppable. We were Legion. Billions of billions of billions begged for mercy at our feet until we blew their heads off. Entire worlds, entire star systems, reduced to their base atoms. All at the press of a button. That's the power we, the Confederacy of Mankind, wielded." He sighed softly.

"Whoah... Your empire must have been great." the captain expressed in amazement but also looked at him with some confusion and disbelief. But she then turned to look at the rifle, then nodded slowly. "Hmmm..." she continued to listen.

"Hmm... wait... Devourer? Who the fuck was that? Was that some sort of eldritch demon? Sounds fucking tough, even your powerful empire could not deal with it, at least without a hard fight..." Helmina mumbled as she listened and nodded.

She continued to listen, while beginning to ponder about possible answers in her head. And she also wrote some of her doubts and questions inside, too.

A seemingly powerful empire of humanity that dominated an entire galaxy. Looking at his futuristic suit and rifle, it seemed quite plausible. But it is also likely just a random futuristic tyranny brainwashing the people. But what is a Devourer?

"Didn't matter, though. What use is a Planetary Destroyer's missiles when the enemy's on board, tearing through the crew? We dropped missile after missile onto civilized worlds, ones with trillions of people on them, and simply obliterated them. One second it's a thriving hub of commerce, the next? It doesn't exist." He speaks of it passively, and Helmina can catch a glimpse of him smiling if she cares to look. He then grimaces, and reaches over to his hand, and... Pulls his hand off. But underneath that blue gauntlet is an actual human hand that goes foraging around in a pocket. It finds what it's looking for and brings it up. It's a cigar. He pops open his visor and puts it in his mouth and then looks for a lighter, finds it, and lights the cigar. After a few puffs, seeing that it's satisfactory, he puts the gauntlet back on.

"Hmmmm... didn't matter... enemy was on board... but missiles dropped..." a quite puzzled Helmina mumbled. She then took another pink candy and placed it in her mouth.

"Hmmm..." she smiled a little noticing his sadistic smile, and slightly nodded. But it was somewhat also worrying for her, but she kept her concerns well concealed...

The cigar caught her trivial attention, and she quickly jotted down his love for cigars in the notepad. Otherwise, nothing much happened. Somehow it reminded her of her love for her candies.

"Now, where was I? Yeah, the Devourer. Worlds fell like dead flies. Pop, there went a sector. Earth? Wiped out in a heartbeat. What's Sol? Wiped out in a week." He sighed and puffed on the cigar.

"Sounds like a cosmic horror very much..." said as she took a sip of her coffee.

"But us humans? We're fucking stupid. A smart race would've given up ages ago, but we kept fighting. I was put on the Last Stop, as we stationed there learned to call it. What was it our commander said...?" He looks around with his eyes and through the transparent visor, Helmina can see data flashing across it. "Ah, yes." A hologram of a battle-scarred veteran, his armor scorched and cracked and dented, appears not an inch in front of Helmina.

"Either way, it seems you have no choice... wait for death, run to death, or fight to death..." she remarked, then suddenly a question came in her mind. "Oh, wait, or did the Devourer offer you guys and gals any sort of deal? No?"

"An illusion... lovely..." the lady captain commented as she peered at the hologram with interest.

After a moment, it begins to speak in the voice of a man who has seen glory, who has seen victory and prestige, but also of a man who has seen Hell and walked his way back; who had seen many losses and many, many friends and family die horribly. But he spoke strongly; " 'We do not know what our chances of survival are, so we fight as if they were zero. We do not know what we are facing, so we fight as if it was the end of Creation itself. No one will remember us now and we may never be buried beneath Terra, so we will build our own memorial here. The Corps might lose us and the Confederacy might never know we existed, but the Enemy - the Enemy will know. The Enemy will remember. We will hurt it so badly that it will never forget us until the stars burn out and the Confederacy vanquishes it at the end of time. When the Devourer is dying, its last thought will be of us. That is our memorial -carved into the heart of the Enemy. We cannot lose, Marines. We have already won." A cheer goes out, many millions of men strong, and a scout comes up beside the Commander. He nods, takes out a cigar, and lights it, smiling.

The lady was very moved by the great speech from the hologram. The tale made her smile greatly, but also some tears came out of her eyes. Upon noticing her tears, she looked away for a moment, removed her tears before looking back and mumbled... "This... reminds me of Lieutenant Adnan... He was a brave hero also, fighting for his homeland despite all odds against him... he was the one saying, 'we will fight till the last drop of our blood'..."

For the most part, she simply nodded and smiled listening to his tale silently.

"'We cannot lose, Marines. We have already won.' Ahhh, what a cool slogan you have here..." she praised.

"Tonight, Marines, we dine in hell.' This. Is the day we fought. This. Is the day we died. Scores of us gone in seconds, but we fought and beat them back. We built walls and cover out of the corpses of our brothers and our foes. Didn't change a thing. There were just too many of 'em. Wave after wave after wave... The right flank fell first. Then the left. Me and my men? We were the final bastion of human hope. We loaded up men into drop-pods; I got forced in even though I wanted to finish consecrating that planet with the blood of my enemies. I was in hypersleep for... My suit indicates five to six hundred thousand years." He unclips the magazine of the rifle and checks it again, making sure it's in perfect condition - it's clear he cares about this rifle quite a bit.

"Wow, hundreds of thousands of years...?!"
"Hmm, looks like you care about your gun very much, eh? It must have went through many battles together with you," she asked out of the blue.

Then she came out with a random comment... "Hmm... final bastion of human hope, but too bad they did not send ladies with you guys too... If not, then those others elsewhere can make love and make babies to pass on their heritage..." she finished her remarks with a chuckle.

Then she asked again, "So how were the foes you were facing? They sounded very tough and powerful even for your futuristic empire. Are they all extra-dimensional beings and cosmic horrors?"
The Harkiyuians managed to sneak into the communications room underground of those stations. The only thing left now is to plant the hack and give the signal.

The Harkyiuians immediately planted the hacks and, after the hacks have been placed, they went outside and gave their signals to the Volcronians...

(awaiting response)


<Snipped quote by Kuchenlein>

He nods as the story is recorded, reviewed, and checked out by the Neurological Scanner. He simply shrugs when she tells him to speak, and points to the C-16 Rifle. "Give me my rifle or I won't tell you a damn thing. I'm on a hostile planet with unknown lifeforms who have advanced weaponry, and you think I'm going to just spill that kind of information? I think you're off your rocker."

"Hmmm... hmmmm" Helmina gasped in frustration, and clenched her fists in some anger. His last words of insult seemed to have irritated her somewhat. She backed off a little and gave a distressed glare at him. She then lifted her head upward as she began to explore possible options in her mind.

If she handed him the rifle, he might go rogue and break free without leaving a word or two, but there is also some chance for him to actually talk. But if she didn't, this troublesome outlander wouldn't comply, either. She had some bad feelings about this, but she somehow also felt that she should return the rifle to this strange outlander. Can she really trust an alien?

But she is a strong lady, and she has great responsibility for she is the one in charge of the 44th Regiment. And she hates to be humiliated and punished. And either way, they have great numbers and powers, the odds are in their favor.

"Fine, fine... promise me, do not go crazy after you got your rifle, and tell me your story... We keep your secrets and you keep our secrets, deal?"

If the Marine agreed with Helmina's deal...

She then shot a menacing glare at the Bomoh. The trembling Bomoh nodded and promptly returned the marine his rifle.
"Now, now, little boy. Your beloved gun is back in your hands. Do not go running amok, and do tell us your story. Don't worry, our nation has its own share of fucking shits to deal with, and your empire seemed very advanced, far more advanced than ours. We won't be there to get your nation, no worries."

"I want to hear your story. What is this Confederacy that you spoke of? What sent you flying here?"

The inexperienced conscripts were easy prey for the infiltrating Harkyiuians as some were asleep while supposed to be on guard duty or simply scared of the dark mist.

The Harkyiuians have had a lot of pleasure taking these scared conscripts down and twisting them into shadow beasts.

The Harkyiuians have their morale boosted high, and their numbers increased as a result.

As they went further toward their objectives, however, things seemed to turn rough and some real challenges finally came.

The Radar Stations however, houses narrow corridors and more experienced troops, making the infiltration a little harder... Their goal was to plant hacking devices the Volcron has designed for them on the main radar systems which is located under-ground.

"Narrow corridors..." a Shadowmancer whispered in a dark, yet soft tone as he pondered about ways to slip in successfully.

The Harkyiuians and their shadow beasts trekked carefully and silently, unsure how bad or well these Ironeagle troops could detect stealth. The Harkyiuians made their movements with caution and alertness. They would advance mostly only if no Ironeagle troops were on their way. If detected, the Harkyiuians would finish off any offenders ASAP and rise them as shadow beasts.


The assualting Pherithian-dominant teams were now near the river fort.
A few Citadelguards who has accompanied them now relayed instructions...
"Any good sharpshooters here?" one of them asked. Then a few of those sharpshooters will be given high-caliber but completely silent sniper rifles and told to stay out of sight while having visual on the fort.

Many elves and dwarves of Pherith rose their arms grinning and gladly took the fancy Volcronian rifles.
These sharpshooters skillfully went to good spots, where they have great sights on the fort but they themselves were covered properly.

The Pherithians were divided into several fireteams(4) each accompanied by one Citadelguard.
"Whatever you do.. keep out of those searchlights, and stay quiet... try to knock them out instead of firing your guns and alerting them.. " they continued pointing at the searchlights.

Then each team, one by one, would be told to sneak past the searchlights while the sharpshooters were to help them take out lone guards.

They would do as they were told.

The first 2 teams were told to go into the barracks and subjugate the guards and sleeping soldiers there.
Then they would make their way into the fort.
The second 2 teams would encircle the fort in case something unexpected happens and they have to bring in the big guns.

The first two teams, with more orc commandos and elven rangers, knocked out the gate guards with silenced pistols. Then they slipped in, and assassinated many guards quickly and silently...

The second two teams, consisting mostly of dwarves and cakes, surrounded the fort.
The agents would be paradropped into enemy territory secretly. They would be then given enough rations to last for a few weeks without help, given advanced radios, cloaking devices and other necessary gadgets for survival. They would be instructed to begin inflitration immediately while they still had the element of surprise.

Some Harkyiuians, with their Shadowhounds and Voidwalkers, were sent to lurk around in the dark, scouting the surrounding area quietly and silently. A few Ironeagle troops were promptly slain on first sight, then risen as lesser shadow creatures to bolster the Harkyiuian numbers.

Not long after a few minutes of trekking, they have risen 8 shadows from slain Ironeagle troops and have found a good place for camping. The agents then gathered there and set up operation camps, while resting and awaiting instructions.

Soon a few teams left the camp site and resumed scouting, led by Harkyiuian Shadowmancers and Pherithian (Elven) Rangers. And along the way, lone Ironeagle scouts were murdered and raised again as shadow minions of Harkyiu.

Pherithian Fleenzub Fighters and Bombers would be allowed space in the HQ's aerodrome. They were however, said that their araments would have to be replaced for adequate reloadments.

At first the Pherithians hesitated for a moment, but later most of them agreed for they wish to try out Volcronian tech for temselves. However, a few of them suggested to only replace half of their aircrafts' guns, since the Fleenzubs can recharge their own original weapons, but they are also willing to try Volcronian weapons too.

Meanwhile, back at the HQ, Volcron continued.
"Now that your agents are now in contact with us, we can now have better intel.."
He gets a message.
"Good news.... Rockgarde only has a division guarding that fortress now... Over 6200 fascist are held up in there... We shoudl quickly plan an offensive. Rockgarde will be our Belgium.... I will give the order for our forces near Rockgarde to be ready.. It is preferable to do it at night.."

"Indeed, my little minions do their best at night, in the midst of darkness' embrace." Goh Yuet-yin said smiling wickedly, "And this will strike terror and awe in their hearts, leaving them wetting their panties... and tremble before my will..."

He then opened another map
"This is the map of Rockgarde.."

Here is the plan I propose..

"The Harkiyuians will infiltrate through the north.. its trenches are guarded by less experienced troops, making to easy to sneak past them while taking down lone troops.. Their first target would be the Radar Stations, we need to get rid of any communications.
The Pherithians would attack a fort that is situated near the river and use it as a forward staging point for more reinforcements and observations.."

Rhelsha grinned and said, "Easy as a piss of cake, mister. Very easy for us Harkyiuians. But one thing though, we already have some Pherithians coming with our teams, and some Harkyiuians are with the Pherithian teams. But that is no problem I suppose."

Tikiyachod, on the other hand, did not seem too confident about this. "Oh no, the Pherithians numbers seems to be too few. But maybe we can do it... sheer luck, I suppose."
Azlariah then looked at Tikiyachod with a loving gaze and gave him a pat on the shoulder, "Don't worry, my dear. My elves and those orcs and dwarves will do very a great job. And we have some of these... Obsidian Triads in our teams too..."

Tikiyachod blushed a little and smiled. He nodded reassuringly, "Ah, yes."

Lam Tsih-wah cheered suddenly witnessing their sweet moments, but then got his face pinched playfully by Rhelsha and Yuet-yin.

"Once the Radar Stations are done, the Volcrons will launch an offensive on their northern and weaker flank, prompting them to fortify their northern trenches and pulling more experienced troops over there... Now the Harkiyuians would use this chance to disable all their defenses. If their artillery emplacements are destroyed, we can be less suppressed... If their AAs are destroyed, we now have aerial support..
While some Pherithians would inflitrate the southern lines which would be in chaos, some Pherithians will perform a left flank to help a Pherithian main force assaulting their western trenches.."

The elites of Pherith and Harkyiu mostly agreed with Phase 2's planning.

Tikiyachod asked if Volcron would mind sending in some automations to bolster Pherith's assaulting forces.

"After their defenses crumble, the Pherithians and the Volcrons will initiate a final assualt onto Fort Rockgarde ITSELF and their main trenches from behind. By then, we will have artillery support.. The Inflitrating pherithian forces will perform a series of backhand blows to the enemy, causing more chaos and confusion while the Harkiyus mess up the main fort itself... Soon.. the battle will be nothing more than a mopup and reconstruction for the inevitable counter-offensive..." Volcron continued while smiling slightly

Volcron then awaits response

"Heh," Tikiyachod grinned, "Nice plan, I like it very very muchie."
"Let's go,"

Volcron then gave the visiting high command their own rooms and the expeditionary forces bunks in the barracks.

The Pherithian and Harkyiuian elites thanked Volcron and gladly headed to their own rooms.

Please also state the number of divisions that will be taking part in this operation..

Pherith :
  • 8 Infantry Divisions
  • 5 Mechanized Divisions
  • 3 Armored Divisions
  • 2 Aerial Divisions

Harkyiu :
  • 12 Infantry Divisions
  • 10 Mechanized Divisions
  • 5 Armored Divisions
  • 3 Aerial Divisions

(Yes, the Harkyiuians are quite numerous)


After having received instructions, the Harkyiuian-dominant teams sneaked their way to the north, while the Pherithian-dominant teams assembled somewhere in the south.

The Harkyiuian-dominant teams would split themselves into two ways, one for each radar station.
For each radar station, the Harkyiuian-dominant teams would then split into smaller squads. After casting mists of shadows all over the northern trenched, they would slip past the troops in many paths, while also toasting any lone troops they come across, into Harkyiuian shadow creatures.

The Pherithian-dominant teams, once prepared and ready, would then launch their assault on the Riverside fort as planned.

Tikiyachod would be invited to the top floor of the HQ.
"Ahh.. Tikiyachod... Good timing, we are just reviewing our plans for the current offensive..."
He then proceeded to summarize what has been discussed.

"Glad I have come right on time..."
"Let's begin..."

"The Harkiyius could inflitrate those lands and give us intel.. currently this is all we got...(shows current map)
we were thinking about capturing Rockgarde and use it as a staging point. Its a good thing Harkiyians have troops suited for mountain warfare. Perhaps a few Pherithian Mountaineers will also do? Because once we capture Rockgarde, we will be subjected to an enormous counterattack so we require a defensive divisions to go with them. We will have limited artillery support and air support."

"A very sound plan you have here, homies," Tikiyachod said with a bright smile nodding in approval, "The Harkyiuians are very infamous-- uhh, well respected and feared for their mastery... they are really great at infiltration, urban fighting and mountain warfare..."

"As for Pherith, we have quite a number of well-bodied orcs, dwarves and elves for this. Some of them are great masters as well. Perhaps Pherith and Harkyiu can make a few joint taskforces and teams together, as well."

The Harkyiuian elites nodded in approval. Rhelsha showed her eyes and smile full of passion and curiosity.

"Oh, one more thing... Is there any funny anti-air toys they hold?" Azlariah rose her hand and asked, "If not, maybe Pherith can be of help for air support. We have fancy skyships of many shapes and sizes. Powered by the windflows, magik crystals and the sunrays, they can go really fast and their designs make them really agile. Plus, they can send a lot of punishments for they are armed with lots of fancy shits as well."

"Once the enemy has reassigned part of their frontline troops to Rockgarde, we can stage a breakthough...

Also the Harkiyians could inflitrate and provide us intel, perhaps stir up some trouble and disrupt their war effort. What do you say?"

"It's a very nice plan, homies. The armies of Pherith and Volcron can strike through these Nazis as fast as lightning once we get Rockgarde. And yes, the Harkyiuians will do the sabotages. Is there anything more?"


Later, several groups of Pherithian and Harkyiuian agents gathered not far behind the Dunkirk HQ, ready to act anytime.

If Volcron agreed with the Pherithian air support, then a few squadrons of Fleenzub Fighters and Fleenzub Bombers would also come flying around the HQ awaiting orders.

Goh Yuet-yin and her closes aides would find themselves at Dunkirk HQ. It was the top floor and being only a few miles away from the actual fighting, Goh could see smoke and fire from the fighting at Dunkirk Dam(to the east) and Fort Casgimus. Volcron invited her inside.

The Harkyiuian elites took a look at the battle unfolding nearby and were amazed with the vast arsenals of both sides, along with the great firepower both sides unleash. The Harkyiuian Triads have fought with many monsters in their dark world, but it had been a long time witnessing an epic duel between two advanced nations. "This fighting seems really intense..." Goh Yuet-yin commented, "I'm beginning to feel wary. Their numbers are very huge and they seem to have decent technologies as well. Will our forces be advanced and numerous enough?"

"I suggest we enter, sometimes, Ironhand fighters and bombers can slip through our defenses due to their enormous numbers.."

"Yes, indeed. We cannot let them hear of our plans, nor hurt us,"
And so the Harkyiuian elites went inside.

(Psst... @Lorddiviness Harkyiuians have a few mechanized divisions as well, well at least for the current Harkyiuians in Vestroya,)

Once inside, there was a large table with a holographic map of the frontline. As Volcron entered, 2 figures, fully clad in armor there, stood up and saluted.
Volcron nodded and dismissed them and they exited the room.
Volcron then gestured at the map.
THIS is the current situation..

Everyone took careful looks on the map and then analyzed the situation. They also went thinking and brainstorming as well.

"We have shifted the Harkiyuian forces which has arrived here to parts that needed them the most. Pherithian forces have yet to arrived.

"Is there no intel on the insides of the Ironeagle turfs?" Rhelsha asked, "Can we Harkyiuians sneak in some shadows and rogues inside to gather intel and investigate their insides?"
"We can send some of our agents to sabotage them from within, too."

There are major concentrations of forces at Fort Casgimus and Dunkirk Dam so it is not a good point for a breakthrough.. However, Rockgarde, as you see here, is quite undefended... However, it is cold and the terrain is very desolate... I have assembled a few automated divisions fitted for such high-elevation warfare. Perhaps some Harkiyuian Commandos or Mountaineers will help... Even paratroopers might. Tanks or artillery are out of question, logistics will kill them before they kill enemies. If Rockgarde can be captured, our foces can stage a breakthrough point. However, it must be done before they realize what we are doing.. We only have one chance before they fortify Rockgarde up and this turns into a war of attriction..

Or alternatively, we could go by sea. Although the Volcronite Armada is powerful, it is not large enough to cover a large expanse of the sea. And the Ironhand ships just keep coming and coming with no end... Granted they are underdeveloped, their numbers are the main thing that hits us hard..." Volcron continued.

Rhelsha showed an evil grin after hearing Volcron's story about Rockgarde. "Infiltration...? Is this what you need? Perfect..."
"My-- our elite troops and beasts will be of great use... Vanguards, our version of Commandos, are really tough and agile... our Shadowmancers can play around with the shadows, and our Geomancers can shake the earth... we also have Shadowhounds and Voidwalkers that can blend into the darkness, go around unseen, and strike suddenly when the time comes... and our average troops are already very familiar with mountains..."



Green rays came shining out as a portal broke open right outside of the Dunkirk HQ.

Firstly came a youthful man emitting a powerful presence and an aura of pale green (Tikiyachod), then an alluring elven lady with a flowery scent (Azlariah) followed, and lastly a luxuriously decorated living chocolate cake (Tortesäber) stepped out from the rift. As soon as the living cake made his way out, the portal closed.

"I, Tikiyachod, the Cakemaster of Pherith, has come here to help bring an end to the Ironeagle Nazis!" the youthful man, Tikiyachod, proudly exclaimed with his right fist rising upwards toward the skies.

He then lowered his volume to casual loudness, and asked, "Hello? Where are you, Mr. Volcron? Where are you?"

"I have organized my army here, they are all ready to fight and all... but one thing, I'm not yet sure where to position them. Should the Pherithian troops join you here, or should they go stab those Nazis from the back?"
Why is every female from your faction thirsty thots?
IT seems I should start a Volcron Thot Patrol...


Well actually, not every female of my factions is a horny thot lol. But yes, they are mostly dominant mistresses :)
Perhaps I am in need of love, aka loveless lol

Yes, go for it! Volcron Thot Patrol for the win! :D
"Excellent! It is settled.. Now I invite you to join me at Dunkurk Dam, our forward frontier HQ.. There we can draw out our battle, logistical and occupation plans... It will be a short but hard war... Our logistics will suffer, there is no real infrastructure there.." Volcron continue.

Volcron then opens a portal to Dunkurk Dam.
"Do we meet up later or do you want to initiate the meeting now?" He continued.

"I think we Pherithians can wait for awhile, I'm going to mobilize my army before we begin, I guess. Goh Yuet-yin and her Triads can straightaway go for the meeting, I think." Tikiyachod replied.

"Oh, yeah, indeed. I can't wait to play with those little Nazis as soon as possible!" Goh Yuet-yin replied.
Goh Yuet-yin and her closest aides immediately went hopping into the portal. Her Triads were also eager for some actions and fights, too. A few days and the Triads assembled themselves at the right places, ready for action.

(sorry for the late reply by the way, but I have made up for it with a long backstory in the next part of the post ;) )


<Snipped quote by Kuchenlein>

He sighed, but then looked at the Bomoh, confused. "Earth? Earth was one of the first core worlds to fall. It's been a Dead World for decades. We were eradicated here. How...?" He looks around wearily, but then he starts looking about warily. He stands up, adopting a brawler's stance. "This isn't Earth. Who the hell are you?"


Likewise, the Revitals also looked at the otherworldly marine, puzzled and also alerted.

"Ah no. This is Earth, really. This is really Earth." the Bomoh replied assuringly, "But I sense otherworldly essence from you... Have you come from another dimension? Likely." ("However, I have sensed some otherworldly essence from you... Have you come here from another dimension? Probably.")

A soldier hastily rushed to the room and shouted, "Puan Helmina dah datang! Puan Helmina dah datang sini!" ("Lady Helmina have come! Lady Helmina have come here!")

The entire room soon fell into a deathly silence. Thuderous footsteps could be heard not far away as someone slowly strolled her way. At the same time, a menacing, yet alluring scent could be smelled from afar. As each second passed, the footsteps only got louder and the scent grew stronger. A high-ranking female in a fancy battlesuit stepped in. She shot the marine an alluring gaze, before clearing her throat and spoke in a sexy, yet dominating, feminine tone.

"Ehem! Gutentag, Pelajanmun wakus! Bagaimanekah leitei semue? Kenapekah bisingnye sini tadi? Lututlah di depan Puani leiteis." ("Ehem! Good day, my servants! How are you all? Why was this place so noisy just now? Kneel before your lady.")

The other Revitals all knelt before her. "K-khabar baik, Puan woteis, kamsiah sangat." ("We're f-fine, our lady, thank you very much.")

Helmina seemed to have sensed something unusual in her camp. Helmina then looked around and soon she noticed the marine. She promptly pointed her finger on him and said, "Ohh tengoklah, wotei mempunya di sini jatki asingnyen Pendatang'i! Benarkah dier deh yang membuat Bising tadi?" ("Ohh look, we have here a foreign outlander! Is he truly the one that made the noise?")

The bomoh nodded and said, "Ja, Puan wakus. Wotei--"

Puan Helmina interrupted the bomoh and said, "Ja, ja. Wa tahu, lu tak perlu berulang Ceritekan tadi. Wa sudah mendengar Semue yang berlaku tadi. Bagilah wa bertindak." ("Ya,ya. I know, you don't have to repeat the story just now. I have listened to all that happened recently. Let me act.")

She then sat down right in front of the marine, then gave him a gaze and a smile.

"So, is it rude if I don't introduce myself before a newcomer, hmm? And sorry for our funny tongue, hehehe... So here I am, Puan Helmina -- Teau Helmina von Saantau -- Captain of the 44th Regiment. And of course, I am a sexy mistress to these poor fellows!" this lady captain, Helmina, proudly exclaimed with a big evil grin.

"Anyways, young lad, let's me and you have a talk, shall we? What shall we talk about? Anyways, outlander, maybe you don't know what the fuck is Whampoa, and maybe you are all confused and befuddled. Right, dear? So let me tell you our glorious fucking history. And after that, I want to hear about your story too, boy!" she leaned a bit closer to the marine, then backed off to normal.

"So, as this tiny little shaman has said, we are Whampoans, and this, Whampoa, is our lovely country. You may find our culture a very fucking crazy clusterfuck. Indeed, it is, and we are proud of it. Our current culture is a melting pot of Lemuria's beauteous ancient culture, blended further with the other lovely cultures... we have German designs, we have Malay heritages, we have Chinese foods and we have Japanese spirits. Blended and mixed like a yummy rojak and a cute little bastard. And, of course, my dear, there are tons of fucking reasons in history why is it as such..."

"Our history begun a very long time ago, stemming all the way back to the ancient time of Lemuria. Our Lemuria was a very beautiful and glorious nation long ago. Many fancy lovely castle in the blue skies, amidst the heavenly clouds. Elegant villages and towns in the midst of an ancient forest." she said with a proud and happy smile, but then he suddenly withdrew her smile and continued in a sad cry, "However, it has been gone and sunken in the depths of sea all of a sudden. What a fucking shame indeed. The Lemurians, our foremothers, were scattered as Lemuria sunk into the deep fucking sea. Lemurians became a wandering people in Asia, homeless and hungry. Then after wandering here and there for many thousands of years... our foremothers finally settled in places such as Cantonia, Taiwan, Nusantara and Japan. We were living peacefully for many centuries later, then came the Chinese Empire."

She cleared her throat and proceeded with a dark solemn voice, "Since then, we, the Whampoan people, have been living under Chinese feudalism for many damned centuries. Our ancient ancestry and culture was buried and denied by the Chinese invaders. Our sisters and mothers were denied their worth and were dragged to slavery and drudgery. We were forced to forget about Lemuria, speak in their fucking ching-chong tongue, live in the way they Chinese live, and finally we had to kneel before the Chinese emperors! What a fucking disgrace to us Whampoans, the glorious descendants of Lemuria!"

She heaved a sigh and showed a smirk on her face. "However, every cloud has a silver lining, they say. And fucking true indeed. In the midst of this shithole, we Whampoans have fought the goddamn Chinese and the many other conquerors, who crave to devour and consume our nation. Countless heroes and messengers have descended to guide us Whampoans to our destiny and glory."

Her eyes suddenly opened bigger and glittered in glory, "We have this great pirate mistress, Puan Sekjong (Ching I Sao). She, a self-made woman and a widow, who led the Cantonian pirates fucking up Qing China and the British Empire! And she's one of my greatest idols as well!" She had a pause and looked upwards at the ceilings, grinning like a happy lark as she thought of her heroine.

She then continued with the story of some other supposedly "Whampoan" heroes, but as she went on, she began to sound quite bored unlike before, "Then we have this Jose Rizal, a lovely writer born in Spanish Phillippines. He have spread his mighty ideals and visions far and wide, but alas, few listened to him and he ended up getting killed by the Spanish conquerors in the end. Encik Sun Jatsen (Sun Yat-sen) and Encik Tsiang Kaisek (Chiang Kai-shek), two of Whampoa's greatest heroes, have brought the damned Chinese Empire to a collapse and made Whampoa great again. Without so much fucking wealth as the other fat and lazy warlords, these two heroes actually managed to mold the Whampoan Legion in the middle of desolate poverty. They had crushed the feuding warlords, united the Whampoans under one banner, and fiercely defended Whampoa from the Japanese and the Chinese. Leftenan Adnan, a good boy hailing from Malaya, had also sliced many of those Japanese sushis in Singapore."

She let out a sigh of relief after having finished telling the tale of the other heroes. She then smiled again and went on storytelling, "And finally, under the reign of Kaisar Tsai Pai-hsiang, we Whampoans rose up, as the mighty Holy Huaxian Empire... The tides have been turned, and we came conquering China for once... Never once people thought this day would come, where we ruled over China and we took on their name! The rulers of fucking Holy Huaxia! We have also held many crusades all over the world, bringing all the lovely lands from Malaya and Japan under our domination! Yes, domination, it was fucking domination! I am so proud and I very much wished I could be as powerful as him! We also went for Africa, to hunt a terrific gang of clowns, while also pushing our frontiers far and wide!"

"Alas, Emperor Pai-hsiang has already been dead for long. After his death, our Empire was carved into a few big pieces. Many years later, another emperor stepped up and united all of Whampoan under the Holy Huaxian Empire again. A few powerful dynasties have risen to rule Whampoa in peace and unity, and with each passing day our Holy Huaxian Empire grew stronger and bigger. But the peace did not last for too long. We have lost these powerful dynasties, the damned throne is missing of any emperors for around a century. The lands of Whampoa had been divided amongst feuding warlords. Another feudal age came, with tons of fucking feuds and wars tearing Whampoa apart. Worse yet, the Harkyiuian Triads and their Shadowspawns came raining down from the skies like the cats and dogs they are, ravaging and assaulting Whampoa in their frenzy. But we Whampoans have beaten these beasts back to their beloved Alastorn."

"After nearly a thousand of years have passed, we see countries like Nanyang and Taiwan rising as great powers. At that time, the Holy Huaxian Empire still stood, but weakened and scattered beyond salvation. They were still part of this Holy Huaxian Empire, but they also held lands outside, and the imperial authority was pitifully weak and impotent. That Huaxia was fucking pitiful by that time, nothing more than a ghost of the past age, and an overglorified piece of useless shit. Finally, death came striking like a loud drum. The Indian Empire and the Peiyangese Empire came marching to our lands, spreading revolution and leaving destruction in their wake. Those fuckers have dominated the Whampoan people, and finished off the Holy Huaxian Empire for real."

"Then, we rose again and fought them back to their lands. Peace was then restored, but sometimes India and Peiyang were still there to poke our Whampoa every now and then. Poking us Whampoans like fucking mosquitoes and flies, very annoying indeed. Many decades have passed, all of us were growing tired of their stings, and we Whampoans could also wait no longer... to unite our motherland as one! Thus, we have risen to fuck their puny nations, and gloriously we have proclaimed the founding of our Reich!"

"However, the good scene did not last lost, for we were dragged for another damn war. That time, however, we were defeated and we lost. Those useless feudal warlords have left our country in chaos and poverty. Many enemy countries have swallowed parts of Whampoa, and they have also sucked our wealth dry like the leeches they are. Gangsters, warlords and petty partisans have sprang like mushrooms growing after a heavy rain."

"Then, this great glorious man -- Tschow Konrad -- our current emperor, have risen and led the Whampoan people for revival. We have fought many foes in our revolutions. In the end, much of the Whampoan mainland is united under his wise rule. He has made Whampoa great again! Whampoa is strong, and will always be! Only a few petty feudal warlords remain in the outlying islands and in Africa. Soon, we shall rise and conquer Earth for the Whampoan glory!"

As Helmina finished her storytelling, she looked around left and right, and left an evil smirk on her face. Her eyes seem to hold great ambitions and hopes for her nation, and for herself. One can really feel her menacing presence and her lust for love and glory, if one stares at her eyes long enough.

"It is your turn now, my little boy. Speak. Lady Helmina wants to hear your tale." a smiling Helmina said, but her smile seem to be quite thirsty and menacing...
The suit simply surveyed them, then the arm thrusted downwards about an inch, and a small autocannon came out. "Stand down now or this autocannon will immediate-" The suit stops speaking, and the suit stumbles a bit before catching itself. "Soldier back online. Soldier back online. Soldier back online." The autocannon goes back up into the hand compartment, and Ice notices that he isn't where he was before. By now, he's close to a table, and he notices the weaponry. He slams the table down in front of him as cover, asking in a shout why the fuck they're armed.

"Whoa-- h-hey! We is soldier so we have guns! We is soldier and official from Whampoan Reich!" the Revitals exclaimed. Then the Bomoh approached him and spoke, giving him a brief look then pointing at a goggle of the Sergeant, "Also you go mad recent, mad as a hatter and you pretend robot. Needkah we show you camera flim?"

The Bomoh immediately turned to the soldier and gestured him to show what happened just now. The Sergeant clicked on a few buttons on his Pickelhaube, then the goggle projected a hologram depicting the mysterious combat suit's madness recently. "We not civillian, we is soldier and officer! You and your robot suit go here from cosmos, but your friend see us as mere civilian! He even want to shoot us!"

"But luckily, you wake up in correct time. Your robot friend stop his madness already."

"Now, time for a talk. So... what which you will do on Earth? If you want shelter here, we must send folk to care and watch you. We afraid your robot friend go mad again."


@KuchenleinThe decided place was a little island surrounded by fog.
It was a barren place with nothing more than a few rocks and coconut trees.

*two rifts opened from the skies, then Goh Yuet-yin and Tikiyachod hopped out from there*
*and alongside Goh Yuet-yin and Tikiyachod are a few of their closest aides*

*Goh Yuet-yin has brought with her : Lam Tsih-wah, Rhelsha, and Big Cloud*
*Tikiyachod has brought with him : Cadusa, and Azlariah*

Lam Tsih-wah : "Hey, is this... Cadusa?!"
Cadusa : "W-who is this...? T-tsih-wah?"
Lam Tsih-wah : "Yes!"
Cadusa : "Ahhh, it's glad--"

Volcron soon stepped out of his portal.

He saw both Goh Yeut-yin and Tikiyachod.
"Well.. Now that we meet personally, let us talk.." He motioned a nearby rock which flew and transformed into a table and 3 chairs between them.

Tikiyachod ([font=georgia]Warcraft II Human Ship Soundset[/font]) : "Aye, captain."
Goh Yuet-yin : "Indeed..."

"First off, Goh Yeut-yin... I hate to say this but your assault caused a few droids and defenses to be completely out-of-order, I would require some kind of compensation... And yes.. I will pay for the damages to your contraptions and loss of lives so this will sort of cancel out" he continued.

Goh Yuet-yin : "Sounds nice, and thank you for your compensation too. We have vast reserves of raw materials from Alastorn, and we can give away some amount as compensation if you agree."

"Tikiyachod, we were talking about this Iron Legion, am I right? This Legion consists of many fascist human tribesmen. They hate anything that isn't human... But they only see themselves as HUMAN... So there's the big catch. You can't befriend them... This war has gone on for a century, ever since the First "Ceaser", as they called their leader. There is no current Ceaser yet, making them very divided.." he continued

Tikiyachod : "Ahhh, yep."
*as Tikiyachod listened, he nodded in silence and pondered within his mind*

Tikiyachod : "Fascist human tribes... Caesar... Some Nazi Romans?! Complete with advanced technology!? Really???"

*the mention of Fascists and Nazis have tickled the Harkyiuian Triads' passion deep within. The Harkyiuian elites seem to hold a bitter grudge against the Nazis*

Rhelsha (deep, dark, feminine tone) : "These little children must be taught a hard lovely lesson... I would love to make them as my servants..."
Goh Yuet-yin : "Yes! And I want more lands too! More underlings!"

Lam Tsih-wah : "*rose his right fist and shouted with passion* Nazis? Fascists? If so, then I am eager to help as much as I can!"
Lam Tsih-wah : "And I can fight side-by-side with Dehrok's son! Woohoo!"

*Goh Yuet-yin chuckled for a split second, then went silent and shot a deadly glare at Tsih-wah*
*Tsih-wah bowed to Yuet-yin in an awkward silence*

Goh Yuet-yin : "Manners. Also, please don't shout that... guy's name out loud and happy..."
Lam Tsih-wah : "O-okay..."

Tikiyachod : "Ah, they have no Caesar yet. They are still shattered and bickering. We must make moves before a Caesar comes and unite them all..."

"Due to that, I want to make a proposal.... Before they unite and become more dangerous, We shall take this opportunity to launch a full-scale offensive. The Pherith can establish themselves on the Western half, a delta , which is a good spot for growing food and settlements. The Triads, on the East, which is a bit mountainous, but it is offsetted by it's more "oriental" atmosphere and a lot of minerals. The Volcron wants a few of their former facilities back and especially the northern wastes as it houses one of our greatest facilities that has been locked for more than a century. After the war, the Triad can receive half other the former legionnaires as slaves, even though I don't like slavery, I think it is good to give the legion a taste of their own medicine. Pherith the other half for their own purposes. The Volcron wants their former slaves to be freed and be able to join any nation. Although you all might think half is little.. the estimate for the amount of Legionnaires is over 6 million with about 2 million slaves."

Tikiyachod : "I was thinking of the eastern half at first, but the western half sounds really great also. Hmm... Very well, this plan sounds great! But we have to coordinate our militaries for the coming operation, don't you think?"

Goh Yuet-yin : "Very great! More minerals, more lands and more slaves! Slaves!"
Lam Tsih-wah : "Oh, and yeah, we have to attack them from three sides... all at once, all at the same time. Perhaps we can also send some of our own forces to each other's side, to bolster our attacks with more spices and flavors."

Rhelsha : "Our Triads and Shadowspawns may also try to sneak and lurk in the shadows. They will smuggle themselves all the way, until they came right into the middle of their turfs, spreading chaos and mayhem right inside their heartland. With the outside attacks from three sides, this way they will fall easily before our hands..."

Tikiyachod : "And Pherith shall send columns of hot winds to tear down the Ironeagles, setting them ablaze and leaving them distracted... And we will make a very good use of our sorceries too,"

Lam Tsih-wah : "With this, these petty Nazis will crumble before our combined might!"

Tikiyachod : "Yes... We have tons of cyborgs from the Volcron, the mighty shadows and rocks of the Harkyiu, the windy airships and the vast diverse hordes of Pherith... victory is at hand..."

"I also propose the 'Research Alliance for Volcron-Pherith-Triad Technology' or the RAVPTT. After our war with the Legion is over, we can open Research Facilities, International Universities and Academies. I can provide the professors and teachers, the Triad could provide the necessary maintenance and Pherith could supply security and supplies. Any student from any nation can attend If they meet the necessary requirements."
He cleared his throat.
"That is all my proposals for now... Any other proposals or objections?"

Tikiyachod : "Pardon, but I think the correct name would be -- 'Research Alliance for Volcron-Pherith-Harkyiu Technology', or RAVPGT. Anyways, that's a very great idea you have here, Volcron! I think each of our faction can also play limited roles in other fields, and I think it will be very good if we can have inter-communication and cooperation amongst ourselves. Like, uhm, Volcron provide most professors but the other two can send in some of theirs too. The Harkyiuian Triads are in charge of most maintenance, but the other two of us can help them too. While I provide the most supply and security, the others can contribute some too,"

Tikiyachod : "I think we can also put some of our development together too, perhaps economy as well. Maybe we can also do cultural exchanges too, what do you think?"
Tikiyachod : "The Harkyiuian Triads have tons of manpower and raw materials, Volcron has many capitals and machines on the other hand, while we Pherith has a large enough population, decent magitechs and also our cultural appeal. What do you think?"
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