Avatar of Kyoukari
  • Last Seen: 2 yrs ago
  • Joined: 10 yrs ago
  • Posts: 70 (0.02 / day)
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    1. Kyoukari 10 yrs ago


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7 yrs ago
Current I'd load him into a rocket and fire him into the heart of the sun. Even if his survives the heat, he'd never be able to escape the gravitational pull of the core of a star. Problem solved.
7 yrs ago
So, question of the week: How would you kill SCP-682?
7 yrs ago
You have no papers? To the trumpentration camp with you!
1 like
7 yrs ago
BC, Vhere are your papers?
8 yrs ago
Been a while. But I'm back.
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Hapi first came to the country as a young teen and spent her time roaming from halfway house to halfway house. She found it hard to find places that would accept her, but at least she didn't have a criminal record. And yet wherever she stayed, people would find things going missing. Little things. Random things. Everything from expensive jewelry to cheap metal cutlery. When Hapi inevitably moved on the thefts would stop. Finally a particularly valuable diamond ring went missing, prompting a huge search and, when the authorities turned over Hapi's room they found a veritable trove of pilfered items. The young Harpy was promptly arrested and taken before the courts where she was charged by a Judge with an anti-myth agenda. That she'd had to audacity to steal from good, proper humans warranted, in his opinion, a harsh punishment. What should've been, at most, community service became prison time and when she finally got out, she found only closed doors, that is until she reached The Oasis.

Hapi isn't exactly the sharpest tool in the shed, in fact it wouldn't be too unkind to say that she's a bit feather brained. However she is, at heart a nice person, if quite a bit clumsy and naive. She is also obsessed with shiny things and has a habit of stealing anything that catches her eye. She doesn't do this for monetary gain but simply to add to her collection of shiny prizes. She also has a habit of speaking in the third person.

What type of mythical creature are you?
"Hapi is a Harpy, of course. Hehehe...he? What was Hapi saying?"

What Crime did you commit?
"Hapi didn't do anything! She was just adding to her collection and the mean people came and stole all her shinies and put her in a cage."

How long where you in prison?
"Hapi was kept in that cage for a whole year!"

How long have you lived at The Oasis?
"Hapi has been at this nest for four months and she hasn't taken any shinies. Promise. Well....maybe a few little shinies..."
I think Zark may have died.
*whistles nonchalantly*
Sooooo..... Hi!
Interesting, I was aware that the Joining could be reversed but I wasn't aware that it weakens over time. Regardless, New-Child was never intended to be away from the nest forever so lets just assume that she's to return before the Joining is undone.
Hmm, probably only a few months, why do you ask?



Natives of the planet Thustra - Purple/Pink skinned - Elf-like humanoids - 200 year average lifespan

Trooper (formerly)
Killik Joiner

Mercenary Armor
Blaster Pistol

Dawn has very little of her own personality left after being joined to the Killik Hive Mind for so long. Regardless she does retain some of her individuality, a necessity in her role for the Hive. Despite her slight individuality, she still refers to herself as "we" and, like all Killiks and Joiners, she considers all forms of communication to be "songs".

Dawn was once a Diplomatic Guard for the Sephi Ambassador to the Galactic Republic. In her role as Diplomatic Guard, she accompanied the Sephi Ambassador to planets all over Republic space. All that changed when the Sephi Ambassador went to Alderaan on a mission for the Thustrian Monarchy. While traveling from one Noble Estate to another, the entire party stumbled upon a battle between two warring hives of Killiks. The Alderaanian Guides attempted to warn the party of the danger but before they could retreat they found themselves caught in the middle of the battle. In the chaos, Dawn was separated from the party and stumbled, wounded and lost, into the wilderness where she was found by a group from one of the Killik Hives.

Dawn was on the edge of death when the Killiks brought her back to their nest. In her semi-conscious state they treated her wounds and fed her a strange substance which sated her hunger and restored her strength. However the "food" she was fed and the pheromones secreted by the Killiks themselves began to cause a change in New-Child's brain chemistry and, by the time she was fully healed, she no longer had any interest in leaving the nest. She was absorbed into the Killik Hivemind, forgot her old name and was renamed "New-Child-of-the-Hatakari-Nest", the newest Joiner of the Killiks.

For several years, she served the Hive as a Nest-Guardian, protecting and caring for the Killik Larvae. However as time passed, and the Hive absorbed more minds through joining, the Hive began to evolve. They began to take interest in the events beyond the nest, beyond even Alderaan. To satiate their growing curiosity about the wider universe, the Hive knew they would need agents to explore, to learn, and then to return to the nest to share their experiences with the Hivemind. New-child, renamed "Dawn-Herald", was among some of the few Joiners who were chosen to brave the Silence for the good of the Hive.

Gisella Kabat



Acting Squadron Leader (formerly)
Flight Lieutenant

Striker Unit
Messerschmitt Bf 109

Solothurn 31M light MG

Magical Ability
Not only can she erect a magical shield in front of herself but she possesses the ability to create shields at a distance away from herself, allowing her to shield others at a distance.

Animal Familiar
Transylvanian Hound

She has been shaped by war and left cynical and abrasive, and that's on a good day.

Gisella was born in Ostmark and experienced it's fall to the Neuroi first hand. Though she would never speak about it, she still remembers the fear of those days, as cities were burned and hundreds died. While many fled Ostmark, many more remained trapped inside the nation's borders, forced to hide under the ruins of the buildings they once called home. Gisella was one of those poor souls.

When the call went out for those girls with magical talent to become Strike Witches, to combat the Neuroi, a young and idealistic Gisella volunteered. She received a crash training course in aerial combat and, among dozens of other recruits, was deployed, along with the floundering Ostmark military against the Neuroi invaders. Few survived their first engagement, but those who did were changed by the grim reality of the war over Ostmark.

Over the years Gisella became a veteran of dozens of missions against the Neuroi and got her fair share of scars to show for it, even losing her right eye. Many of her closest comrades were not as lucky. What had once been a concentrated effort to drive the Neuroi back had become a scattered resistance, behind enemy lines. A broken army fighting to reclaim a destroyed country. Finally word reached Ostmark that the 501st had destroyed not one, but two Neuroi Hives over western Europe and with this news came a renewed effort from the forces of the other nations to liberate Ostmark.

Gisella, having been operating in the role of Squadron Leader since the death of her predecessor, was just one of the few surviving Strike Witches who were recovered by the Allied forces that were sent to Ostmark. She, along with the other Strike Witches recovered from Ostmark were sent to RAF High Command for debriefing and some much deserved leave. Gisella, however, found the quiet after years of war to be unsettling and, when the new front opened up over Ming she requested to be allowed back into active service. High Command capitulated and accepted her request, however as she was never actually officially promoted to the rank of Squadron Leader, she was forced to accept a commission as a Flight Lieutenant.
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