Avatar of L4dyH4wke
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    1. L4dyH4wke 8 yrs ago


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7 yrs ago
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Hello I am Hawke. I like long walks in the forest and to hear my enemies torn asunder. I am normally found in various RPs, including superheros, Shifter/lycanthropy, or fantasy settings. Sometimes i am in space.

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In Variance 7 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay
Arti come on, i did the thing and finally scraped my characters off the pavement lets get this GOING. i need rp for to LIIIIIVEEEEE
In Variance 7 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay
@Artifexwhat was that? do i hear a "lets do this madness"?
In Variance 7 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay
Name: Wrenly Alice Monroe
Alias: Wren, Shifter
Age: 20
Gender: female

Appearance: Wren is average height, 5' 5". She is lean and muscular, with the build of a runner. She has short hair, a reddish brown color. Her eyes are a stormy grey color. Wren wears glasses, which usually have tape on them from constantly being broken. She is fond of hoodies and sweatpants, kahkis and sweaters, or anything loose fitting and baggy. Wren always has a satchel to carry textbooks and her clothes, as well as her sketchbooks.

Occupation: college student, part time server at Wonderland bar, part time badguy
Family: Thomas Monroe, father. Bethany Monroe, mother. Alice Davis-Green, aunt.

Personality: Wren is very sarcastic and often grumpy sounding. She likes to be alone most times, preferring the company of nature to the hectic sounds of the city and the people in it. She is fiercely loyal to those she deems worthy of her friendship, however she is very independent. She is out to make her way in the world, and no one or thing is going to stop her. Wren is highly intelligent, and very good at managing her time and alibis. Wren is also very curious, wanting to learn anything and everything she can. She often times got into trouble as a child for snooping. Wren is enamored with all things nature has to offer, but has an espacial love of the ocean.

Notoriety: Unregistered
Class/Level: Shapeshifter, Green

Powers/Abilities: Wren can shift her form into the shape of any animal of her choice, so long as she has a sufficient understanding of their behaviors and anatomy. She preferrs to take the form of birds or other small animals, such as dogs or cats. On occasion she will take the form of a fox, but she tends to stick with what she knows. Wren is limited to animals she has spent a lot of time studying, as well as animals of a size similar or smaller to her. She is also limited by biological restraints, she must breathe air so no sea creatures or insects. She can only shift if she has full concentration, and cannot shift partially yet. Wren also has to consume a massive amount of calories after shifting, as it takes a huge toll on her body to do so.
Other Skills:Wren is an avid reader, a decent pickpocket, knows how to pick simple locks, and can draw very well
Equipment:Wren keeps a satchel with her schoolbooks and art supplies, as well as a small lockpicking kit. She also keeps a spare pair of glasses, and a horde of snacks.

Bio: Wren grew up well taken care of in a fairly large house, courtesy of her fathers government ties. She had free reign of the house and the grounds, and learned from one of the staff how to open the locked doors of the property. Her mother is an Ornithologist, and the house she grew up in was full of various species of birds. Wren learned from her father to draw, and spent many years sketching and learning about the birds. She discovered her powers young, spending so many hours with a barn owl that she shifted unknowingly. It was a big ordeal and was swiftly covered up by her parents, fearing the governments involvement. Her father was increasingly worried about the fate of his daughter, trying desperately to hide her "condition" from her. His wife, however, had a different mindset and encouraged Wren to learn how to shift back and forth and test her boundaries in a safe space. Wren was well loved but longed for freedom and independence of her own, away from the protective gaze of her parents. She began sneaking out at night, running away to the city to see the sights and rebel a bit, often stealing cars and picking pockets. After one such incident led to her almost getting arrested, her aunt Alice came to the rescue and offered to give her asylum in the city should she ever need it. Wren was returned home and placed into a strict boarding school as punishment, fueling her need for independence once more. Wren graduated from the school, and returned home to her family. She enrolled in a college in the city, hoping for the freedom she desired. Her father had already arranged for her to go to a prestigious school in the countryside and upon discovering this Wren shifted and ran away. She made her way to the city, to go to the college she chose. She fell in with a group of Variants, living in the slums of the city and committing petty crimes to pay for her tuition. After a botched bank heist, she was once again rescued by her aunt Alice, who gave her a room above her bar and a part time job to help pay her tuition. She is given the freedom she desires, but is kept in check by her aunt. Her father is aware of her whereabouts, and is sending money for her care to his sister without the knowledge of Wren.
In Variance 7 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay
Name: Alice Logston
Alias: Alice Davis-Green
Age: 36
Gender: female
Appearance: Alice is a fairly tall individual, standing lithe at 6' 2". she is thinly built, but very athletic. Alice likes to change her appearance regularly, but her hair is usually shoulder length and dyed red or purple. Alice is fairly active, although her mannerisms say otherwise. She knows several fighting styles. Alice is a jeans and leather jacket type girl, always wearing boots.

Occupation: Owner and operator of Wonderland, a bar on the docks. She lives in the apartment above the bar, and rents out rooms above it as well.

Family: Alice has no living parents, and assumed her younger brother Thomas was dead after an accident. Her brother lives and has a wife, Bethany; and one daughter, Wrenly Monroe. Thomas was adopted under the name Monroe.

Personality: Alice is a hard to read person. She keeps her emotions hidden behind a mask of indifference and sarcasm. She knows her loyalty is bought and sold, and believes that human interaction is "just business". This does not mean she doesnt care about her circle of friends or family, but that she knows to keep her interactions private. She means well, however cold and harsh she my come off.

Notoriety: Registered (Alice Logston)
Class/Level: Telepath, yellow (potentially red)

Powers/Abilities: Alice is a mid level telepath, able to affect people's subconscious minds by projecting her own emotions and with concentration, thoughts and ideas. She can persuade someone to believe they are invulnerable, or that they are in great pain, but only in emergency situations. this can be seen by her giving a group of people an adrenaline burst to help her escape, or causing the feeling of a migrane to someone to hurt them. Alice uses her power to convince people to aid her cause, whatever that may be. She has used this to start riots or protests, but can only influence a handful of people at a time. She can affect emotions like fear or lust, but only on those who have a weaker mind. If someone is "gullible" or if they have let their guard down with alcohol or drugs she can work easier. If someone were to have a strong will and sense of morality, she cannot affect them as easy if at all. She also cannot make someone do something entirely against their nature or moral code. She also has the ability to place a "block" on those few she deems worthy, making her unable to influence them at all. Alice has better control of her power in her age, but still fears that she is influencing people she cares about without meaning to. Her upper limit for control is about five to six people at once.
Other Skills: Alice knows Judo, Krav maga, has weapons training and carries a few knives.
Equipment: Alice keeps two knives on her, a switchblade in her jacket and a hunting knife in her boot. Also carries a gun in her jacket.

Bio: Alice was a fairly well adjusted kid, with a loving family and a small group of friends. She was fairly introverted, with her younger brother Thomas being the troublemaker of the family. She started to influence people around her in her early teens, not realising that it was her powers and not really her. This lack of knowledge cost her dearly when she was seventeen, after a fight with her parents she was so upset she accidentally influenced a robber to shoot out of fear during a home invasion. The police got invloved and when the children were sent into the foster system, it was discovered that Alice had manifested powers, while Thomas was negative. Alice was conscripted by the government, trained and effectively turned into the Hero forces weapon. Thomas was immediatley adopted into a government family and placed into a form of the witness protection program, erasing his identity from records. Alice is told her brother was killed in a train accident a few years after her training, and works diligently for the government until learning of the coverup and location of her brother. Realizing she has been manipulated, Alice goes AWOL during a mission, disappearing from the governments watchful eyes and spending years building a new alias and lifestyle. Alice reunites with her brother, who thinks that she was adopted into the same system as he was. He is unaware of her powers. She set up the bar in the city after a few years to keep an eye on the comings and goings of other Hero Force members, as well as keeping her niece Wren safe and out of the governments clutches.
Hey guys, sorry to be AWOL for a bit. I have had a family thing come up this morning and so i might have to put rp on hold. I will have limited internet where i am going for the next few days. If i need to be kicked, i understand. Sorry again guys

"Fuckfuckfuckfuck I AM NOT SUPPOSED TO BE FIGHTING" Alice yells as she jumps back to avoid the ground slitting at her feet from Rebel's punch. She lands, a bit shakily. "I would rather not have to do this, I am a lady!" She steps to the side a bit, pulling a knife from her belt. "Alright then, who wants some?" She scans the group, Rebel seemed to be too preoccupied to help. Looking at the two men before her, she decides to open her goddamned mouth. Gonna let your mouth get you laid or killed or both someday, her mind screams. "Well boys, looks like your friend is having a good time. Don't worry, i can play with both of you. There's enough of me to go around!"

Alice hopes she wont be sent back to Umbra in pieces, although that might be a better alternative to returning empty handed. She readies herself for another attack, hoping she can get a few hits in so she can better use her powers. Alice was preparing to spring forward for a kick when she sees the flames erupt from behind the two Supers. She leaps forward, hoping to kick the Sparky kid before he lets loose again.
Alice and Co

Alice is giddy, here is her target and a group of supers to play with. "This is gonna be fun," she thinks happily and then all of a sudden shit gets weird. "BRIBERY!" and money is yelled into the air, Shifter is handed off to a large man who immediately punches another guy in the face and bolts, and Rebel gets all gung ho and chases him. "Hey! You are supposed to be my....ah what the hell she is gone." Alice calls to Rebel, trailing off as she realizes how pointless it is to try.
She looks about, thinking quick. On the one hand, there is a full group of Supers to play with; but sadly, they aren't the mission. "Umbra won't be happy if i leave empty handed. Better make my exit." Alice turns her attention to her other two minions, who seem to already be engaging the enemy. "You boys stay and tussle, I need to have a little chat with our friend Rebel. Oh, parting gift before I go, boys...breathe deep!" She pushes a wave of what she called "Hulk" at the boys, hoping to help enrage them enough to fight harder. "What they do with it is up to them," she turns and heads towards the footprints left by Rebel. "Oh well, no one can say i dont know how to give a guy a good time. Now to give a different guy a really bad one" she grins and starts to run.

"Oh sweet freaking Jesus i am not a goddamned track star," Alice thinks to herself as she jogs towards the hulking form of the man who took her prize. She skids to a stop behind the large man and his burden, realizing that Rebel had covered his front. "Where ya going, Buddy? That's my prize you're running off with!" Alice smirks and adds, "Actually, you have my prize there, Big Man. I thinkyou need to be returning it now." She hopes the man will show some sense, wouldn't want to get too caught up in whatever history he has with her minion. "Or do you really wanna see how far down the rabbit hole you can go?" Alice circles the man, grinning. Now she was facing him, she could see how big he was. She was not too keen on fighting such a large opponent but hoped Rebel would do her job and take most of the hits. "Your move, Tough Guy."
*throws few THOUSAND dollars at Alice* "What the fuck am i supposed to do with this?" Best distraction EVER
Alice looks over the team Umbra has assigned her. "This should be easier than taking candy from a baby", she thinks. There were four people standing before her. A girl, thin and tall, named Rebel. Two men: both fit and battle ready, named Lazer and Flare; though Alice wasn't sure who was who. Behind them was a woman with white flowing hair, whose name was unknown but Alice was ready with a nickname. "listen up Kiddies, we are gonna pop in and pay these Supers a visit. Our mission is clear, take Scarlet Shifter and get the shit back before i gotta open up shop again." Alice scanned the group. "You two men will act as bait, you get to do your stuff and take out as many of the little shits as possible. Rebel and i are gonna grab Shifter and get the hell outta dodge. Understood?" The group before her nods, and Alice turns her attention to the white haired woman, chuckling darkly. "Alright then, beam us up, Scotty."

The group is enveloped in a white light, and then suddenly the alley they were in is now a street facing a run down grey house. "Shit, of course we get dropped in the dumps. Why cant my missions ever be on a beach in Hawaii or something. Alright, lets go play!" Alice grins and watches as Lazer and Flare barrel towards the front door. She and Rebel follow behind, at a safe distance. "Here Kitty Kitty! Come out and get some...catnip! Alice lets loose a wave of pheromones meant to make everyone lethargic. Those who were in decent health would not be affected as much, becoming only slightly slowed. But Shifter would feel the brunt of the attack, as she was already injured and more easily persuaded into sleep. Alice and Rebel scan the scene as they enter, hoping to find Shifter and get the heck out quickly. "Where are you, Kitten? Its past your bed time!"

Upon entering the front door, Alice and Co are greeted with a sight she can only describe as elating. The team had stepped into a living room full of the very Supers they were looking to find, and Scarlet Shifter was with them. "Oh sweet God its like Christmas! Everyone here at once, with a gift for me even!" Alice dons a wide smile, "I get to skin some super puppies!"

Alana follows Isa down the stairs, taking her sweet time. She knew it must be killing the poor Tiger to have to wait, but as of now, she didn't care. She would follow orders and do whatever she needed to gain her freedom. He seemed so eager to fight, it made her wonder how much of that was Animal instinct and how much was just personality. Alana sighed, she wasn't eager to fight so early. Hopefully she would make it out of this mostly unharmed. "Wouldn't want another trip to the Lab, now would we, Dear. Who knows what they would mix you with this time," she mused. Arriving at the bottom of the staircase, Alana took her place next to the Tiger. "See, such a big hurry to just wait here for our turn, we could have chatted a bit over breakfast, Kitten," she quips. She glances over at the scientist, eagerly watching the fight. "Wonder how the little Dog is doing." Alana hoped the fiery little dog was going to be okay. She sincerely hoped they would BOTH be alright. Seemed they drew the short straws on tough animal dna, but Alana knew she could at least survive.
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