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    1. Lanre 10 yrs ago


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…That was what I was referring to. I’ve noticed it seems you don’t always say something when you agree and I’m used to very direct replies. I hope I don’t come off as redundant. ^^’

I was thinking Renais would be best as well.

Also keep in mind when she will ‘join’ the group since that would have an effect on her overall bearing. Also, what were you planning for her setup? Is she just going to be working as a mercenary? Will she be part of a new guild and/or in charge of it? This information would help me a lot in writing out her Captain.
Offer ignored.

That's actually a pretty good idea. The the only thing would be whether they were kept in Frelia, by Eirika herself, or left in Renais.

If it helps the Jehanna weapons are the Ice Sworld Audhulma and the Anima Tome Excalibur. If she's going to be a myrmidon/swordsmaster then the former would definitely have more use to her. However, the other would have just as much value in significance without making her "overpowered."
Alright then. I'm an artist and drawing anime style is definitely what I'm best at. As there will be a lot of characters I would personally find it more tedious for me to search for images as opposed to making them. I'm fairly certain that this is what I'm going to do with my pictures at least (and just use a smaller written description until I've finished). Since I'll probably draw them in the manner of FE portraits (head+upper shoulders/torso) it wouldn't be too hard for me to draw yours as well. ^^ It'd be good practice.

I will. I'm looking forward to seeing them. I already noticed you added in part of a template. While I haven't been writing mine much I have been thinking about them a lot so when the time comes it will be much easier to write them down.

Yes, that it the one I was talking about.

Finally, while thinking about characters last night another slight world issue came up, regarding the countries and their sacred weapons. Obviously Frelia, Renais, and Rausten would have retained all of theirs, no issues. Jehanna would have retained its as well, except possible after the coup - did the heir take one/both or did Avdlan manage to keep both of them. And then there is Grado. During the war Ephraim took the weapons and then they were used, however, after the war there wouldn't have been anyone in Grado for him to give them to.
2-3 days. Shouldn't take too long and I'll be working at my computer a lot so I can be on, I just won't have very much time to delve into making my own sheets/finishing up some things I was planning to add to the OOC. Come this weekend though (and the days following) I should have a lot more time to focus on roleplaying and this RP in particular.

EDIT: Although I did just get quite a bit of stuff done much more quickly than planned, so I may not be as absent as I thought.

EDIT2: I really don't like double posting so if I am the last person to have posted and need to add something new you can always expect me to edit it into my previous post. I'll try to make it noticeable.

Some things have come up while I was trying to get work done.

Lanre & Twinklemoon

Ancient Evils of the past can easily be forgotten. The Demon King had once been such evil, believed a relic of times long past, reduced to a story told over in hundreds of ways. And so the story of his original demise remained as the name Grado became more associated with the country and its misfortune than the hero of old. However, the telling of his resurrection was nothing so stale or forgotten. Not all of a century had passed since the time when the Twins of Renais had risen up to defeat him with their allies in the Darkling Woods. While few there were even some who could still remember those days and there were many who could trace their heritage back to the great heroes.

Magvel, 871 the world has seen a great many changes since the last days of Heroes. After the Demon King’s banishment the continent was immersed into a period of rebuilding. That which was destroyed was now to be rebuilt. There was much turmoil and tragedy lurked often, however, many of those who took succession proved themselves to be excellent rulers and for a while there was a time of great growth and prosperity. Come the next generation though and things began to change drastically, revolts and rebellions arose. Now the continent has been divided in nine different ruling powers…

In the west there is the Great Kingdom of Renais, known for being the birthplace of the Hero-Twins. After King Edmurre’s passing less than a year ago, his son, Eldys, has inherited the title.

In the northwest there is the Kingdom of Frelia, long noted for its close alliances with Renais. It is currently under the rule of King Irvarse and his Queen, Lady Mersa.

To the far northeast lies the Theocracy of Rausten, currently under the watch of the Divine King Vilareth. Rausten shares close ties with both Renais and Frelia leading to a strong alliance between the three.

Between Rausten, Frelia, and Renais lies the Lesser-Kingdom of Carcino which since destroying its Republic ways has taken to serving the greater nations in order to make sure its boundaries are safe. In the North it governed by Lord Rottek while Lord Adrian runs the South.

In the Great Desert lands lies the Kingdom of Jehanna, known for the mercenaries it creates. After an overthrow of the previous line it is ruled by the Warrior King Avdlan.

To the south of Jehanna lies the remaining namesake of the once Great Empire of Grado, now nothing but a small kingdom. King Aefon is the current lord of its lands.

Another Kingdom Formed in the aftermath of Grado’s misfortune is the Kingdom of Irea. It borders Renais, Jehanna, Grado, Hiactance, and the Free City, placing it in a rather unpleasant location should things turn sour. Currently the country is by King Reginald, the Just.

Along the continents southern coast is the Kingdom of Hiactance, ruled by King Vendrick a good man who in recent times has become much too fearful and paranoid, losing sight of things which are important.

And finally, in the southeast there is the large City-State of Taizel now much more commonly referred to simply as ‘The Free City.’ It is ruled by Lord Hector and his three councilmen. A notable port for trade by sea.

…All of these powers sat in an uncomfortable peace. Many are still dealt with their own issues and were not yet ready to engage in any sort of foreign war, inside revolts and complaints hindered them enough. Nevertheless, there are those who are well enough on their feet to expand, and with the death of Renais’ previous King, there was someone with enough ambition to take advantage of the current state of things.
National Information
Information Regarding the Nations on the Continent of Magvel [I'll update this more nicely as I originally planned, but for now I'll just put things which will be helpful]

This looks interesting.
I think that would actually work better for me. In the near future (a week or so) I'll have much more free time than I currently do.
If this isn't dead, I'll start working on writing a character in roughly 14-hours. I've actually been thinking about this for a while. As a mild disclaimer I haven't watched the anime [I actually got ahold of it just recently and have been planning to] but I have read the manga. Do you have any preference for whether I make a demon or a human? [I prefer the former but have no qualms about the latter.]
So I skimmed the topic and now I’m going to write a small amount on my opinion.

I think it is selfish to kill oneself. I suppose it’s tragic too, if mostly for those alive. However, might it also be selfish when people who know how badly a person is suffering are encouraging said person to live just so they won’t suffer?

As quite a few people in this thread seem to I have depression, as well as an array of other problems which won’t ever go away and they cause me mass amounts of despair, daily or near daily. I’ve been suicidal for quite some time now and almost every night I hope I don’t wake up tomorrow. I won’t go into all the details of my miseries but there were three occasions during which I planned to kill myself. The first is a bit of an outlier and it wasn’t because I was miserable, I just wanted to die. But the other two times it was because I found life to be too unbearable and realistically, there was no future I could see which I could be happy in. Both times I planned. I waited. I talked with people and I considered everyone I could potentially hurt by doing. Nevertheless, by my obvious post here, something did prevent me from carrying it out. I know one of the times I didn’t because I didn’t want anyone to have to clean my room. My thoughts were something along the lines of “I should at least finish this so they’ll have less to deal with.”

I've often regretted that I never did it end it at those times. Things haven’t gotten better and I can't see how they will. By now the reason I am alive is because of the people who I know would grieve. Not all of them, but a select few. I think too many people give death too much importance while not giving life its enough.

I haven’t slept in quite some time so this may just be a mess of mumbles.
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