Avatar of Lasersquid112
  • Last Seen: 4 yrs ago
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  • Posts: 177 (0.08 / day)
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    1. Lasersquid112 6 yrs ago


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4 yrs ago
Current @Gunther Since when was I fueled by dreams without a goal?
4 yrs ago
@LadyAnnaLee I won't hope to understand what you're going through right now, so I can only say this: No storm lasts forever. Take care of yourself, and it'll be alright, in the end.
1 like
4 yrs ago
Understandable. Have a good day, nonetheless!
4 yrs ago
@Ruby Do you, too, require emotional assistance?
4 yrs ago
@LadyAnnaLee Or so you thought. *Long-distance hug.*


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"I'm from a handful of thousands of years in the future. Around then, Ireland is gone. Wiped from the face of Terra. I was supposed to be sent back before Ireland gained the technology necessary to displace its heritage worldwide. This is the second time I've been shown to be misplaced."
The man turns to regard the Irishman.

"Huh. The wormhole was off."
"It was experimental anyways. I have no idea why it isn't working, neither does ALICE."

A holodisplay alerts him to the sound, and he notes her reaction.

"Not friendly?"
"A tachyphone is a phone that receives calls from the future."
"Do you have phones yet?"
He looks to a holodisplay that pops up and nods, opening a panel on his forearm and looking at a display output on that as well. He frowns.

"Tachyphone is fried. Damn."
Name: Patrick Harding
Race: Human
Appearance: Patrick Harding is a ~6'0" Caucasian male, with long platinum blond hair. Long. It reaches to a few inches above the small of his back. He generally keeps it back in a tight ponytail. When he's feeling lazy, he generally takes it down, although he almost always puts it back up a few minutes later out of annoyance. He's lightly scarred, especially on his hands and forearms, though he generally doesn't speak of why. He stays well-shaven whenever he's able to, keeping his face clean of stubble and stray hairs, as well as his arms, torso, and legs. He has a scar he often looks at, on his dominant left hand, in the shape of a lowercase 'i', a scar strip forming the stem and a small dot of the tissue forming the dot of the letter. God knows how the man hasn't sustained horrifying nervous damage.
Age: 36 Terran years.

History: Patrick Harding was born on one of the hive worlds of the Collective, forced into the cruel reality of the Hive - if you made someone upset, you got shot. His parents and friends made that mistake often, and didn't always survive. To escape that terror, he fled to the safety of the art of technology. He created small gadgets here and there, but they saved him on numerous occasions. Several times his technology took a bullet or a knife that should have taken his life. He rose from the bottom, though, refusing to succumb to the violence wholly. He became known to noncorrupt planetary law enforcement agencies, who took him in and protected him, in return for some of his technology. An upgraded suit of armour here, or a shock-maul with increased voltage - over time, he massively upgraded the police force's capabilities. The hive remained a terrible place, obviously, but order was forged out of that chaos. He eventually caught wind of the Wind Riders, an incredible organization, and eventually came to regard them as a sort of light in the darkness of the world he lived in. He trained, studied, built, and repeated for a considerable amount of time, then attempted to join the organization. He was rejected. He took it less as an order to go away, and more as an order to try again. He tried again the next time the opportunity rolled around, and succeeded.
Personality: Patrick is a bit of an agnostic, not one to deny or follow a certain religious belief or anything similar. He's generally easy-going and cracks jokes, though he's very capable of putting that joking side away and becoming as serious as death. He tries to be easy to get along with, though most of the time he ends up making a fool of himself. Regardless of his playing around, though, he follows the law to the letter and refuses to break it, going some lengths to convince others to follow it as well. He will not, however, physically restrain someone unless he strongly believes that measures should be taken to prevent them from carrying out whatever action they wish to go through with.

Core Belief: Patrick believes that, despite life's violent nature, it's something that should generally be cherished and not erased. Of course, that doesn't stop him from killing if he decides it's necessary in that situation.

Patrick has a large suit of power armor, as well as a high-powered Gauss assault rifle to go with it - think SC2 Marines. He also carries basic hygiene products such as a toothbrush and toothpaste, a hairbrush, and an advanced medical kit. He also carries ammunition for his rifle and a small supply of explosive weaponry, specifically fragmentation and incendiary grenades.
Patrick's ship is something of an anomalous thing, barely being able to be called a ship. It's a small ship with a five-man crew quarter, with twin turbolaser turrets on the sides, as well as maneuvering thrusters. It has main thrusters, but they are not as powerful as one would expect. Additionally, it amplifies his magic so it can be used on a far larger scale, light-year-long distances traversed in mere moments.
Patrick only has one power, but it is still quite amazing. He has the ability to expand and contract spacetime around him - his main application of this is apparent lightspeed travel, though it also has other uses.
Can I post him in characters now?
"It's my armor. I didn't come here knowing anything about this place, so I came prepared for the worst. I also said a few thousand years into the future. The centuries are the error margin."
There isn't a solid plot, I think.
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