Avatar of LemonTarts
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    1. LemonTarts 8 yrs ago
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“Anyone who’s still alive, I’m sending you my coordinates. Regroup here."

Neris snapped back into consciousness just in time to hear the voice of her Captain come through her helmet. She grimaced, pulling herself out of the remains of her pod and assessing the situation around her... where? She could determine one thing immediately, and that was the fact that her surroundings--flora, and otherwise--were all completely unfamiliar. She strode across the clearing, stretching out her limbs and assessing herself for damage. She was whole, as far as she could tell with the armor on, but she wouldn't risk removing it in an unfamiliar environment. Two suns? Peculiar. And the Phoenix? Who could tell, it seemed her pod had landed isolated from any other surviving remnants.

She had been awake when the alarm had started blaring, despite having set herself against her instinctual nocturnal nature through diligent and harsh sleeping schedules, she simply couldn't bring herself to "sleep in" past a certain hour. Regardless, she had been on her feet and moving as soon as it started, suiting up to the best of her ability before making her way to the evacuation pods.

She couldn't help but feel a pang of remorse, she had been with the ship for a while now. After years of schooling, Neris had enlisted fresh out of the academy on her home planet, having finished top of her class in piloting. She had a knack for the technique, as much of her kind did, and had taken to it quite quickly. It was not long after she found herself on the Phoenix, alongside a team of other pilots and her now Commander, Monica Grey.

Having finished her assessment she strode back to the pod, reaching for the other figure within. She dragged him out into the dirt, positioning herself above him and checking his vitals. He was alive, it appeared. Fortunate, but he had not yet regained consciousness. Unfortunate. It was not someone she recognized, perhaps he worked elsewhere on the ship. Nonetheless, he was her responsibility now. She hefted him up, draping his torso over her back and hooking his arms around her neck as she received the coordinates the Captain had transmitted. Thank the spirits she was still standing, no doubt she would have a plan ready.

Neris paused, determining her distance from the Captain. It was... not so bad, a little short of two miles. Normally should could make that in good time with a brisk pace-- but carrying a full grown man two miles across unknown lands? All she could do was hope there were no unforeseen complications ahead of her.
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