Avatar of Lennon79
  • Last Seen: 7 yrs ago
  • Joined: 10 yrs ago
  • Posts: 2464 (0.65 / day)
  • VMs: 1
  • Username history
    1. Lennon79 10 yrs ago
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Recent Statuses

7 yrs ago
Current From Tokyo with whisky
8 yrs ago
I live.
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9 yrs ago
Posrage will be up soon, please bear with me.
9 yrs ago
It's exam season, boys and girls, so postage should be up over the weekend. If you don't hear from me by Monday, honour my memory.
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9 yrs ago
Me Mam always told me I was special.


Well then. I'm exceedingly British, rather sarcastic and I love a good shipfest in my RPs. Also male. Funny, that. Fair warning, I will treat you like an adult. That means I will mock you, point out your mistakes and most likely /cringe when you do something really autistic. Being an adult means accepting criticism and working to improve yourself, not ignoring it. And if I need calling out on my bullshit, just do it. Please. Nothing is worse than not realising that you've said or done something stupid til a week after the fact.

I currently live in Japan, so my posting hours are... weird. Please bear with me.

Most Recent Posts

To be fair, is there another candidate?
Oh yes. Lots of confusion I think. Luckily there will be time before we move on, so talking can be done.
At this point? A wrecked city and a squad full of new faces and shell-shocked veterans. Sounds par for the course.
I am also waiting patiently to return. Perhaps I shouldn't have made Harald get quite so fucked up...
In the meantime, just enjoying a good old fashioned Jonathan Pie marathon.
Nah, too far north. Besides, the Scots have their own traffic nightmares. Yorkshire's alright, a good kinda middle ground.
Never move to the south of England; up north, it ain't so bad. It's just full of northerners.
Personally, only about two hours max. But my brother used to check water meters and so was heading around the orbital every day; he frequently got stuck on the M25 got five+ hours. Once during Stack, he was out all night. Volunteers came out to distribute warm tea and biscuits. I thought it was fucking hilarious.
Yeah, the M25 is cancer. It would be better if there were ways into or around London that avoided it, but logic has never been a strength of the British parliament.
Yes. Fucking everywhere. Getting caught on a roundabout is the most frustrating experience of my fucking life. I feel that man's pain.
Besides, he hasn't even touched on the M25.
Or Operation Stack... that shit gave me PTSD.
I'm always almost not dead. Won't have a whole lot of internet til I get back from Tokyo though, so don't expect much from me for a few days.
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