Avatar of lepidope
  • Last Seen: 2 yrs ago
  • Joined: 3 yrs ago
  • Posts: 303 (0.31 / day)
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  • Username history
    1. lepidope 3 yrs ago


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2 yrs ago
2 yrs ago
man 🪳
1 like
3 yrs ago
hopping off for a bit. I feel like throwing up every day. see you in chapter 3
3 yrs ago
if they're haters they gon drink some haterade
3 yrs ago
fuck eva foam all my homies hate eva foam


as far as i know i have no name. call me whatever ya want. 21. they/them

just here to write silly things n have a good time. do not ask me about bugs or birds or fortnite. the conversation will not end

I have anxiety, excuse any late responses to pms n such


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Matias made himself comfortable on the bench, leaning back, folding his arms, pulling a leg up. He was practically ready for the long haul. He was even about to fall asleep before the question stirred him from his preparation.

"Well no shit," he scoffed, "She literally told me she had secrets she wanted to keep. Though she did start doing that when I asked what she was as, like, a joke? So maybe. Who knows."
Matias gave a nod before heading out the door. Just as promised, the van was sitting outside for them. It was enough to make him feel right at home, in Midnight's home.

He scrambled through his key ring to find his copy of the van's doors, popping it in the lock once he did. With a 'huhp', he hopped inside and settled down on the cold metal floor, rattling the materials inside with his weight.
Smart move, dog man, Matias thought to himself. What were the chances this guy was gonna pop up, anyway?

"She's sleeping in the guest room," he added, "Just check on her every so often. We'll try to be back soon."

"Try" was somewhat of an understatement. In truth, Matias didn't know whether this would go smoothly or end up as yet another disaster in the evergrowing list of them, especially now with Dante back. The front door caught his eye for no particular reason other than wanting to distract himself from the others' gazes.

"Alright. We should get going."
The knocking signalled Matias to look over, raising an eyebrow.

"Didn't expect them back so soon..."

But now there was no need to, because his suspicions were confirmed incorrect. In fact, he almost forgot who this person even was. He let out a soft "oh" once his brain powered up and remembered.

"She's not here," he replied, "she went to the capital to... What was it... Oh. Check on some paperwork. She should be back in a few hours."
Matias sucked in a slip of air between his teeth upon hearing the plan.

"So... To the capital."

He waddled in place for a moment, his hands in his pockets.

"Alright. If that's what we gotta do, then whatever. The only thing is, uh, Iris. She's gonna be alone for a bit. You guys are cool with that?"
Matias waved his hand in the air dismissively, sighing softly.

"Bueno, lo que sea. Though I'm not exactly sure how she expects us to do that from here when she's the one going to the damn capital."

He folded his arms and shifted his weight to one foot, looking to either be thinking or pretending to be.

"What I'm wondering is why the boss of all people wasn't identified by name... Is there a way to take off the redaction?"
Matias stood and watched even when Midnight-- he meant Lady Midnight, was long gone. The doors seemed to have hypnotized him up until he actually moved. He turned to face the duo, his eyes dark and droopy.

"Ay... I don't even know."

His hand met his brow again, attempting to massage the headache that was beginning to form.

"She kept going on and on about not having people know her secrets, all this vague nonsense..."

His hand fell flat against his side, and he shook his head in defeat.

"She's gone nuts. That's all I can say. But anyway, she's off to the capital. She also told me to stay here with you guys, I think to get info on potential raids in Pixie Village. That's what I'm assuming she meant by 'information'... She was vague about that too."

He rolled his eyes mid-sentence.
Matias was hesitant to nod. His eyes scooted to the side, and he sucked in his lower lip for a moment.

"... By yourself?"

A heavy sigh escaped his lungs.

"Fine. You're the boss."

He was about to follow Midnight out, but her pause signalled him to do the same. He opened his ears for her, listening in silence. Her words attracted a hand to Matias's brow.

"Listen... It's not important to know right now. What's important is that the capital doesn't know more about whatever it is."

His eyes met the back of her head.

"Just promise me you won't bleed out again."
Matias was about to turn around when a sudden impact struck him in the chest. His eyes shut, and his arms reached out instinctively to grab hold of something. He did end up grabbing something after all; little did he know that it would belong to a person.

"Agh," he hissed, "watch where you're...!"

The two were at a stalemate now. Matias's dark brown eyes were a stark contrast to what he was seeing right now. He couldn't even make out pupils. Then, just as suddenly as he was hit, he pulled away, growling softly.

"It's fine," he huffed, "just relax, alright? Not every mission's gonna be a smooth one."
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