Avatar of LePouvantail
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    1. LePouvantail 8 yrs ago


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Shock pondered for a few minutes, before a smirk crossed her lips.

"...It's been a while since we've done something as a family," she said, primarily meaning her and her brothers, but with the implication that Carver was free to join in too. "And Halloween Town's been a little too quiet lately."

She stood up from the table and headed back for the soundstage.

"Let's go see what toys we haven't played with in a while."

The exterior of the tree house hadn't changed much over the years. The interior, which had been perfect for them as kids, had to be adjusted to accommodate their growth. The small kitchen area was gone, since Barrel took over the one downstairs, and there was no need for it. Many of their bigger weapons had been moved around or gotten rid of entirely, ironically because they'd been outgrown - what good was a catapult they could no longer launch each other off of, and was difficult to bring into Halloween Town proper? Their walking bathtub remained in its usual corner, still in use for both hygiene and transport, though with less emphasis on the latter when it was difficult for the three - or four, when Carver joined in - of them to ride in. It still carried whatever tools and equipment they needed, however, and just the sight of it in town made citizens nervous about what they could be up to.

The old Oogie shrine no longer existed, long since taken down to be replaced with the slide entrance. A few mocking signs that said things like, "Beware!" and "Watch Your Head!" hung around it, punctuated by the tricksters' creepy artwork on the walls. The rest of the main area was covered in scattered blankets and pillows that generally got kicked to the side when not in use to create a path between the main entrance and the slide, revealing the tree house's main purpose now. A few shelves had been attached to the walls to hold some of the trio's more personal items. A lot of their childhood artwork still decorated the walls, and had been added to over the years. Chalk and crayon since gave way to permanent marker and spray paint, with a mix of other mediums as they felt like it.

But it was the armory Shock headed for, with all their weapons, firecrackers, potions, poisons, and other items of mischief, all of it far more organized now than when they had been kids. Their "toys," as they liked to refer to them. It was the room that had changed the least, aside from an expansion to hold a bit more.

"So much good stuff," Shock said, as she surveyed the room, "so little time."


Barrel tried to imagine the smaller witch doing such a thing, and giggled at the thought that the old woman who was barely taller than he was as a child actually hit it with that much force. He quickly composed himself, especially when she tilted her head to better look at him.

Well, there went his plan of more thoroughly looking through the back room.


"Well..." Barrel said, as he nervously reached for the back of his neck, "not me, anyway. That's usually Shock's expertise. I was just looking to stock the cupboard."

He patted his gut to make his point.

"L-like I said," he continued, trying not to sound suspicious. "I'm mostly here for spider legs. And alligator eyes, now that I think of it, and...well, not sure yet. I was hoping to get a look around. See if there's anything new to try."

That was a good enough reason for him to examine things under her wonderfully large nose, right? Barrel shrugged at her last statement.

"Nothing says, 'I love you' like being able to smack some sense into your siblings when they're being stupid," he said. "Plus, it's never a dull moment. Hell, if we don't fight sometimes, then something's wrong. Besides--"

He proudly puffed out his chest. While Barrel tended to be round like his name implied, he wasn't overweight, either.

"--Gotta keep in shape somehow."
"After dinner," Shock said, "then you're on!"


He took a quick glance around the room, mostly to notate where things had shifted. Barrel knew he wouldn't get more than a cursory glance or two, but he'd gotten good at picking up on where things were quickly. Rat tails, alligator eyes - actually, he should probably pick more up; Shock sometimes went through them like candy - worm's wart...the usual Halloween Town favorite ingredients. On another shelf he noticed potion bottles, then talismans and likely cursed objects. Boxes and barrels of unknown objects were awkwardly stacked around, some of which Barrel suspected would go onto the fallen shelf once it was back in place.

It had only taken but a few seconds to mentally place where things were before Agatha showed him the shelf. Barrel calculated the best spot to get some leverage and moved to the front...only to find Agatha pretty close by. He awkwardly glanced at her, until she moved on her own, before he crouched down to get a good grip.

Carver was right. She was keeping a close eye on him.

Barrel braced himself, then pulled the shelf up from the floor, then carefully pushed it back against the wall.

"How'd you guys knock this down to begin with?" he asked.

He turned to Agatha when she spoke to him.

"Oh, you know," he said with a shrug. "Band, cooking. Nothing too much, really."

Barrel smiled a little as thoughts of earlier came to mind.

"What, me?" he asked, with mock innocence, though he knew no one in town ever believed him or his siblings, at least at first. "Nah. At least, not tonight."

He was quiet for a moment as he looked her over. Was she keeping an eye on him? Or was she just being polite? It was difficult to tell. If Barrel noticed her shifting, he didn't indicate such, or at least, he tried not to.

She might think I'm up to something, he thought. Why else would she ask about what kind of trouble I've been up to?

He quickly spoke again to break the silence.

"Lock got on Shock's nerves earlier, but that's always fun to watch."
Shock smirked at Carver's analysis of her brothers.

"There's a reason he has buckles on them," she said in agreement.


Barrel gave a small wave back to Agatha. He quirked a brow at her sudden awkwardness, but paid it no further mind. He then gave a small nod to Agnes.

"Sure thing," he said.

It would give him a chance to take a look at the back room's new layout, after all. Barrel made his way to the counter and glanced to Agatha. Carver's words rang in his mind, that she would be watching him. He gave her a small smile.

"Sounds good," he said. "And I can see if there's anything else I need."
Barrel stuck his tongue out at Carver.

"Hey, if I have to cook, I'm gonna enjoy what I make."

He grinned, but then gave Carver a confused look.

"Why would she...?"

Shock just took a bite of her ghoul-lash and motioned for Carver not to say anything. It'd be funnier in the long run...which hardly mattered as the conversation turned to pumpkin guts. Shock nearly choked from laughter at the thought of Lock trying to get that muck out of his hair, and after a moment, managed to properly swallow.

Barrel just waved and headed out to the soundstage. Once he was out of earshot, Shock turned to Carver.

"Sometimes, I don't know which one of them is dumber," she said. "I'm not even into that kind of thing, and I noticed."


Barrel happily made his way into Halloween Town. The Witch's Shop was in a small courtyard adjoining the square, where the stocks and a large cat-shaped building also stood. The shop itself looked properly foreboding, and its second story looked very much like a cackling witch, with window eyes, the hat forming a tower with railing on the brim, and the bricks shaped into a sinister snarl. How perfectly....wicked.

A small bell rang as he entered. Aggie, the taller of the two head witches, was nowhere to be seen. Agnes, the smaller witch, was standing on her broom, restocking shelves. And at the counter was their niece, Agatha. Barrel wasn't quite sure where she came from - people in Halloween Town seemed to come and go without rhyme or reason - but he didn't mind her. Agatha was a little taller than Aggie, and unlike her aunts, usually kept her frizzy hair in a bun. Her large nose sported a lovely wart at the left nostril, and her black clothes were always neat and pressed.

"Hi, Barrel," Agnes said without looking up. "Need anything today?"

"Spider legs," Barrel said. "Maybe something else. Not sure yet."

"Well, feel free to look around," Agnes replied. "The spider legs aren't far from where we used to stock them."

She shifted some bottles around.

"And if you want to help and earn those spider legs, well, we can use it right now!"
Her smirk widened.

"I think we're onto something. It needs more, but I'll think on it after dinner."

It wouldn't take much longer to reach the tree house. Shock could already smell the ghoul-lash as she made her way down the rope ladder. It wasn't her favorite meal, but Barrel usually added extra eyeballs, so she couldn't really complain as she slid in through the window and down into the lair.

Lock might have taken over the casino as a sound stage, but one thing Oogie had in his living chambers just beyond it was a proper kitchen, which Barrel kept well-stocked and maintained. The small living area next to it had since been converted into a dining room, enough to seat up to six. It was extremely rare, but sometimes Carmilla and Lillith joined them after practice, or they had one of the other Halloween Town kids their age over.

Barrel was already on a third helping by the time they got up.

"Hey, just in time!" he said, as he pointed to the kitchen. "The cauldron's still about halfway full."

"Not that hungry tonight?" Shock asked, with a distinct look to Barrel's gut.

"I was trying to save some for you, but if you're not hungry..."

Shock rolled her eyes and headed for the kitchen. Barrel slurped down the rest of his meal and let out a long, loud burp.

"That hit the spot," he said with a grin. "I'm off."

Shock returned with a bowl.

"Where are you going?"

"To the Witch's Shop," Barrel replied. "They should be restocked on spider legs. Plus, I think they remodeled recently. Can't find anything."

Shock smiled as she picked up on her younger brother's hint.

"And it'd be such a shame if something got misplaced--"

"--Only to be found months later--" Barrel continued.

"--By an unsuspecting patron," Shock finished.

She took her favorite spot at the table.

"Have fun."

"You know I will."

Barrel then turned to Carver.

"Don't tell Lock, but I like what you played better." He grinned. "Just thought you should know before he decides he likes it better and pretends it was all his idea."
"Because he's the one who's got to clear it out, dispose of them, take a bath after, and by then, she's no longer in the mood."

Shock's stride picked up, indicative of her improving disposition.

"Sure, they could go somewhere else, but few places in town are that private. Or that roomy. And they're all pretty spread out."

She pushed open the gate that lead back into the square.

"Any way you slice it, it'll disrupt him too, without me having to coerce him to obey."
"They wouldn't do it," Shock pointed out. "Potions that affect others like that are highly regulated, and we're not on the clearance list."

She smirked.

"Wonder why."

Shock watched the serpent snack on the mouse, then headed back in the direction of the tree house.

"Besides," she said, "as much as he deserves it sometimes, there are lines we don't cross with each other. Fucking with his relationship like that is a line."

A devious look crossed her face.

"That said, there are other ways to mess with the love-bats. Garlic flowers would make that fancy tomb even more romantic, don't you think?"
Shock cracked her knuckles.

"Oh, I'll convince him all right. Come to think of it, it's been a while since I kicked his ass."

She stood up and smoothed down her skirt.

"I might even be nice and let him heal from whatever Lillith puts him through tonight first."

She grinned at the nickname.

"And don't you forget it," she said.

Shock made her way across the gazebo's roof to an area she knew she could safely drop down out of the serpent's reach.
"Well, if that idiot's happy..."

Shock leaned back and used her elbows to brace herself as she looked up at the sky. The sky began to lighten, now that it was after midnight. She frowned at the implication of Lock hooking up with Carmilla.

"He's an idiot sometimes, but even he's not that dumb. I'd have to knock some sense into him."

Shock smirked a little.

"Besides, it's not like he hasn't got other options. I've seen him check out Mummy Boy's older brother."
"I do need to maintain my home improvement skills," Shock agreed. "There's only so much I can do around the tree house."

She let out a wicked cackle at the thought of the vampires being forced to redecorate.

"It's a castle," she said in a thick Transylvanian accent, "where we have traditions and history."

Her mockery of the vampires complete, Shock laughed again.

"Bunch of stuffy old corpses, that lot. I don't know what Lock sees in Lillith, but he at least picked the least fussy one."


He smiled under her kiss, and at her bite, let out a soft noise of pleasure. Lock smirked when she pulled away. He licked the blood away, moving his tongue as a hint to what else he might do with it.

"As you wish," he said.

He taunted her with his tail again, taking full advantage of the fact that she didn't specify how to fight. Lock pulled her closer with the leg hooked around her waist and fought against her hold on him. He playfully bit her arm, knowing he'd pay for it in a moment. That didn't matter. All that mattered was getting her properly riled up.

His back would hurt by the time they finished, bruised from the force of her strength. Both of them would sport new bite marks as they nipped and played and eventually drew blood. And when they tired each other out, all they had to do was knock one of the coffins over to curl inside. The old tomb would shield Lillith from the sun's rays, but the coffin provided some comfort as they curled against one another. It was also the only time he rested on top of her, due to their difference in size.

They had the rest of the day to be together, before Lillith inevitably had to slip back just before dusk. Lock gently curled his tail around her waist as he nuzzled against her.

Right now, nothing else existed but the two of them, and it was all he wanted or needed.
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