Avatar of Lewis251
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    1. Lewis251 8 yrs ago


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8 yrs ago
Current Hello I Rp'ed with Vatrou on the fallout site, recently he mentioned the Roleplayer gulid so I decided to check it out.
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Hello my name is Lewis I live in England, Hertfordshire where we drink tea, drive on the left side of the road and 6/2(1+2) = 9

I started roleplaying on the fallout site several years ago to help with my writing and have been hooked ever since... Heard about the roleplayergulid a while back and decided to check it out..

Will probably update this in an years time.

Most Recent Posts

Steve Cooper- Church

“El...Eliza, Eliza, Eliza, ELIZA!!!”

Steve turned around to see that Shelby girl (or “sherbet” as he had nicknamed her after that per-war food type) who seemlying knew Eliza... and likely more than friends judging by the fact she had pretty much rushed over and groped her.

Blindly the sherbet reached out with one hand and pulled the Waylon guy (still no good nickname for him.) down and hugged him whilst apologising for something

“Hey where's... My Hug?... I’m the one who carried her here.” Steve chuckled, still abit out of breath.

The sherbet and Eliza then talked for a few movements; it appeared that Eliza had left sherbet for some reason in the past but judging by Eliza’s reply it was likely done to keep her or perhaps someone safe but now sherbet was the only one left...

Wonder if this has to with her being shot? Will have to keep an eye out.

Steve then turned and looked at overcoat “perhaps we should leave them for abit.”

Heading downstairs with overcoat Steve lighted up a smoke, offering one to overcoat he looked up at the remarkable intact “Cross” on the wall behind the preacher’s little stand or whatever that thing was call. Supposedly the guy being hung up and left to die it was the son of god or some nonsense and had “died” a very very long time ago to make the world better.

Well that didn’t seem to work very well.

“11 years ago, Downtown DC... the capital building.”

“The Talon Company had been hired to clean out the super mutants there... don’t know who by or why that was above my paycheck but whoever it was could afford sending a whole fucking company.... “

Probably those enclave guys... No else would give a toss about a per-war government non-military building

“Battle went on for weeks, shiton of mercs, mutie and even a few tin-cans caught in the crossfire died and we probably wrecked the place more than the bombs did but for the most part my squad, Delta remained intact but then... my friend... and squad sniper Samantha was shot.”

“It was only a small wound in the leg and she stubbornly said she was okay but should have ordered her to the doc..” Steve stated as he began to wander around the church, looking at the remaining holy symbols/art along with the occasional look at the window towards the dinner

Alot of new people have arrived

“But no I was too focused on the mission, I wanted that fucking behemoth dead and I needed Sam to do it... Mutie bastard had kill alot of mercs and main reason why the mutants hadn't been cleaned out yet... whoever’s team killed the fucker was bound to get a promotion...”

And be the guy doing the ordering for once.

“Turns out the bullet had hit something important... we where right in the middle of trapping that behemoth when Sam collapsed and without her we failed to killed the behemoth, who then went onto massacre the entire 4th and 5th platoons before that Vault kid showed up and shot it.”

Wonder what happened with that kid... sort just disappeared

“By some fucking miracle of that guy.” Steve said as he pointed at the guy on the cross “I survived the capital attack... I lied about what happened and was praised for a “successful mission” fuck I was even bloody promoted. Talon company didn't care about the losses, only that the job was done.”

“I know that I freaked out earlier on but what happened with Eliza reminded me of Sam... And I didn’t want that happening again..”
James Williams-Far Harbour

James chuckled slightly “don’t worry Pal I also plan on spending abit here but with the atom attack we are gonna need all the guns and ammo available ... err do you know where Sandra is? She’s not in the shop”

Hopefully she hasn’t shut the shop yet.

James then reached into his overcoat’s pocket and pulled out a bag of caps and two cartons of smokes “I’ll go find her in a minute in the meanwhile however I’ll 100 rounds of 10mm & a Mag, 4 combat amour chest pieces, 32 units of lead, 6 bottle of wondeglue and about 20 screws.”

Lead line the chest pieces to block some of their radiation attacks.

“Or if you have the leaded combat chest pieces I’ll just take them instead, will save me the trouble and time of having to assemble them.”

OOC: since post is small I'll also include James going to find Sandra, will remove this bit if brooks doesn't know/other reasons.


a short while Later on

After finishing his business at Brooks James followed his instructions and found Sandra lee "excuse me, Sandra lee? Is your store still open I'd like to buy some guns and ammo."

Steve cooper-

“I'll skip the shot, but you'll have to carry me. I can't put weight in my right leg.” Eliza was exhausted and she looked like a mess.

“Fail enough.” Steve replied, putting the med-x back into his jacket pocket he took out a buffout pill and swallowed it... The extra strength may come in handily here.

The woman looked very exhausted. “Lorelei could you grab some things for me since we're leaving could you grab the dog tags and a spare change of clothes for me? They're in the dresser by the bathroom door.”

“We can always come back for the rest of the stuff, I doubt alot of people will come up here.... just hide the valuables out of site just encase.”

"Oh my..." Steve turned around and saw the doctor had shown up. “We should get her back as quickly as possible to the clinic. I'm not sure there's much I can do here, assuming the area is even safe. Can you both manage to carry her? I'm afraid I don't have a stretcher of any kind. Mind how you do so as well...gently, very gently.."

“Don’t worry Doc I’ll hand it, not the first person I’ve had to carry.”

Steve turned his attention back to Eliza who despite being scared and exhausted managed to elevated her arms slightly above her sides to help Steve.

Even that must be killing her

Moving to the side of Eliza Steve kneed down slightly, grabbing Eliza hand whilst also placing on his Eliza’s left leg “Okay 1..2..3” Steve called out before slowly picking Eliza up over his shoulder and then moving her arm to the right so that should could be properly held by Steve’s right hand which was wrapped around her legs.

Heavily than expected

“Okay, I think I got it.” Steve said, moving his shoulders around abit “last person I had to carry like this was wearing a full set of combat armour so this should be somewhat...easier.”

Steve with Eliza over his shoulder began to slowly make it out of the apartment block and then down the staircases. Once outside the apartment block the buffout began to kick in, giving Steve the second wind he needed to make it across town and too the clinic.

Reaching the church Steve walked inside "oh.. fuck I forgot barney said the clinic was on the second floor..."

need to speak to the doctor about moving it.

Thankfully however this was one of those churches with a staircase and Steve was able to carry Eliza upstairs and then softly placed her down on a free bed.

"Getting too old for this shit but we made it." Steve chuckled to himself, now slightly out of breath.
Steve Cooper- Apartment Block

Overcoat grimaced. "I spent a good deal of time in the Capital Wasteland," she said as she arbitrarily scanned the different buildings. "I learned quickly to steer clear of D.C. and spend my days in the countryside."

“Not much safer out there either with the raiders and Super mutants wandering around but alteast you could hear and sometimes smell those losers from a distance and prepare an ambush for them.”

Company killed alot of mutants that way.

Overcoat looked back at Steve. "If you're so keen on helping her, then you'll get to do the heavy lifting. If the doctor ran back to his clinic, then we need to get moving."

“Okay but if there are any zombies hiding inside you will have to deal with them.” Steve replied as he watched overcoat carefully pressed through the double doors to the large brick apartment complex and drew her revolver. She began speaking in hushed whispers. "There's no telling who'll come after her.”

“Good question.”

Someone had shot the woman but so far they had yet to show up in town... could the woman have kill them? Could they have given up? Or perhaps they were lying in wait someone on the outskirts of town?

The All mighty Karma wasn’t 100% against them however as it appeared the apartment block was empty (or had been cleaned) of zombies with Steve and Overcoat easily able to make their way up without being molested by the dead.

"I'll have to warn you. She's...jumpy. If she's awake, I don't know how she'll react to a stranger being around."

I do have something that would stop that but should I give it to her?

"Nothing brash. We are only trying to help her. Don't give her the impression we are there do anything outside of that category."

“Of Course.”

Reaching the third floor they slowly and quietly tiptoed towards what Steve assumed to be the woman’s room “...Eliza? I've brought someone who can take you to a real doctor. We're here to help." She peered into the room. Upon there being no sign of hostiles, she holstered her revolver and walked inside. "And before you go all hermits on me, you're going to need real treatment if you want to get out of bed anytime in the next several weeks."

Steve slowly walked in behind overcoat “Hello my name is Steve, Steve cooper.” He said as he looked at the woman who was older the others in town but still younger than Steve. Judging by several scars on her face alone it would appear that she had been in trouble before.

But on which side?

Looking down at her more recent wounds it appeared overcoat had properly cleaned and bandaged the wounds but much like Sam it was almost possible to tell what damage they had done inside the woman, seemlying called Eliza and then there was the blood lost.

Overcoat stared back at Steve expectantly. "Let's get her to the clinic."

“Okay” Steve said as he slowly approached Eliza “I am going to pick you up now... I have a shot of Med-x on me would you like it to reduce the pain?"

maybe also have to use Fresh later on

James Williams-Far Harbour

"Because they have a habit of killing anyone they run across that's not in their little tribe", Steve replied. "They make the Brotherhood seem almost reasonable by comparison."

“Somewhat.... I won’t lie and say we didn’t kill most if not of the people we came across but when we killed you it was quick and painless; Brotherhood taking away people’s weapons “because you can’t be trusted” left you weak and vulnerable for whoever showed up..”

And potentially a much worst death


“"The owner's dead, I hear", Steve said, "Not sure who is seeing to his affairs these days. Probably oughta find who that is before you go walking off with something. Folk out in the Wasteland tend to shoot thieves....just sayin'"

“Surely someone must have taken it over?” James asked. Even if they didn’t “run” the store someone must have inherited or even just claimed the stock for themselves wouldn't have been left lying here with the town under constant threat.

"No one that I know of," Corrine added. "Unless it's Brooks. Guns ain't exactly my thing."

Brooks... that’s the store owner next door

“I have my own plan to help out," Brotherhood began quietly. "I was in a Brotherhood of Steel vertibird on the way over here when it crashed somewhere on the island. It’s got good gear on it: power armor, heavy weapons, ammunition, and the armour plating could be salvaged from it”, he looked over at Steve. “I have a device that can locate the downed vetibird, but it broke when I… fell out of the bird mid air.”, he held out the transmitter device to Steve. “Think you can fix it? Also what are your names? I’m James Gregor Castner, former Paladin of the Brotherhood of Steel."

Tracker looks pretty fucked up did the tin-can sit on it or something? best let that steve guy try and fix it instead of giving it ago myself. Could use the power armour and weapons though

Once Tour Guide Connie and Steve finished introducing herself to Brotherhood James spoke again “Since you’re the better Handyman it seems I’ll leave you to fix that and find out who owns this store. Even with the tracker fixed we may not be able to recover the equipment in time for the atom fruitcakes attack and should have access to the store’s stock without risk of being shot for being a thief.”

May let an islander off with it but they hate mainlanders already, just be an excuse to shoot us.

Leaving the gun store James went next door to what once may have been an souvenir shop on the docks and whilst it may not sell souvenirs anymore still had a clerk, a large amount of stock, an in-use till and Giant “sale” on the wall.

Approaching the middle-age clerk James asked “Brooks right? Do you know who owns that gun store? I’d like to buy an Rifle and some ammo.”
My Old NCR sheet for whoever takes over.

Note: due to the change in Power armour we decided the NCR didn't have the means to repair it instead of not know how to use it.

My Legion-NCR war Battle plan

Chatlog of Brotherhood and NCR alliance I had going on

Posted in wrong section :(
James Williams-Far Harbour

Several moments passed, silently, and awkwardly, before Tour Guide Corrine gritted her teeth and spoke. "What the hell is the meaning of this? You just put yourself into any conversation you want?" She shook her head and pointed a finger at James, accusingly.

“Oh please from the sound of it I wasn't ruining any....”tour guiding” You had going on, just some plan about boiling water... Good idea by the way. ” Steve replied as he then noticed the finger pointing at him “and watch where you point that finger, liable to get bitten off that way.”

"Well, he ain't lyin'. Up in Acadia, he flat out told Bishop and Rose he was 'Enclave'." TGC paused for a moment "Didn't mean much to me, but now that I think about it, Bishop and Rose weren't too happy about it."

“The enclave leadership tired to kill everyone...” James added on “well in DC alteast, not sure if it would off had an affected up here.”

and even if did porbably would have affected them for some time.... years probably

"Now," she all but growled at James, "what do you want?"

"To get a gun.... This is a Gun store is it not? Plasma defender may be good up close but I need something for long range, maybe one of lever action rifles Old Grumpy has.”

(ooc: Wild wasteland trick roll! Bird flies in and bites off finger!)
Steve Cooper

Overcoat “Puffed up” seemlying also angry "You think that the real doctor wasn't the first thing I'd recommended to her? She adamantly refused to see anyone, you twat. She tried to shoot me while I was helping her."

“Given the blood lost. "Steve replied... fighting the urge not just to slap Overcoat and head to the apartment himself “I would say she’s delirious and likely to say and do things against her best interests”
Need to find out where she is....

Overcoat looked around. "In fact, I am badly breaching her trust by letting a man like you anywhere near her. But for her to be safe from whatever caused this in the first place, folks need to know she's here. She's a stubborn one -- hiding up there alone like that -- but it has to stop. We're a community now. Which is why I’m talking to you?"

What’s that suppose to mean? No wait... Helping the girl is more important

“Fuck her wishes she’s bloody delirious and Bullshit, sure perhaps when you first found her all you could do was help stop the bleeding and patch her up but then you went to Acey's diner, could have easily gone and fetched the doctor... No one forced you have a Milkshake.”

That’s bound to piss her off.

"But.” Steve added on ”we can deal with our personal BS later however, the injured girl comes first, now where is she?”

Overcoat turned and pointed towards the apartment block. "You were on the right track. But she is on the third floor. You gave up too early. I'll take you there, should the good doctor be interested in tagging along. You would be worthless to her on your own. However...I will not take your whiny ass anywhere until you simmer down. You're only making it worse.

"So...um...should I go...grab my medical bag?"

Steve turned to the doctor “If you could please.... Although your clinic would be more ideal it may be impossible to move her.”

Steve turned back to Overcoat “and who the hell are you calling worthless? You know nothing of what I’ve done , the battles, not some little shootout with raiders but motherfucking warzones I’ve been in.... and people" steve said pausing for a few seconds "I've seen foolishly die”



Steve then may his way to the apartment block and drew his pistol “Back in DC apartment blocks like this where crawling with zombies... Fuckers where everywhere and even when you cleared the place out two weeks later you’d still be finding fucking more hiding under the floorboards.”

Poor Jenkins

Steve then turned to Overcoat “If there are any inside loudly searching all the apartments on the third floor will wake them so could you....please take us to the girl.”
Steve Cooper- Remembering...

"Oh well..." The Doc cleared his throat. "Actually...while the mutants might normally, um, prefer the taste of human meat. They certainly don't have to have it. They're quite happy with a variety of different meat types, animal or otherwise. I suspect the creature will be able to feed himself quite well given the variety of local fauna around here. 'Rad-stags' and 'Mirelurks' I think they're called, seem to be quite common around Salem."

I’m surprised a Vault doctor would know about super mutant.... don’t have them in Vaults or do they?

“Just because he may be able to feed himself doesn’t mean he’d prefer it to human flesh... “Steve commented back “or that he will be able to control himself once he gets into a Mutant rage”

Or whatever causes those mutie freaks to blow themselves up

Shortly after that Rook himself arrived, Steve for the most part kept to himself and finished his dinner...soon Hotshot would be here to shoot the mutant and he didn’t want any Mutated blood in his rather delicious lovely radstag meal.
will have to steal his recipe If I leave town

Disappointedly it seems Hotshot cigarette's graving has saved Mutie (for now) as she began to haggle with the Kěxiào girl only for the girl to foolishly give hotshot a free carton... Perhaps Kěxiào seemingly natively? from the looks of it could also be exploited by Steve?

That however was when Overcoat who had been in Mutie cheerleader contest with Kěxiào before Hotshot arrived tapped Steve on the shoulder. She whispered in his ear. "I need to speak to you in private."
"Sure, Overcoat," Steve replied as he finished off his Nuka-cola dark. "Let's head outside."

Overcoat led Steve to the outside of the diner and behind before finally stopping and turning back to address him. "I heard you last night. In the lower levels of the apartment complex." She paused and folded her arms. "I was there. That 'unicorn' you found? It belongs to the woman living there, who was not in good enough shape to reply to your hollering."

At that, Overcoat paused and pursed her lips "She is weary of strangers, so do be careful."

Steve was oddly silent for an few movement as he just processed what he had heard... before staring at Overcoat with an oddly calm look before speaking... "Let me get this straight... You left an badly injured woman, I assume alone and suffering in an Dark, smelly and cold
apartment block to have a FUCKING MILKSHAKE?" Steve shouted

“Are you fucking Moron or where you just born stupid.” Steve replied as he began walking up the down nearby an Old newspaper stand box. “this is just same as what happen to Sam “Don’t worry Honey it’s just an flesh wound” well it wasn’t she had internal bleeding and two hours later she was fucking DEAD!” Steve declared as he punched the newspaper stand box.

Usually an newspaper box could withstand an punch or two but 200 years of fallout, crabs and the foulness Barney had deposited in there last week had weaken the structure with Steve’s punch being the final blow. It didn’t even take a second before the rotten wood within the machine to begin collapsing upon itself and crashing down to the ground..

Fuck you Boston paper!

“Stay right there.” Steve seemlying outright ordered to Overcoat before slowing walked towards the diner... his eyes closes Steve attempted to calm himself down and muttered “I won’t let this one..... I won’t let this one die.”

Entering the diner Steve ignored any looks the others were giving him and calmly spoke to the Vault Doctor “Doctor, there is an Injured woman in that apartment block that I will be bring to your clinic soon... I do not know her current condition but I believe she has been shot and lost a considerable amount of blood... “

Leaving the diner Steve returned Overcoat with a look in his eyes which pretty much screamed “you are an fucking idiot” to her.
“Take me to this woman now, she needs immediate medical help.”
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