Avatar of Lightning
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    1. Lightning 10 yrs ago
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6 yrs ago
I'm alive but that's the last thing on my mind.
6 yrs ago
Hold on to me 'cause I'm a little unsteady now.
6 yrs ago
What's the point of feeling, Blue?


I am not the hero nor the villain, I am not evil nor am I good. I am the force that levels, the power that devastates. I am Lightning.


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accepted go head and move Roy over to the character tap
Angels who can't fly in hell.

Angel was only seventeen, but he had a family to help provide for. After his father died in a police shoot out four years ago, it was just him and his mom left to provide. His mom could only find part time jobs and managed to work three so she wasn’t home very often. Angel had two younger sisters that he would literally sell his soul to anyone buying to give them a good life. It was his job to pick up any slack his mom could not handle, so he joined the Hell Fires. Not that he had much of a choice, his family lived in the heart of the gang’s territory, so it was join them or be consumed by them.

It wasn’t always guns and drugs in the Hell Fire gang, some times they did some good for the community as they had their own code of honor. However, there were guys that were just crazy and did horrible things just for laughs, but Angel stayed clear of those men and just kept his head down and followed orders. He was just a runner and a dealer, he ran errands for the dudes that were higher up and he sold weed, that was all he was trusted to do as he was did not have the stomach for “a man’s work”.

The night he was murdered, by the boy who wanted to free the people of La Vida, he was out slinging drugs. Things had been crazy lately as both Fire’s and Spider’s bodies were piling up, and it seemed that the two were heading for war. That night two other guys were with him to provide back up just in case the Spiders came to mess with him, though, he would have liked it better going out alone. The two with him were not good guys and he wondered if it was only a matter of time before he was going to end up like these two, willing to do anything for money and respect. Though he would never know as a blade cleaved through his neck and the other men were cut down just as easily not even able to draw their guns.

Angel lay in the ally trying to stop the blood from escaping his wound, but it was a losing battle. He did not feel hate for the boy who wanted to save the people of La Vida or hatred for the city that forgot about people like him, he thought only of his family, and how they would survive without the little extra cash he brought home and who would protect his sisters when they got older and men started to pay them attention as they walked home from school? Who was going to comfort his mom when things got too heavy and she cried at night thinking she failed her children? However, the last thing Angel would see is the boy in the gas mask thrust his sword into Angel’s heart then the boy knew no more.
dnd lore says elves dont reach adulthood till 100

La vida: Nate's house

Katarina came to consciousness as Nate tried to wake her, half asleep Kat reached up for his mouth and put her index finger on his lips. “shh…headache,” Kat says as she sits up and holds her head. The crazy night had left her with a horrible headache and very thirsty. She wrapped a sheet tightly around her form as she stood up as she stumbled around the sleeping bodies of the unknown people they seemed to have collect throughout the week.

Making her way to the kitchen she almost tripped and became every annoyed at the people around her, she grabbed a bottle of clear liquor and threw it against a wall making causing the bottle to burst and shatter. Those who were sleeping were awake now and those who were awake were on their feet. “Parties over, get out,” she said as calmly as she could. People looked confused at one another which made Kat even more annoyed. “Get the fuck out now!” she yelled throwing another bottle.

It was ten minutes before the suite was empty and Kat watched as the last of the party goers left. She was drinking a large bottle of water and was feeling slightly better, though, she was ready to leave now. Kat walked over to Nate and placed a hand on his shoulder and the next moment they were both in Nate’s home.

Usually teleporting as far as Nevada wasn’t a big deal, but Katarina felt drain before the teleport and now she felt sick as her face went pale. “Ok, I need a minute…” she said as she fell onto the couch. She didn’t want to admit it but that whole week of depravity was much crazier then she was prepared for.

Kat searched for her phone and searched for local news she hadn’t been keeping up with the news in La Vida, but she knew something was going down. She read a few articles and sighed when she read about the young vigilantes trying to help the police gain control over the gang crisis. She knew she would have to talk to Matt and Athena soon and make sure they don’t do something that would get them killed.


The street had gone eerily silent after the people had fled to safety and the the shadow beast had been destroyed. Raven took a deep breath before standing to her feet, calming the panicked crowd had took more out of her then she realized. Raven turned to the sewer where she had saw the girl disappear down and was considering if she should follow, she was not a hero nor did she owe anything to anyone.

However, her thoughts on the matter came to an end as she felt the emotions of someone near by. Raven turns to where Luna is hiding and says without seeing her. "There is no need to hide, I will not harm you...my name is Raven."

Raven lowers her hood to reveal her dark purple hair and grey eyes. She wears a somber expression as she waits, though she feels weird being being surrounded by tall buildings and technology. She had been in her fathers realm surrounded by horror and misery for so long it was almost too peaceful.

A sudden inhuman screech breaks her out of her thoughts and lowers herself into a defensive position. "What was that!" Raven says showing a bit of emotion.
One week later.

A week has past since Matt and Athena opened their home to the roaming aspiring heroes of La Vida with the hopes of helping the neighborhood, however, they were having a tough go of it. Not only had they not found the people responsible for the Blake family murder, there were also bodies piling up. The night the team had investigated the murder eleven Hell-Fire gang members turned up dead. Police had publicly blamed it on the Black Spider though they had their suspensions and so did Matt and Athena.

Due to the Hell-Fire killings La Vida’s gang fights were popping up all round Los Angeles, with whole blocks becoming battle fields with gun fire. The police had their hands full trying to keep the city from completely falling into chaos. Most days everyone, at least those who didn’t have day jobs, had been out taking down gang members and protecting innocent lives. However, it wasn’t just gang violence, people that wanted to take advantage of the police being distracted had started looting stores.

With the Queen Industries tech show taking place soon, police desperately were trying to get a handle on things. They even looked the other way when they ran into one of the Wayward team, they were just happy to have one less scum off the streets. Every now and then the team would run into a group of bad guys tied together and a few red arrows about.

During the chaos a new meta started to make an appearance, he was quick and effective and made sure not to hurt his targets more then he had to. Matt had noticed the man approaching the house on a couple occasions but was ultimately turned away by the “ward” system that protected the house from unwelcomed guest. Athena would approach the man and get a feel for him before inviting him into the house.

Though Athena and the others were busy, any down time she could manage to find she spent at the animal shelter with Ashlyn. She enjoyed working with the animals and the other people that cared for them. Though it made her feel uneasy seeing that the richer part of La Vida had remained nearly untouched. Private security and constant police protection made sure it would remain that way.

Athena had tried to get to know James, but he seemed so angry all the time, she was tempted to read his mind though she felt that would do the opposite of bringing them together. Regardless, Athena went out with him on patrols and she felt that she could at least rely on him in a tough situation.

Matt had been busy with his project he was presenting for the Queen’s tech show, but he was always available to back the other up with information gathering and tech support. He basically lived in his work shop and if Athena didn’t remind him to eat or sleep he would have went with out both. Later in the week the A.I. Aliya took on Matt’s role of back up, she was sometimes difficult as she had the personality of an angsty teen.
I think something went wrong when you copy pasted your cs, its weirdly spaced. Other then that it looks good, go head and post it into the character tab.

Also my heart was racing as I clicked your link to an unsecured site lol.
make sure that your url address doesn't already have a [img] thing in it, sometimes a link will have it as convenience.
thanks! i had that song playing on a loop for 3 hrs as I was coming up with the character heh. anyways, who is the second apollo kid?
Sunshine "Sunny" Reyes

Camp Half-Blood: Near the water.

"Hold on
Hold on to me
Cause I'm a little unsteady
A little unsteady
Mama, come here
Approach, appear
Daddy, I'm alone
Cause this house don't feel like home
If you love me, don't let go
If you love me, don't let go"

The sound of Sunshine's voice and guitar could be heard across the sound of Long Island, she sang as she strummed her old guitar. She made sure no one was around as she hadn't wanted to make anyone feel what she felt. Though, it was hard since her voice carried far. She was sitting near the water and even after her voice came to a stop she continued to pluck cords from her instrument.

Sunny had ditched her morning practice with the rest of the Apollo kids and she knew Will Solace would be on her case but she would apologize and explain that she needed some alone time before the camp filled with the returning demi-gods. She was still reeling from meeting her father for the first time, though he was human, a weak and flawed human. She thought it would be so easy to end is life, just pull the string and watch him fall. But, that boy was not the god she was mad at, that boy was Lester Papadopoulos. She had almost fell for his trick, he pretended to care for his mortal children but she knew as soon as he became a god again he would forget about them again.

As her anger built, thinking about Apollo, her fingers began to glow the color of the sun and she had plucked a string too hard causing a cord of her guitar to snap. The water in front of her rippled from the sound and the rocks on the shore scattered a bit.

"Shit," Sunny let out as she shook her the glow of her fingers away. The teen stood up with a sigh and slung her guitar over her shoulder and held on to its strap tight and began to head back to the practice area.
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