Avatar of Liseran Thistle
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    1. Liseran Thistle 6 yrs ago


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4 yrs ago
Current Oh man I am so tired but oh well sleep is for the weak
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5 yrs ago
god i haven't been online in AGES
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5 yrs ago
I have lots more writing on wattpad by the same username if you guys wanna read some more of my writing
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5 yrs ago
I have lots more writing on wattpad by the same username if you guys wanna read some more of my writing
6 yrs ago
Hey did you guys know I have art on my profile.


Hello, My name is Liseran. I'm a writer, an artist, and I usually spend my time fucking off and watching cat videos instead of doing my homework.

I have a Deviantart @LiseranThistle, please consider checking my artwork out if you like my profile picture.

Most Recent Posts

hey sorry if I haven't been posting here that often. I still like the arena, I've just been busy with another role play that's pretty much taken up most of my schedule.
also, i've been skimming some of the more recent posts, and apparently there's a thing going on where bad guys called Hounds are attacking people or something?

hopefully when my own story get rolling, then I can start collabing with people. I have a lot to set up first, like what Paradox is, and what the Moth pins do, and whether or not Leila is actually human. this is gonna take awhile, lol, but I'm excited to start writing it all down, because Paradox has been in my head for years, and finally I found a way to start it all off.

there are a lot of characters in In Stereo, though. like...maybe more than 50, because it's been a really long time since I last counted all of them. and each and everyone has some sort of arc planned already, but because there's so many I've decided that as we go along some characters will be retired eventually, and their arc will continue in other characters posts. so I guess this is me preparing you all for when I eventually have to retire Eris, and Mindy, because I already have to make two more character sheets to tell the darn story. they aren't coming for a couple of posts, but once I have like idk 5 characters, I'm gonna have to make some room. I don't think I would have time to write for that many characters, so this is kind of how the posts will go once I get into the groov of things.
I'm as out of the loop as the new guy is, lol. My character is just doing their own thing right now, and they're just kind of oblivious to the fact that a bunch of cities got nuked. I'd like to think that Eris knows that the other super heroes are doing something big, but they treat it like any other news story, kind of like how for a few posts girliath was just rampaging in atlanta, and Eris was just like "Its just a giant lady, bro, chill."

unless something world shattering happens in one of you guys' posts, like New Jersey ends up being obliterated for some reason, i don't think I can continue to make Eris and the gang woefully oblivious to the other awesome hero things going on around here. it's kind of hard to ignore being erased from existance, you know?

In Stereo!

“So,” Mindy began slowly. “Paradox is like...The Men in Black? But with unicorns and dragons instead of aliens?” She sat at the kitchen table, a cup of coffee in her hands, as she stared dumb founded at Leila Mayner. Charlton had gone to sleep a few hours ago, Eris said it was because he was getting up there age wise. Darius sat next to Mindy, his head in his hands. He was tired as hell, and the coffee that Max had made really wasn’t helping at all. Eris had decided to explore most of Max’s house, while Max himself decided to sit on the sofa, and keep an eye on Pheonix, the so called “Peace Maker” that Leila brought with her.

Leila calmly sipped her tea out of a mug. “Well, we do have aliens mind you. We have a bit of everything at Paradox.” She answered. Mindy nodded, as if she understood finally. She really didn’t.

Darius looked up from the table with tired, sagging eyes. “Okay, so you said you wanted to talk to Eris about Powers, but it’s been about an hour, and the only thing anyone has done is tried to explain how the unicorns fit into the equation.” He said. Leila sighed, sympathetically.

“I know. I did come to talk to Eris, but…” Leila glanced thoughtfully sideways at nothing. “They don’t seem as enthused as they were before.”

Mindy couldn’t deny that. An hour ago, Eris seemed down for anything Leila had to offer, but the minute they got the answers they needed to all of their questions about Paradox, they went galavanting off to explore Max’s small home. Mindy doubted they were even actually exploring, as it couldn’t possibly take this long to explore a house this small. “Well, this seems like a wonderful idea. An Agency that solves impossible problems…” Mindy said. “What kind of problems have you had in the past?” She pointed a thumb at the sofa where Max and Pheonix were sitting. Max was staring suspiciously at Pheonix, as if any moment now he would burst into flames again. “What kind of situation needs a human torch as the solution?”

Leila smiled, and put her mug down. “Ah, I could be here all day just recounting the many cases we get at Paradox.” She said. “If you must know, Pheonix’s first case involved solving the mystery of the Bemuda Triangle.” Mindy almost spit out her tea, but Darius perked up at the words “Bermuda Triangle”.

“You told me that story before. Of course, back then I didn’t believe you. Hell, I knew you had weird stuff at Paradox, but I didn’t think it was weird like-” He too pointed to the sofa “that kind of weird.”

“The Bermuda Triangle?” Mindy asked confused.

Darius nodded. “It makes way more sense than it sounds, trust me.” he said. “But he uses his Powers to solve the mystery for some lady who came asking about it.”

Mindy really wanted to know how Pheonix could have solved a mystery like that with literal fire power, but she realized how late it was getting. “While I really wanna know, I don’t think we have any more time. But we’ll talk it over with Eris.” Mindy said, wondering what was up with their unusual behavior that night. Mindy went to go find Eris, while Darius prodded Charlton awake. Mindy could hear the butler snort and yelp as she walked down the hallway to Max’s room. The door was open, the light was on, and Eris was rummaging through Max’s things. “Eris, what are you doing?” She whispered, panicked. Eris looked up, and beckoned her closer to the dresser.

“Great your here, I need you to find a green moth pin for me.” Eris said. Mindy shook her head, trying to wrap her head around tonight, and all that she had learned.

“Eris, now is not the time to be snooping!” She whisper shouted. She joined Eris by the dresser. They had removed most, if not all of Max’s clothing, frantically feeling the sides and corners of the chests.

“I’m not snooping.” Eris explained. “You know the pin on Leila’s jacket?” Mindy nodded slowly. “Well, thats how she gets in touch with people. And I’m betting that’s how she found Max.”

“Why would Max have a pin like that?” Mindy asked. “He didn’t even know about Leila till tonight.”

Eris moved on to the closet. “You’re right. He may not know who Leila is personally, but I bet he knows an Agent. Ha!” They came up with a small, silver and jade Moth pin. Mindy’s jaw just about dropped.

“So...Max does know an Agent.” Mindy said. “Well so what? What’s that prove?”

“Nothing on Max, but on Leila…” They said. “I don’t think she knew we were coming here to his house. In fact, I don’t think Pheonix is here as a Peace Maker.”

“Are you saying she’s like...an Assassin or something!?” Mindy exclaimed.

“No, of course not. She isn’t here to kill anyone. But Pheonix did burn the house down. And Leila’s Agents are always composed. They do exactly what she says, and I know because I’ve seen one before. He was some asian guy, but he did everything Leila asked, even down to fetching her a glass of water. I can’t imagine this Pheonix guy would just burn a whole house down for no reason.” They explained.

Mindy looked at the pin in Eris’ hand. “And she never scolded Pheonix once about anything. She just apologized.” She said. “This is weird. We can’t spend all night thinking about it up here, though. We have to go now.”

Eris pocketed the pin, and began to clean the place up a little until everything looked halfway decent. Mindy stood in the door way, thinking. “The only thing I can’t think of is why Max wouldn’t say anything. Unless Leila threatened him.” She said.

Eris shook their head. “Nope. Leila doesn’t shake people down. She’s a peaceful type.” They said. Mindy wondered how Eris knew Leila at all. She would have to ask them sometime, if she could remember to do so on top of everything else. They left the room, Charlton and Darius were at the door, and Max was seeing them out. Leila still sat at the table, and Pheonix had joined her. They must still have more to talk about.

The drive to Eris and Charltons small apartment was a little long, and by the time they got their Darius looked just about dead with sleep. He had booked a room at a hotel for them to stay in while they were in town. That night, Mindy didn’t get a whole lot of sleep. She kept thinking about what the Moth Pin could mean, and why Max had one. She wasn’t entirely convinced at first, but when she noticed that Leila and Pheonix stayed behind, she knew it had to be a little bit true.
Hey I feel like I didn’t make this clear in Mindy’s bio, but both of her parents are on active duty in the military, so Darius is sort of looking after her until they come back. one reason why her parents were considerate of Snowflake, and not the other offers was because when Darius came to meet them, they had both been called away to serve, and had to leave pretty soon.

no atmosphere this time, its too short a post lol.
And Here's a Picture of Mindy


its been a long battle, but finally i was able to get my post up, my internet stops every 5 seconds, and wont come back on for hours, so its a real pain in the ass tbh.

Eris stood in the airport lobby, their feet stretched out before them as they sat in the chair. It was a lazy wednesday night, and they guessed no one felt like they had to go anywhere at this particular time, hence why it was so empty that day. Charlton was with them, but he had dozed off an hour ago. His old man genes were catching up to him, however adamant he was to disprove it. The lobby served free coffee, but Eris was never really a fan of the drink, so it didn’t lighten the mood for them at all. Eris and Charlton were both waiting for their friend, Mindy Diasco, to arrive on the 12:00 flight to Jersey. Eris had replayed the scene that would unfold in their head a million times, yet no matter what, they couldn’t quite picture what Mindy would look like or what she would say when they saw each other again.

They never really got to hang out as much as they wanted to, and the last time they did ended rather horribly. But now things are different. Now we can hang out on our own terms. They hoped, at least. Mindy seemed horrified when Charlice had asked for the medicine, and while Eris didn’t blame her for signing those papers, they doubted Mindy felt the same way. She had left abruptly, too shaken to face what was about to happen to Eris back then. Charlice was long gone now, too mentally unstable for them to deal with, Eris had finally come to understand that. Their mother had always been the one to at least give them the benefit of the doubt, but with all that had happened at the party, and how Max had crashed it, she must have snapped from the pressure.

Eris looked up at the clock on the Airport wall, seeing that it was almost 12:00, they decided now would be a good time to prep for the meeting. Whatever had happened then was behind both of them, and Eris never actually got to say thank you to Mindy for helping them escape, even if it was worthless in the end. They got up, went to look outside the window only to find that the plane was in the sky and landing. They took a deep breath in, steadying themselves. They considered playing music, to show off their powers to Mindy, but they thought against it once they remembered that Mindy has no idea how these powers have affected them yet.

They walked back over to the waiting area and nudged Charlton awake, who woke startled quickly trying to compose himself . He didn’t want to admit that he had been caught sleeping, but Eris’ smirk told him it was far too late for that. “I presume the plane is here, now?” He asked, sleepily. He yawned, and got out of the chair. “Let’s go and greet Mindy then, shall we?”

The plane docked and landed, and a few people were getting off of it in a line. Mindy was one of the second to last of the passengers, and when she locked her eyes on Eris’, she immediately ran over, startling a few other passenger nearby. She began to speak rapidly, before Eris could even get a word out themself. “Oh my god, I’m so sorry! This is all my fault, it’s all because I was being stupid, and reckless, and I should have never made that drug in the first place, and I should’ve told someone at least that I was making it, and I should have just refused to sign the papers, and-” She said, in a hurried breath.

“It’s okay.” Eris said, simply. “But, we might want to take this conversation somewhere else more private.” They glanced around at the now crowded airport lobby. People were drawn to drama, and a young girl crying dramatically in the middle of public is bound to draw eyes. Charlton and Eris walked Mindy outside where Darius was waiting for them, right on time with the car. The drive was rather short, they were all meeting up at Max’s place, seeing how he had the closest house to the airport.

As they all sat in the car, Mindy began to explain to them that she had finally cracked the code for Soundria, and that she had developed a cure for it. “So...whatever symptoms you may be experiencing, they can be gone now. I have the antidote, and...I’m so, so sorry.” She kept apologizing the entire time, and Eris kept trying to explain to her that everything really was fine.

“I like the symptoms actually.” They said. Mindy looked at them in horror.

“Really?” She asked, astoundedly.

Eris nodded. “For the first time ever, I actually have something to use against people, you know? People like Charlice, and Robert.” They said. “Also the symptoms aren’t world shattering. It’s not like I have a terrible face condition, or a power so strong it could kill. It’s just cute projections of music.”

“But,” Mindy gulped. “You...could kill. I mean, you shattered the roof of your mansion, Eris.” She shifted uncomfortably in her seat. “And while your power isn’t exactly one of the more basic ones, trying to crime fight….it could be dangerous. You’d have to dance your way out of situations, wouldn’t you?”

Eris laughed.
They said thoughtfully, as they softly played a song from their ipod. It was supposedly off, but Surround Sound was just that powerful. Mindy groaned.

“Oh, will you please just take this seriously? I’m glad you’re out of that situation now, but you have to realize a lot of things are changing in your life.” Mindy said.

Charlton decided to speak up for once. “You know sir, Miss Diasco has a point. While fighting crime in small town New Jersey is easy, going full on super hero like the ones on tv...might not favor you well.” He said. “Unless…”

Mindy shook her head, incredulous. What kind of authority figure is he, that he actively supports his kid crime fighting? Eris perked their ears.

“Unless….what?” They asked.

“Unless, of course, you find out a way to utilize your powers to combat certain situations. Like bank robberies, and muggings. You’d have to really think about how you use your power.” Charlton explained. Eris nodded, in understanding.

“Yeah, I could always use more practice using it. But it’s not like there’s a master of Sound Manipulation out there, I’m the only one of my caliber.” They said. “You know anyone who knows about music, attack wise?” Charlton cleared his throat, and glanced at Darius.

“Darius knows someone.” Charlton said.

Darius peeked up from the road, shaken out of his monotonous day dream once he heard his name. “I know who now?” He asked, confused.

“You know someone who can help Eris with their powers?” Mindy asked. Darius ducked his head, slightly embarrassed by all the attention everyone in the car was giving him now. He guessed he and Mindy had one more thing in common.

“Well...Yes. I do, but…” He began. “She can be quite persistant. She isn’t a mean girl, not at all. But she is rather passionate about her business, and…god, the business is the hardest part to explain….” He shook his head tired.

“What business?” Eris asked. “Tell us.”

Darius sighed, and sat up straighter. “Her name is Leila Mayner. She is the head of an agency called Paradox. Think of it like Snowflake, but instead of prodigies, it’s the supernatural.” Darius explained. “Paradox is a wonderful company, there whole shtick is that they use supernatural powers to solve impossible problems. There are...alot of secrets the world holds, and Leila knows all of them. Any fantasy creature, or mythical monster you could think of is at Paradox HQ, either living as an assistant, or working as an Agent.”

“Wait...Leila Mayner…?” Eris thought on the name. “I think I know her! Me and Charlton actually came here to meet her!”

That surprised Darius, and Mindy was still trying to wrap her mind around an Agency possibly filled with unicorns and dragons. “Wait, you know Leila?” He asked.

Eris nodded. “Granted, I didn’t know she had an agency filled with mythical creatures, I just kind of assumed she was a really young king pin or something.” They said. “I mean, she wears a green and white suit, and she has a little pin on her coat that she keeps showing off to me everytime I see her.”

“So wait...does this mean....are unicorns real, Darius?” Mindy asked, mystified. Darius chuckled.

“Yes, Mindy. Unicorns are definitely real. I haven’t seen one, but I have seen some other crazy stuff before.” He said. Mindy huffed.

“You lied to me! All these years, you tried to get me hooked off of My Little Pony dolls, and unicorns were totally real the whole time!” She said, exasperated. “I feel betrayed.”

“It was only because you kept trying to make ‘Creating a real life unicorn’ your side project for about 2 years. Mindy, I love you, but I cannot allow you to take the Victor Frankenstein route.” he said. “No child of mine is going to drop out of college so that she can make a synthetic pony with wings and a horn out of dead horse parts.”

She crossed her arms, “Victor was misunderstood…” She muttered to herself.

“Anyway.” Charlton changed the subject. “Leila can help you hone your skills for the better.I believe you mentioned there was a training facility at Paradox?”

The car pulled into Max’s driveway. “Well, we can talk more about it later, right now we-”

The door to Max’s house burst open, and out poured a blanket of flame. They could all feel the heat from inside the car, and for a split second they were all blinded by the light of the fire. Charlton was the first to abandon the car, and Mindy and Eris were the last. Backpedaling furiously away from the house, they watched as it burned.

A figure, wreathed in flames and soot came out of the house. It was Max, completely uncathed somehow from the blast. Eris squinted their eyes to see, as they thought they saw someone much smaller in frame next to him. Their eyes widened, happily.

It was Leila Mayner. She held Max’s arm gently, and surrounding them was a faint, green aura. Max looked rather shaken up when he got closer to them. Eris ran up to meet them. “Max!” They said. “What the hell happened?”

Leila placed the shocked man on the ground, where he sat in a stupor. “He is in shock at the moment.” Leila explained. “Hello Eris, it’s a pleasure to see you in Jersey.”

Eris looked back at the burning house. How did they not see the flames before they rolled into the driveway? Then, another figure walked out of the building. This one seemed to be surrounded in flames, yet he did not panic. He wore a patterned poncho, and and walked out on blackened feet. “Woah…” Mindy breathed from behind. “It’s like…the fire is coming from him. Like, he has wings made out of flame.”

Eris blinked confused at the whole scene. They wanted to know so many things, like what were they doing here at Max’s house, and why is the house on fire, and whose the guy with the showy fire wings? Leila surveyed all of the stunned guests, and simply smiled.

“I know this looks bad, but I can definitely fix it. Don’t worry. And I apologise on behalf of my friend here.” She gestured to the newcomer. He had sand colored hair, and an unusually tan skin tone not really found in this part of Jersey. “We came to discuss Eris’ powers. I brought Phoenix here as a peacemaker of sorts.”

“He burned my house down!” Max yelled, as his house burned in front of all of them.

Leila sighed. “Yes, he did. And I am truly sorry. Here, Charlotte can fix it up for you.” She raised her hand, and like a rocket, a flurry of luminescent green moths flew from her palm. So many filled the air at once, it was like a green cloud had suddenly appeared. Her suit jacket flared a bit from the wind of their wings. The Moths circled the house, at first in a miserly fashion, but soon taking on a faster pace until they blurred together. When they lifted off from the house, the Moths flying higher into the air until no one could see them anymore, the house was completely fine. There were no scorch marks, or tale tell signs of a fire having been in the house.

Max ran into the house quickly, and when he came out he looked dumbfounded. “Everything is...back to the way it was. Nothing is scorched.” He sounded dizzy. Eris and the gang were, at this point, gaping at Leila and Phoenix.

Mindy looked amazed, the Moths had been one of the most beautiful things she had ever seen. Charlton was stunned, as he had seen superheroes in action before, but he had never seen something as mystical as that. And Darius just looked done with her, in a more annoyed sense. Eris thought she was way cooler than they had originally perceived her.

“You said something about Powers?” They asked, completely on board with whatever Leila said next.

Leila is actually one of my oldest characters, so I'm happy to use her in something, and I hope you guys enjoy the story I have planned out.

@Indy Cooper Also, Leila isn't evil at all, she's just weird lol. you guys get to meet here next post actually!
hey i just wanted to let you guys know, that my internet is complete shit, and I am not able to upload all the time, so some posts are gonna be longer than usual.
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