Avatar of Little Italy
  • Last Seen: 4 yrs ago
  • Joined: 9 yrs ago
  • Posts: 484 (0.16 / day)
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    1. Little Italy 9 yrs ago
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Recent Statuses

6 yrs ago
I stopped to get food on my way to get food and I think that says a lot about me as a person.
6 yrs ago
The longer Sebastian Stan's hair gets, the more I am attracted to him.
6 yrs ago
Do dogs think in woofs or barks
6 yrs ago
How come I have no problem spending $30 at the Cheesecake Factory, but for anything else I'm like "It's $5 ARE YOU INSANE do I look like I'm made of MONEY"
6 yrs ago
Opened the kitchen drawer to get a spatula and found a whoopee cushion instead and if that doesn't sum up my 2017 idk what does


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Most Recent Posts

Dinah McBride / female / 21 / hero
Centerville Community College; Gotta Bad Feeling About This
Interactions: n/a

After sitting still for a few lingering minutes after the strange broadcast ended, Dinah abruptly stood and grabbed her grey hoodie from where it was left hanging on a chair, pulling it over her head and stuffing her keys into the front pocket. She knew she had no business investigating this phenomena, but her curiosity got the better of her. Maybe could at least find some clues to get someone better suited to handle the situation on the right track. The buses were still running at this hour, so she boarded one headed toward the college, bouncing her leg nervously as she stared out the window at the passing streets. Up until this point, she had done a pretty decent job of staying out of trouble, save for a few mishaps here and there. However, the past 24 hours had efficiently ended that streak.

She exited the bus once it reached her stop, standing at the entrance to the campus for a moment before taking a deep breath and starting forward toward the dorms. Why had her old home been featured in this video? Had something happened here? An accident? Maybe she should go through some of the schools old records to see if anything involving superhuman occurred that ended in tragedy. It seemed like a good place to start.
For real tho man ;-; good times
That's very true. We've practiced for many years at this rate XDDD
Ah geez we're too hardcore
Dinah McBride / female / 21 / hero
Home Again; They Gotta Update Security
Interactions: n/a

After a fairly busy day of studying, class, and her internship, Dinah had made it home once more, the aftermath of her roommates' party last night thankfully gone. She had grabbed takeout on the way home and sat down on the couch after flinging her backpack to the side to watch and record Hell's Kitchen reruns until she got the motivation to do anything else. Gordon Ramsey was screaming about scallops so rubbery that you could use them as tires when the feed suddenly cut, the screen showing nothing but static. Dinah groaned and set her had eaten dinner to the side, about to get up and kick the ancient piece of technology when it sputtered back to life, but instead of everyone's favorite angry British chef, there was a clip of a ticking clock.

Her stomach dropped as she sat in silence and watched yet another strange broadcast, similar to the one she had seen this morning. However, something caught her eye. The dorms, the college dorms. She recognized them, she had lived in them her freshman and sophomore year. But why were they included in this odd broadcast? She was as confused as ever, and the numbers meant nothing to her. Then just as soon as the ominous message began, it was over, and Hell's Kitchen popped back not he television. The broadcasting station needed to secure their feed so whoever these people were couldn't hack into it anymore. How that had managed to pull this off, she had no idea, but hopefully someone could fix the situation soon, because she was starting to become very concerned. Whoever these guys were, they had called out heroes for... whatever reason. Considering that they had shown specific heroes, Dr. Wattz, Hotshot, the like, maybe one of them would step up to the challenge.
For real though! I think it's cause we've gotten past the monster post phase -.-
Elle didn't realize that in yelling at the merchant she had also prevented his murder. Honestly she had done it without thinking; it didn't seem fair that he was the reason that dragon hadn't burned Whiterun to the ground yesterday, and yet they had the audacity to treat him as anything less than a hero. If he hadn't saved her life, she wouldn't have been able to slay the beast in the first place. She still wasn't sure about the whole soul business, but hopefully that would be revealed soon.

She frowned at his comment, "I hadn't even thought of that," she said, more to herself than him. They would have to be careful whilst traveling. She knew the Vigilants of Stendarr were not at all relenting when it came to matters concerning the Princes.

At his second statement, she shrugged with a smile, "He deserved it. What an ass," she shook her head and shot one last scowl at the trader before continuing, "Anyway, why don't you ditch that godawful yellow thing and I'll get the rest of the supplies. We'd best go while the day is still young, I don't want to be caught in the forests after dark." There were all manner of creatures prowling the woods of Skyrim and she'd rather not go camping with them.

She turned and walked over to one of the market stalls, a friendly looking woman with a young girl at her side manning the booth. Carlotta Valentia was her name, and she proved to be much more agreeable than Belethor, in terms of the quality of the provisions and their prices. She purchased fresh produce, bread, and cheese, deciding that would be substantial enough. The wilderness was teeming with wild game should they decide they needed heavier fare.

. . .

After asking for directions to Ivarstead on the way out of town, the trek there was virtually uneventful. They filled the time with the occasional conversation, small talk mostly, Elle sometimes spouting off random facts she knew about Skyrim when she spotted something that brought them to mind. There were signs at every fork directing them further east into the mountains, and the roads were clear. Aside from a brief run in with an angry frost mage and a couple of wolves, nothing was seemed keen on opposing the pair. At one point, as they ascended the mountain toward evening, Elle swore she could hear a dragon, and sure enough, looking down at the hot springs in the valley below, one circled a large cluster of boulders, though there didn't seem to be anything in its immediate vicinity for it to attack. They decided to ignore it and press on. It was too far away for them to do anything about it anyway. She wasn't ready to fight another dragon, not before talking to the Greybeards.

Twilight crept up quickly after that, and the further they pressed up into the mountains and the darker it got, the more predatory animals they noticed lurking off the path. Thankfully, the most trouble they ran into were two vampire fledglings disguised as Vigilants, interestingly enough. Dispatching them wasn't terribly difficult, especially with Nil there. Night had fully set on by the time they reached the settlement at the foot of the mountain towering against the star filled sky, a large orange moon rising behind it amidst the clouds. The Vilemyr Inn was the first building on their left, conveniently enough, and when they entered, the place was empty save for a man behind the counter a woman tending the the fire pit in the center of the establishment. He raised his eyebrows in surprise at the duo as they approached.

"Well now, we don't get too many visitors for High Hrothgar these days," he stated, looking the two up and down briefly, "If you're headed to the monastery, watch your step, it's a long way down."

Elle thanked him for the advice and purchased a room, bidding Nil goodnight before retiring herself. Compared to the last few days, this one had been rather lax in comparison, despite the trek and its less than favorable beginnings. Plus, it had given her plenty of time to think and really wrap her head around her situation. It didn't take long for her to fall asleep this time, and unlike the past few nights, her slumber was void of dragons.
Elle's face dropped when she heard the price for the map. They could just ask for directions. Before Helgen, she had had one of her own, but the Imperials had confiscated it when she was arrested. Her eyes looked over at the questionable state of the produce uncertainly. There were vendors outside with what looked like much better fare. She trying very hard not to scowl and seem rude, but she was not enjoying her shopping experience. Nil didn't seem to be either, judging by his comment once the shopkeep had disappeared to the back room.

"I hate to assume the worst, but we're probably better off elsewhere," she looked up at him and replied quietly, furrowing her brow and uncrossing her arms to plant her fists on her hips as Belethor returned.

She watched quietly as Nil sifted through the meager selection of apparel and found something that would work. Good. They could get whatever else the needed from the market outside. But before Nil could hand over the money for the surcoat, Belethor directed his attention to her as if her companion wasn't even in the room. At first, she cocked her head and wrinkled her nose in confusion, but it dawned on her that he was referring to Nilovas, that he had assumed the half-prince was a summon. Needless to say, she horrified by the inquiry, and she had just about enough of people treating him poorly over the past few days.

Nil had barely finished his retort when she spoke. "How dare you," Elle hissed, her expression morphing from shock and disbelief to a hateful glare, jabbing an accusatory finger in Belethor's direction and stepping closer to the counter in between the two men "He's not a summon, he's my friend, and it's extremely rude to assume that of him and to ask that of me. So here," she aggressively slammed the appropriate amount of septims onto the wooden counter, the force creating a resounding thud and causing the coins to bounce, "We'll be taking the rest of our business elsewhere," she snarled, turning on her heel and grabbing Nil by the hand on her way out as she headed for the door and slammed it behind them once they were back out in the morning air.

Of all the nerve! To flat out ask to purchase someone! She wasn't very familiar with the spells used to summon daedra, or how they latter even felt about it, but it didn't seem right to her. "I'm so sorry about that," she said to Nil as she released her grip on him and turned to face him, "I don't know why everyone has been so rude to you since we got here, it's not right."
It really does tbh XDDD
No worries babe
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