Avatar of Lone Wanderer
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  • Old Guild Username: ALoneWanderer
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While I'm working on my NS, the image Theo posted can be viewed if you are logged in on the Paradox forums as that's where it's based but for ease of use I've uploaded it to imgur and TinyPic. ;)

Governor Primus Stertinius Lucius
Varectian Province of Delos, Late Spring, 85 B.C.

The shouts and calls of men pervaded the air as thousands upon thousands of armed and armoured men marched in formation. A great 10,000 Auxilia stood in their rows, many armed with spears and shields though among them a few thousands bows, slings and javelins. Having received no reply from the Senate, the Governor of Delos had taken it upon himself to amass his forces and lead a military expedition of his own into Sarecia to once more wage glorious battle with the Thecians.

The army led by the Governor himself, began their march along the western coast of the island as they crossed the border into Sarecia, here the Governor hoped to face the Silver Shield mercenaries and their pike phalanxes on the grasslands where hills and hillocks might disrupt such a formation. Aware that his own force outnumbered the forces of General Sericles, Primus hoped to batter his slow foe with the slingers and archers accompanying his core of Auxilia while using his superior numbers to overextend his opponents' formation to cause breaks in the line to be acted upon by the accompanying infantry.

Of course, if the Thecian General chose not to engage the 10,000 strong army of Lucius, they would raid the closest Thecian village before withdrawing back across the border.

-- Governor Primus Stertinius Lucius leads a Military Expedition of 10,000 Auxilia into Sarecia to force decisive battle with the Thecian General Sericles.

Military Expedition Forces:
7,500 Auxilia armed with spears and shields
2,000 Auxilia armed with bows, arrows and slings
500 Auxilia mounted equites
Governor Primus Stertinius Lucius
Varectian Province of Delos, Late Spring, 88 B.C.

The Governor Lucius had received several letters over the past few weeks. As they sat upon a Tyyrhian wood desk with Primus looking upon them, many remained simple notices, though among them lay a letter of intrigue from none other than a personage of the Senate, word from the far reaches of Lacedonia and most worryingly, news of the raid led by none other than the Thecian General Sericles at the head of a band of mercenaries within his own province of Delos.

A provoked response was most swift. The thunder of thousands of men marching echoed across the plains and deserts as the Legion X Delosia marched south to reinforce the 5,500 Auxilia already stationed on the province border. Further unlawful attacks made by the Thecians of Sarecia would be met with the utmost of military force and resistance. While Primus Stertinius Lucius remained the Legatus legionis, he would remain within the province capital to send word to the Senate while his second, the Tribunus laticlavius would take temporary command. One, Caius Albanius.

Shortly following the departure of the 10th Legion, ships set out bearing letters for the Senate and governors alike, each bearing a seal of Lucius.

-- Primus Stertinius Lucius raises 3,000 Varectian Auxilia in the province of Delos. [-30 Vects]
-- Governor Primus Stertinius Lucius reports to the Senate of the raid carried out by the General Sericles of Thecia.
Governor Primus Stertinius Lucius
Varectian Province of Delos, Late Spring, 91 B.C.

Sat atop his horse, a fine prized stallion by the name of Agilis hailing from the southern lands of the Mayyad. The Proconsul Primus Stertinius Lucius, secure within a saddle with one hand absently resting upon the beast's flank, the other holding tightly the reigns as he swept his gaze over the hillocks and plains of Delos before him. The rattle and clatter of Varectian soldiers following him along the cobblestone road, each bearing their packs and large round shields of an Auxilia as the troop marched along the worn path with the Proconsul at the forefront. This was his duty, aside from managing both the financial and judicial duties of the province. To maintain that ever elusive ideal of peace, so that the bureaucrats of home could rest with an easy mind as he made the weekly journey around the province to ensure that ideal remained.

Primus was a man of the Legions, he had gained his recognition in a career of soldiering with the support of a prominent family name and titles, all of that support now stood leagues away while he had been delegated to a backdrop of a colony shared with the quaint people of Thecia. A powder keg of a province just waiting to burst into open rebellion, he knew that only the presence of the Legion X Delosia kept the people in line here. Indeed, the 10th Legion saw itself regularly marching through the streets of the province capital to remind all who ruled here. He would be a liar if he said he did not harbour some resentment for the Senate, to govern this province was a punishment, nevertheless he would carry out his duty most diligently.

As he gave a light kick to the flanks of the stead below him, the clink of horseshoes against cobble now sounding as the party once more moved on. The Governor was assailed by worried thoughts, news of the barbarian attacks in the far off region of Lacedonia had reached him and he feared the withdrawal of the X Legion for the province would most surely collapse without their standard! He knew he wouldn't voice these concerns however, to do so would not only place senatorial doubt on his own leadership but to risk slighting the Senate itself. He had to trust in the Senate that the Legion would remain. He needed time to bring the province under heel.

-- Primus Stertinius Lucius begins Governing in the province of Delos to increase loyalty. [-30 Vects]
-- Governor Primus Stertinius Lucius reports that all is peaceful within the province of Delos to the Senate, though it would be most wise for the Legion X Delosia to remain.

Interested in playing a Governor.
Governor Primus Stertinius Lucius will serve the Republic most dutifully.

The Second Republic of Boletaria
Winter, 1921

The Free Concordant

The brain child of Roman Sudek, Foreign Minister of Boletaria. The subject of a mutual defensive alliance of the successor states of the Osladian Empire had been briefly approached during the Peace Conference at Parma, but had failed to find substantial result. The proposed alliance however still held support within the governance of Boletaria, and Roman who had played a critical role in the proposal's development, would once more offer his proposed alliance in the early months of 1921.

The Free Concordant, Roman hailed it. A proposed alliance binding the successor states in a defensive alliance from which any foreign aggression would be answered, to prevent the resurgence of the Osladian Empire. Such a collective alliance would also benefit the free states in dissuading the encroachment of independence by the world's major powers , while also elevating the standing and influence of it's member states internationally in a world threatened with a new balance of power, or so Roman had claimed at the time.

Ambassador Prindis of Boletaria, posing for a picture with his pilot before his flight to Romanow on a diplomatic mission.

February 21st, Boletarian diplomats were dispatched to the three nations of Romanow, Loremia and Tangaria. To once more promote the need for The Free Concordant, made evident by the recent happenings in Romanow.

"In our newly enjoyed independence, whether fought for or not. The free states of the west must look to one another for alliance and friendship to ensure that independence remains. Not a year has passed since the ink was set on the Treaty of Parma, and the expansionist regime of the Osladian Empire have already shown their willingness to once more upset the peace in the name of empire, by their illegal actions and attempted annexation and suppression of the brave people of Romanow.

This should not, and will not stand. The Free Concordant I believe, is necessary if the free states are to remain indeed, free. If we are to remain free of the oppression of other powers, of their binding and debt, it will be done as a united front. This is why I once more propose the mutual alliance put forth by the proposal of the Free Concordant in 1920, to stand against the tyrants and oppressors of the world.

I hereby invite the brave seafarers of Romanow, the hardy cossacks of the Tangarian Plains and the ever industrious people of Loremia to a convention in Wrenclaw, where such a beautiful thing it would surely be, can be discussed at length to ensure freedom and civilty."

- Letter from Foreign Minister Roman Sudek to the leaders of fellow Successor States.

The Fuso-Boletarian Expedition

Good timing, available funding, and the willingness of people, institutions, and nations to work together were key for advances in cartography and the mapping of the known world. A year after the Terrible War, the circumstances were right for a joint venture between the Boletarian Explorer Society and the Cartographers Union with their counterparts in Fuso, to enable an expedition to the untamed islands of Northern Faresia.

The joint Expedition, propped up by the Second Boletarian Republic and the Imperial Republic of Fuso were charted to explore the great many islands in the north in the name of enlightenment and cartography, as nations not only joined by their enthusiasm in aviation, but also by their want to see the globe explored.

In late February, several Boletarian explorers made landfall in Fuso with their large amounts of gear suited for the expected tropic weather in Northern Faresia. In the Fusan coastal city of Kahime, the Boletarians were to join up with their counterparts more accustomed to the land, before embarking upon the expedition proper after several days of preparation.

Explorers of the Boletarian Explorer Society founded in 1920, exploring Serranthian ruins. Circa 1920.

The Second Republic of Boletaria
Winter, 1920

The Treaty of Wrenclaw (1920)

Grand Palace, Wrenclaw, December 1920.

As winter dawned and another year set, Wrenclaw was enveloped in a blanket of cold white. Harsh winds and snow whirled past the window of every Boletarian home, none more so than the large, inset windows of the Grand Palace. The center of administration of the new Boletarian Republic, within it's great and decorated walls were many a politician or administrator as they shivered at work or huddled by great fireplaces in a bid to remain warm, for indeed within every fireplace of the grand building roared a hearty fire. Despite the seemingly omnipresent cold, within one of the Palace's many rooms and studies, a treaty and pact was being forged.

The Grand Palace of Wrenclaw, during a quiet of the snowstorms of winter, 1920.

In a room lit by the blinding whiteness beyond the windows and the orange flames flickering in a nearby fireplace. Dignitaries and representatives of three nations crowded around a large Grechian wood table. Adorning said table lay a map of the western continent, of Serranthia. Most prominent among them stood Armand Barbès of the Empire of Mille-Sessau, Albert Van Reinink of the Kingdom of Soroya and the Prime Minister himself, Teodor Ladzinksi of Boletaria accompanied by a short number of the Boletarian Military's General Staff and a cartographer. Most present had something to gain here, and most allowed a content smile as they looked over the finality of the treaty before them.

The Second Republic of Boletaria
Fall, 1920

The Treaty of Sikea

In early October, prominent Boletarian Ambassador Edgar Hrabal made landfall in the Soroyan capital of Sikea. Bundled under one arm, several papers held fast by his side as he journeyed with the permission and under the will of Parliament. Donned in a black overcoat and top hat, the height of Centran fashion, Egdar found himself present throughout the long negotiations and proceedings of the Treaty of Sikea until the final treaty had been hammered out. It was a step towards peace after such a hard-fought war, a welcome respite to discourage the militaristic and conqueror alike.

During this time in Sikea, Edgar had made contact with foreign dignitaries from other nations present. Most notably striking up a conversation with none other than Leendert Aandes, the Prime Minister of Soroya as it rode high on it's victory in the Terrible War. Such a discussion which at first arose over talk of the treaty turned instead to talks of colonization and mutual agreement as the day dragged on.
By the end of the month, Boletaria's first diplomatic act after it's independence would be one of peace, of signing the Treaty of Sikea and pledging to maintain only a couple of Dreadnoughts within it's future fleet.

Boletarian Ambassador Edgar Hrabal (center) accompanied by a Soroyan Minister (on the left) and a Chaegon Ambassador (on the right) in Sikea. Circa 1920.

Aviation Innovation

In the skies, a war was being waged. A war of innovation and profit. It's two combatants, Osika Aeronautics and the Lovric Aviation Company (LAC). Osika, a mainstay in the aviation industry held it's prefix on all aircraft designs used by the BFA during the Terrible War, and it seemed that trend was to continue postwar with the unveiling of the fighter plane Strzelec-1F. Yet with the latest design request put forth by the Second Boletarian Republic, a second contender has answered the call. Lovric, an aircraft manufacturer specializing in gliders and trainers which boasted that it's more contemporary designs would be best suited to the specifications asked.
Aircraft enthusiasts could only wonder which company would draw ahead, as once again one of the most advanced aircraft in the world would be born in the new nation of Boletaria.

In these exciting times of aviation innovation and advancement. Perhaps more than ever, came the need for pilots to fly these powerful machines of the air. For this, there was no shortage of novice pilots but what was needed were pilots trained in the operation of a military aircraft. It was for this reason, that at a single time, there would be upwards of 20 trainer aircraft operating in the skies over the countryside and vast plains of Boletaria.

The 2nd Aviation Training Corps operating Osika Widok-1 trainers in fields outside of Resnik. Circa 1920.

However, this step forward was marred by dark tidings, an unexpectedly high casualty rate. Since training had begun, several months prior, it was reported that 11 pilots had died during the training process with a number of 18 crashes or collisions having occurred. In the face of this, stricter restrictions have been ordered necessary by prominent commanders of the several Training Units currently in operation.

In compliance to these demands a graduated system would be put in place. In order to discern the more capable pilots, training would begin with a grounded aircraft modified to prevent flight, where the novice would learn basic ground handling. Pilots who had mastered ground handling would then graduate to the operation of light trainer Widok-1s. Though casualties were an inevitability, they could be lessened.

The Second Republic of Boletaria
Spring, 1920

The First Elections

Boletarian soldiers and workers gather for the first elections in Wrenclaw on 19 January 1920.

Independence had been gained. Through bloodshed and war had oppressors been toppled, had the chains been broken. Boletaria could now stand free amongst the other nations of the world and the people rejoiced. Streamers, banners and flags adorned the war-torn city of Wrenclaw, fluttering from the ragged skyline of broken towers and open windows. The Boletarians had prevailed. The foe had been ousted from the land.

After the Terrible War, Boletaria had established itself as a republic and democracy with the establishment of the Constitution of 1920. The constitution was modeled after constitutions of established northern and southern democracies with most notable influences taken from the Kingdom of Soroya and the Dalmance Republic. The Constitution decrees the establishment of a Parliament, and a Prime Minister and cabinet with whom laid the executive powers.

The time for an election had come not a day after the treaty had been signed. Large crowds gathered in vast open forums and in streets bedecked with rubble to cast their votes at swiftly established polling stations. Many consisting of nothing more than a slightly better dressed Boletarian calling out to crowds from atop a wagon as the people made their votes, to be stored in chests carried by said wagon and counted within the confines of the Wrenclaw Town Hall.

Above all however came the call for one man to lead. Teodor Ladzinski. General of the Boletarian Free Army and proclaimed liberator of his people. The former General had restructured the BFA into a tangible and capable force which had proven itself in the anvil of war, as a clandestine army operating in an enemy-occupied country, separated by over hundreds of kilometers from any friendly territory. Yet somehow, victory had been achieved and the people now called Teodor's name.

The Liberator

"I recall the day quite clearly. The day Teodor Ladzinksi was elected as Prime Minister, he prowled the halls of the Town Hall, his large greyhound besides him and one could only feel at awe by the sight. The man aptly titled the Liberator was a grey eminence indeed. His influence undeniable, his support irrepressible as the people's voices clamored over the din.

The man who had overseen the war effort of the Boletarian Free Army, who had ensured our liberation. Was to become our first Prime Minister."

- Recollections of a Boletarian politician, the day Teodor Ladzinksi was elected Prime Minister following the First Elections.

Prime Minister Teodor Ladzinksi inspects soldiers of the Boletarian Army, previously of the Boletarian Free Army.
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