Avatar of Lucan The Mad
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    1. Lucan The Mad 8 yrs ago


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Oh, I'm sorry. I forgot to mention that.

The rank is determined by the following

Primus: Primarily a Defensive warrior
Umbra: Stealth and covert ops
Savantus: A powerful psychic, usually slated for greater power
Auxillia: A support soldier, heavy Gunners and medics.
Furia: Special Operations, multiple engagement Ranges.
Optima: Jack of all trades, normally higher in rank, and tends to be more experienced. (This rank is Reserved for GMs and Co GMs)
Name: Zepheus Synia
Rank: Imortale Prelitor Furia Optima

Agility:8 (-2)
Psyonic Power:8

Arcane Knowledge:80

Psyonic Powers:
Teleportation: Teleport short distances in an instant, overuse could lead to you fading from existence. Requirements: Arcane(50)

Lightning: Shoot torrents of lightning at foes. Requirements: Arcane(30)

Forewarning: Increase reaction time by seeing threats before they happen. You see it mere seconds before. Requirements: Arcane(60)

Primary:MAW-60 DMR: Low rate of fire, high stopping power. Variable Zoom scope, infrared, X-ray. 12 rounds per clip. Requirements: Ranged(50)

Secondary:MNR REGALIA SMG: Light plasma bolts fire at rapid pace (Orange). 1000 rounds per power pack. One handed. Requirements: Ranged(15)

Melee: Fractal Edge Longsword


Special Equipment:
Warpack: A peice if advanced technology, it is a back mounted weapons system that fires at targets with medium plasma and micro rockets. Requirements: Technology(70) Reduces Agility by 2

Personality: Dedicated and zealous to his Emperor, Zepheus has served faithfully for over 8 centuries, his life extended by the arts of the Immortal Emperor. A powerful and cunning opponent, he prefers to destroy his opponents with overwhelming force used with surgical precision. Capable at all ranges, he has no true preference, but prefers adaptability over specialization. His disposition can be serious most of the time, but he is also a great fan of sarcasm, and usually is rather informal with his subordinates.

Please note: These stats are baseline, and can be improved. Weapons are starters, you will find more powerful ones later down the line.

More advanced powers will also become Available.

The Gm and Co-Gm characters will be more powerful, but will only be partially involved, leaving it to you.
Renatia, A Land Adrift

The Renatian Empire has stood as a beacon of knowledge and Civilization for over ten eons. In the past it was ruled by an Imperial High Council made up of the most influential public and military officials. They bowed to the will of the ancient aristocracy of the Old Houses: Urdan, Deloth, Synia, Orbalan, and Tyrius. These old clans held power in their blood, both literal and political. Every Renatian has the capacity for abilities and feats of psychic power, to bend the world around them with the might of their will alone.

The Old Houses have a greater potential for psychic power than almost any other, this allowed them to gain great influence in the days of yore, conquering their home worlds and establishing dynasties that last to this day. The mightiest of these houses is House Tyrius, rulers if the wealthy manufacturing world of Arnax. House Tyrius was founded long ago by the enigmatic Lucan Tyrius, a powerful, immortal, psyonic alchemist who had shaped Renatia from it's earliest days. House Tyrius now holds sway over a dozen worlds, with a private army large enough to give even the Synoid Legion and the Renatian Marines pause.

Recently, Lucan Tyrius, of the House Tyrius performed a ritual that ripped all of Renatia from space-time, and cast it adrift between universes. The Imperial High Council attempted to force him to reverse it, but he killed them all in retaliation, taking control. His Imortale Prelitor covertly removed problem individuals and replaced them with sympathizers. It was then Lucan Tyrius declared himself the Immortal Protecter and Ruler of Renatia, Emperor Lucan I.

Now the 300 star systems of Renatia, over a thousand worlds, have come to rest in an alien universe, as a irregularity near a galaxy dubbed "Theron Alpha". The Seekers of the Flame, the prophetic telepaths of Renatia have told of a great expedition into the wider galaxy.

Player Characters: What You Need to Know

Renatians: Renatians are a tall, pale, humanoid race. Their hair is almost always white and their sclera are black along with their pupils. Eye colors range from gold to red, to blue, but they always have a slight glow. Heights vary from 8-9ft tall, and they are physically superior to humans in almost every way, save for smell, which is about the same. Females tend to have greater psyonic power but are unstable, while males tend to be more stable, if weaker in power.

Renatian Culture: Renatia is a Theocratic Monarchy, with an Immortal Emperor ruling over all. This Emperor was worshiped for eons as a man who transcended death and achieved perfection. This "Temple of the Holy Flame" eventually became the state religion. As time past, the Emperor, then the Watcher, managed to gain greater and greater power over the political landscape, eventually gaining the support of several of the Old Houses. Then he waged a holy war, a crusade, to take power from the Imperial High Council and the Reigning Emperor.

After securing his throne, the god king... The Immortal Emperor, used his arts to displace his new realm, to remove it from the corrupted and dying universe they inhabited. He is viewed as a god, and possesses the power to back it up.

Family and bloodlines are heavily important in Renatian Culture, so much so that it borders on ancestor worship. Renatia has reached a point where no one goes hungry or homeless, almost all physical labor is proformed by autonomous machines, and energy is nearly limitless.

The Synoid Legions: Biomechanical soldiers engineered for loyalty and strength the Synoid are the chief protectors of Renatia from outside powers. Outstripping most Renatians in speed, strength, refelx, and even skill. They come with both male an female personalities, and their chassis are shaped accordingly.

The Renatian Marines: Organic soldiers that serve as enforcers and policing forces throughout Renatia, the Marines are equipped with the best weapons and armor available.

Player Character Choices and Requirements

What you are: Imortale Prelitor

Psyonic warriors raised from birth to serve the Immortal Emperor and protect Renatia, you have training in all forms of combat and the freedom to choose which you use. They are also trained to resist telepathic intrusion. You are considered Lords among the commoners of Renatia, and can command normal military units as you see fit... As you are the Emperor's voice, his will. You are his wrath.

Psy powers: You get one by default. If no requirements are met, you get Telepathy.

Lightning: Shoot torrents of lightning at foes. Requirements: Arcane(30)

Healing Factor/Regeneration: Stave off wounds normally fatal by healing in moments. This can be negated by life drain powers and attacks that affect the soul. Instadeath attacks will kill you regardless. You can die due of bloodloss. Requirements: Arcane(50)

Teleportation: Teleport short distances in an instant, overuse could lead to you fading from existence. Requirements: Arcane(50)

Machine Manipulation: Alter or control machines with your mind. The more complex, the greater the concentration required. Requirements: Arcane(20) Technology(30)

Forewarning: Increase reaction time by seeing threats before they happen. You see it mere seconds before. Requirements: Arcane(60)

Supernatural Speed: Your speed is boosted to superhuman levels, and arguments your agility. Requirements: Arcane(30)

Supernatural Strength: Your strength is beyond normal limits, also making your endurance much higher. Requirements: Arcane(30)

Molten Beam: You can project gouts of pure flame from your hands, melting even metal. Requirements: Arcane(40)

Flaming Form: You become fire, striking out at your foe's very souls... Requirements: Arcane(60)

Telekinesis: Manipulation of objects with ones mind. Barriers. Requirements: Arcane(50)

Telepathy: Reading minds, communication over distance. Requirements(none)

Life Drain: Drain the very life force from your foe, adding to your own. Requirements: Arcane(60)


Plasma Weapons

PX3 Rifle: Automatic, medium range, great stopping power. Orange plasma bolts. 400 rounds per power pack. Requirements: Ranged(20)

MNR REGALIA SMG: Light plasma bolts fire at rapid pace (Orange). 1000 rounds per power pack. One handed. Requirements: Ranged(15)

MAW (Mass Accelerator Weapons)

MAW-60 DMR: Low rate of fire, high stopping power. Variable Zoom scope, infrared, X-ray. 12 rounds per clip. Requirements: Ranged(50)

MAW-23 Battle Rifle: 4 round burst, 2.4 second wait between bursts. Variable Zoom scope, infrared. Requirements: Ranged(45)

Heavy Weapons:

Olympia Shatterpoint Cannon: Advanced particle beam condensed into a round that causes a massive energy explosion. 1 shot per power pack. Requirements: Heavy Weapons(40) Ranged Weapons(30)

AEther Heavy Repeating Laser: Fires high power lasers at a rapid pace, suffers from lack of accuracy, but makes up in sheer power. 7000 shots per power pack. Requirements: heavy weapons(30) ranged weapons(20)

Melee Weapons

Ion Blades: Monomolecular Adamantine metal enveloped in an electromagnetic field that ionizes flesh and armor alike. Can take the form of any bladed weapon. Requirements: Melee(30)

Fractal Edge Weapons: These weapons phase in and out of reality, and requires a deep understanding of Psyonics to hold properly. They can ignore armor by passing through it to strike at the flesh beneath. Requirements: Melee(40) Arcane(30)


Plasma: Five second delay, then a radiant seven meter plasma detonation.

Ignus: Creates a fiery explosion that adhears to the target. Can burn through most armor.

Smoke: Creates a field of smoke that obscures sight.

EMP: Causes malfunction in electrical based technologies.

Special Equipment

Special Equipment is things like sheilds, or a weapon resistant cloak. Everyone can have one of these special Equipment. Please make a post detailing what you would like, and what it does.

General Rules

A turn will begin when the GM posts, in this post they will set up the stage and give responses to actions taken the previous turn.

You will have *one post per turn*. In the post you will describe your actions, but not the outcome, that is for the gm to put down in the response at the start of the next turn.

The GM will determine the results of actions with a dice roll for fairness.

Character Creation

Stats: Each stat has a value of 0 by default, you get 35 points to use on stats as you see fit. Weapons and Psy powers have certain requirements, and Stats will also affect the way character behave. Each stat effects several skills, for every one stat point, the skills related to that stat go up by five points by default.

Strength: A mesure of physical strength. Melee, Heavy Weapons

Endurance: How much punishment can you take? How long can you last? Melee, Survival

Agility: How fast are you? How nimble? Melee, Acrobatics, Stealth

Psy Power: Determines the Strength of Psyonic Abilities. Arcane Knowledge

Charisma: Determines how well you communicate. Leadership

Perception: How well you can see, hear, taste, smell, and feel the World around you. Ranged, Heavy, Technology

Intelligence: The mesure of your ability to adapt, comprehend, and solve problems. Leadership, Survival, Technology, Arcane Knowledge

Skills: You will need skills to use weapons and abilities, or to allow for some actions. All skills start at baseline 0 and you get 100 points to use as you see fit.

Melee: Impacts the use of melee weapons and attacks.

Ranged Weapons: Impacts the use of ranged weapons.

Heavy Weapons: Impacts the use of heavy weapons, ranged or melee.

Leadership: Impacts the number of npcs you can command during battle.

Acrobatics: Allows you to attack faster, and proformed feats of agility, like climbing.

Survival: Impacts your Survival skills, as well as your over all toughness.

Technology: How well you are with machines, this can impact story and your ability to use alien weapons.

Arcane Knowledge: Your command over psyonic powers. With every 25 points one can take on a new power. It also effects your character's knowledge of Psyonics in the story.

Stealth: Your ability to remain hidden.
After a catastrophic event ripped your entire galactic sector from your home reality, your race is cast adrift between planes of existence. Led by an Immortal Emperor who possess great power your people survive... And thrive.

Soon your Empire's worlds will settle in a new universe, a completely alien place where you will need to be prepared for whatever may come.

You are an Imortale Prelitor, a mystic warrior tasked by the Immortal Emperor to carry out his will, you have advanced psychic powers and a mastery of weapons of all ranges, but you are untested. Your first assignment will be to explore the new universe and be both the vanguard and the representatives of your people.

The choices are yours...

Player Race: Renatian
A race of pale, white haired humanoids with a penchant for psychic powers and advanced technology. Their eye color can vary, but their sclera are black, as are their pupils. Genders are treated as equals in society, though females tend to be more psychicly gifted than males. Normal heights are between 7ft and 8ft.

Just let me know if you're interested! This will be the first of many rps I hope to do with this universe.
Faction Name: The Ultor Reavers
A mysterious warband that originated from the Heresy. None are sure from which Legion they originated, as their armor is unpainted, for they paint it in blood, and their emblem is simply a red sword on a black sheild.

Faction type: Chaos Warband, Khorne.
With a taste for blitz tactics and a zealous belief in the Blood God, the Ultor Reavers are warriors of simple tastes. They never kill the unarmed, however... And have a strong sense of honor.

Planet/Location: Asteroid Field, base: Tomb of Respite.

Leader: Lukhan Ultor "The Avenger"
Gained favor for slaying the Chapter Master of the Mithril Templars, Gaius Ignatius. After leading a successful campaign against an Ork force near the Halo Stars, a Chaos warband appeared and the Chapter Master was felled by Lukhan with a lightning Claw. The Templars fled due to casualties, but swore revenge. Lukhan took control of the warband afterwards by killing the current Lord.

Tactics: Blitz warfare, focused on Dread claw deployment in surprise attacks, focusing on doing as much damage as possible before departing with prisoners, tech, and munitions. Marines lead groups of cultists into battle as champions.

Ground Force size: 100 Marines (heresy era equipment: bolters, flamers, Me IV and V power armors) 1,000+ cultists (varying equipment)

Naval Forces: Battle Barge "Glorious Slaughter", Crusiers (x2), 5 Cobra Destroyers.

Ambitions: To crush all foes and win glory through bloody combat.

History: Founded by a group hailing from an unknown Legion, they have maintained a style of warrior honor for centuries. They dislike killing the unarmed, and would rather convert them, and turn them into warriors. Once led by a Chaos Lord named Jacune the Mutilator, a coward who let others soften his foes before attacking. He was killed by Lukhan The Avenger in combat, after he also slew a Loyalist Chapter Master in single combat. They now pillage and slaughter their way to Khorne's favor.


Low blessings: A Champion or a group of individuals within the war band have committed deeds worthy of recognition by the gods of chaos and have received the Eye that sees Beyond: The Gods have granted those who have gained their attention with an additional that can see into the Warp allowing them to communicate directly to daemons and makes summoning daemons significantly easier. For psykers, the eye allows them greater access and control over warp spawned magic.

Their base is called the "Tomb of Respite" located in an Asteroid Field.

Company level element worth of Marines that work alongside a fair number of cultists. (124 Mthe Eye that sees Beyond: The Gods have granted those who have gained their attention with an additional that can see into the Warp allowing them to communicate directly to daemons and makes summoning daemons significantly easier. (100 Marines, 1000+ cultists)

They launch raids onto unsuspecting worlds, stealing the young, impressionable youth to brainwash into vehement followers of chaos

Dread Claw blitz tactics are favored.

They are led by Chaos Lord Lukhan Ultor

Lukhan defeated Dredus Marlkoff, the Chapter Master of the "Crimson Templars" Loyalist Space Marine Chapter in one on one combat and has gained the eternal enmity of that Chapter.

Doom Callers of Khorne

Low blessings: A Champion or a group of individuals within the war band have committed deeds worthy of recognition by the gods of chaos and have received the Eye that sees Beyond: The Gods have granted those who have gained their attention with an additional that can see into the Warp allowing them to communicate directly to daemons and makes summoning daemons significantly easier. For psykers, the eye allows them greater access and control over warp spawned magic.

Their base is called the "Tomb of Respite" located in an Asteroid Field in the halo stars.

Company level element worth of Marines that work alongside a fair number of cultists. (124 Marines, 1236 cultists)

They launch raids onto unsuspecting worlds, stealing the young, impressionable youth to brainwash into vehement followers of chaos

Dread Claw blitz tactics are favored.

They are led by Chaos Lord Lukhan Ultor

Lukhan defeated Dredus Marlkoff, the Chapter Master of the "Crimson Templars" Loyalist Space Marine Chapter in one on one combat and has gained the eternal enmity of that Chapter.

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