Avatar of LunasRose
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  • Posts: 640 (0.33 / day)
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    1. LunasRose 5 yrs ago


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4 yrs ago
Current Crazy at work. Maybe Nursing wasn't such a good idea.
4 yrs ago
Real life is hectic. Posts will come - eventually. Mama first.
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4 yrs ago
Sorry all, the dreaded tummy bug has struck our house. I will get replies us, but please be patient.
4 yrs ago
Sorry all
4 yrs ago
You know you have bad luck when a trip to the shop results in an afternoon spent in A&E and a plaster cast.
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Hi there!

I'm feeling inspired! I'd love to get a WWII Naval romance going on! A love story, between a guy and a gal - set on a WWII Naval base. I'm thinking I'd prefer to use the UK as a setting, but I'm not set in stone on that.

The couple will meet whilst both stationed at the same base - they'll get separated by deployment, and then wind up back together again unexpectedly. I'm leaving the detail open to debate, but once they wind up back together, eventually - they're going to go awohl.

So anyhoo, just a little idea. Vague I know! Mature themes a plenty, so 18+ is a must. As is the ability to develop an interesting character. I'll be playing the F.

If you're interested, shoot me a message!

"I missed you too... But I'm still angry."

Chloe was feeling a plethora of different emotions. Relief to see Hadley again, annoyance at the way he'd hidden the truth from her - even if it hadn't been intentional. Finally, there was desire. A warm burning in the pit of her stomach that was hard to ignore.. And that was entirely his fault.

As darling as it felt to back in his arms, the young woman knew they couldn't hide out there for the entire afternoon, even if it did feel as though the world had stopped still. "I should go and get lunch, I'll be late for my next Class if I don't." Of course it was declared with no minor amount of reluctance, but Chloe wasn't going to get herself into trouble the first week back.

With a smirk, she reached out and poked Hadley on the tip of the nose." We should probably talk though, I suppose." And with that, she cocked her head rather endearingly to the side. It was an intriguing sensation.. Wanting to hug and hit somebody at the same time..

Distant and self absorbed..

It wasn't exactly a glowing personality profile for Hadley's wife. Chloe was caught. Caught between knowing morally that it was wrong, but wanting it anyway. What had developed in Mexico between was wrong, how she felt right now was absolutely wrong.. Despite that, being back in the company of Professor Foster felt incredibly right. And that was the most infuriating thing.

The blonde puffed out her cheeks. It was impossible to know what to do or say. "I just can't get my head around any of this.. I just don't know what.." And it was as though something completely overtook her senses, because she leaned in. Perhaps noone needed to say anything. The room was empty, the door was closed. Without any warning to Hadley, or even herself for that matter - Chloe kissed him. Of course internally she was still angry, but she just couldn't resist.

Messy would have been an understatement, but it was difficult to ignore the pull she felt whenever he was around. Mexico had happened, and here they were again. That was going to take some getting used to. And in all honesty, it was something that Chloe had never dared to believe would happen. Still, the damage had already been done, right?
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