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    1. LunasRose 5 yrs ago


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You know you have bad luck when a trip to the shop results in an afternoon spent in A&E and a plaster cast.
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In Blue Shield 4 yrs ago Forum: 1x1 Roleplay
"What do you mean, worse than me?" Harper narrowed her eyes playfully at Devin, "I have game. Don't act like I didn't schmooze you that night after the party.."

And that was quite possibly the first time their encounter had been unashamedly mentioned since it had happened.

When the random female managed to push her way past them, Harper watched in curiosity. The broad clearly loved herself a little bit, huh? And when she complimented the Detective's dress, she offered the woman an almost dangerous smile. "It is, isn't it?" She purred, before waving at the exotic barman from before. He offered her a charming smile.

"What can I get you? Out of champagne already?" He grinned.

"Almost." And with a chuckle, Harper pointed. "Can I have two Tequila's and a rum and coke please?"

Coming up.

The blonde turned to Devin, "And that is how you order at the bar." She did a little drum roll on the highly polished wood, before nudging her companion in the side with her hip. "You got any better at dancing in the last two years?"

In Blue Shield 4 yrs ago Forum: 1x1 Roleplay
"Thanks." The compliment almost caused a blush to find it's way to the detectives cheeks, "I'm digging the blazer."

Harper reached out and gave Devin's lapels a tug. It was quite the mystery to her, that everybody had her pegged as this consummate professional. Sure, she liked to do things properly. But she also had a sense of humour. Goofy was her second nature. But then again, perhaps she'd been a little uptight as of late. And to be fair to her, she'd had reason to be. She'd always downplayed her personal drama. Who liked a drama Queen? No one. That's who.

"It's busier then I expected.." Harper admitted as her green eyes scanned the room. Naturally, she had to be alarmingly close to her buddy in order to be be heard above the music and the happy Friday nighters. And of course, she couldn't resist poking him in the ribs from such a close proximity.

He really did smell good.

Focus Harper.

Where was the fun in that?

"I think James is quite fond of our lovely Medical Examiner." Harps noted as she turned to rest her back against the bar, facing Devin now, "What do you reckon?"

In Blue Shield 4 yrs ago Forum: 1x1 Roleplay
"I'm celebrating a fresh start."

It was a no brainer for Harper. No more Joel, no more drama. It was all going to be rainbows and unicorns from now on. Apart from living with her parents - naturally. Somehow, she really needed to find herself an apartment. That was a little daunting though, so for now, she put it to the back of her mind.

What are you celebrating Jordan?

"I have no idea.." Jordan admitted, "Being awesome. Getting Harper out of her jeans.."

"Steady on, Jordan." Harper jibed playfully, "Don't tell everyone." Johnson settled her back against the booth, relaxing in her present company. "I have a reputation to uphold. What was it you said? I'm professional?" Naturally, she rolled her eyes in amusement. And after a moment of thoughtful silence, she stood up.

"I'm going to find me some rum. Any body want anything?" Champagne just wasn't hitting the spot. Harper slid out of the booth, and straightened out her dress a little. "But nothing expensive.. I'm not made of money."
In Blue Shield 4 yrs ago Forum: 1x1 Roleplay
"Jordan brought it..She must have gotten a pay rise and not told us or something."

When Devin commented on the dress, Harper smirked. "A little impractical for work, don't you think?" The blonde opened her eyes wide in feigned horror, before she scooted into the booth next to Devin. Noticibly, he smelt pretty good.

"I wish I'd gotten a pay rise." The brunette grumbled, "I don't get paid anywhere near enough."

"Oh please, I've seen your paycheck." Harper attested, taking a healthy sized sip from her glass, "She get's more than us. Did you know that?" The blonde woman turned to look at Devin. It was undeniable that he looked rather dashing in his blazer combo. Dashing, hot. What was the difference?

Jordan couldn't stifle a laugh, "Any way James, how are you? We haven't seen you in a while.."

In Blue Shield 4 yrs ago Forum: 1x1 Roleplay
"I feel totally stupid in this dress."

Jordan rolled her eyes at her friend, and passed their cab driver a crisp twenty. Cabs were just extortionate in New York City. "Don't be an idiot, you look hot, I would totally chat you up."

"Would you?" Harper waggled her eyebrows goofily, "All you have to do is say the word and I'm.."

The brunette shoved her friend in good humour, "You know, you're funny outside of work."

Harper chuckled, but quickly perked an eyebrow. "I'm not funny at work?"

"Well." Jordan scratched the back of her neck uncomfortably as the pair strolled their way towards the bar, "You're professional."

"Professional?! What's that supposed to mean.."

"Nothing, don't dwell on it. I'm just excited that I got you into a dress. My baby is growing up." Jordan pretended to wipe away a tear as Harper smirked. "I know right. High heels, a dress.. What's next? Calling in sick?"

It didn't take long for the duo to make their way into the Hotel bar. It was busy, and they had to weave their way between patrons to make it to the business end. Harper was rocking a black dress. It clung to her curvy frame delightfully, and cut a sophisticated V neck that hinted at what lied beneath. It stopped just below her knee, and a pair of high heeled purple suede Laboutins adorned her feet. The blonde hair was down and wavy, and she looked a total ten.

"What are you drinking?" Jordan asked, waving over a rather exotic looking bartender. The medical examiner had actually gone for a deep purple jumpsuit with pair of black heels. It suited her well, but it certainly wasn't a look that everyone could pull off.

"Rum and coke.."

"We'll have a bottle of champagne. Thank you." And with a wink to Harper, she slid a glass in the blonde's direction.

"Cheers.." The two glasses chimed and Jordan pointed, "Let's find these boys then.."
In Blue Shield 4 yrs ago Forum: 1x1 Roleplay
"To take me out to dinner, and smooth this mess all over. His words.. Not mine." Harper watched as Joel walked off, "Roughly how long do you think I'd get for shooting him in the back right now? I reckon I could get off on fifteen for a crime of passion.." Of course she would never shoot Joel, but as she cocked her head to one side, she was fairly sure that she could make the shot. Back in her academy days, she was actually a pretty good shot.

"Anyway, fuck him. Jordan.." The blonde turned to face her friend, "I'm going to need to borrow a dress."

That was it. Right there. The moment that she needed to turn this all around. It was finally over. Harper was over him, and that was that. There wasn't going to be any buying into this drama anymore.

"Anyway.." The green eyes now turned to Devin, "Talk to me about this vehicle idea...and oooh, let's go and get doughnuts." The detective turned back to Jordan, "Can you call when you do the autopsy, I'd like to observe." There always had to be a member of the homicide team in an observatory capacity, and she really wanted to find out why there wasn't the blood that there should have been. It was intriguing. This whole case was.
In Blue Shield 4 yrs ago Forum: 1x1 Roleplay
"Did it ever cross your tiny little mind that I actually don't want to talk to you?" The blonde snapped, tired of trying to be reasonable. Or even friendly. Friendly had flown right out of the window too.

"Don't be stupid, it doesn't suit you. Let's just go out for a meal like civilised people and sort this mess out."

"I don't want to sort anything out. I'm done. Hell, I'm so done I'm halfway to friggin' Australia right now."

Joel quirked a brow, "You really did get outta' bed the wrong side huh?" He slipped his hands into his pockets, "And I know your schedule backwards. You aren't busy, so don't try and feed me that shit."

"You aren't even listening." Harper was exasperated, and she knew that this wasn't getting anyone anywhere - so she turned to walk away. Confrontation wasn't something she liked, nor did she see it as productive.

"Hey! You can't just saunter off!" He reached out and grabbed her wrist, a little harshly, one might add. "I'll pick you up at six.."

"I'm busy, now take your hand off of my wrist before I write you up.."

"You wouldn't write me up. And busy doing what, exactly? "
In Blue Shield 4 yrs ago Forum: 1x1 Roleplay
"Why wouldn't you show up?!" Harper's head snapped up quicker then lightening. "It's a friendly co-worker drink. There isn't any reason for me to chicken out, and there is no reason for you to not show up."

You're terrible at lying Harper.

"What happened was a very long time ago, I'm not his type - and I really have nothing else to say on the matter." Naturally, she couldn't bring herself to make eye contact with Jordan for fear of laughing. "Perhaps I should wear my yoga pants, huh?" A more playful expression crossed her features, and it was clear that she was just goofing around.

"He'll bring James anyway. If you don't show up, that's an awkward number."

Unfortunately, the conversation was disturbed. Joel. It was Joel. Always bloody Joel.

"Harper, a word - please." The tone was less than civil, and Harper wasn't too inclined to give him what he wanted..

"Sorry Joel, I'm a bit busy."

"No you aren't. You're just being a bitch." He delivered the final part rather quietly. Joel was a grade A example of a spoilt Mummies boy. The word no wasn't in his vocabulary.

Harper sighed, and ran her index finger along the bridge of her nose. In all truth, she felt defeated by this whole break up. Sure she was still goofy, rule loving Harper. Didn't give much away.. Carried on like a trooper, but she was pretty on the edge of it all.

"What do you want? I'm trying to do my job."

In Blue Shield 4 yrs ago Forum: 1x1 Roleplay
"What? Why are you two looking at me like that?"

Harper blinked, "We were engaged.. Gee.. Thanks for listening to me for the last two years." And with a roll of her pretty green eyes, she flicked her focus to the body. "Looks a little like overkill to me. I'm guessing it's someone that he knows. Some sort of beef. It's definitely not a simple hit."

When Joel came over, the Detective gave the dude a brief and curt nod, before ducking under the tape to talk to Jordan some more. She needed to get a little look at the nearby area. Get a feel for the situation. That sorta' thing was surprisingly crucial in piecing it all together.

As she was glancing at the floor of the parking lot, Harps mind wandered to, of all people - Devin. More accurately, that rather ill advised, and incredibly drunken night that they'd shared. It was probably dangerous to think about it now, but she couldn't stop herself. Her hormones were just all over the place. Hormones, head.. Common sense. Everything was all over the place. Maybe she should buy a bloody dress. She was single, after all. Couldn't be a bitter Ex forever, and truth be told - Joel had never really felt like the one. More of the, one right now. New York was full of single, not asshole like guys. Right?


Jordan was actually the only other person that knew.. Not that Devin knew that she knew. Some things were just between girls.

"Jordan, what's with the lack of blood? Were some of the shots post mortem? I'm sorta' confused.." Harper chewed the end of her pen, "Was he definitely shot here?"

In Blue Shield 4 yrs ago Forum: 1x1 Roleplay
"I don't own a pair of heels, Jordan. If it's not flat and converse, I don't wear it. And to be honest, the only dress I own, is a wedding dress - and shock horror, I'm not going to be wearing that either. But if you're free tonight, I'm on it. And Dev, you too, gorgeous.." And with that, she reached out and squeezed her partner's cheek, blowing him a kiss.

"Anyway.." Harper cleared her throat as she slid into Professional mode. "Hit us with it, what's the story?" The sly comment about Mia made the blonde chuckle, and she sent the Medical Examiner an appreciative wink. "Devin doesn't do serious. If you ever want to turn him off, just offer him a meet and greet. Job done." Johnson made a humorous whooshing noise, and made her hand shoot up a little like a rocket.

Joel was trying his best to look like he wasn't staring, He noticed the cheek squeeze and couldn't prevent himseld from scowling. Just glaring at the three as he awaited the rebuttal.

Damn Devin.

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